An Index of Somerset-Related Names and Places in History of Otterford by Andrew Sparks & Linda Gower, Yarty Press, 2000 Created by Colin Rosewell - rosewells-at-ozemail-dot-com-dot-au Acland, Edmund, 57 Berry, James, 98 Agricultural Association, 103, 107 Bethany, 87 Ainslie, Rev., 67 Bethany House, 75, 76 Alder Grove, 101 Bethany House (photo), 75 Allen, Captain, 103 Billing, Allis, 52 America, 73, 89 Billing, Elizabeth, 26 Anden Land, 23 Billing, Mathew, 35 Anders Lane, 116, 117 Billing, William, 53 Anders Lane Farmhouse, 116 Birchwood, 106 Andrews Land, 117 Bird, William of Wellington, 31 Andrews, Susannah, 57 Bishop Aethelwood, 5 Angersleigh, 26 Bishop of Bath and Wells, 71 Aplin, Edmund, 31 Bishops Wood, 60 Aplin, Frank, 108 Bishopswood, 4, 19, 37, 40, 44, 45, 46, 60, 61, 65, Aplin, Jessie, 31 67, 68, 70, 71, 74, 76, 77, 78, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, Aplin, Lucy, 31 91, 93, 96, 98, 100, 118, 120, 121, 122 Aplin, Mrs., 104 Bishops-wood, 118 Aplin, Robert, 49 Bishopswood (photo), 86 Ashford, Jack, 63 Bishopswood Chapel, 73, 74, 76 Ashford, Richard, 18 Bishopswood Chapel (photo), 74 Ashill, 98 Bishopswood Meadows Lime Kiln (photo), 69 Austin, Thomas, 18 Bishopswood Meadows Nature Reserve, 67, 70 Australia, 73, 89, 92 Black Down, 60 Axminster, 70 Black, Mr., 81 Babb, Mrs., 104 Black, Mrs., 75 Babb, William, 62 Black, William Neill, 113 Bagster, H W, 71 Blackdown, 92 Bailey, Pat, 102 Blackdown Gate, 61 Baker, Francis, 18 Blackdown Hills, 2, 3, 5, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 81, 87, Baptist Chapel, 87, 91, 93, 98 93, 96, 98, 107 Barnstaple, 14 Blackdown Hills Mission, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 81, 87, Barton Grange, 10 93, 96, 98 Barton, David, 49 Blackdown Hills Mission (map), 74 Bath and Wells, Bishop of, 103 Blackdown Hills Mission Chapel, 87 Batt, Joseph, 93, 96, 98 Blackdown Hills Mission School, 75, 78, 96, 98 Batt, William, 92, 93, 96, 119 Blackdown Hills Mission School (photo), 75 Batt, Wm, 41 Blackdowns, 4, 76, 92 Batten family, 46 Blackmore, A B, 47 Beadon, Mr., 60 Blackmore, Sam, 35 Beadon, Robert, 60 Blackmore, Thomas, 18 Beadon, William, 60, 68, 71, 112, 113 Blagdon Hill, 61, 96, 102, 103 Bearnes, Abel, 18 Blagdon Post Office, 100 Beaufort, Cardinal Henry, 6 Blakedone, 10 Beaufort, Cardinal Henry (photo), 6 Blay, Mr. G, 113 Beaufort, Henry, 7 Blois, Bishop Henry de, 10 Beggars Land, 57 Board family, 101 Bek, Richardo le, 15 Board School, 78, 79, 80 Benche, William, 7 Board School (photo), 79 Bennett, Harriet, 89 Board, Albert, 107 Board, Frank, 70, 81, 95, 122 Buckland St Mary Mill, 42 Board, Gwen, 88, 94, 104 Bulles, Miss (photo), 115 Board, Henry, 89 Burrow family, 58, 101 Board, James, 104 Bussells and Everys, 46 Board, Moses, 52 Buttle family, 58 Board, Sarah, 65 Buttle, John, 52, 88 Board, William, 65 Bynche, John, 7 Bokeland, 11 Bynche, William, 7 Boles, John, 19, 33, 34, 119 Callar family, 115 Boles, Mr., 33 Calway, John, 35 Bolham Chapel, 73, 76 Calwe, Gilberto, 15 Bond, William, 91 Canada, 73 Bondland, 23 Candlelight Inn, 87, 88 Bonnington, Dr. Malcolm, 91 Candlelight, The, 118 Booby, Francis, 18 Cannon Street, 10 Booby, William, 18 Carters, 23 Booby, William Sen., 18 Castle Green, 10 