NOTES ON SOME DANAID BUTTERFLIES FROM GUANGDONG AND HAINAN (LEPIDOPTERA: RHOPALOCERA) OKANOMasao and OKANOTetsuo In recent years, the knowledge on the. Danaid fauna of South’East Asia has bee・・em・・k・bly・d・qnced by M・RlsHITA(1977・1981).・.h・W・ve・・中・・e・till・erP・i・ some questions on the fauna ot the Tnainland of China apd .. the . island of Hainap. In this small paper we add a fqw novelties to several species of Danaidae from Guangdong (=Kwantung) and Hainan. Before goirig further we・wish to express our hearty thanks to Dr. T. SHiROzu for his kindness rendered in various ways; thanks are also’ due to-Mr. S. KolwAyA, Mr. S. KAMMuRI and T. SuzuKI for their assistance in securing materials, Ideopsis vulgaris contigua (TALBoT, 1939,) (PL 1,’ figs. 1, 5, 9) Danaus vulgaris: TALBoT, 1943: 147. Hainan. Dana”s vulgaris: TALBoT, 1947: 52. Hainan. Radena vulgaris contig. ua: MoRi$mTA, 1970: 68, .Hainan. ldeopsis vulgaris conti’ №浮=F MQRiSmTA, 1981: 504, 505. Hainan. Guangzhou, Guangdong:.2 9, August, 1980. This is the first record of the species from the continent of China and the northernmost record of the distribution of the species. M6reover, we have examined the following Hainan specimens. Tiaomengshan, Hainan: 1 6 1 9, December, 1980. Hainan: 2 6 2 9, January, 1981.・ Euploea sylvester hopei C. & R. FELDER,一 1865 (Pl. 2, figs. 1, 5, 6) Euploea (StictoPloea) harrisi bin’otata: JoicEy & TALBoT, 1924: 536. 2 6 2 9, Hainan.’ E”ploea (Stictoplbea) dufresne hopei: HuLsTAERT, 1931: 138. Hainan. Euploea sylvestor [sic]: SmR6zu, 1960: 118, text-fig. 146. S. China; Hainan. Tiaomepgshan, Hainan: 2 S, November, 1980. 1) Laboratory of .Biology, College of Humanities and Social・Scienses, lwate Univereity. 2) Laboratory of Silviculture. Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University. ’ 142 Artes Liberales No.37, 1985 1・thi・$ρゆ←n㌻h・f・t・wi・9 P・stdi串cal・p・t$,・・e.・educed tO tw・・n…nth。 upper surface. ’ D .. . .1. i., Jo1cEy & TApBoT (19,2,’.4) recorded・ two lnales and two fe;pales of the subspecies by the name. of binbtat4.(a Synonym.of hopeのfrom Hainan}and SHIR6zu(1960) figured the distribution map of the species extending to S. Chi’na and Hainan, but MORIsHITA. (1977, 1981).omitted these districts from the range of the species. Euploea tglliolus hainana (HOLLAND, 1887) (Pl. I l figs. 2-4, 6-8, 6 9) Ca.lliploea ledereri var. hainana HoLLAND, 1887: 113. 6 9, Hainan. Euploea dehaani minorata: FRuHsToRFER (nec MooRE), 1910: 262. Hainan. Euploea (Salpinx) deha’ani hainana: JoicEy & TALBoT, 1924: 537. 21 6 5 9, Hainan. Euploea dehaanit hainana: HuLsTAERT, 1931:’ 165. Hainan. Salpinx dehaanii hainana: BRyK, 1937: 378. Hainan. EupJoea tulliolus:SHIR6zu,1960=117, text・fig.144,[S. China;.Hainanコ. Euploea tulliolus hainana: MoRisHiTA, 1977: 43. Hainan. Euploea tulliolus hainana: MoRismTA, 1981; 580. Hainan. Tiaomengshan, Hainan: 1 6 2 9, November, 1980; 2 6 3 9, December, 1980; 1 6 1 9, January. Hainan: 2 6 2 9, January, 1981; 1 9, February, 1981; 