Waste Paper Collectio^ Sunday, March 24 Put Bundles Out By i2:30 P. M. Complete Local News Of A Population Qf V ’ 1 1 8 , 5 5 6 1940 FEDERAL CENSUS Yol.XXII, N o, 1U.7 ESTABLISHED 1924 HILLSIDE, N .-J, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1946' PRICE FIVE. CENTS 26-Acre Conant St. Plot Rpspjnwd G-fiP . Contest-----Minister Tn CU>t. Pln, qi,t> New Saybrook School F o rt Jomnii|tee Plan Final Phase Plot Sold Estimates $150,000 Fof High School Addition the money received front-a $4,000,- Is Indicate! 000 fund which toe sta te isS o dis­ Is being _ donated by the Hillside Outstanding Citizen Chapter of B’nal Brlth and is a plot of muiildyully-owned: laird tribute to-all municipalities to-help King, Seeking A Hillside minister and a Penn­ similar to—tosse awarded- by-toe Of Vet Fund Drive or. Oonant street adjotolEg Wood- reduce the burden on realty tor May Have Opposition; sylvania judge wifi share the spot­ natianal order for outstanding, work To Evans fiefil Stadium, opposite Fajrviaw school purposes. Hie boaid took no' light 4t to e program of the Jewish ' Milch More Effort Is * pltuoe. was set aside for a new Say- action on the requests as the chair- One Democrat Files Council of Hillside to be held Jn in the same field throughout toe Largo Factory Tract brook .SoWnnl last -Tbiuxsday night toan Of the Teachers Committee, the" auditorium of toe Hillside Ave* nation. Vet Variety Show Required If Original Edward. WbrEarle,: was. not straw Ufiless-^^ther C&ndidates flle b e ­ Opposite Bank Was following a conference between meeting slue School Sunday evening, Maxell Honored By Veterans Plans Are To Be Met members of the Board of Education tween now and midnight,-the dead- 81. Invltotione have toeen exttoded Judge Samuel A. Weiss, at the - Excavated For Airport sod Township Committee. The' Confer On H. S. Wing in e—and the chances are teay w ill to all official bodies, churdhes, dvlc Court of Oommon Pleas of Alle­ Will Be Repeated probablytoeto® The largest sale of industrial prop­ present school a t the com er/?! , A conference was held between' —there mayno t toe any contests fo r groups and other organisations to gheny Oounity, Pa., will be toe •to raise toe hoard members and the school either the Republican or Democratic By popular demand, the Veterans e rty In—ascent- years was , revealed, Woodruff avenue and Virginia attend1 free of all charge to toe epeaker of the evening. He Is a Variety Show given by the students le HI11- ■Street ann extending back/Bo Long -arohlteota, Jacob W ind, a y-r-ftoa- nomlnntlnm '•fnn-Tciwnship Commit- Pijblle. ______ _ former member nf Oongresi. n.r>H at a meeting of the Township tee in the June 4 Primary. -H-UMde- - High - Veterans ^ emoml"Btold^~ Committee laSt night when David avenue, is not only outaSoded, but Charles F. Ackerman, on toe pro­ The minister, Rev. Hafold ' Ai toe Pennsylvania State Legislature. posed wing to be added to toe high Gamblln, of Franklin Memorial wlll be repeated on Saturday ichedpn April 1, it “an­ the older Of. the,two buildings has I Township Clerk Howard J. Bloy While In Congress and toe Legls- evening, March 30 at 8:15 .p. m. been condemned as hang dangerous, school. Rev. George M. Runner, ahnouricfejfris mornihg that so fa r Methodist CBiureh ■ at Maple and ■iatpretoe* sponsored many-success* H H ting of the nounced that he had purchased' the building jxnnmlttee chairman, re­ The proceeds, as ; betfora; wiil^be1 general membership A t the organl- twenty-six acre tract off North for use for school' purposes. There the only Township Committee can­ Keer avenues, will have toe honor ful. bills and opposed repressive and given to the Hillside War Veterans was no indtcation as to When a vealed1 lltot toe estimated cost is didates to- file are Commissioner of ibelng the first recipient of a restrictive ~artti-laboi' measures, hi tiOri Monday nigrn in the Polish- Broad street-opposite -the Hillside $150,000. The wing Will, - consist platque design attog th e .oulstanldlng- Memorial Building Fund. /rican Hall. National Bank—fo r $36;000. Evans new. school Will be erected on the Raymond R. King, RepubUcah, seek­ 1915 he received, . -among . other reserved plot. either of two or three floors and ing reelection, and Peter Dellane local citizen in interfalto relatton- Ttrfe press’’representative for the le purpose •<& Monday night's appeared before the oomniittee re­ awards, toe National Oertlfloate of ventui*e—Walter Howell—describes Emil A. -Herrigel, township a t­ toe basement and will house a for the Democratic nomination. ships. Rev, Gamblln has been active Merit from the Disabled: American ting was to explain the aims of _ questing a survey of sewer facilities cafeteria for students, a smid’.