Homosexual Behavior & Pedophilia By Frank V. York and Robert H. Knight TABLE OF CONTENTS Homosexual Activists Work To Normalize Sex With Boys 2 Sexual ‘Liberation’ 3 Going After Children 3 Sexual Ageism and ‘Age of Consent’ Laws 4 Homosexual/Pedophile Efforts in Canada 6 Efforts to Normalize Pedophilia in the United States 7 David Thorstad Connects Pedophilia to ‘Gay Rights’ 8 Using Psychiatry/Psychology 9 Child Abuse ‘Experts’ Provide Cover for Pedophiles 12 The Kinsey Pedophilia Agenda 14 Judith Reisman’s Research 15 Academics Work to Normalize Pedophilia 16 Public Schools Are Recruiting Grounds 17 Entertainment Industry Popularizes Adult/Child Sex 18 Conclusion 18 Appendix 20 Correspondence from the American Psychological Association 21 Correspondence from the American Psychiatric Association 27 Endnotes 28 Homosexual Activists Work To Normalize Sex With Boys Frank V.York and Robert H. Knight I N T R O D U C T I O N Although most homosexual activists publ i cly deny that they want access to boy s , m a ny h o m o s exual groups around the wo rld are wo rking aggre s s ive ly to lower the age of sexual consent. Th e i r cause is being aided by the pro fessional psych i at ric and psych o l ogical associat i o n s , wh i ch have move d in recent ye a rs towa rd normalizing pedophilia, mu ch as they did with homosexuality in the early 1970s. Kevin Bishop, an admitted pederast (pedophile), is promoting the wo rk of the North A m e ri c a n M a n - B oy Love A s s o c i ation (NAMBLA) in South A f rica. Bishop, who was molested at the age of six, i s also an admitted homosexual who is blunt about the re l ationship between homosexuality and pedophil- ia. “ S c rat ch the ave rage homosexual and you will find a pedophile,” said Bishop in an interv i ew with the E l e c t ronic Mail & Guard i a n ( June 30, 1 9 9 7 ) .1 This pedophile/homosexual activist began studying pedophilia while a student at Rhodes U n ive rs i t y. He also discove red Karl Marx there, as well as other literat u re that helped fo rm his wo rl d- v i ew. His views are being echoed around the wo rld by homosexual activists who are seeking wh at they call “ s exual fre e d o m ” for ch i l d re n . Bishop is on a crusade in South A f rica to have “ age of sexual consent law s ” ab o l i s h e d, and he is looking for help from NAMBLA to accomplish his goal. He says ch i l d ren must be empowe red “ by t e a ching them about loving re l ationships at an early age, and giving them the opportunity to make an i n fo rmed decision about having [sex ] .” He also ap p roves of incest, n o t i n g, “ Two women psych o l ogi s t s in A m e rica say the healthiest introduction to sex for a child should be with their [sic] pare n t s , b e c a u s e it is less thre atening and the emotional intimacy more comfo rt abl e.”2 Bishop agrees with NAMBLA that the next social movement in We s t e rn politics will be an at t a ck on “ s exual age i s m ,” wh i ch prohibits sexual contact based on age diffe rences. The movement alre a dy is well under way in Europe and Canada. 2 SEXUAL ‘LIBERATION’ on demand without parental consent or knowledge.4 Jim Hanes, administrative director of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, visited Amsterdam in Homosexual activist groups around the world the Netherlands in November 1998. After contacting are working to lower or abolish age of consent laws in various homosexual bookstores and the Homosexual order to “liberate” children from the constraints of a Studies department of the University of Amsterdam p at ri a rchal society. regarding pedophile material, he was referred to the Kate Millett, a radi- Intermale Bookstore, which featured a wide selection cal feminist and “The Incest of pedophilia in a section called “Padeo.”The store Marxist theoretician, taboo has always m a n ager directed him to seve ral back issues of d e s c ribed this phi- been one of the Paidika, the journal of pedophilia, in addition to losophy in an inter- cornerstones of Anatomy of a Media Attack (published by NAMBLA), view first published patriarchal Varieties of Man/Boy Love from Wallace Hamilton in “Loving Boys” in thought,” says Press, Crime Without Victims by Preben Hertoft, The 1980. It was later Millett. “We Sexual Life of Children by Floyd M. Martinson and reprinted in The Age have to have an many fictional books about child sexual acts with Taboo, published by emancipation adults. The material was prominently displayed and Alyson Publishers, a proclamation for can be ordered from the Intermale Bookstore website homosexual