1 6, March, 1981. fylORISHITA (1977) says, “subsp, hainana is similar to subsp. dehaani, but the spots are wanting around the forewing cell”. ln the specimens of hainana mentioned above, however, the forewing is marked with a distal cell spot and from two to five postdiscal spots on the upper surface. The Hainan specimens are almost identical with those of dehaani from S. Vietnam figured by MORIsHITA (1970, 1977) except the slightly smaller submarginal spots, but can not be separable from those from N. E.・Thailand figured by PINRATANA (1977) under the name of dehaani. Consequently we have some doubts about the subspecific separation between dehaani and hainana. Euploea klugii minorata (MooRE, 1878) (Pl. 2, figs. 2-4, 6-8,. 6 9) Salpinx minorata MooRE, 1878: 695. 6, Hainan. SaFPinx nggleyana Ho-AND, 1887: 112, pl. 1, fig. 2, 6. 6 g, Hainan. Euploea leucostic(os negleyana: FBuHsToRFER, 1910: 262. Hainan. EupJoea leucostictos negleyana f. leucostictina’ eRuHsToRFER, ’1911: 277. Euploea (Salpinx) le”costictos ininorata: JoicEy & TALBoT, 1924.: 537. 9 6 6 9, Hainan. Euploea. (Salpinx) leucostictos minorata f. lqucostictina: JoicEy & TALBoT, 1924: 537. Hainan. Euploea (Salpinx) leucostictos minorata: HuLsTAERT, 1931: 165. Hainan. Euploea (Salpinx) leucostictos minorata f. leucostictina: HuLsTAERT, 1931: 165. Hainan. OKANo. M. & T.: Notes on some Danaid butterflies 143 , Salpinx leucostictos negleyana: BRyK;’ 1937: 401. Hainan. Salptnx leucostictos negleyana f. leucostictina: BRyK, 1937: 401. Hainan.’ Euploea klugii minoratq: MoRisHiTA, 1977: 49. Hainan. EuPloea klugii minorata: MoBisHiTA, 1981: 591. ? S. E. China; Hainan. Guangzhou, Guangdong,.2 6, July, 1980.・ ” 一 ・. This is probably the first record of E. lelugii from the continent of China. Moreover, we have examined the following Hainan specimens. Tiaomengshan, Hainan; 4 9, Noverhber, 1980; 3 6, December, 1980. Hainan: 1 6 3 9, January, 1981; 2 6 1 9, February, 1981. In the specimens of subsp. minorata mentioned above, the forewing is.marked with a distal cell spot and from three to five postdiscal spots besides two rows of submarginal and antemarginal spots. AmQng. our specimens we couid not’ @find f. leucostictina. 1 @ ・・}.,=≡、n,髄醒ρL 隔rA,」1. ’蝋』 ?, 〜 2 黶D .,..,/’.’””/’t’lii;“””tE’F;::;Xr:v’.’,,・..,.,.,,. ....., 1き 甑,, .灘 Fig.1. Male genitalia of Eゆ10θαん1錫gだ吻norata. Fig. 2.’ Male genitalia of EnPIQea. leucostictqs hobsoni. Male genitalia of E. lelugii (text-fig. 1).are similar・to those of E. Ieucostictos (text-fig,2), but the phallus is more strongly .bent as MoRlsHITA(1977) has already D .,..’ Artes Libgrales .・ ・’ ・ No.37, 1985 144 ’@’ D. pointed out. Moreover, the saccuS is much.shorter than . the valva, .・while’in leucostictos both the ’orgqrts are nearly equal ・in length. References BRyK. F. 1937. Danaidae 1. ln BRyK, F., Lepidopterorum Catalogus, 78. CRowLEy, F.. 1900. On.the, btitterflies collected by the late Mr. JoHN WmTEHEAD in the interior of the island 6f Hainan..Proc. Zool. $oc. ’Lond., 1900: 505-5;1, pl. ’35. FRuHsToRFER, H. 1910-1911. Danaidae. ln SEiTz, A., Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde,’9: 191-284. pls. 74-86. HopLAND, W. J, 1887. Notes upon a small collectiop of Rhopalocer’ =@made by Rev. B.C. 