Lydiate Parish Council Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 26 November 2019 at 7.30pm LYDIATE PARISH COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Councillor J Bailey (Chair) Councillors T Robertson, A Wilson, N Carlin, J Jimenez Armas, E Pope, N Spencer, I Wilson IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors Pat O’Hanlon, John Sayers Sefton Council Carol Farquhar (Parish Clerk) 141/2019 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillor V Kelly, 142/2019 MINUTES OF MEETINGS It was resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 22 October 2019 be approved and authorise the Chairperson to sign as a correct record. 143/2019 MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES (for information only) None 144/2019 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Robertson and Pope in respect of agenda item 8. Parish Council Community Award. 145/2019 JAN LEONARD DIRECTOR OF PLACE – NORTH SOUTHPORT & FORMBY CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP SOUTH SEFTON CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP • It was noted that three Networks are being established, Maghull and Crosby being one of the networks developed. • Monthly locality meetings are held between GP’s and the Clinical Commissions Team. • Enhanced payments are part of this process to bring in more specialists to local residents as part of a wrap around service covering a range of activities. These services will be extended over the coming years. • It was acknowledged that there are variations in services across GP surgeries and this is being addressed. • The impact of additional housing in Lydiate and Maghull was discussed and this would be looked into. • It was noted that the number of residents required to run a viable GP service is 6,000 • It was agreed that a review of the blood testing service would be undertaken to ensure the service is fit for purpose due to the high waiting times and number of complaints made to the Parish Council from residents. • Difficulty in getting a GP appointment. A seven-day service is available at Litherland Town Hall, however more publicity of this service is required. It was noted that this facility is not accessible from Lydiate on public transport. • The offer was made for further meeting with both Mrs Leonard and members of her team of specialists as appropriate. • Mrs Leonard was thanked for attending the meeting and discussing the issues affecting Lydiate. 146/2019 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • The Vice Chair and a Parent Governor of Lydiate Primary School attended the meeting to update the Parish Council on the closure of the school. Significant works are required to the building due to the age and condition of the concrete structure, issues with flooding and falling concrete debris from the building on the school playing areas together with a collapsed ceiling in the IT suite. The Governing Body feel strongly that the school is not safe for the children but need to ensure their continued education is secure. A full structural survey of the building will be undertaken on 2/12/19. The school will be relocated to Maghull High School site until 9/12/19. Further discussion will be held when the outcome of the survey is known. • Cllr Pat O’Hanlon informed the Parish Council she attended a meeting with the police who are happy to hold a community meeting at the Village Centre if a particular crime issue is apparent in the area. • Cllr O’Hanlon informed the parish council that 9 garages in Barns Drive are due for demolition application number DC/2019/01888. No plans for the future of the land are currently know. 147/2019 REPORTS OF MEETINGS • Councillor Bailey attended two remembrance services at Our ladies and St Thomas’s. Councillors Bailey, Carlin, Robertson and A Wilson attended a meeting with the Football Foundation see minute No 153/2019. Page 2 of 8 148/2019 2019 PARISH COUNCIL COMMUNITY AWARD • It was resolved to approve the award for a second year with a donation of goods of up to the value of £100. 149/2019 BREXIT AND THE IMPACT ON PARISH COUNCILS • It was noted that a letter has been received from Sefton Council informing the Parish Council that they are actively monitoring developments and are an active member of the Merseyside Resilience Forum that will coordinate any local response. 150/2019 FRACKING • It was noted that Aurora have submitted an application for exploration works. • It was resolved to release the £500 donation to The Moss Alliance towards the legal costs to challenge this planning application. 151/2019 MERSEYTRAVEL – REMOVAL OF PRINTED BUS TIMETABLES • It was resolved to write an objection to the decision to remove printed bus timetables from the Village Centre. 152/2019 SURVEY OF TREES ON PARISH COUNCIL MANAGED LAND • It was resolved to approve expenditure of up to £1,625 + VAT to Sefton Council to undertake a walk through tree survey on land owned or managed by Lydiate Parish Council. 