publish- children.” at http://www.intermale.nl, which features a section ing house in Boston. called “Boys and Teenagers.” Millett cl a i m s , “[O]ne of children’s essential rights is to express them- selves sexually, probably primarily with each other but GOING AFTER CHILDREN with adults as well. So the sexual freedom of children is an important part of a sexual revolution.” Millett says the sexual revolution begins with the emancipa- Pat Califia is an American advocate of total sex- tion of women and also includes ending homosexual ual “freedom.” She is a self-proclaimed lesbian sexu- oppression. al radical who has written extensively on the impor- She views the incest taboo as an instrument of tance of “liberating” children from sexual oppression. oppression. “The incest taboo has always been one of Her book, Public Sex, contains two essays on age of the cornerstones of patriarchal thought,” says Millett. consent laws, “The Age of Consent: The Great Kiddy- “We have to have an emancipation proclamation for Porn Panic of ’77” and “The Aftermath of the Great children. What is really at issue is children’s rights and Kiddy-Porn Panic of ’77.” Califia argues that all age not, as it has been formulated up to now, merely the of consent laws should be abolished and supports right of sexual access to children.”3 Millett believes NAMBLA’s efforts to legalize adult/child sex. Califia sexual access to children is only one part of a larger is a columnist for The Advocate, a "mainstream" goal of liberating children from all forms of parental homosexual magazine.5 oppression. Gaining access to children has been a long-term This theme of sexual liberation re c e n t ly goal of the homosexual movement. In 1972, the appeared at a 1999 U.N. Population Conference in the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a Netherlands, where teenage delegates lobbied for the “Gay Rights Platform” that included the following right of teens and children as young as 10 to have sex- demand: “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sex- ual pleasure and sexual freedom. Approximately 130 ual consent.” David Thorstad, a spokesman for the youths from 111 countries signed the sexual rights homosexual rights movement and NAMBLA, clearly document. They also demanded the right to abortion states the objectives: “The ultimate goal of the gay lib- 3 eration movement is the achievement of sexual free- Surrounded by pious moralists with dead- dom for all – not just equal rights for ‘lesbians and gay ening anti-sexual rules, we must be shame- men,’ but also freedom of sexual expression for young less rule-breakers, demonstrating our alle- giance to a higher concept of love. We must people and children.”This goal has not changed since do it for the children’s sake.9 it was articulated in 1972.6 In 1982, the International Homophilics Institute, The late Jim Kep n e r, founder of the a homosexual orga n i z ation producing homosex u a l I n t e rn ational Gay and Lesbian A rch ives in Los biographies and homosexual historical materials, voted A n ge l e s , once ex p ressed his close affinity to to support a worldwide age of consent for sexual acts pedophiles. His views we re posted on a at first menses for females and first ejaculation for homosexual website. Kepner wrote, males. According to Gary A. McIntyre, a member of the IHI’s “ethics committee,” the organization still Many of the men who picked me up so lov- maintained this position as of 1997.7 ingly would today be stigmatized as In 1985, the Second International Gay Youth pedophiles. They were all kind and respect- Congress met in Dublin and issued a declaration that ful and were very important to me. … I am not a pedophile, but I feel they are often stated in part: “As young people, we must be free to more victims of harm than the perpetrators choose our own identities and lifestyles. We oppose of it. … Too many in our movement, vic- ages of consent and all laws which restrict consensual tims themselves of prejudice and discrimi- sexual activity because, as young people, they limit our nation, pass those hatreds and fears to drag sexual freedom and deny us the right to choose who we queens, pedophiles, bisexuals, leather men relate to sexually.”8 and women, transsexuals, and many other minorities in our community.10 As part of the effort to normalize sex with chil- dren, some homosexual activists are promoting the idea that keeping children from sexual activity is actu- SEXUAL AGEISM AND “AGE OF ally a form of child abuse.
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