8 NATIONAL LIST OF INVASIVENOTICE SPECIES 3: IN TERMS SECTION 70(1)(A) No. 37886 2014 AUGUST GAZETTE,1 GOVERNMENT "exemptedIn this Notice for and an existingwhere elsewhere plantation" referred means to a in plantation this Govemment which existed Notice: when this Notice comes into effect, is exempted from requiring a permit for any restrictedactivity in terms of the Act or the This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, 2014, if such plantation is authorised in terms of section 22(1)(a) or (b) of the National Water Act, 1998 (ActNo. 36 of 1998); and 2013).List"urban 1: National area" means list of the Invasive area within Terrestrial the proclaimed and Fresh-water urban edge, Plant as delineatedSpecies in the Municipal Spatial Development Framework in terms of the Spatial Land UseManagement Act, 2013 (Act No. 16 of NO. SPECIES COMMON NAME CATEGORY / AREA SCOPEPROVISIONSPROHIBITION OF EXEMPTION OF INSECTION TERMS FROM 71(3)OF THE / 1. Acacia adunca A.Cunn. ex G.Don wattleCascade wattle, Wallangarra la SECTION 71A(1) www.gpwonline.co.za 2. Acacia baileyana F.Muell. Bailey's wattle 1b3 4.5.3. varietiesAcacia decurrensdealbatacyclops and selections A.Cunn. Link Willd. andex G.Don hybrids, GreenSilverRed eye wattle wattle 2 Exempted for an existing plantation. 6. South(AcaciaAcacia Africa) elate terminalis A.Cunn. (Salisb.) ex Benth. misapplied in Pepper tree wattle 1 b 9.8.7. Acacia implexalongifoliafimbriata Benth. A.Cunn.(Andrews) ex Willd. G.Don Long-leavedScrewFringed pod wattle, wattle wattle Brisbane wattle 1la b 11.10. varietiesAcacia melanoxylonmearnsii and selections De Wild. R.Br. and and hybrids, hybrids, AustralianBlack wattle blackwood 2 Exempted for an existing plantation. 402952— B NO. SPECIES COMMON NAME CATEGORY I AREA SCOPEPROVISIONSPROHIBITION OFSECTION EXEMPTION OF INSECTION 71A(1) TERMS FROM 71(3)OF THE I 13.12. Acacia podalyriifoliaparadoxa DC. A.Cunn. (= A. armata ex G.Don R.Br.) wattlePearlKangaroo acacia thorn, Kangaroo 1 ba This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at 15.14. Acacia pycnanthasaligna (Labill.) Benth. H.L.Wendl. willowPortGolden Jackson, wattle Port Jackson lb1 b 16. Acacia stricta (Andrews) Willd. Hop wattle la AUGUSTUS 2014 1 STAATSKOERANT, 17. Acer buergerianum Miq. Chinese maple b.a. Limpopo,NotWest,3 in listedEastern Northern Mpumalanga,in urbanCape, Cape areasKwaZulu-Natal, and North-West, in Western the Eastern Cape.Limpopo, Northern Cape, Mpumalanga, CapeKwaZulu-Natal, and Western North- 18. Acer negundo L. Ash-leaved maple, Box elder a.c. NotCape.3 listed elsewhere. 20.19. expansaAgave americana (Jacobi) GentryL. subsp. americana var. Spreading century-plant b.b.a. Not3Sterile in listedWestern cultivars elsewhere. Cape. or hybrids are not listed. www.gpwonline.co.za 21. (=&AgeratinaAgave H.Rob. Eupatorium sisalana adenophora adenophorum Perrine (Spreng.) Spreng.) R.M.King CroftonSisal hemp, weed Sisal 1b 23.22. Ageratum(=H.Rob.Ageratina Eupatorium ripariaconyzoides riparium (Regal) L. Regal) R.M.King & InvadingMistflower ageratum lb1b 25.24. (=AgrimoniaAgeratum A. odorata houstonianumprocera Mill.) Wallr. Mill. ScentedMexican agrimonyageratum a.b. Sterile1 b cultivars or hybrids arelb not listed. 26. Agrostis castellana Boiss. & Reut. Bent grass b.a.lb1a Marion Prince EdwardIsland. Island. 