Bool, John, 26 Castle Inn, 56, 61 Boole, Hugh, 26 Castle Moor, 25 Bovill, Arthur Reginald, 113 Castle Neroche, 3 Bowerman, John, 119 Challender, 60 Bowerman, Joseph, 76, 93 Chapel of Ease, 71 Brealey, Douglas, 76 Chapel School, 78, 93 Brealey, George, 73, 76, 81, 91 Chard, 14, 22, 42, 61, 67, 100 Brealey, W J H, 103 Chard canal, 85 Brealey, Walter, 73, 76 Chard Station, 96 Bridgwater, 14, 22 Chard Turnpike Trust, 61 Bristol, 28, 76 Chard, George, 56 Bristol, Mayor of, 28 Chardge, William, 18 British School, 77, 78 Charlock, 86, 87 Broad Down, 3 Church Farm, 5, 6, 8, 18, 37, 40, 57, 71, 92, 103, Broadbere, 23 104, 105, 106, 107, 113, 117, 121 Broadway, 65 Church Farm (photo), 8, 105 Brodok (Broadoak), 84 Church Farm Mill, 92 Bromfield, John, 98 Church House, 103 Bronze Age, 2, 3 Church of England School, 77, 78, 98 Brook-King, Miss, 81 Church School, 87 Brown Down, 2, 3, 56, 60, 61, 62, 76, 78, 82, 96, Church, Holy Trinity, 53 113, 116, 117 Church, Mission, 78 Brown Down Chapel, 78 Church, Newhouse Baptist, 19 Brown Down Common, 113 Church, Otterford, 104, 112, 113, 119 Brown Down Cottage, 2, 82 Church, St James, 10 Brown Down Cottage (photo), 82 Church, St Leonard, 8, 11, 12, 15, 28, 33, 57, 71, Brown Down Gate, 61 72, 112, 117, 121 Brown, Mr. Joseph, 33 Church, St Leonard’s, 8, 28, 33, 72, 112, 117, 121 Browndown, 2, 59, 62, 63, 78, 80, 82 Church, St Leonard’s (photo), 8 Browndown Chapel, 73, 74, 76, 77, 93 Church, St Leonard’s Mission (photo), 72 Browndown Chapel (photo), 74 Church, St Leonards, 11, 12, 15, 57 Browndown Chapel School, 93 Church, St Leonards (photo), 12 Browndown Road, 36 Churchinford, 61, 70, 81, 100, 113, 118 Browndown School, 76 Churchinford Club, 81 Bryan, Sir Francis, 10 Churchinford Mill, 37, 43, 92 Buckland, 25, 80, 100 Churchstanton, 14, 19, 22, 26, 28, 43, 46, 61, 80, Buckland Bishop, 14 81, 103, 109, 112, 113, 116, 119, 120 Buckland Mill, 92 Churchstanton School, 81 Buckland St Mary, 14, 22, 28, 29, 37, 42, 55, 56, 65, Churchyard, St Leonard’s, 122 66, 67, 92, 100 Civil War, 18 Clapp family, 82 Cousins, Thomas Cuff, 79, 80 Clapp, Francis, 62 Cousins, Thomas Cuff (photo), 79 Clarke, Ben, 99, 100 Coventree, Jn, 15 Clavel Knapp, 118 Cox Hill School, 46 Clayhiden, 81 Crewkerne, 22 Clayhidon, 36, 73, 103 Crippen, Thomas, 20 Clayhidon Pottery, 36 Crosshay, 23 Cleeve House, 86, 87 Crossway, 87 Clematis, 86, 87, 96 Crossways (photo), 94 Clematis Cottage, 86, 96 Crost, Richard, 18 Coach House, 87 Crost, Robert, 18 Cobblers, 86, 87, 97 Crosweye, 84 Cobblers (photo), 97 Cuckholds Pit, 120 Cog Wheel Inn, 48 Cuckolds Pit, 20, 58 Coles, Martha, 53 Cuckolds Pit Farm, 58 Colles, Humphrey, 10 Cuff, William, 107 Collins, Mary, 65 Culm Valley Dairy, 107 Colman, William, 18 Culm Valley Otter Hounds, 109 Coltehirst, Matthew, 10 Culme, 102 Columb, 102 Culmhead, 100, 103 Combe family, 11, 15, 23, 27, 28, 71, 117, 119, 120, Culmhead Crossroads, 100 121 Culmhead House, 80, 113 Combe St Nicholas, 61, 100 Culner, Robert Jun, 18 Combe, Ann, 121 Culnor, Robert Sen., 18 Combe, Edmond, 15 Cumbe, William, 25 Combe, Edward, 18, 25, 28 Dabinott, John, 18 Combe, Edward Esq., 25 Dabinott, Thomas, 18 Combe, Elizabeth, 28 Daniel, Peter, 69 Combe, Giles, 23, 28 Dead Man’s Post, 61 Combe, Henry, 26, 28, 