Hollins University Hollins Digital Commons Hollins Student Newspapers Hollins Student Newspapers 6-2-1939 Hollins Student Life (1939 Jun 2) Hollins College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers Part of the Higher Education Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Social History Commons, United States History Commons, and the Women's History Commons Recommended Citation Hollins College, "Hollins Student Life (1939 Jun 2)" (1939). Hollins Student Newspapers. 92. https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers/92 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Hollins Student Newspapers at Hollins Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hollins Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Hollins Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Hollins Student Life VOLUME XI Z-777 HOLLIK ~UMRER 13 Alumnae Day Unique Sketch of Class Commencement Speaker Commencement Marks Return of History to Feature Exercises Speaker is ------~----------------------------------. Former Students President's Action New Procedure Introduced at Dr. W. E. Hocking Bonfire ACTIVITIES ARE VARIED Harvard Professor is Noted on Petitions Made Monday, June 5, Class Day exercises Philo8opher On June 3, Alumna! Day, many Known to Students wi n take place at 10 :30 A. M. in the Hollins alumna! will be welcomed to the Forest of Arden. The students, in white, "The Finer Arts of Pugnacity" will win leave their places directly in front campus. They wil1 attend the annual meet­ The action of the president on the be the title of the commencement address ing of the Alumna! Association and va­ of the stage. The seniors, in pastel petitions of the Joint Legislative Com­ by Dr. William Ernst Hocking, professor rious class reunions. Classes holding in­ mittee was announced to the student body shades, win approach the Forest from of philosophy at Harvard University. cliyidual reunion parties are the Class of at convocation on May 31. Miss Blanchard back campus. Interspersed between songs 1904, which will hold its thirty-fifth re­ summarized the work of the joint com­ the seniors will give their class history The address will be deli vered in the Little in a unique departure from customary unionj and the Classes of 1909, 1914, 1919, mittee throughout the year, and briefly Theatre on June 6 at 10 o'clock in the procedure. Hun Neff, this year's Senior 1929, 1934 and 1937. A dinner will be explained the petitions passed on by that morning. when President Randolph will given at the coltege that evening for alt Class president, will hand over the presi­ body to the president of the college. MISS con fer A. B. degrees on the 49 candidates. the visiting alumna!. Randolph gave her report as to those pe­ dency to Anne Brinkley. Concluding th~ Dr. Hocking received his A. B., In charge of Alumna! Day arrange­ titions she had seen fit to pass upon and exercises, the student body will sing in mellts is a committee headed by Mrs. E. as to those she had rejected. sa lute to the graduating class. M. A. and Ph. D. at Harvard. The W. Freytag, of Highland Park, Ill. Other The petitions passed both by the Monday afternoon at 5 :00, Presi­ L. H. D. degree was conferred upon him dent Bessie Carter Randolph will have members are Mrs. B. F. Cheatham, of J oint Legislative Committee and Presi­ by \Villiams College. He was awarded Stratford, Va.; Miss Elizabeth Williams her annual garden party for the Senior dent Randolph follow. Those dealing the D. D. at the University of Chicago, of Richmond and Chatham ; Mrs. Bernard with "on-campus" matters, first, that dates Class in the Lucy Preston Beale Me­ the Th. D. at the University of Glasgow, C. Goodwin, of Yardley, Pa. ; Mrs. Wil­ may be entertained in the sitting rooni of morial Garden. All relatives and friends DR. WILLIAM E. HOCKING liam E. Pierce, of Indiana, Pa., and Mrs. Turner Lodge providing the students ar­ of the Class of '39 ate invited to attend. Scotland, and the LL. D. at Oberlin Col­ E. Marvin Mason, of Birmingham, Ala. range special permission with the social Members of.the Junior Class will serve. lege. Dr. H ocking also held Harvard ~he annual senior bonfire will take .. Altlluna! will register in Main Building, office. Sophomores and freshmen may fe llowships at the Universities of Gottin­ beginning at 10 A. M.,· on Saturday. Mrs. place at 8 :30 P. M. in the Little Theatre. have the privilege of hiking with dates to Rev. R. E. L. Strider ge n, Berlin and Heidelburg. A. C. Dick, of Chestertown, Md., presi­ the cabin if no party of students has ' it The bonfi re marks the presentation of dent of. the Hollins Alumna! Association, engaged, or