27. Agrostis gigantea Roth Black bent grass, Redtop b.a.c.Notla Prince listed Edwardon mainland and Marionor other Islands. off-shore islands. No. 37886 9 10 NO. SPECIES COMMON NAME CATEGORY 1 AREA SCOPEPROVISIONSPROHIBITION OFSECTION EXEMPTION OF INSECTION 71A(1) TERMS FROM 71(3)1OF THE No. 37886 2014 AUGUST GAZETTE,1 GOVERNMENT 28. Agrostis stolonifera L. Creeping bent grass c.b.a. Not11a b Prince Marionlisted EdwardonIsland. mainland Island. or other off-shore islands. This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at 29. Ailanthus aftissima (Mill.) Swingle Tree-of-heaven 1 b 32.31.30. AlhagiAlbizia maurorumproceralebbeck (Roxb.)(L.) Medik. Benth. Benth. FalseLebbeck lebbeck tree 1lb b 34.33. AlopecurusAlisma(= A. camelorum plantago-aquatica geniculatus Fisch.) L. L. MarshMudCamel plantain, foxtail,thorn bush WaterWater foxtailalisma a. la Prince Edward and Marion 1lbIslands. b 35. (=R.M.Sm.Alpinia A. australisspeciosa zerumbet Nees) (J.C.Wendl.) (Pers.) B.L.Burtt Schum.) & Shell ginger, Pink porcelain lily b. Not listed on mainland or other3 off-shore islands. 37.36. Ammophila(A.Anredera baselloides cordifolia arenaria misapplied (Ten.) (L.) Link Steenisin South Africa) MadeiraMarram grassvine, Bridal wreath 13 b www.gpwonline.co.za 38. Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Am. Coral creeper 1 b 40.39. Ardisia(ArdisiaAraujia ellipticacrenata seticiferacrispa misappliedThunb.Sims Brot. in South Africa) CoralberryMoth catcher tree, Coral Bush 1 b 42.41. Argemone(= A. humilis mexicana Vahl) L. poppyYellowShoebutton flowered ardisia Mexican 1 b 45.44.43. ArundoAristolochiaArgemone donax ochroleuca elegans L. Mast. Sweet GiantDutchman'sWhite-flowered reed, Spanish pipe Mexican reed poppy 1 b 46. Paul(=Atriplex A. G.Wilson)lindleyi inflata Moq. F.Muell. subsp. inflata (F.Muell.) Sponge-fruit saltbush 1 b 48.47. AustrocylindropuntiaNummulariaAtriplex nummularia Lindl.cylindrica subsp. (Juss. ex CaneOld man cactus saltbush 12 a NO. SPECIES COMMON NAME CATEGORY 1 AREA SCOPEPROVISIONSPROHIBITION OF EXEMPTION OF INSECTION TERMS FROM 71(3)OF THE / 49. AustrocylindropuntiaLam.)Backeb. Backeberg. subsp. exaltata subulata (A.Berger) (Muehlenpf.) Long spine cactus lb SECTION 71A(1) This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at 50. AzollaKaulf.D.R.Hunt cristata (= Opuntia Kaulf. (=exaltata A. microphylla A.Berger) Tropical red water fern 1 b 51. Azolla filiculoidespinata R.Br. Lam. subsp. asiatica Azolla, Red water fern 1 b AUGUSTUS 2014 1 STAATSKOERANT, 52. BartlettinaH.Rob.(=R.M.K.Saunders A. imbricata sordida (Roxb. & (Less.) K.Fowler ex Griff.)R.M. KingNakai & Mosquito fern 1 b 53. (=G.Nicholson, Eupatorium E. atrorubens sordidum (Lem.)Less.) Bartlettina a. 1b in Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal,1b Limpopo and Mpumalanga. 54. Bauhinia purpurea L. Butterfly orchid tree a.b. Western31b in in Free Eastern Cape. State, Cape, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, North-West, Limpopo Northern and Cape Mpumalanga. and www.gpwonline.co.za 55. Bauhinia variegata L. Orchid tree a.b. Western33 in Free Cape. State, Gauteng, North-West, Northern Cape and 57.56. (=&BillardieraBerberis CrispSollya thunbergiiheterophylla heterophylla DC. Lindl.) (Lindl.) L.W.Cayzer BluebellJapanese creeper barberry b. Sterile cultivars or hybrids arela not listed. 