CHURCH HEARS COMPLETIOH: CHAPEL PLAHS DRAWH BISHOP TIEF OF CONCORDIA, KANS., RESIGNS SEE ............ ' ............................................ ....... I ■ i ' ' Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1938—Permission to Reproduce, Excepting on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Isstue As Qallagher Memorial Chapel Will Appear $40,000 Sanctuary and SinKing Tower Will Honor Memory of Famous Reddy Gallagher, Sports Leader. DEN VER CATHOLIC ^ - ''' .Will Reside at St. REGISTER Priest Designs Edi­ Mary’s Hospital, The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have fice ; Memorial De­ Hartford, Conn. Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. tails Listed GIVEN TITULAR VOL. XXXIII. No. 45. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1938. $2 PER YEAR GALLAGHER GIFT CHARGE IN ASIA OF RARE BEAUTY New; St. Theresa^s Church at Frederick Concordia, Kans. — (Spe­ A new $5,500 church at cial)— Official acceptance of Frederick, Weld county, will the resignation of His Excel­ lency, the Most Rev. Francis be completed in three weeks J. Tief, as Bishop of Concor­ 'v ^ J .Ji r > s'" ^ "S'S ^ ^ i \ e ^ ■' --r- * and plans have been drawn dia, owing to continued ill for the Gallagher Memorial health for the past few chapel in Mt. Olivet ceme­ years, has just been received tery, the diocesan Chancery from the Holy See through office announced this week. the Apostolic Delegation. His Both buildings have unusual Excellency has been assigned to features. Construction of the the Titular See of Nisa. This see, $40,000 chapel should be com­ in Lycia, Southern Asia Minor, was pleted by fall. Fr. Lilly and Companion Address Total of 3,000 at Brighton the see of the Most Rev. Thomas The new St. Theresa’s church at H. McLaughlin, Bishop of Pater­ Frederick is being completed un­ son, N. J., while he served as Aux­ der the direction of the Rev. James n j iliary Bishop of Newark. Mahrer, O.S.B. It was designed by Burning Klan Cross Would Announcement concerning his Father James personally. Freder­ tendered resignation, which was ick is a mission served from St. made by Bishop Tief to his John the Baptist’s church, Long­ to his priests and religious at the mont, where the Rev. Justin Mc- Save Light Bill, Says Priest priests’ retreat early in June, Keman, O.S.B., is pastor. It is 14 came as a sad message to all who miles from Longmont. Another (Turn to Page It — Column i) mission, the Guardian • Angel The Rev. Joseph Lilly, C.M., something on- our electric bill.” this week in Akron, where the church at Mead, also in Weld gave a classic answer to the Ques­ The cross was not burned. Rev. William Coyne is pastor. V I. county, is likewise taken care of tion, “What would you do if the Father Lilly, together with the Well over a hundred persons are i i' by Father James. Klan burned a cross at your meet­ Rev. Edward Leyden, subdeacon attending the nightly lectures. The new church in Frederick ing?” proposed at one of the out­ of St. Thomas’ seminary, ad­ According to reports, the crowd Registorials represents something novel in the door meetings being conducted in dressed more than 3,000 persons is very courteous to the speakers way of exterior finish. It is a stucco Brighton last week in connection in the one-week Brighton stand. and shows intense interest in the building, but the stucco is touched with the street preaching mission A total of 81 Questions was an­ teachings of the Church that are up in a way to look like brick. T^e in the town. “We thought that swered in the five nights of th ixpounded at the lectures. Al­ WARS AND MILLIONS H/ though some of the Questions are AND OTHER THINGS eRecl is said to be quite pleasing. the Klan was dead and buried,” mission, v/hich was conducted in The sanctuary of the church will Father Lilly replied, “but if it is one of the town’s squares. In­ Sff the Maria Monk variety, there The attempt o'f political forces be finished in' liturgical style, with still alive and active in Brighton, cluded among the queries wese the is no prejudice shown in the re­ in Great Britain to throw that a draped altar.’The people of the the members may burn a cross at following: “Why don’t you take ception of the answers. country into war on behalf of the PRIEST STUDYING HERE coal mining community are proud our meeting if they wish to; it up a collection, every night? All Second Band 'I« Leftist government in Spain has of their new church. The old would add brilliancy to the meet­ the rest do.” “Was Jesus a revo­ occupied the anxious attention of