www.grupoantolin.com ANNUAL REPORT 2014 GRUPO ANTOLIN PAG. 4 THE COMPANY ANNUAL PAG. 6 I VISION, MISSION, VALUES AND STRATEGY PAG. 8 I RELEVANT FACTS 2014 REPORT PAG. 22 I KEY FIGURES PAG. 24 I AUTOMOTIVE MARKET PAG. 28 I CORPORATE GOVERNANCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014 MANAGEMENT TEAM GRUPO ANTOLIN PAG. 30 I GLOBAL PRESENCE PAG. 32 I TERRITORIES PAG. 40 I BUSINESS UNITS PAG. 48 FINANCIAL STRENGTH PAG. 50 I INTRODUCTION PAG. 52 I FIGURES PAG. 64 INNOVATION & EXPERTISE PAG. 66 I INNOVATIVE ABILITY STRATEGIC LINES INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS PAG. 70 I EXPERTISE FULL SERVICE SUPPLIER PAG. 72 SHARED RESPONSIBLE COMMITMENT PAG. 74 I WE CREATE CARS TOGETHER PAG. 82 I CSR MODEL SUSTANAIBLE BUSINESS MODEL PAG. 86 I HUMAN RIGHTS PAG. 90 I MOBILITY, HEALTH ANS SAFETY PAG. 93 I ENVIRONMENT PAG. 96 I SUSTANAIBLE CONTRIBUTION PAG. 102 SUSTAINABILITY BALANCE PAG. 108 REPORT PROFILE GRUPO ANTOLIN 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 CHAIRMAN’S LETTER I am very pleased to present GRUPO ANTOLIN Finally, also significant in 2014 was the diversification annual report for 2014, which contains figures that of our financing sources which we achieved with a are even better than in previous years and also sets €400 million bond issue in March. This was warmly out the most important achievements accomplished welcomed by investors who highly appreciated as a result of the professionalism and efforts of all our company’s historical strength, the strategic our employees. approach of our future business, and the ability of our management team. In 2014 the automotive industry was one of the best performing economic sectors. Markets such as I would also note that as part of this strategic Europe, and specifically Spain, had a very positive approach, another of our hallmarks is accompanying impact on our results. The significant pickup in the our customers wherever they are located. In 2014, market in our country is a good indicator of the we continued to increase our international presence overall improvement of our economy. with the opening of new plants in Tangier (Morocco), Wuhan (China), Missouri (the United States), and Even so, we still need to be aware that we have to Valencia (Spain). I am especially happy about the continue improving our competitiveness. This is opening of our tenth factory in the United States especially true in countries like Spain, where our that has coincided with the 20th anniversary of our oldest production units are located and which must arrival there. In all this time, it has become one of continually offset the lower costs in other relatively the main markets for GRUPO ANTOLÍN, which is nearby countries, such as ones in Eastern Europe already present in one of every three automobiles. and North Africa, with higher productivity. Finally, I would like to share something which we should GRUPO ANTOLIN continues to demonstrate its be most proud about; our ability to keep on creating strength and sustainability in the medium and long jobs. This year, our workforce grew by 4.3% and we term thanks to its ongoing commitment to creating now have 15,469 employees. I trust that we will be technology, and in 2014 R&D investment rose to able to continue along this path over the coming years. 3.1% of our sales. This will mean that we remain a profitable, competitive and efficient company, which generates confidence in A second cornerstone of our sustainability is our the markets and contributes to social welfare in the enormous commercial and territorial diversification. numerous countries where it has a presence. We are already present in 25 countries with 125 production units and technical and sales offices José Antolín supplying our products to almost all assemblers. Chairman of Grupo Antolin GRUPO ANTOLIN ANNUAL REPORT 2014 3 THE COMPANY I STRATEGY, VISION AND VALUES GRUPO ANTOLIN HISTORY I RELEVANT FACTS 2014 I KEY FIGURES I CORPORATE GOVERNANCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MANAGEMENT TEAM I AUTOMOTIVE MARKET I GLOBAL PRESENCE I TERRITORIES I BUSINESS UNITS GRUPO ANTOLIN 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 GRUPO ANTOLIN ANNUAL REPORT 2014 5 THE COMPANY STRATEGY THE COMPANY Our strategy is to hold a position of lead- ership as a global supplier of vehicle inte- WE CREATE THE INTERIOR riors based on: OF THE CAR I Technological and innovative capability I Worldwide presence I Development of sustainable business I Increased product value I Perceived quality I Competitiveness I Versatility to adapt to markets and clients I Motivated and qualified employees VISION To be a global leader because of our tech- nological and human capacities, bringing competitive interior trim solutions to the We are the largest Spanish manufacturer of vehicle automotive sector. interior components and number 1 worldwide supplier of headliners. MISSION To