SPORTS MOyiES COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE CLASSIFIED MARKETS COMICS TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO-1-0 u --a r 881 . 2 S&BrK DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON; FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 21, 1920 MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMPION WHOSE DEFEAT OF CUP DEFENDER WILL PORTLAND TOOK GAME MIKE O'DOWD SURPRISED THE BOXING FANS HAVE TERRIFIC BOUT! PACE TRYOUT TESTS! FROM SAN FRANCISCO! OAKLAND, May 21. Portland won ronTLAJTD, Or., May 21. In one CITY ISLAND, X. T-- . May 21. a slugfest from San Francisco, 10 to X. of the moot terrific firing ever een In America's eup candidate Vanitle left Couch was replaced by McQuMile In Portland, young ltrown and Joe Oor hero at noon todny for Morris Cove, the sixth after allowing nine hits and uuui xlwcffed and slashed thflr way seven runs. Kamm was chased by through ten round here lost night to New Haven, where tomorrow she will Umpire Byron In the ninth for disput- a draw. Peter Mitchle received a meet the flag officers' yacht Jlesolute ing a decision and In the same inning hard luoln at the hand of Puggy In the first of the long series of races Cutcher Baker retired with an Injured Morton, who eaelly won the dccMon to pick the craft that Is to meet Mr hand by off caused a foul tip. after elrht rounds. Frankle Monroe Thomas Upton's Shamrock IV Portland, 10 IS I San JYanclsco and Wing an eight Sandy Hook In July. 13 2. Weldon ataced way round draw, Hoke knocked out Zim- The yacht has been on the at Schrocdcr, Southerland and Baker, merman in the third round. Robert Jacob's yard here since Mon cox; Couch. McQuald and Agnew. day. lam. Her bronxe under-bod- y has old gold lacquer. been coated with an lx Angeles O; a. m:tklng as. possible. Seattle TO IllTIdJ IirOB on, TANKS her slippery as LOB A.VOKLBS, May 21. Seattle! BRATTLE, Waeh., May XI. Con- on its third straight fume from Los; huge tracts for the construction of two HKTAIN ;I'AItI PROVISION'S Angeles. 3 to 0. In the second Inning oil tanks with a capacity of 200,000 Hartford, the shortstop,! gallons each at the public terminals (By Associated Press) hit the ball to the centerfleld fence for i on Smith Cove were let by the Tort of WASHINGTON. May 21. The sen a circuit swat, scoring Zamlock ahead I Seattle Commission yesterday. The ate voted today to Insist on Its provis of him. give port i two new reservoirs will the Ions relative to the national guard, i Harry Wolter, who ended yesterdays Its 2.100,000 exclusive a total storage capacity of but returned Hit. army extra inning game with a toine run gallons at the Smith Cove oil handling bill to conference for further ncgoti-plan- L i rohbed Nlehoff of what appeared to I 1 . atlons. be a three-bagg- when he ran to deep features make right center and caught the ball on his j finger tips. Jh I trouble-proo- LOS ANOELES, Cal. May 21. Seat- - I f m it f I QCAIJTT BBKVTCK SANITATION ne 3 6 l; ixjs Angeles 0 7 0. Sellinli! ' and Adams; Brown and B.isKler. I I Sacramento 10: Oakland a M w Western Electric SACRAMENTO, May 21. After vic f C, t ; & LIGHT I tory for Oakland seemed certain In the I POWER For Your Sunday first of the 10th, Sacramento tallied B I THIS direct-connecte- d type of Western Electric I In the last Inning cap- I in half of the and rP , 1 Power and Light is practically automatic B tured yesterday's slugfest, 1 0 to 9. A- j lthough Sacramento secured a big lead Dinner early in the game the Oaks spurted In H H I Dependable and day for I the seventh, trying the score at the ex- pense of pitcher Prough. Quality Fatted Hens SACRAMENTO. Cal., May XI. Fancy Milk Fed Veal Oakland 9 16 2; Sacramento 10 IX 0. Holllng. Winn and Mltze: Prough ana Prime Corn Fed Steer Beef, any and all cuts. Cook. 10 innings. IN OUR GROCERY DEPT. Finest Kennewick Strawberries Vernon 13: Salt Lake 10 CHAS. MILNE California Hot House Tomatoes SALT LAKE CITY, May 21. Ver- non outstugged Salt Lake yesterday ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Green Peas and New Potatoes and won, 13 to 10. The Tigers took Artichokes, Green Beans, Cauliflower the lead in the third inning, scoring 108 East Alta Opposite Alta - infrequent- St, Theatre. Cucumbers, Asparagus, Young- Onions five runs with Bromley in the box. (By Associated Press.) intact. Wilson boxed only and in the fourth inning they fattened NEW YORK, May 19. When the ly up to two years ago but since that Vacuum Cleaners lighting Fixtures Xtra Fancy Head Lettuce, 10c time