153/2019 SANDY LANE CAPITAL PROJECT • It was resolved to note the progress made and the pitch inspection meeting to be held on 10/12/19 @ 9.30 am and the modular design meeting to be held on 3/12/19 @ 10am at Lambshear lane. 154/2019 BUDGET PLANNING • It was resolved that members consider the report and contact the Clerk with views by 10 January 2020. 155/2019 CHRISTMAS LEAVE ARRANGEMENT 2019 • It was resolved to close the Village Centre from 25 December 2019 to 2 January 2020. 156/2019 MARKING THE DEATH OF A SENIOR NATIONAL FIGURE • It was resolved to agree the protocol. 157/2019 LIVING WAGE REVIEW • It was resolved to agree to pay the living wage from 1 December 2019. 158/2019 PLANNING MATTERS Page 3 of 8 • It was resolved to note the following planning applications: - Erection of a single storey extension to the side and rear of the dwellinghouse, and alterations to the existing extension roof. 23 Wynnstay Avenue Lydiate Liverpool L31 0BG Ref. No: DC/2019/02192 | Validated: Thu 21 Nov 2019 | Status: Registered Erection of a dwelling, with associated access, parking, landscaping and drainage, and a new wastewater treatment plant following demolition of existing house and garage 150 Pilling Lane Lydiate Liverpool L31 4HQ Ref. No: DC/2019/02128 | Validated: Wed 13 Nov 2019 | Status: Registered Erection of a two storey extension to the front, part two/part single storey extension to the rear and dormers to both sides of the dwellinghouse (alternative to DC/2019/01499). 260A Southport Road Lydiate Liverpool L31 4EG Ref. No: DC/2019/02095 | Validated: Wed 06 Nov 2019 | Status: Registered Non-material amendment to planning permission DC/2017/00456 granted on 21/03/2018 for alterations to plots 1, 2, 3, 18, 23 & 33, the Footpath/Cycleway link re-positioned to canal towpath, Plot 23 parking amended, the Cycle Store relocated adjacent to Bin Store and 1 visitor space relocated Land North Of Turnbridge Road Maghull Ref. No: DC/2019/02075 | Validated: Thu 21 Nov 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision 159/2019 CLERK’S REPORT a) Correspondence From Issue Action 1 Joseph Wright Quote for Verti- It was resolved to Landscapes Draining Sandy Lane consider this again football pitches within the next six £660 + VAT months 2 Dave Rayner Request to install Declined due to recycling banks at space limitations. the Village Centre Page 4 of 8 3 Resident Complaint about Cllr I Wilson agreed bonfire on Clent to look into this Gardens matter and report back to the Council. 4 Resident Information about Noted replacement trees on Southport Road – for information 5 Roberts recycling Request to install Declined due to recycling banks at space limitations. the Village centre 6 Lydiate Village Request for a It was resolved to Festival donation towards approve a donation the festival on 2 of £200 from the May 2020 2020/2021 financial year. 7 Lydiate Federation of Permission to erect It was resolved to Bowls an additional agree the shelter at the installation of bowling green another shelter at the bowling green. Subject to the structure being fully enclosed. 8 Poppy Appeal Thanks for the Noted contribution to the Poppy Appeal 9 Insurance broker Notification of Noted insurance claim payment of £2,500 10 Sefton Council Lydiate footpath No The orders where 24 and No 15. noted. Agreed to Orders display the notice. b) FINANCE I. Accounts Payable It was resolved to approve the following accounts for payment: - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE NOVEMBER 2019 FOR INFORMATION: Contractual/ Statutory payments made – For information (FIXED) METHOD PAYEE DETAILS AMOUNT £ STATUTORY PROVISION DD Unity E-Payment Salaries - November 2019 5562.73 LGA 1972 s.111 Page 5 of 8 DD N.E.S.T Pensions - November 2019 652.93 LGA 1972 s.111 DD Unity Trust Bank Bank Charges - Salary Processing 19.55 LGA 1972 s.111 Total 6235.21 Contractual / Statutory payments made – For information (VARIABLE) DD Unity E-payment Salaries – November 2019 3567.56 LGA 1972 s.111 November 2019 - Telephone and DD Virgin Media Broadband 93.01 LGA 1972 s.111 November 2019 - Mobile Phone DD O₂ Charges 22.62 LGA 1972 s.111 DD Allstar November 2019 Fuel Charges 175.26 OSA 1906 s.10 Electricity - Bowls - 01/10/19 - DD Total Gas and Power 31/10/19 12.25 OSA 1906 s.10 Electricity - Sandy - 01/10/19 - DD Total Gas and Power 31/10/19 123.47 OSA 1906 s.10 Total 3994.17 Contractual/ Statutory payments – For approval METHOD PAYEE DETAILS AMOUNT £ STATUTORY PROVISION BACS HMRC Tax/NI 2183.72 LGA 1972 s.111 Total 2183.72 Invoice payments- For approval BACS Chrystelle Cockayne Community Worker Hours 532.00 LGA 1972 s.111 Batteries 3.86 OSA 1906 s.10 BACS Wray Bros = £122.77 Compactor Bags 116.53 OSA 1906 s.10 Washing up bowl 2.38 OSA 1906 s.10 Ramps 343.20 OSA 1906 s.10 T&H Power Products = BACS £382.38 Repairs to the honda mower 39.18 OSA 1906 s.10 BACS
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