58. (=SchinzBryophyllum B. tubiflorum delagoense Harv., Kalanchoe (Eckl. & Zeyh.)tubiflora Chandelier plant 1 b 59. Bryophyllum&(Harv.) Zeyh.) Raym.-Hamet, pinnatum K.(Lam.) delagoensis Oken Eckl. Cathedral bells 1 b 61.60. BuddlejaKalanchoeBryophyllum davidii prolffera proliferum Franch. (Bowie) Bowie Raym.-Hamet) ex Hook. (= ChineseGreen mother sagewood, of millions Summer a. 1 b No. 37886 11 12 NO. SPECIES COMMON NAME CATEGORY I AREA SCOPEPROVISIONSPROHIBITION OFSECTION EXEMPTION OF INSECTION 71A(1) TERMS FROM 71(3)OF THE / No. 37886 2014 AUGUST GAZETTE,1 GOVERNMENT 63.62. CabombaBuddleja madagascariensis caroliniana A.Gray Lam. Cabomba,Madagascarlilac Carolina sagewood fanwort b. Sterile cultivars or hybrids arela 3not listed. This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at 64. (=Caesalpinia C. sepiaria decapetala Roxb.) (Roth) Alston Mauritius thorn 1 b 66.65. CaffistemonCallisiaCaesalpinia repens giffiesiicitrinus (Jacq.) (Hook.)(Curtis) L. D.Dietr.Skeels (= CreepingBird-of-paradise inch plant flower 1 b 68.67' CallistemonMelaleuca citrina rigidus (Curtis) R.Br. Dum.Cours.) Stiff-leavedLemon bottlebrush bottlebrush b.a. 3lb in in Free Eastern State, Cape Gauteng, and Western KwaZulu-Natal,3 Cape. Limpopo, Mpumalanga, 69. G.DonCallistemon viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertn.) Weeping bottlebrush b.a. 31North-West inb inFree Eastern State, and Cape, Gauteng,Northern KwaZulu-Natal, Cape.North-West, Limpopo Northern and Cape Mpumalanga. and 70. Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T.Aiton Calotropis, Giant- milkweed c. WesternSterile cultivars Cape. or hybrids are 1not b listed. www.gpwonline.co.za Campuloclinium macrocephalum (Less.) 71. (=DC. Eupatorium macrocephalum Less.) Pompom weed a. 1 b 1 b 74.73.72. CardiospermumCanna indica L. halicacabumgranditlorum Sw.L. LesserBalloonIndian shotballoon vine vine b. Sterile cultivars or hybrids are1 3not b listed. 76.75' CasuarinaDesf.)Carduus nutans cunninghamiana L. (= C. macrocephalus Miq. BeefwoodNodding thistle a. 2 1 b 78.77. CatharanthusCasuarina equisetifolia roseus (L.) L. G.Don MadagascarHorsetail tree periwinkle a.b. 11 b within 100 metres of riparian2 areas or untransformed land. 80.79. CeitisCeltis australisoccidentalis L. L. CommonhackberryNettle tree, hackberry European b. Sterile cultivars or hybrids are 3not listed. NO. SPECIES COMMON NAME CATEGORY 1 AREA SCOPEPROVISIONSPROHIBITION OFSECTION EXEMPTION OF INSECTION 71A(1) TERMS FROM 71(3)1OF THE 81.82. CerastiumCentranthus fontanum ruber (L.) Baumg. DC. CommonRed valerian, mouse-ear Devil's beard a.b. lbNot Princein listed Western Edwardelsewhere Cape and Marion Islands This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at chickweed b. Not listed on mainland or other off -shore islands. 83. Cereus hexagonushildmannianus (L.) K.Mill., Schum.(= C. Queen of the night 1 b 84. peruvianus auct. pl., C. uruguayanus Queen of the night AUGUSTUS 2014 1 STAATSKOERANT, 86.85. CestrumCereusR.Kiesling) jamacaru aurantiacum DC. Lindl. OrangeQueen of cestrum the night 1 b 88.87. purpureumCestrum laevigatumelegans
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