**** -'**-*•¦ ***.••• •*'.’• ? "**. AjgT.. * V/-v # 1.. *f**£*V' *#3 ’ >* y- *•. ¦' ¦ • v . ': *: i»•f- <$ .-,•?¦ • »•• . , THE EVENING STAR C-3 Washington, D. C. * WZPWEgPAY. NOVKMBSB 86. 1957 Brennan * NFL Sees• .n STATISTICS ** LEADING GROUND GAINERS <r*f Yard 5 jihir Mrs. Mancos to Cleveland {’* Brotnt. - Chance Pull KW* °*‘f' WlUon, * Los Angeles .... lots SS.% *;i;: McElbenny. 4tt 5 0 Bwf PlF®*:MF «plr ¦H*' , Ban Francisco iol 4H7 fli « « Bears _, is; 45* it ¦ Matson,csssres. 3* Renominated cardinals ZSZZZZ. Js« m™ 4 9 J[r Oifloni. New York I ion 440 ;i» VP9 Upset Bosseler. Washington 10T 4-r« || 27 40 on Johnson Detroit 3gn lowa an 4 3 Webster. Nets York #» 37S :i4 3.8 WDGA Head CHICAGO, Nov. 20 UP).— .Otllmore.j Bears _ ... *7 360 40 4.1 I — 1 fUn 72 s, * - * Hornung Bay Mrs. John Mancos has been Pr Coach Terry Brennan looks for November*" ' r<li T P*lll 'at Green v». New York. ” • renominated for a second term / 5 rds 10 13 t,empu ' °“‘* Natson -ot' ¦ . his Notre Dame team to upset ’IHLmMhh * as president of the Women’s b J MSP /*, ' lowa “ifwe can have the same LEADING PASSERS District Golf Association, and B ¦kJi effort w’e had against Yds Ayr warftW UA|B all-out Td Pet will be her home O'Connell. Cleveland *&*' installed at Im. f- , jgr WW Oklahoma.” Leßawm, ?.'§!? *2* ft iJßWfe' BBr^^'-.' Waskißftiß 2 104 04 1.048 8 01.6 82 5 1008 club. Belle Haven, at the an- The Irish, who stunned Ok- Vw 3 180 101 1.5.30 18 50.1 72 12 8 50, 4 “ meeting % McHan. Cardinals 117 51 »6u 5 am A Am 111. 2?* nual and election lahoma, Starr. « V v i 7-0, entertain the once- Green Say . 6 12! umi tr. S 5 i « Ttmrsday, December 5. beaten Hawkeyes Saturday, Bj® ®2«W 1I1» An etea - 1W 81 1.258 8 J| Tittle. San Francisco ..... 110 I,,'idv pM< 7 183 11 00 1 4rt 8 74s Mrs. Mancos was opposed for Notre Dame 1, 94 ip ¦^iP irPi *ygat is an early 7-point Bf 5 1M 13?* 8 Ml 04 8 7 401 the presidency by Mrs. Marie Underdog. %*.*.-". fc ,8 i§? S 2J* fit S j z'§! Spates of Prince Georges, the B jßri > /aBSH \ 1 jr? »J “We are so happy over beat- Class C handicap chairman last H Mb* 1 jfR < tH -. ing Oklahoma that we’ve had |J !J? B *•& « |fg! year. to shake the boys out of the €on,plet,<m —’* J f 1 :l rards, Lamar McHan of vs. Washington. Hie nominating committee trees for practice.” Brennan October'S** Cardinals performance one game—Tommy members, who had been in- told the Chicago Football Writ- O'Connell of Cleveland vs Wash- by respective down 0 u, P>tlon l, ,or 324 yards and i structed their ers Association by telephone Elrlfforrtl\'ofPtuik.Trvhn NoV 'mb *r a 30 touch-I clubs, met at home of Mrs. Standings ' «| ths yesterday. “We’llhave to have bated on average gain per prm attempted. Jules Friedenson. chairman, the same all-out effort against LEADING and announced the 1958 sched- the Hawkeyes to beat them. PASS RECEIVERS Yard* Lone ule. They *C ' , have a bigger line 3 °* n Td* The only officer will be than .WiUon. San Francisco / . new lr, 3 Ojg?* , Oklahoma and if we can’t la ttßhur ‘h « Mrs. E. L. Duffles of Washing- •pS S,tr oi. (> g through them, well have to go “ 1 P Cl 0 ::;:::: ton who succeeds Betty Gar- 33 4 around or pass. BeS"'Btfumor e*“ _:;;:;;-- 1 4 Dooley. Bears r ii n?I 5 ber of Argyle as first vice J’t'' 'jg -J < '{ •*l?'/jp¥l ' Z jJ> Howton. Bay *”I~ 3? So? i Green ' 3« t k l 1 1 lowa Strong as Ever Washington 2 president. Miss Garber was not Carson. ~T7 •“4 s*l ii S “Our say MbUchellcr. Baltimort 3? Is., 2 a candidate for re-election. scouts lowa’s of- Gifford, New York . 3i* J? J The other incumbents fense is as versatile and power- Kramer. Green Bay are * Mrs. Paul H. Streit of Chevy as last year when it 011 3 T*rd *' °*rn N “‘*r ot vs.‘Washington. ful won! 1 Octobw'Sf'Vouchdown Cnrdln.ls Chase, second vice president; the Big title, “n ®e>ry Ten and that recelwSVJJr^Ss"?. *. of Baltimore vs. Washington. 