to the Walronds' farm if the the individual seniors after which, depart­ to Deliver Sermon As an author, Dr. Hocking has pub­ wi ll pres ide at a meeting of the directors cabin is engaged, provided there are at i11g from former custom, the Sophomores lished a number of books, including the of the Alumna! Association that after­ wi ll present their daisy chain to the least four people in the crowd. The baccalaureate sermon will be Ml'allill[l of God in H1I111U1~ E :rperiell ce, noon. Directors are Mrs. Charles L. The hour until which students may Seniors, their sister class, outside the preached in the Chapel, Sunday evening, Ii lima II Natllrr alld Its Remakillg, Man Cocke, of Hollins; Miss Susanna ·Tur­ remain on the quadrangle with dates is Little Theatre. The audience is asked to alld the State, Lasting Eleme1lts of In- ner, of Roanoke and Chatham; Mrs. M. now 11 P. M. Smoking rules will be assemble on the steps of the Library to June 4, at 8 o'clock. The Right Reverend view the daisy chain procedure. The Estes Cocke, treasurer, of Hollins Col­ stated .in the affirmative ; places where Robert Edward Lee Strider, bishop of di1'ic l lIa lis III, MOI'a le . alld Its Enemies, Seniors form their class numerals on the lege; Miss Dorothy Donovan, of Southern students may not smoke .will be listed; \,yest Virginia, wi ll deliver the sermon on Philosophy of Law aJ/d Right, The Spirit quadrangle, singing before they disband. Pines, N. c.; M;iss .. Nan Cook Smith, of students may smoke in the social rooms "The Meaning of Life." All Students of World Politics and Thol/ghts on Death No rfolk ; Mrs. Stuart Campbell, of with dates on week-ends and if a special As a conclusion to Class Day the on campus are required to attend the alld Liff'· He is also editor and co-author Wytheville, and Miss Rosamond Larmour, party is arranged with permission from senior banquet given by the Sophomores secretary, of -Norfolk. At 4 :40 P. M., ·the social office. at the Tinker Tea House will be held at service. of the publication Rethinking Missions, there will be a tea at "Rathhaus." 10 :30. The other classes will remain out­ Bishop Strider is a native of West and a member of the advisory board of Some OfT-Campus Petitions Pass side and si ng to the seniors who answer The seniors will be guests of the Virginia. He received his A. B. and A. M. the j nllrllal of Social Philosophy. in turn. Du'ring the banquet various alum na! at the dinner in the "Keller" at , Petitions regarding off-campus regu­ seniors wi ll be asked to perform and degrees at the University of Virginia. As a professor, Dr. Hocking has 6 o'clock on June 3. Toastmistress will lations passed by the president include: those engaged will be asked to run around The Virginia Theological Seminary at held pos itions at the University of Cali­ be Mrs. \Valter Sidney Love, Jr., of That tl~ree or more freshmen may attend the table. Columbia, Miss. "Immunity to Educa­ special lectures or performances in Roa­ Alexandria awarded him the degrees of fornia, Yale Yniversity, Princeton Uni­ tion," . a phrase from A ll This al/d noke and Salem, if special permission is B. D. and D. D. The Reverend Strider versity, Cambridge, and Harvard. He has J/eO'l'rl/, Too, by Rachel Fields, will obtained from the social office. Smoking The rule stating that students may was bishop coadjutor of West Virginia lectured at a great number of colleges fu rnish the theme for the speeches. The ru les as regards town are also now stated only be entertained on the fir st fl oors of from 1923 until recently when he ' was in the past years. speakers include President Bess ie C. Ran­ in the affirmative, there are certain ex­ fraternity houses has been reworded to ~>---- dolph, Mrs. A. C. Dick, and Hull Neff, ceptions such as public buses, stations, include basement recreation rooms. Chap­ appointed to the bishop's post. president of the Senior Class.. Members hotel lobbies, drug stores and on the erons are not required if the student has He is a member of the Board of Seniors Take of the Freshman Class will serve at the streets where students may not smoke. permission to stay with a close relative in Trustees of the Vi rginia Theological Sem­ dinner. Part in Recital Students on dance week-ends may visit a to\\'n where universities are situated, inary and the Episcopal High School for Most of the alumna! wilt remain fraternity houses where the house-mother nor or they required when students attend through June 4, when various other meet­ is present at intermission during the footba ll or other athletic games away Boys in Alexandria.
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