PAGES 1 TO 8 FHE OMAHA DAILY H ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAIIA , WEDNESDAY MORNliNG , SEPTEMBEll 21 , 1808-SIXTJ313N PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. fornln and which will be hatched out carlj- fort. Ho proceeded directly to the hosplta THEY ALL CRY FOR BRYAN THE BEE BULLETIN , FIGURES DO SOT LIE COMING FOR TOE BEE In October. These eggs are about the size and , Introducing ljlltl ijfIL Major Davis of a small | ea and a black spot on cad the United States ntfl iReon In chargi- Weather Forecast for Nebraska * , Bouth Winds.- . Indicates the head of embryo fish , while of the hospital , Vm that he hai Cloud Vnrl.ible the Infanf Page. a line of film shows what will sometime como to make an I'jW B of the Instltu- Nebraska Popocrata Appeal to the Boy . Amicable Adjustment of Peace Terms ii f 1 The llecS liny nt the ipoKltlon.- Nebraska Show Popocratio : bo a fish. bo to pay jC to the patlenti Iccords of Popular Excursion to tbo Exposition Undo The fry will about three- tlon and blsKSJ Oratorio Gome Homo. AVorli tit ( InCuliiiit ConinilaMlon. quarters of an Inch long when they are Anticipated in Havana , and thoeo In chariB| B president care- Colonel Itrjmi Will IlculKn- . Campaign Oironlars Do as a Rule. Management of This Paper , latched. Superintendent Conway has fully Injected "' JSWn > nd examinee .llnyvtnrd Flit } * the Popocrnt * . shipped E.OOO black spotted trout , whlct the food supplied t? jYnospltal patients 0 UlulTK Local * . THEY NEED HIM BADLY IN THE CAMPAIGN Council Matter been exposition WORK WILL BE COMPLETED WITHIN A MONT- Xew * , lave hatched during the Ho expressed hlmwSfeMtell satisfied will liMtn iniil Comment FALSITY OF FUSION CLAIMS EXPOSED THOUSANDS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF II to the state hatcheries at South Bend. the arrangementsJBBfe.ff0' caring for th 7elirn lu NCUN , > sick , but deslredl 'ilVo understood tha MlrrhiK l"p the trn Scnndnl. ( ; : UcinoHthcttcN of 1'lnttc U Itching . DAY FOII fHrnlth * Arc Im- < for nothing the 8 .11 in mill ; 1'nolflc KiprcH * Condition Somewhat the patients *jjjSlft tha ami1- lllll tin * 'udgo Haywanl Mercilessly Dissects the Liberal Hates of Tare and Most Gencroui proved , hut Simnlfid Siilillcrn Die would Imorovc Hjndltlon or rendc to Take the Stump Asrnln It ) Mpnrtlnur Kit n tn of u Day. United Stnten Set * nt IIU- the Pnee tin VI11 Soon ThrouUp Hawaiian ComniNNlnn nt Work. , < * Unto Fifty-Three 1'cr- them mor- House Joker is Provided , Kx . nt the nf Little State Entertainment | illon. Coiuu > HUM * Tow tit The United States senators and congress liny Yellow Fever Cn e . ltiloii. 11 l.cj ci Tnke tlu o.sncoxivs ouunus c Iiiunnn Itnniinct Omnium * . men who were scheduled to assist In thi ( HcccptlDii A ft * Ccrvcrn.- . 'mil nit ECONOMY THAT IS REALLY EXTRAVAGANCE IOWA DAY CELEBRATION COMES TODA- celebration of Government day nt the expo'- ) Aflnlr * nt .South Omaha. 1S9S Co. Miml- LINCOLN , Sept. 20. ( Special Telegram. nro busily employed oi (Copyright , , by Press Publishing Cavalry tin to Fort , sltlon apparently Willet , Governor Holcomb gone to Washing- mill Comment Ne- HAVANA , Sept. 20. ( Now York Worli no I'lrM L'oiiteinplntril has Udltorlnl home , for none of them outside ot the < ) CAMP W1KOFF , N. Y. , Sept. 20. Th ton , It Is Baltl , on the earnest solicitation lit Hi"l Itcccnt Piilillcntlnnii braska members appeared. Consequent ! ) Cablegram Special Tclegfam. Materla Mof * Boasts of Saving Merely Dover Tip the VHawkeyes Prepare to Make a Tremendoui cavalry which was ti- of popocratlc leaders , who are feeling Omaha School Open for tin- Year merelj- evidence the Spanish government Ninth under orders the the exercises of the day possessed that go of I.IIIIK ami Miorl Men Identified. , Captalri go to Huntsvlllo will to Fort Grant desperate over the condition the fusion Results of Incompetonoy. Demonstration at the Grounds a local significance , congressional partj which Is guided entirely by Genera 1 the , to , ono campaign to get reg- ¬ l Commercial mill Financial Noun. , adjustmeu- Ariz. relieve the Seventh of th and dcslro the Third being limited to the two Nebraska senator : Blanco anticipates an amicable 10 " Is by ship regiments which did not leave its horn iment mustered out so Bryan can help tc Chlnce- and Congressman Mercer , who were ac- of the terms of peace afforded the post during the war. Batteries A and J stump the state. FRUITS OF THE GENERAL PROSPERITY FORMAL EXERCISES AT THE AUDITORIUN , nient today ot moro than 400 cases contain- compnnled by Rev. W. H. Mllburn thi ; Uiiinluit- Ing to of the Second artillery left camp todn KANSAS CITY , Sept. 20. A special tc Tenipcrntnrc nt blind chaplain of the senate , C. H. Blrtle documents relating the administrate Hour. Dew. Hour. DPK