The Kenya Gazette

The Kenya Gazette

w# e*> *) 5 Z N< ? -- % s ( h * tM :% o *o T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Pubhslted under the Authonty of I'bs Excellency the G overnor of tlke Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Regtstered ms a Newspam r at tlle G P 0 ) = - - ' Vol. LXH I- N O 19 N AIRO BI, 2nd M ay, 1961 Pnce Sh 1 CONTENTS G AZETTE NOTICES GAZET'TB NoTlcEs- tct7nfd ) PAGE PAGE A ppolntm ents, etc 504 T ransport Llcenslng 512-515 'Ihe Afrlcan Courts O rdlnance- Appolntments 504 H M C ourt of A ppeal- cause Llsts 516 7 he Land Acqulsltlon Act, 1894 of Indla- The Fraudulent Transfer of Buslnesses O rdlnance 516 Declaratlon under sectlon 6 504 The Trust Land O rdlnance- A ppolntm ent 504 Plot at K lam bu 516 Dlrectlon under sectlon 17 (l) 504 Amendment to G N 1835/61 516 Settlng Apart of Land 517-519 7 he R oyal N atlonal Parks of K enyq O rdlnance-- A ppolntm ent 504 Method of Charge (EAPL) Byelaws 1957- Var1at1on of Fuel Prlces 519 'J he C ourts O rdlnance- A ppom tm ent 505 Loss of Passbook 519 rj he Insurance Com panles Ordlnance- Appolntments 506 Llquor Llcenslng 520 3 he Forest O rdlnance- A ppolntm ent $0A Probate and A dm lnlstratlon 520 521 3 he M unlclpalltles O rdlnance- A ppolntm ent 505 Bankruptcles 521 523 3 he Local Govelnment (County Counclls) Ordlnance- The C om panles O rdlnance 523 N om lnatlons The Socletles O rdlnance- Reglstratlons, etc 523 1 he Afrlcan D lstrlct Counclls Ordlnance- Appolntm ents 505 County Clty and Dlstrlct Counclls N otlces 524, 525 3 he W ater Ordlnance- Tenders 524, 525 Appcuntm ent of W ater Undertaker 506 V arlatlon of W ater U ndertakers A rea 506 N otlce of C hange of N am e 525 The N atlve Authorlty Ordlnance- Appolntm ent D lssolutlon of Partnershlp 525 l-he Trade Dlsputes (Arbltratlon and Inqulry) Ordlnance- SU PPLEM EN T N o 24 R eference of m atters to Board of Inqulry 506 Legl î/t'??,5 e Supplem ent Board of Inqulry- Graln M llllng Industry 506 I EGAL N OTICE N O PAGE fhe Crlmlnal Procedure Code- Appolntm ent 506 249- The Kenya (Constltutlon) (Amendment No 2) O rder ln Councll lg6o- c om m encem ent of 1-1 M Suprem e C ourt of K enya- A Com m lsslon Rem alnlng Provlslons- proclam atlon 389 East A frlcan R allways and H arbours- A m endm ent to (Publlshed as a Speclal lssue on 27th Aprll, 1961) Tarlf Book N o 3 507 rhe M lnlng Ordlnance- G rantlng of Llcences 507 SU PPLEM EN T N o 25 Leglslat 1 e Supplem ent rhe Customs Dutles (Dumplng and Subsldles) Act- A pphcatlon 250- The Polsons Llst (Amendment) Order 1961 391 251 252 253 254 East A frlcan C urrency Board- c lrculatlon of C urrency 508 255, 256 257- The Resldent Labourers (Nakuru County rhe Publlc Order Ordlnance--cancellatlon of Ordel 508 Councll) Orders 1961 391 394 258- The Dalry Industry (Prlces of Dalry Produce) Kenya Stock 508 R egulatlons, 1961 395 The Land and Agrlcultural Bank of K enya- N otlce of J.59- The Dalry Industry (Sales by Producers) Pubhc A uctlon 508 Regulatlons, 1961 396 260- The Speclal Dlstrlcts (Adm lnlstratlon) Ordln Cm l A lrcraft A ccldent- lnspector's Investlgatlon 508 ance- D eclaratlon 397 Language Exam lnatlons- R esults 509 rhe A nlm al D lscases O rdlnance- lnfected A reas 509 SUPPLEM EN T N o 26 Leglslattve Supplelnent Vacancles 261- The lnsurance Com