12 I of Army the game with Ohio State Mrs. Ellis H. Veatch secretary, Ray (lowa lost, 17-13, last week)' Navy, and Mrs. could have gone either way.” | LEADING SCORERS Weisberg of Norbeck, treasurer. Brennan said Oklahoma was PLAIN. PREMEDITATED TonjTStremic, _ INTENT—No doubt Guard End Pete Jokanovich and Blsnda, TdR. IdP.T.Tds. XP. XPM. FO. FC.A Ptl ! good any Bears 1 u It 0 0 17 SO about it, the Navy football team to Halfback as as team his Irish Gross. I i wants beat Ned Oldham. In the front row are season, Cletelsnd n n n it n ii i« i. Cousy Sidelined met this including top- Mutscheiler. Baltimore n H s 0 43 week from Saturday Philadelphia. Tackle Bob Reifsnyder, Washington n n n Army a in Center Milan Moncilo- ranked Michigan State, which Baker, n n n 2o i b 14 , Cone. Green Bar (1 19 0 5 S 46 The Middies have an extra incentive this time—- vich, Fullback Ray Asajinlan, 2 2 Wellborn and Tackle Tony trimmed Notre Dame. 34-6. New York O o 0 21 n s 14 45 For Two Weeks, Cothren, n 11 a trip to a bowl game if they win. These Anthony. Los Angelas ... 0 n 22 71 s 4 t play- Oldham and Anthony have been “We played our best game Matson. Cardinals 6 0 u 0 0 are Layne. 17 42 i ers members of the starting unit. Left to nursing injured legs, but hope to be ready in in two years.” he added. “It Detroit o 0 0 23 O a 11 If right (back row) are End Wayne plenty time Walston. Philadelphia 0 11 12 17 #39 Avoids Surgery McKee, of for Army.—AP Photo. was 60 minutes ofrock ’em-sock, ri >I •• m*—WIUI, Oslimors, 24 points. Chicago ’em football. The only thing ' vs, Los*Angeles, oSober **i Bears BOSTON, Nov. 20 UP).—Bob we noticed about Oklahoma, in LEADING PUNTERS Cousy. Boston Celtics’ back- comparing It with last year, AT D st Lo ,,t court ace, was sidelined for two cpma Chandler. New York ..... % «„ { K makes it official was that its passing was not as Van Angela* ‘T Maim,Brocklin. Lo* III.::::::::: 2 38 44 1 58 to three weeks today despite Florida Star good.” Cardinal* _ 3 30 43 0 *? JMsiiPe San Frandaco 4 30 45*3 32 avoiding minor surgery for Regain Asked to name possible All- Brown. Bears 5 in 1 o.’i a Hawks Deschaine, Bay Americas on his team. Brennan PhiladelphiaGreen ••—III 0 40 IT'A 71 thigh Injury suffered in a game Norton. 7 50 41.3 03 Philadelphia Navy said Guard A1 Ecuyer and Full- Baker. Wathingifop 33 41 hm with the Warriors. Must Beat Army 8 o Selected as Girard, Pittsburgh 9 4" « back Nick Pietrosante “were Kons, Cleveland ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 39 5s Dr. Paul Shannon canceled I .. 10 43 39 3 58 the operation scheduled at St. the most consistent performers nUDt—**, *rt* bT U,rT B *r ®** of *“ Cardinals, Division Lead Septeni£er*2» ffranciieo vs. Vincent's Hospital in Worcester To Back of Week all season." ’Standings computed on evertte dlstence. Enter Bowl Game By yesterday after the Associated Press Other Comment examination • By the Associated swelling Cousy's ANNAPOLIS, (Spe- passes 1,036 yards Press The Detroit Pistons PUNT RETURN LEADERS showed that in Nov. 20 -of 141 for were Comments of other coaches thigh had subsided greatly and cial) .—Navy’s football team and has weapon The college back who got the back in second place behind Yards Av i been a major included: •Btd No. R’tnd Dist Loneest Tds. blood which formed a continues to prepare for Army In the run-a-bit, pass-a-bit- biggest headlines last Saturday the St. Louis Hawks in the Zegers. Washington 1 8 181 22.6 7# 2 blood r j Murray Warmath. Minne- Scudero, Washington 2 9 84 9.3 21 » is being properly. Green Bay 3 15 s.; clot absorbed a week from Saturday in Phil- offense favored by Coach Eddie was Notre Dame's Dick Lynch 1 National Basketball Association. Carmichael: 131 48 0 : ¦ sota—“l’m not surprised Ohio Lary. Detroit 4 1 3 105 8.1 36 11 Cousy was injured in a col- adelphia fully aware that only passing The of the James. Washington • r Erdlelatz. Forrestal’s —the boy whose touchdown combination State Is going to the Rose 6 11 83 7.54 27 11 lision with Neil Johnston, a victory will send them Into ) is a superb complement to the Hawks’ 118-115 victory over Paul, Cleveland t. « 8 fin 7.5 32 n beat Oklahoma. But alter due Bowl and I’m not at all sur- Lewis. Cardinals 7 14 98 7.0 25 » Philadelphia center, last Sat- game. Pittsburgh 11 a bowl running abilities of Ned Old- New York Knickerbockers and prised that Michigan State is Wells. 8 13 Brt fi ll 30 urday consideration of an unusual Arnett, Los Angeles 9 8 48 6.0 22 11 as the Celtics stretched More for the benefit of the : ham, Harry Hurst, Ronnie Detroit's 92-75 setback by nationally.
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