Hbe Gomcntan MORAVIAN COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY Volume LXIV Bethlehem, Pa., Friday, September 22, 1961 Number 1 New Union At La Dean Heller Outlines Auditorium Cutting Procedure To Be Built "In principle, the new cut system intends to give a greater de¬ gree of freedom to students who are "The addition of an audi¬ doing well in their courses while at the same time the torium to the College Union system applies a firm hand on students who need the has been made available support and discipline of regulations," stated Dr. James Heller, Dean of the College, through additional money from early this week. college sources," stated John W. Heller went on to Woltjen, coordinator of the col¬ Haupert Names say that ex¬ cept for serious cause a lege Union building. student is expected to attend all sessions THE AUDITORIUM WILL New Additions of each class in which he is en¬ seat approximately 316 and will rolled. The college, however, rec¬ be used in connection for lectures, To '61 ognizes that a good student may cultural activities, concerts, and Faculty sometimes absent himself from a classes. Three new full-time faculty class members were introduced to the meeting without detriment Woltjen added, "A cinamascope to his progress in the course. student body by Moravian College The screen will be installed for the student should be careful President, Dr. Raymond S. Hau¬ not to showing of movies every week, abuse any freedom pert, at the opening convocation given to him, and there are plans for the in¬ and will in all cases be of the academic year last Friday. guided by corporation of facilities for stu¬ his teacher's counsel, Heller Two additional part-time faculty said. dent drama groups such as the Several students IF survey the beginnings of the new auditorium which were also hired to lighten the load AN ABSENCE FROM A Blackfriers." is being added on to the class anxiously awaited College Union Building. of classes brought on by the new¬ occurs, it is the student's THE NEW AUDITORIUM The completion date is set for sometime early next year. ly formed night school. responsibility, out of courtesy, to will a become part of the College Photo by Stoddard give his teacher the reason YOUNG-IOB CHUNG, EUGENE for Union and its policies and pro¬ the absence H. Jacobson and Robert W. Woos- and, when possible, to gramming will come under the do so before the oc¬ ley were introduced as newcomers absence governing board of the College curs, Heller added. Evening Session to Moravian College. Union. A Carl Adams and Mrs. Helen student who is absent from A public address system will be an announced To Aid Part Tim Savers were added to the faculty test will receive a installed for use in both areas as part-time instructors. grade of zero unless within three with "Late last provisions for piping lec¬ spring the administration made the decision to offer an Chung, who received his M.A. days of his return to school he tures, concerts, etc., into other evening session of classes at Moravian College," stated professor in Economics from Columbia Uni¬ presents evidence that there was rooms because of a large attendence. George Tyler, Director of Evening Session, who is under the adminis¬ versity, is currently pursuing his grave and sufficient reason for trative his Woltjen also stated, "That the authority of Dr. James J. Heller, Dean of the College. Ph.D. at Columbia. He is an in¬ absence, such as illness certi¬ fied tentative opening date for the "BASIC FRESHMAN AND structor in economics and busi¬ by a physician, family trag¬ the evening session will College Union building scheduled sophomore courses designed for normally ness administration. edy, or circumstances entirely be¬ be for transferable to other institu¬ yond the student's the beginning of the Spring beginning freshmen, transfer stu¬ JACOBSON, WHO RECEIVED control. tions. semester and the dents If auditorium and people, who for finan¬ his M.A. from the University of the student has a written should be cial or other reasons are not able "MORAVIAN COLLEGE STU- excuse from completed shortly after Colorado, is currently pursuing the Dean of Men or that date." to do dents will be admitted full-time study are being only for his Ph.D. at the University of Women, the instructor may, at his special reasons with the SCHEDULED PLANS NOW given. However, a few upperclass written Denver. He is assistant professor discretion, give the excused stu¬ courses are approval of the Dean of the Col¬ dent a call for an interior decorator to planned for graduates in speech and drama. make-up test or waive the or more lege," test meet with representatives of the advanced students," Ty¬ Tyler said. Woosley who received his B.A. and compute the student's ler added. The tuition College Union to discuss and ar¬ per credit hour is from Wake Forest College and average without regard to it. Ab¬ sences range for