DOCUMENT RESUME ED 129 721 SP 010 433 AUTHOR Dwight, Mary Phyl, Ed.; And Others TITLE Team Handball; Racquetball; Orienteering; September 1976--September 1978. NAGWS Guide. INSTITUTION American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington, D.C. National Association for Girls and Women in Sport. PUB DATE 76 NOTE 191p. AVAILABLE FROM American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 1201 16th Street, N.V., Washington, D.C. 20036 (No price quoted) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Athletes; Athletic Coaches; Athletic Equipment; *Athletic Programs; Athletics; Bibliographies; *Guides; *Physical Education; *Womens Athletics IDENTIFIERS Orienteering; *Raquetball; *Team Handball ABSTRACT This guide for team handball, racquetball, and orienteering is one in a series of guides for 22 sports published by the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport (RAGAS). These guides contain information on NAGWS-approved playing rules, officials ratings, articles on teaching, coaching and organization, regulations governing national championships, bibliographies, and special features related to specific sports. A section in each guide presents information about RAGAS and the services it offers to teachers, coaches, administrators, and players. Team handball features presented in this guide include: refereeing and related problems; introducing team handball to beginners; goalkeeper training; backcourt shooting, and implementation of team handball in sports programs. Raquetball features include: an outline of abasic raquetball course for high school or college; game variations; selecting equipment; and a glossary. Orienteering covers: score orienteering; course settings; and simple mapping techniques for the teacher. 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ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NO/ NECESSARILY REPRE SEN/ OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY With Official Rules -PERMISSION TO REPROOUCE THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL BY MICRO. FICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO ERICRDORGANIZATIDNS OPERAT ING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE NA TIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERMIS 2 SION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER." NAGWS SPORTS GUIDES NAGWS Guides are available for 22 sports. Guidescontaininforma- tion on NAGWS or NAGWS-approved playing rules Officials' ratings in most sports Articles on teaching and coaching techniques andorganization Regulations governing MAW national championships inappli- cable sports Bibliographies Special features related to specific sports A section in each Guide presents information aboutNAGWS and the services it offers to teachers, coaches, administrators andplayers. The following Guides are available: AQUATICS -- featuring swimming and diving as well assynchro- nized swimming rules ARCHERY-GOLF BASKETBALL BOWLING-FENCING FIELD HOCKEY-LACROSSE including seven articles and school girl lacrosse rules GYMNASTICS SOCCER-SPEEDBA L L -FL AG FOOTBALL SOFTBALL TEAM HANDBALL-R ACQUETBA LL-ORIENTEERING TENNIS-BADMINTON-SQUASH TRACK AND FIELD including Cross Country and Pentathlon scoring tables and rules VOLLEYBALL The Basketball Guide and Volleyball Guide arepublished annually. The remainder are published biennially. For a catalog of current editions, prices andorder information, please write: AAHPER Promotion Unit 1201 16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 See inside back cover for a listing of additionalNAGWS/AAHPER publications. s Team Handball Racquetball Orienteering SEPTEMBER 1976 SEPTEMBER 1978 Guide Coordinator, HELEN KNIERIM Slippery Rock State College Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania Editors Team Handball, MARY PHYL DWIGHT Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas Racquetball, JO OLIVER California State Polytechnic University Pomona Orienteering, MAXINE GRACE HUNTER Pennsylvania State University Mont Alto NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS & WOMEN IN SPORT American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 4 publications Copyright ©1976 by the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport American Alliance for Health, Physical( Education, and Recreation published by the AMERICAN ALLIANCE FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W. 