be the best market option because of We offer products with high added value to our capability for innovation and compet- itiveness, offering attractive profitabil- outfit automobile interiors: overhead, doors, ity to our shareholders besides being a sustainable company of reference to our seats and lighting. employees and to society. We dominate the complete component cycle from component conception and design, VALUES I Creativity through development and validation to parts industrialization and sequenced delivery. I Leadership I Customer focused GRUPO ANTOLIN 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 THE COMPANY I STRATEGY, VISION AND VALUES - GRUPO ANTOLIN HISTORY GRUPO ANTOLIN HISTORY MORE THAN 50 YEARS OF INDUSTRIAL TRADITION 1950s Grupo Antolin started operating in a mechanical workshop in Burgos called ANSA, specializing in brakes and steering systems. 1960s The Antolín brothers patented a rubber-metal steering joint. Orders started coming in from the leading Spanish and for- eign truck manufacturers. 1968 ANSA reached an agreement with the leading German joint manufacturer, Lemförder, to set up a plant in Burgos called Ansa-Lemförder. 1970s In collaboration with the Italian company Pianfei, a new technology was in- troduced to headliners, known as Glasutec, which represented a huge technological ad- 2001 Change of a functional organization to 2013 Grupo Antolin once again has a vance compared to anything else available an orientation of business and territorial units. sole shareholder: the Antolin family, at that time. which guarantees sustainable and In 2004 the company’s capital was ex- profitable future growth. This situation In 1985 the Grupo Antolin holding company tended with investments from five savings occurred following the acquisition was established in order to manage, banks: Caja de Burgos, Caixanova, Caja de of the 22.8% that had been held by a coordinate and consolidate all the activities Ávila, Caja Navarra Corporación and Corpo- group of Spanish financial institutions of the different companies in the corporation. ración de Castilla la Mancha. since 2004. In 1989 the company decided on a strate- 2009 Start up of a new organizational 2014 Grupo Antolin launches onto the gy that would focus exclusively on vehicle model with the creation of three Strategic markets and successfully completes the interiors, embarking a phase of internation- Business Units (Overhead Unit, Doors Unit issue of €400 million in bonds. With this alization and setting up the company in the and Seats Unit). transaction, it has diversified its funding biggest markets in the world. sources and reorganized its liabilities for 2011 Signing of an agreement for the the coming years. 1990s The company continued its rapid acquisition of the European supplier CML industrial deployment based on a strategy Innovative Technologies, specializing in Today Grupo Antolin is a leading of constantly reinvesting profits and a policy automotive lighting systems. With this multinational corporation specializing in of continual innovation, materializing this purchase, it has become one of the European the design, development and manufacture approach in 1993 with the establishment leaders for interior lighting in vehicles. of interior components for the automotive of Grupo Antolin-Ingenieria as the R&D&i industry (Overhead Systems, Doors, division. 2012 Start of the expansion process in the Seats and Lighting). The turnover figure Italian territory forming a new company, in 2014 reached €2,225 million, 6.8% In 2000, a new road to growth was created Grupo Antolin-Italia, which will centralize the higher than 2013, thanks to a high degree by moving from single to modular products production activity as well as the technical of geographical, client and product encompassing the total function. and sales operations in this country. diversification. GRUPO ANTOLIN ANNUAL REPORT 2014 7 THE COMPANY RELEVANT FACTS 2014 JANUARY I Visit by the and the Inno- I Ford honors Gru- Environmental Certification for I Final review Ambassador of vation of Grupo po Antolin in its Certification its Occupational of the Place-it Kazakhstan to Antolin World Excellence Health and project in our headquarters Awards 4 I Convention of Safety System Brussels I Technological Nissan Europe’s MARCH Exhibition for I Ernesto suppliers at I PSA Peugeot FEBRUARY Volkswagen in our Antolin, the the World Citroën’s I Grupo Antolin technical center vice chairman, Trade Center in Quality Award I Innovation made its debut in Weyhausen, takes part in the Barcelona for GA-Dapsa, Meeting with in the markets Germany 2 seventh series of GA-Eurotrim and our customer and successfully conferences of JUNE GA-Turnov Renault completed the I Innovative Day ESADE-Deloitte issuance of Meeting with the I Luis Vega is I GA-Silao (Mexico) I Opel-General €400
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