panles Regulatlons 1961 399 The Crown Lands O rdlnance- plots at N alrobl South 51 1 (Publlshed as a Speclal lssue) (503 504 T'H E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 2nd M ay, 1961 CORRIGEN DU M G u x'rrx NoTlcl N o 2044 Gazette Notlce N o 1934 appoarm g on page 481 ot tbe (LND 3/ 1 / 10r) Kenya G azette dated 25th Aprll 1961- TH E j - Axo AcqltllslTfoN ACT 1894 OF I'NDIA Exs-f A FRICAN R xll-w xys ANo H xRBouRs- TxRley oy H xuBotm D D uss AxD CHARGES N o l Bccu x-rlox IJXDER SBcylox 6 Amendm ents to CLAUSE 39- lM1>oRTs STORAGE--//? M twapa IT IS heleb) notllied and declared that the land at G azl ln 'ead M twara the Dlstrlct of K wale speclfed ln the Schedule hereto ls requlred tor a publlc pulpose nam ely road constructlon The sald Schedule descrlbes the areas requlred as m ore G AZETTE N orlcE N o 2042 partlcularly shown on the plans N o M O W Coast D lv DRG 25/61 deposlted ln the ollice of the Actmg Commlsslonel of Lands N alrobl and the Land O ë ce, M om basa A PPO IN T M EN TS H SRBBRT CHARLES M ASTERS to act RS U nder-secretary M lnlstry SCHBDIJLE of Educatlon, w lth effect from 13th A prll, 1961 L R N o - 5022 Locallty - G'1z1 JOHN ERIC STUBBINGS A I B to aCt a.S Chlef Accountant Atea ïequ ?eJ - 19 acres (approxlm ately) M lm stry of Educatlon wlth ellect from 13th Apnl, 1961 L R N o - 5019 PSTBR N ORMAN PBARCE to act a.S Pr'nclpal lmm lgratlon Ollicer Localltv - G az1 wlth eflect from 27th Aprll 1961 Area ? equlted - 0 25 acre (apploxlmately) D EREK A NTHONY W ADLBY to aCt as D eputy Prlnclpal D ated thls 28th day of A pnl, 1961 Im mlgratlon Oë cer wlth esect from 27th Aprll 1961 W B H AVELOCK FREDERICK PE'I'ER BYRNE D ERRICK :0 aCt a.S D eptlty Secretary Nilnl-îter jol ft?titr// G ovet r!?ncrl/ and Zcl/Jj O flice of the C hlef Secrtary wlth eûect from 10th A prll 1961 PHII-IP H ILARY Joc s to act as U nder-secretary, M lnlstry Of A gnculture, A nlm al H usbandry and W ater R esources w lth G &zErrs N on cE N o 2045 effect from 4th Aprll, 1961 (LND 3/ 1 / 105) K BNNBTH G RESHXM B KLL to aCt as Chlef A ccountant, M lnlstrv THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1 894 OF INDIA of Agrlculture, Anlm al H usbandry and W ater Resources wlth etlect from 6th A prll 1961 A IYOINTMLNR ' IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlons 3 and THOMAS BARRINGTON SPENCE B SC (S A ), to aCt as Provlnclal 7 of tbe Land Acqulsltlon Act, 1894, of lndla, and of all other Agrlcuftural Om cer, D epartment of Agrlculture Central Provlnce, wlth ehect from 20th Aprll 1961 - powers thereunto enabllng, the G overnor has appolnted- > A I-FRE.D D outal-ks SW EET A R I C s A R I PBTER M wctE GoRooN B A. (Hoxs ) (Exm ER), to act as Deputy to perform the f unctlons of C ollectot under the aforesald Act Secretary, M 'm stry of A gllcultur e , A nirnal H usbandry and ln relatlon to the areas of land set out ln the Schedule to G qzette W ater Resources wlth effect from -' 1st M arch 1961 N otlce N o 2044 dated the 28th day of A pril, 1961 and has ARTHUR DAVIBS to act as Controllel Of Adm lnlstratlon, K enya dlrected the sald A lfred D ouglas Sweet to talxe order tor the Broadcastm g Serslce, m th elect rrom 13th February 1961 acqulsltlon of the sald land JOHN PERCIVAI- os N OBRIGA seconded for speclal duty wlth efïect