the styling of both the The courses offered are chosen $35 with a registration fee of $5. his B.D. and his Th.M. from from unannounced tests If there a are College Union building and of the from the regular college curricu¬ is late registration an Southeastern Baptist Theological handled by the teacher in ac¬ cordance auditorium. lum and are taught by the regular additional fee of $5 will be Seminary. He is assistant profes¬ with his best judgment, charged. The only further cost is sor in Heller added. Woltjen concluded by saying, college faculty. Standards of philosophy, sociology and for textbooks, purchased at the religion. IF 'We hope to established a firm work, and of tests and grading, CONTINUOUS ABSENCES College Bookstore. All fees must Adams will an elationship between the activities are those of the regular session, be instructor in by a student begin to impair his be paid or arranged for before of the auditorium and the College he stated. physics. He received his B.S. from classwork, the problem will be attending the first class. Julliard and Union building." Credit for satisfactory work in is doing graduate brought to the attention of either The list of courses is subject study at Lehigh University. the Dean of Men or the Dean of to change at the discretion of the Mrs. Severs received her B.S. Women. The student will then be in 57 Named To D college. Other courses from the education from Muhlenberg notified that he has been placed regular College catalogue may be College and her M.A. in English on "Absence Report" and that from added to those listed below if Lehigh University. She is further absences may result in Seven Attain there is an instructor in Hig sufficient demand, Tyler English. (Cont. on p. 4, col. 4) said. Former Dean of Instruction, Marlyn A. Rader, announced that 67 students were named to the Spring, 1961 Dean's Honor List. A grade THE LIST OF COURSES FOR this semester Revised Convocation point average of 3.50 is required provided there are no disciplinary which began Mon¬ Program restrictions. day evening and will run through Bette Ann Dickman, Beth Freu- January will include SEVEN STUDENTS RECEIVED principles Lowers Attendance of Requisite denberger, Stephen Gasper, Helen accounting, principles of econ¬ straight A's for the marking per¬ A new convocation Georgeou, Carole Hall, Carol Her¬ system has been instituted for the college year iod. omics, English composition, pub¬ They are Sandra Elliott, Cyn¬ 1961-62, Charles Canning, student chairman of the Convocation man, Barbara Hooper, Karla Kem- lic Com¬ thia Geiman speaking, elementary French, Gohdes, Barbara Sen- mittee, announced this week. "The new system will allow more liberal merer, Connie Lochhead, Carol survey of western neca and Ronald civilization, his¬ Stupak, seniors; attendance since only three secular convocations in Johnston Hall are Lohman, John Minor, Faith Mong, tory of the United States, intro¬ Andrea Fiddleman and Elaine to the required each month," he Sylvia Perkins, Robert Sallash, ductory college mathematics, col¬ convocations Schramm, juniors; and Susan Ber- stated. the following semes¬ John Schlegel, Edward Schultz, lege algebra, analytic ter. ger, a sophomore. geometry THE THIRD WEEK OF EACH Barbara Snyder, Dieter Wentz and and calculus, and introductory Six of the The other required convocations students who attain¬ William month has been assigned to a Yost, juniors. psychology. each semester will be ed a lectures on 3.50 average or above are religious ANGELINE FRESOLI, JEAN Tyler added that whereas the worship which will be Joan religious topics. The remaining Albrecht, Lucy Carl, Edwin Friedman, Susan held in Borhek Chapel. Attend¬ Gares, Elizabeth college expected an enrollment of five programs will consist of lec¬ Czechowski, Thomas ance will be Driscoll, Gergar, Janet Gleva, Terry Har- or completely voluntary. perhaps 35 40 students, the tures on non-religious subjects of Jacob Elliott, Richard Hartzell, lacher, Betty Hicks, Jutta Leheis, actual total enrollment of the Students will be required to at¬ an educational or entertaining na¬ Audrey Heckert, Richard Hoch- Barbara Nagy, Emily Price, Marta evening session is more than dou¬ tend nine of the eleven compul¬ ture. elle, Sandra Kromer, Margaret Roberts, Margaret Stryer, Larry ble that number. sory convocations. Any student THIS YEARS RELIGIOUS McClure, Ronald Narzisi, Earl Unangst and Paul For more Zimmerman, any further information who misses than the allowed program will be directed by the Pfeiffer, Rita Roseman and Leon sophomores. concerning the evening glasses at number cannot compensate' for Religious Life Council, Yezierski, seniors. composed Judith Moravian Bartoe, Neil Clewell, interested persons may his absence by attending the wor¬ of five faculty members and six Jane Albrecht, Francis Amigo, Barbara Finn, D.
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