January, 1928 Mlsa Ila Cdok had as her guest last mek-end, Mlss Almeda Watts, daugh- ter of aaslstant superintendent 0. N. Watts of Newburg,. Mo. Miss Watts Is attending school In Cape Girardeau. KO.- - Mrs. W. C. Smith was called to St. huls account of the ~llnessof her grandmother. She is improving slowly. Miar --Esther -~-.- Rirrdon will .enjoy Christmas twlce as6uch as usual fhfs year. Her brother Gilbert, wife and son are comlng from California to mend the I~olidavs with- home~--- folks i&tie first-time in three years. H. H. JicGarvey has been making reeular trim to the 0steo~athrecent- ij-because 'of a "stiff necli". Understand that the Fort Scott Fris- co club had a very interestlng meeting 0 recently, followed by a dance. Just Institution fm Saving*', watch this Chaffee bunch when they get started. Ranney McDonough is in the hospital at the resent. We hoae he does not hivr~tn-remnln..~~ --.-. over. - the holidavs. en--~rieshaber, operator, has pur- chased a new home on Parker Avenue. Merca Watch out Ben 1928 is Leap Year! Kmdrrf&/ Mrs. W. E. ~ukesshas been In Chaf- R-m&fr f&-iookin~aftkrtheirpro$rty. Mr. CIOHTH AND LOCUST Burgess Is confined to the hospital with SAINT LOUIS typEoid fever. The Phnmber- ~~ - - of Commerce recently lnstailed a bill boafd near the ~riscb statlon at this point whlch presents a very attractive appearance. It Is In the shape of the Frisco emblem, and gives a short synopsis of ChaPfee, and its maln industries. Walter Irvln is the name selected for the son born on November 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Buck Smith of thls city. The bov who wefghs eleven pounds, is the fee have gone to Florida for a few wired our bfr. Buesse to furnlsh a tICk- niiih son and fourteenth child In the weeks vlsit wlth relatives. et to a lady at Bartlesvllle. Okla.. th4 family. Mr. Smith Is a conductor for A. Terry has returned to River dlvl- ticket to be routed Santa Fe to Tulsa. thr... - PdsFn.. - - - . sfon as roadmaster. He has been sup- Frlsco to Birmingham, Southern to Mlss Rosella Tincher of this city and ervlalng the rall laying on Northern Jacksonville. Atlantic Coast Line to Samuel B. Elder of Villa Grove. Ill.. Bivlslon. Sarasota. Xr. Buesse and J. W. James. gave their friends a sur rise by being F. W. Rleck. roadmsster, visited executive general agent, Tulsa, declded marrled on November %B at Benton, relatives In St. James. Mo., for several that since the lady did not wlsh to ac- Missouri. Mr. Elder Is a fireman for days. cept a prepaid order ticket from the the C. & E. I.. with Chaffee as his "lay- J. H. Davenport Is now foreman of Santa Fe, we would arrange to have over". Cape yards at Cape Qirardeau, Mo. the ticket delivered personally by a The employeS of the Frisco who have His family will 3oln hlm there In the Frisco man. In line wlth thls arrange- cars are taking qulte an interest in the near future. ment Mr. Buesse went to Bartlesvllle fight that is belnp made In thls com- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davls. Neelys. and dellvered the tlcket to the lady munlty for the State Hlghway No. 61 Ho have returned from a vlslt with and accompanied her as far as Tulsa, to come through Chaffee or through ~r:'Davis' parents. where he had arranged to protect the Sikeston. Mlssourf. Isaac Comley. Clarkton. Mo.. rpent connection between the 5:85 P. M. Sari- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mumma are now hls vacation at Greensbury, Ind. ta Fe and Frisco No. 6, whlch Is due at home to their frlends on 436 West George Koonta, son of our dlvlsion out of Tulsa at 6:30 P. M. The writer Davidson Avenue, havlng bought this enaineer, has been elected captaln for believes that little courtesies and acts property. 1928 of the basketball team at Central of servlce, of this klnd. will do much FREIGIHT HOUSE Hlgh School. Fort Worth, Texas. toward increasing business for the Mrs. Leo Lane and daughter have re- Robert Davidson and famil of Frisco as they wlll Invariably leave a turned from a visit to her parents in Keiser, Ark., are vislting at ~ilgley, lasting impression on the patron's Advance. 310. Tenn.- - .. - .