- dlr.- the promotion of goodwill efforts the show as follows: "Among the on and adjacent. to the property- torney. and Walter M. Oeglowski; Possible Opponents Veterans "In recognition of his out­ the Memorial Building Association ing room for (fecund members, ad­ here, and was co-chairman of the standing wartime service and his many acts to be presented- will be the many veterans who have re- Township Engineer Henry . KTeh attorney for the . Beard of Edu­ Howeyer, „th$re is a strong likeli­ a Russian ballet never before seen cation will draw1 up a set of condi­ ditional classhqoms, woodworking hood mat at least one mote candi­ two annual gboidwill festivals held distinguished efforts in behalf of the ntly returned from service. Re- Jr. Vitas instructed to prepare the and prlnting^Vnops, meohanioal hete the past years, The placque serviceman." - in Hillside. Wateh those cute Blue gardless of which veterans’ organi­ necessary data.^ tions to govern use of the.land; ' d ate will file for, the Republican kids in a sister and brother ad» Members of the Township, Com­ drawing room, rooms for grt classes nomination. The prospective candi­ zation they are affiliated with they "ZTKe property "was ifor-many. years and the' school band and—a 'small' also the beautiful ballet given by automatically. are members of the in the hands of the Public Service, mittee proposed th at all recreational. d ate is reported“to toe Cecil Knox, the Hfllside footoafl team. Oh thatr -adtlrtllesT'be-removed- from th e' ^auditorium. The plains are expected pf 35, HUrden streeti veteran of Elks Will Install Memorial Building Association. and several years ago was to come u p .tor approval "soon V Red Cross Drive swing quartette—are^they to the Santanielhj—Bros, of JerseyaOity. hands of the two boards and placed W orld War II not long out of th e Officers Tonight groove—and Frank Sinatra, he Township Clerk Howard J. Bloy, This firm dug out atroraxmtatelv under the supervision of a muni­ A schedule of shorter hours for service. Others mentioned as pos­ really swoons the gals. And then president of the association, pointed, sibilities _are.. Frederick^ Sinzinger, The airnual election arid instatia- out that the building planned is to 2,000,000 cubic; yards of dirt for- cipal board. Members of the board toe—seheol--jsnttori»l~ staffs waq- ■tion-of officer8 will be—held—this Proceeds Slowly; there’s that Fishman boy, the fill in the expansion of the New^- apparently would ,be appointed by adopted by to e board. In general It I w ho was a candidate in the recent evening by Hillside Lodge 1591, Gershwin of Hillside. One df be-not~dnly-a retreat- for veterans ♦. ark Airport. The grade, was dropped the Township Committee. No agree­ will reduce toe working hours from Board of Education election, and tiie- highlights is our Slick Chicks, themselves, but is intended as a William H. Madden, another w ar B;jP.O. Elks, at the clubhouse on •to the level Of Route 20, leaving ment was reached on the proposal. an average-of-B£He-4754 per -week Hillside avenue.____ Urge More Effort whose only rivals are the Rock- structure that will be 4x>th a ser­ .Seek Retirement Changes throughout toe year. The schedule veteran who would be retui;nlhg to vice to the community as well as - a great depression ait the North Ithe political arena. Madden has been Lodge members and guests last an attractive township edifice. Bloy Broad street side. ^ Following! the conference the takes effect May 1 when toe work­ Thursday night marked the home­ [ F irs t seatteredretUms-in-the-looal a candidate for the Township Com- campaign for the American Red, emphasized that the type of build”, Inquiries Reported Board of Education held its regu­ ing hours, .will 'be as follows: From coming of Ernest Rettino, member May 1 to end of school year dally mittee before. ' Cross, disclosed yesterday by At- ing which will ultimately be erected ' The survey'toy; the engineeir'will lar-meeting and heard requests of Hillside Lodge.who is a district Appointed Trustee —exclusively for veterans or a com­ from representatives of the Hillside hours from 7:30 a, ".m. to B p. m.| Kiirgris' completing his first term, deputy~lor~^this district.—Gharles- thur L. Th&urer. Hillside chairman, rtlwlnsft ,t.he Sftwer reqniramente of nn Township Committee and his revealed that somewhat over $4,000 munity center-will- depend on toe the large tract, and Evans suggested Teachers Association regarding re- ■After oohool—aloes, hours ’ will—bo Wemicke, Exalted Ruler, presented Of Power Engineers from 8 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. From is the only term expiring this year.
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