5 Washington, D.C. 20036 CONTENTS Preface 5 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT Purpose, Beliefs, Functions 6 Standards in Sr 9rts for Girls and Women 8 NAGWS Sports Guides Committees Interest Indicator 9 National Coaches Council 10 TEAM HANDBALL NAGWS Team Handball Guide Committees 13 Indoor Handball Laws of the Game 14 The United States Team Handball Federation Edward Serrapede47 Simplified Rules of Team Handball Florence E. Watson52 Introducing Team Handball to Beginners Jean Montacer56 Passing and Shooting Drills Karen A. Collins60 Implementation of Team Handball in Sports Programs: A Teaching Guidc C Bennett Williamson65 Refereeing and Related Problems Christer Ahl70 Goalkeeper Training Jerrilyn Julian80 Backcourt Shooting Carmen Forest84 Wing Play KarenGerard87 Three Phases of the Fast Break Reita Clanton90 The 4-2 Defense in Team Handball Michael D. Cavanaugh 93 Team Handball Bibliography and Audiovisual Aids Becky Goering 96 RACQUETBALL NAGWS Racquetball Guide Committees 99 Official Rules of Racquetball 100 We Need Your Help! 114 Racquetball's Success Story: The Reason Why Carolyn M. Lewis 115 A Basic Racquetball Course Outline for High School or College Carolyn M. Lewis117 Pro? Amateur? Novice? A Reciprocal Evaluation Teaching Device Joy Koppel119 Game Variations for Racquetball Jo Oliver 121 6 Simplified RulesExtract from IRA Rules Jack Rose 123 Test Your Knowledge of Simplified Rules Jack Rose 127 3-Wall Racquetball Strategies / inda Crown 129 The Box Theory: Or How To Practice Your Skill Shot Joy Koppel 134 Selecting Equipment for Racquetball Barbara Anderson 138 The Attack: Four Basic Serves Joy Koppel 141 Racquetball Let's Keep It Safe Barbara Anderson 145 Start Your Own Racquetball Team Joy Koppel 148 Glossary lkkn Weisrneyer 150 Annotated Racquetball Reference Materials Carolyn Lewis 153 ORIENTEERING NAGWS Orienteering Guide Committees 157 Orienteering: An Introduction Maxine Grace Hunter 158 Preface To Rules Section 160 Rules of Orienteering 161 Score Orienteering: The Answers To Your Problems linda K. Rowe 174 Course Setting: By and For the Novice Maxine Grace Hunter 176 Simple Mapping Techniques for the Teacher Colin Kirk 182 Orienteering Bibliography Margaret G. Worthington 190 Orienteering Audiovisual Aids Charles "Iknk" Howe, III 192 PREFACE TheNationalAssociationforGirlsand WomeninSport (NAGWS) has once again identified activities thatare gaining in popularity in the United Slates. Many persons have expresseda desire to have access to "official" rules and to facilitatetheir instruction of team handball, racquetball and orienteering.This Guide has been developed to meet those needs. Several uniquefeatures ofthis Guide reflectthe thrust of NAGWS to provide guidance and leadership for all sportprograms. (1) Thisisa "people" guide.Rules and techniques are applicable to both sexes. (2) Official international rules have been published for all three sports. (Orienteering rules are abridged.) Thus a participant can perform anywhere and at any level with the knowledge that the rules are always applicable. NAGWS invites your comments about this newest addition. Please contact the appropriate editor or NAGWS ExecutiveSecre- tary, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036. Our sincerest appreciation to Helen Knierim, Mary PhylDwight, Jo Oliver and Maxine Hunter for seeinga need, accepting a challenge and ensuring that this Guide was published. 8 PREFACE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT The National Association for Git Is andWomen in Sport is a non- profit, educational organization designed to servethe needs of par- ticipants, teachers, coaches, leaders andadministrators in sports progyams for girls and women. Itis one of seven associations of the American Alliance for Health, PhysicalEducation, and Recreation. PURPOSE The purpose of the National Association for Girls and Women in Sportlsto rosierthe development of sports programs for the enrichment of the He of the participant. BELIEFS The National Association for Girls and Women inSport believes that: Sports are an integral part of the culture in which welive. Sports programs are a part of the total educational experienceof the participant when conducted in educational institutions. Opportunities for instruction and participation in sportsappropri- ate to her skill
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