- mlnd, and will tend to make a Frisco Joe Huber. Jr.. Is again on the job A epur track has been constructed booster of each and every one of bur after a severe case of tonsllitis. to serve the Kelso Oil Company at passengers. We compliment Mr. James J. G. Sarius Is in Brlghton. Illinois. Glrardeau. and Mr. Buesse for their thoughtful- with hls father. who Is very 111. ness. For Sale: All garden produce. Grov- At last Tulsa is assured of a union er Whlte has become one our fast farm- station. On Tuesday, December 6, the ers. He moved to the farm one Sun- ( SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION I proposition was put up to the voters day and moved back to town on the for a decision and the plan carrled next Sunday. seventeen to one. We feel that the We were glad to have Gilbert "Doby" voters displayed a mighty flne spirlt in McCutcheon with us on December 14. CITY TICKET OFFICE "Doby" was pard clerk here for several TULSA, OKLA. supporting the station bonds, for it years. He Is now traveling frefght wlll mean a great deal to the city. sollcitor for the Western Maryland PHIL. F. ATKINSON. Reporter The new Unlon Statlon wlll glve pas- Rallway. with headauarters in Memphls, sengers n better impression of Tulsa After an illness of almost three than In the past. It Is expected that weeks P. E. Buesse. passenger agent. work on the vladucts over Main street has returned to work. All the boys in and Cincinnati avenue, together wlth the office were pleased to see him re- the lowerlng of the tracks, will begin turn. early next Spring. 8babi-dnhghter -boG to Mr. and Mrs. The Frisco did a nlce business to Edward Dunn on November 19. Chlcago account of the American Pe- MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Christmas will be over by the time troleum Institute. We used extra OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. thls edition of the Magazine Is pub- equipment on Train No. 4 on both -llshrrl .- .. - -. but here's hoplng you had a December 3 and 4 and followed It up ARTHUR D. MINICK, Reporter wonde rful time, lots of presents n'ever- with a special train of the very latest thlng. equipment on December 5. The special If other polnts on the Southwestern traln consisted of elght cars: Five division are making as good a record OFPICE OF B. & 8. AND MAIN- standard Pullmans, one observatlon as we are In havlng few accidents. I am sleeper, one club car and one dlner. of the opinion that the cup wlll stay TENANCE OF WAY Leo Rove110 vislted friends end rela- wlth us for some time to come. CHAFFEE, MO. tlves at Oklahoma City recently. Bob Francls, road foreman of equip- The writer recently hunted qua11 ment, has returned from Mexlco where EVA WRAY, Reporter with frlends near his home in Kansas. he hunted wild game. He killed two We believe the following act of cour- deer. He purchaped a live one from a w, .lI. Alsobrook and gang are build- tesy and service deserves mention. On rancher, to present it to the city ZOO. new wrater tank at Leachville Ark. December 9 the passenger agent of the The wrlter wishes a happy New Year to fellow employes, and all employes Mr. Emd Mrs. T. W. ~argrave'of. Chaf- Atlantic Coast Line at Sarasota, Fla., at Oklahoma City extend thls greeting celved a wayblll, going to the Unlrer- ginning of a new year's work. mar all I to every Frlsco employe. sal Carloading Dlstrlbutors Con~pany. of us unite our efforts to make t;his It has been a successful year for the fifty-one Inches in length. Lots of nlce the most progressive rear In Fri sco Frlsco Magazine and may it be larger business but Mary Jenkins says when history. The Oklahoma City chap~ter and better thls year. Let's all get to- you are the expense clerk it's also lots extends its heartiest wishes for a rnlost gether and make this an outstanding of work. prosperous New Year to all fellow i rm- feature. W. E. Rust, chief clerk to agent, has ployes. Grorer A. Slemp, Areman. is at St. a new Essex coupe. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. W. M. Fitch has been asbla n ed Louis hospltal account sickness. Rust and son Juniof, motored to Afton position as assistant clty ticket ng ent Jack W. Murphy. fireman, was called December I. and cashier at Oklahoma City. Bef 'ore to Montgomery; Ala., recently account The jobs of C. E. Parker. accountant, comine here Air. Fltch was cashier at 8 death of sister. and Charles L. Thomas, rate clerk, wlll ~apulKa. be discontlnued January 1, and they Mr. J. K. Ollver, traveling passen fier TULSA FREIGHT OFFICE have been given the option of going agent at Memphis, and ivlrs. 011ver TULSA, OKLA. into the Tulsa accounting zone. were Oklahoma City visltors Ndvern ber Mrs. Lon I. Burd, wife of the assis- 25th and 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Oli ver cant warehouse foreman, and her son MARY JENKINS, Reporter were former residents of Oklahcma Ralph, who is a student of 0. U. at City and s heart). welcome alwan Norman, spent Thanksgiving Day at awaits them here.
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