has been fairly active In New their total by four with Reiger pitch- news was flashed from the Boston he ing. Salt big England boxing centers. Among the Lake's inning was the ringside Johnny lson won deci- seventh, four runs being scored. With that had victories claimed for him are this defeat Salt Lake's winning streak the world's middleweight champion- sions over Young Ahearn, Frank Car-bon- DR. J. EDWIN SHARP of 10 straight games was broken. ship from Mike O'Dowd, of St. Paul, Angle Ratner, Tommy Robson. h. s. Mckenzie, m. d. a few night's iigo very few followers of George Robinson and some lesser Dental by Appointment Eye, pugilism lights in middleweight division. Ear, Nose and Throat SALT LAKE CITT, Utah. May 21. could identify the new title the Gysl Pendleton Trading Co. holder. In few hours,-howeve- it Wilson boxes with the right foot and Arucuiateo MaittuK, Office : Vernon 13 20 1: Salt Lake 10 IS 2. a Sehellenback and Devormer; Brora was learned that the new champion right hand extended and Is known in 10-11-- 12 Belts Buildfag ley, Relger and Byler. was born In New York 27 yearago ring parlance as a "southpaw." At Pendleton. Phone 455 but had made his home in Boston for McCoy, who won the,title from George Or. Office Foods Home Tt4 it's in the Market We Have some flve-o- six years past. Chip, also was a southpaw. Mike it. Phone "If It" Watch liiftton 0. Oregon 2. Wilson, whose real name Is Giovanni O'Dowd won the championship from EXTOENB. Or.. May 21. t'niversity Panica. was born on East 106th Street, him by a knockout at a Brooklyn club of Washington won the baseball game Now York City, next door to the birth in 1917. from University of Oregon here yea place of Wlllla Jackson, the promising Following is a list of the middle- terday afternoon by the score of 6 to contender for lightweight honors on weight champions since Jack Dempsey IIIUHIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM 2. Captain. Chamberlain, who ocou- - March'21. 1893. During the time that claimed the title in 1884: SiPiod the mound for the visitors, pltch-jf- d boxing was legalized in New York un- Jack Dempsey, 1884-188- gilt edged ball, striking out ,15 der the Frawley luaw, Panica took George Ia Blanche. 188.9-189- C Oregon batters. part in several preliminary bouts at Bob F. Fitisimmons, 1891-189- S Washington 6 12 1 local clubs and assumed the ring name (.Retired.) S Oregon 2 7 4 of Johnny Wilson. At Ptyladelphia. Tommy Ryan, 1897-190- (Retired.) Hatterles Chamberlain and Land; about six years ago, Wilson lost to Stanley Ketchel, 1907-190- Jarobberger and Leslie. Young McOovem but three months Billy Papke, 1908. later outpointed McGovern at a New Frank Glaus, 1911-191- A. F. K Champion Win. York club. Wilson then went to Bos George Chip. 1918-191- PHONE 600 The signed McCoy, 1914-191- CLARKSBtTIia, W. Va., May 21. ton where he a contract to box Al Bob Martin, champion heavy weight of under the management of Marty Kel-leh- Mike O'Dowd, 1917-192- the A. K. IT., scored a knockout over a partnership which still remains Johnny Wilson, 1920. Johnny Saxon of Newark, N. J.. In the of a be-- ! S fifth round scheduled Almost all ca--s of true epilepsy Si bout here last night. gin before the age of 20. Fairview AMERICA.! ASSOOIXATIOX For the best of Meats. Ioulsvllle 10. at St Paul, 2. Toledo 0, at Milwaukee I. ARE WIDELY KNOWN Walla Walla's Indianapolis 1. at Minneapolis 4. at Kansas City 5. No"wbrkFbrMa SOtTHHRX ASSOCIATION At Little Rock 1. Mobile !. getting lunch. At Memphis 6, New Orleans 6. Newest Hotel At nirmlnirham 2, Chattanooga I. One can go anywhere on this con- At Nashville 2. Atlanta t. tinent and he will find that there will - Centrally Located in the Farmers Savings nriamntfr vbmvb be someone there who knows of the v Omaha 7. Des Moines 6. "Famous Georgia Minstrels' who Oklahoma City 8. Wichita 3. come to the Oregon Theatre Thursday DOWNEY Bank Building, Formerly the Paine Bldg. Rt. J.feph 1. fftoux City 11. May 2:. We 1 Tho fact that they have been before New furniture, rues. beds. Rooms the public continuously for thirty three MARKET II $60,000 PAID OUT IN years is evidence of their merit, and . tti nil aimnA mi nn r cl ll l xu cvcij' mhmii, gi QTATF Ain CHECKS TO It la a well known fact that they al- ways give a bright up to date minstrel Catering especially to the traveling pub- - SERVICE MEN AT 0. A. C. performance, and while they change Post performers from year to year they can perform- lie and out of town .visitors.
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