ot government Cuba by Spain. Thcs by the Long Island railroad for Annlston the Star from Jacksonville , Fla. , says : Col- superintendent of public documents , nnd E- the of hj- The Twenty-fourth Infantry has had It onel William J. Bryan of the Third Nebraska People Moro Ahle to UIchnrKC Thrlr- mid AildreNNCN ot Welcome C. Snyder , private secretary to Scnatoi- documents relate to the military and clvl ' changed , owing to the discovery tha his commis- , government up to 'thrco months ago. Genera orders volunteers will shortly resign to mill There- ¬ Vrculilent nnd Governor Followed Thurston. regl- UhllKntloiiH the Stale given to department Fort Douglass In Utah Is only a halt sion In the United States army and resume ; ConKre innu But the presence of n few senators mon Blanco has orders all fore Popocrnt * Clntiu to llaie"- Itf tin Eloiincut for the Immediate preparation of Inventorle- ment post and cannot accommodate th the discussion of public questions. This or less seemed to have no Influence. 01 rcgl- , CouMlnn Tip toll. th- whole regiment. Therefore half the statement Is not made upon the authority ol Mmlc" Moro Pnlillc Money. from peoples who to see exposltloi to all the property of the kingdom on the wanted the will go as originally ordered am , ex- Island. The work will bo completed wlthli- ment Colonel Bryan however. When asked to and the crowd at least fulfilled all expectat- half will go to a station In Ar- press , .ill o the other hltns'Mf on questions ot public Interest lons. Only a small proportion of the vlsl- a month by which time the articles , < t7' ! Izona. ho said : "You can say 1 refuse to dis- Ailmlnnlon Yetcrday 18 agreement for the withdrawn of the Spanls that , Sept. 20. ( Special. ) At th Total : tors attended exercises , they LINCOLN : ,: n the but pourei The Second cavalry has been ordered t cuss any matters connected with politics TODAY AT : UM'OSITtONI- Total to Date iiJ8 through the buildings and over the ground forces will bo ready for the signatures of th Till republican county convention thla afternoon move , thus countermanding the orders as- the army or myself , except I BCO nt by two governments. that Judge addressed the delegates and excursion has been or- thousands. Even a very limited minor- signing It to Fort Meade , S. I) reason to change views In U IMVII Day. The popular that General Bcnabe , military sanitary In- the regard spectators for nn hour, taking for his text will bring thousands o Ity was sufllclcnt to furnish a very com The hospital now contains 515 men. Man expanding United 8 n. in. to 10 p. in. , Inillnn Count-en santzed by The Bee spector ot Havana , tells me that the physlcn the territory of the States campaign circular recently Issued by exposition crowd dur- pllmentary audience to speakers of thi beyond hope and for the ncx I be- lit the Kiienniimient.- . the visitors to swell the condition of city Is now I of these are expressed In my Omaha speech made Ho carefully day , and when the ofllclal party arrlvci- the better than man K ) n. in.. Oinnlin Concert Hand n the popocrats ot Nebraska. of the week. The bull ) two weeks It Is feared there will be fore entering upon this army life. " Ing the remainder ha been for years. There are some Auditorium , and mercilessly dissected the claims ot who are thus enabled to sci at the Auditorium at II o'clock they founi deaths , mostly from typhoid- . This Is all Colonel Bryan would say ex- of the visitors lower part cases of yellow fever , but of a very mil llllto it. in., Unttlcnhlp Oreuoi- economy and wlso business management great show at a nominal expense wll the of the house well occupied cept to add : "You might also say that I an the The type. The deaths from all causes nrnon lloeUed nt Government HiilldliiK. made in the document , showing by actual every Indlcatloi exercises were preceded by a shor .Hrnve Men of AVInnlo v. not so camp I wouli- . , arrive today nnd there Is the Spanish troops near the city nverag- the enamored of llfo that 1in. Fire lIorxoH Hitched hy lilee- figures from the records that the economies well toward concert by the Omaha Concert band , and a WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. General ordc- at clos o of war apply for a commlssloi- ) ( ) . that the attendance will reach fiftythree a day and the total deaths , In the rel boasted of are not economics at all, but the speeches were commendably brief , tlv No. 497 , today from Navy depart- p. water mark of July 4. Jlost o eluding , Issued the In the regular army. " - in. Orarnu Iteeltnl lit Auditorium the hlch tbo city and suburbs ninety-three , were cither the result of direct violation ot tin crowd was retained until the close. Th ment , story of the terrible flgh- Is p.
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