聖駕盤i写糊。㍗i1臨iご麗e ptio平sof some apPr「en‘’y neW spec’es・ HuLsTAERT, R.P. G. 1931. Lepiddptera Rhopalocera Fam. Danaidae Subfam. ’ canainae&’ Tellervinae. ln WyTsMAN, P., Genera lnsectorum, 193. JoicEy, J.J. &TALBoT, G. 1924. A catalogue of’ the Lepidoptera of Hainan, 1. Bull. Hill Mus., .1: 514-538, 1 map. ’MooRE, F. 1878. List of Lepidopterous insects.collected by the !ate R. SwiN’HoE in the island of Hainan. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878: 695=708.. MoRisHiTA, K. 1970. The Danaid butterflies of South Viet-Nam. Trans. Lep. Soc. Jap., 21 (3/4): 62-71. ’ MoRisHiTA, K. 1977. The genus EuPloea in the Orient (Lepidoptera: Danaidae). Acta Rho- palocerologica, 2. . .., . MORD.iSH hTAA,一AK.・ 1?81・一Pa」nAaAidag・ lp’ TSUKADA, E., Butterflies of the South East Asian lslands, 2: 439-598, pls. 85-1,62. PiNRATANA, A. 1977. Butterflies in Thailand, 1. Papilionidae and Danaidae, revised edition. SmR6zu, T. 1960. Butterflies of Formosa in Colour. Danaidae: 99-120, pls. 28-32. TALBoT, G. 1939. Danaus aventina (CRAM.) and D. vulgalis (BumL.) (Lep. Dtinaidae). Entomologist, 72: 288-291. TALBoT, G. 1943. Revisional notes on the gehus Danaus KLvK (Lep. Danaidae). Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. Lopd., 93: 115-148. TALBoT, G. 1947. The Faupa of.British lndia, incltidi’ng Ceylgn and Burma, 2. Danaidae: 1- 106. ’ ’ OKANo, M. & T.: Notes on some Danaid butterflies 145 Explanation of Plates Plate 1. ( × 4/5) Fig. Ideopsis vzalgaris contigua TALBoT, 9. Guan’ №嘯?ou, Guangdong, August, 1980. ー2345678コ Fig. December, 1980. ぴ Euploea tullioJtts hainana HoL・LAND, 6. Tiaomengshan, Hainan, Fig. December, 1980. Euploea tulliol”s hainana HoLLAND, 6. Tiaomengshan, Hainan, Fig. December, 1980. Euploea tulliolus hainana HoLLAND,・ 9. Tiaomengshan, Hainan, Fig. コ Underside of fig. 1. Fig. リ Underside of fig. 2. Fig. Underside of fig. 3. ロ Fig. サ Underside of fig. 4. Plate 2. ( × 2/3) Fig. 1. Euploea sylvester hoPei C. & R. F肌DER,♂,Tiaomengshan, Hainan, November, 1980. Fig. 6. Guangzhou, Guangdong, July, 1980. 2345678ロ コ り の コ ゆEuploea klugii minorata .MooRE, Eig. Euploea kJugii minorata MooRE, 6. Tiaomengshan, Hainan, December, 1980. Fig. Euploea lelugii minorata MooRE, 9. Tiaomengshan, Hainan, January, 1981. Fig. Underside of fig. 1.. Fig. Underside of fig. 2. Fig. Underside of fig. 3. Fig. Underside of fig. 4. OKANo. M. & T.’ Notes on some Danaid butterflies Plate 1 ∵ 声 圭 峯・ i’S e, 繁 縷 Gge hS? n di 禽謙 e・ tt 燥`。 穐二遮彗,h 譲’ 羅 鷲 罪 な 。 ぺ~叡1配ytp… .。:sご 欝異物華㌶脇嬬阿無ノ5譲∴’s、 bKANo, M. & T.’ Notes on some Danaid butterflies Plate 2 i/巨Se 峯 5 intlx,/W/ .鳩 @ @ @ @ a 馨 距 “ 驚 繧ま: !ξ饗 ,・ R “” 7 i4ee. 禁藩騰熟継ナ鷲鰯セご葵i、,・轟 響㍉撫ナで・∴バ欝・〆.
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