p t s T church was torn down. ing and we would be able to save lutionary?” VWhy is Commu­ Begins Lectures world statesmen this week. Prime nism against tall religions and The Rev. Arthur Lucy, recently Minister Neville Chamberlain, who A drawing of -the Gallagher Churches?” “Do you believe that ordained, and the Rev. Francis HAS STRIKING CAREER Memorial chapel by the architect, represents the cooler thought of MAGOR WINS Martin Luther is in hell?” Bottler, subdeacon from St. the nation, has up to this writ­ ID VISIT HIT John K. Monroe, appeacs on this About 750 pieces of Catholic Thomas’ seminary, began a week’s ing successfully ridden the storm. page of the Denver Catholic Regis­ literature were distributed. Two street preaching mission in Keens- Ability of a high order as col­ esan directory of the Confraternity ter, The building, which will be ANOTHER PRIZE If his government were to fall lege teacher, auHior, and diocesan of Christian Doctrine to prepare a non-Catholics made application for burg Monday. An average of 200 situated in the west end of the the free correspondence courses in persons is attending th« lectures. or wire to intervene in the Spanish dmector ,pf Catholic Action marks text for the use of Catholic high cemetery in. a section fo he de­ Second place in thc-contest con­ war, a general European ?onTlict the activities since ordination of school students that would em­ religion cohauc'teff' by Kenrick Fifteen .questions were asked the III MiLim. iiy veloped this summer, will be sur­ ducted by the Ladies’ auxiliary to seminary, St. Louis, Mo. first two nights. ,Tio speakers re­ would^ result. Stupid .Anthony Eflen the Rev. FerdinAnd C. Falque, who body a positive presentation of mounted by a singing tower. On the Veterans of Foreign Wars in and crackpot old David Lloyd is studying this summer at the basic truths of dogma in cor­ Father Lilly and his companion port that the crowd is friendly George are involved in the attempt both sides of the structure will be public and parochial high schools are engaging in street preaching and interested. The Rev. Achille Somtnaruga, the Register college of journal­ relation with the student’s general the new priests’ and sisters’ plots, throughout the state has been to involve their nation in the war. ism in Denver. Father Falque is learning and present-day trends If they succeed, it may easily mean pastor of St. Patrick’s church, where those who have devoted awarded to Robert Magor, June preparing for newspaper work in in pedagogy. His text, Catkblic their lives to religion will be graduate of Annunciation high the end of Great Britain as a lead­ Denver, will leave Wednesday, the Diocese of St. Cloud, Minn. Truth in Survey, in'two volumes, ing power. Lloyd George, instead buried. According to present plans, scliool. A cash prize and medal July 6, for a visit to his home His organization of Catholic has been published by Benziger uniform markers will be used on will be given Robert in the near ABBOT IGNATIUS ESSER of trying to create new wars, should in Milan, Italy, to see his father Bros, of New York and has at­ be examining his conscience about Action in that diocese has won the graves to make the section one future at one of the auxiliary and other relatives. It will be him nation-wide attention. In the tained a wide use in many dioceses of the most beautiful at Mt. Olivet. meetings. The youth won first the miserable peace treaty that the first time in five years that program desired by the Most of tne country. Besides this work place in the state in May for his followed the World war and father and son have seen each he is the author-of a French read­ The chapel, which is in effect a IS COLORADO VISITOR Rev. Joseph F. Busch, Bishop of church sanctuary, will be of pink essay in the air mail contest, brought the dose of totalitarianism other, since Father Sommaruga’s St. Cloud, Father Falque was ing test and hs^s been a freQuent “Wings Across America,” and re­ in its wake. Great Britain is not last visit to his native Italy in contributor to national Catholic Colorado granite. The interior given charge of the three confra­ ceived a trip by air to Washington. The Rt. Rev. Ignatius Esser, 0. a summer course in the Register prepared at present for .a major 1933. Father Sommarufea’s mother, ternities established in the dio­ periodicals. ( Tum to Page 4 — Column 4') The subject of the auxiliary conflict and is far from prepared still living at the time of his last S. B., Abbot of St.
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