Dated thls 28th day of Aprll, 1961 from 1st M ay, 1961 By Comm and of the Governor DAVID V ANSTONE W AN to act as D eputy Secretaryy Eqtabllshm ents W B H A V ELO C K Dlvlslon, Om ce of the Chlef Secretary, wlth elect from 1st M knïsteî /()? Local Got ernnlent f'zatf Lalldb M ay 1961 PRO M OTION G AZETTE N OTICE N o 2046 (LND 3 / 1 / 105) J<MES FORDY GRAHAM B sc (LEEDO, M Sc (LBEDO, f? R E S to be Senlor Research Oëcer (Entomology), Department of THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1894 OF INDIA Agrlculture wlth effect from 1st N ovem ber 1958 DlaEcTlox UNDER SECTION 17 (1) R EV ER SIO N IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 17 (1) of A RTHUR BltucL T NNNAHILL M c ceased to act as D eputy the Land Acqulsltlon Act, 1894 of Indla, the Governor hereby SecreG ry Oëce of the Chlef Secretary, wlth elect from 10th dlrects- A prll, 1961 A LFRED D otica à.s SW EET A lt I c s A R I to take possesslon of the areas of land ln the dlstrlct of K wale By Com mand of the Governor descrlbed m the Schedule to G azette N otlce N o 2044 of 1961 on the explratlon of 15 days from the publlcatlon of the N otlce mentloned ln sectlon 9 (1) of the sald Act W F COU TTS- Chtel Secretoy Dated thls 28th day of Aprll, 1961 By C om m and of the G oNcl nor W B H AVELOCK , CJAZETTB pkoTlcs p4o 2043 M lnlsieî /tp? Local Gtp: ernment and Lands (z1.C 1 / 3) GAZETTB N olqcB No 2047 THE AFRICAN COU RTS OR DIN AN CE 1951 LNPK 7 / 1 / 4) (No 65 oj 1951) THE ROYAL N ATION AL PA RX S OF K ENY A ORD IN AN CE A PPOINTMENT (Cap 215) IN EX ERC ISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 3 ol the Afrlcan Courty Ordm ance, 1951, the Governor hereby appolnts- APPOINTHENT OF H ONORARY TRUSTEE JOHN R ICHARD M ONCRIEFF R ENNENT IN EXERCISE ot tht powers conferred by subsectlon (3) of sectloq 5 of the Royal N atlonal Parks of K enya Ordlnance, the to be Provlnclal Afrluan Courts Oëcer for the Central G overpor on the recom m endatlon of the Trustees hereby Provlnce appolnts- T he appolntm ent of Peter Lovell Johnson to be Provm clal PEI-b.R St'ol I c B E D s c Afrlcan Courts Oflker of the Central Provlnce notl:ed ln to be an honarary trustee of the R oyal N atlonal Parks of Gazette Notlce No 697/60 ls hereby cancelled K enya Dated thls 25th day of Aprll, 1961 D ated thls 26th day of A prll 1961 By Com mand of the Governor By C om m and of the G overnor W E CROSSK ILL N G RIFFITH -JON ES M lnlîtel Ior Tounsm Game Forests Actlng C'/krcj Secretary and F;JJ?e?Ie& 2nd M ay, 1961 TH E K ENYA GAZEU E 505 Gm TTE NOTIC.E No 2048 G AZE'I'I'S N orlcs No 2052 (J 4:1: L 13 / 1 / 2 / 111) (FOR 39 / 6 / 1 ) THE CO URTS ORDIN AN CE TH E FO R EST O R D IN A N C E (Cap 3) tCcp 176) APPOINTMENT OF EX OFFICIO M AGISTRATB TO A HIGHER A PPOINTMENT OF O FFJCSR TO COM POLND O FFENCES SIJBORDINATE CogR'r IN BXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 10 of the Forest Ordlnance the M m lster for T ourlsm G am e Forests and IN EX ERCISF ot the powers conferred b) sectlon 3 of the Flsherles hereby em powers- C ourts O rdlnance, the G overnor after consultlng the Chlef Jastlce, hereby appolnts- D UNCAN D YeKE W RIGHT H zui a Forest Oëcer, to com pound offences qn accordance wlth the M ICHABL JAl-otiss

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