33, 57 Deadman, 56, 117 Combe, James, 28 Deadman Common, 56 Combe, Joan, 15, 28 Deadmans Common, 60, 117 Combe, John, 23, 25, 28, 34, 119 Deadmans Plot, 56 Combe, John of Rill, 34 Defnas, 84 Combe, Mary, 28, 33 Dener, Peter, 18 Combe, Mary of Fyfet, 33 Denham, Thomas, 53 Combe, Mrs. Ann, 71 Denham, William, 53 Combe, Richard, 45, 57 Denmark, 104 Combe, William, 18, 23, 28 Denning, Alfred, 93 Combe, Willm, 25 Denning, Carrie, 77, 96 Combe, Wm, 15 Denning, Frederick, 93 Combe, Wm Jun., 15 Denning, George, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100 Combes, Mrs., 57 Denning, John, 76, 77, 93 Copleston, Reverend, 28 Derriman, Joan, 54 Corfe, 3, 10, 22, 29, 30, 62, 67, 104 Dewey, Christian, 92 Corfe Road, 104 Dinham, Henry, 53 Coronation House, 87 Dinham, Rachel, 65 Couhard, De Willelmo le, 15 Doble family, 86 Court Barton, 35 Doble, Betty, 26 Courte, Edmond, 25 Doble, G, 45 Cousins, Bessie, 79, 80 Doble, Henry, 26, 53 Cousins, Kate, 80 Doble, John, 26, 96 Cousins, Mary, 79, 80 Doble, Mary, 26 Cousins, Mrs., 78, 79, 80 Doble, Mr., 103 Cousins, Mrs. Charlotte, 79, 80 Doble, Robert, 18 Cousins, Mrs. Charlotte (photo), 79 Doble, Robert Sen., 18 Cousins, Thomas, 78, 79, 80 Domesday Book, 5 Dommett, Emma, 93 Finehunde, Thomas, 7 Dommett, George, 18 Fir Cottage, 102, 104 Dommett, Henry, 66 Fish House, 112 Dommett, James, 32 Fithude, Waltero, 15 Domnonians, 84 Five Head, 117 Donyatt, 28, 36 Five Oak, 102 Donyatt Pottery, 36 Fivehead, 57, 60, 78, 104 Dorchester, 3, 22 Fleming, Miss, 82 Downhead, Curate of, 19 Forge, The, 87, 92, 120 Drake family, 121 Fortune, Mike, 82 Drake, Markes, 15 Fox, Richard, 6 Drapere, Roberto le, 15 Fox, William, 18 Dudbaes, 23 Foxes Castle, 62, 117 Dummet, Miss Eva, 51 Foxes castle (photo), 105 Dunman, Samuel, 35 Foxwell family, 101 Dyer family, 42 Foxwell, Albert, 81, 104 Dyer, Mary, 96 Foxwell, Benjamin, 81 Dyer, William, 88 Earnshill, 28, 117 Foxwell, Grace, 53 East Devon, 116 Foxwell, John, 52, 81 Easton, Walter, 25 Foxwell, Simon, 52 Eckhart, Sheila, 119 Foxwell, William, 52 Edwards Land, 117 Foxwell, Wm, 117 Elton, Mr., 103 Fradgley, Alan, 95 Enclosure, 29, 60 France, 104 England, 57, 77, 78, 98, 104 Fraser-Harris, James, 54 Evans, Thomas, 25 French, Richard, 48 Every family, 20, 23, 86 Fry family, 121 Every, Betty, 45 Fry, Edwin, 96 Every, Grace, 48 Frys Moor, 60 Every, James John, 100 Fulling mill, 40 Every, John, 45 Fullo, John, 40 Every, Maria, 53 Fyfet, 15, 28, 71 Every, Mark, 65, 91 Fyfett, 12, 60, 61, 63, 78, 117, 122 Every, Mary, 52, 53 Fyfettt Farm (photo), 105 Every, Noah, 48, 53 Fyfid, John de, 7 Every, Thomas, 65, 89 Fyfid, Richard de, 7 Everys, and Bussells, 46 Fynehunde, Richard, 7 Ewilme, 10, 120 Gaiter, Francis, 88, 92 Ewilme (Yalham), 10 Game Enclosure, 29 Ewins, Henry, 100, 102 Gamm, Barbara, 99 Ewins, Willie, 104 Gater, Francis, 89 Exeter, 11, 14, 22 Gigge, Robert, 25 Exeter foundry, 11 Gill, John, 25 Fair View, 87, 94 Glebe Farm, 61 Fair View (photo), 94 Godard, Adam, 15 Fair, St Leonard’s, 35 Gooddens, Thomas, 37 Faire Close, 35 Goodens, Thomas, 23 Farway, 3 Goodland family, 41, 42 Faunk, Johanne le, 15 Goodland, Dulcie, 75 Feltham, 3, 20, 29, 62, 101, 117 Goodland, Gladys, 75 Feltham Road, 3 Goodland, Jack, 119 Ferthynge, Sir John, 11 Goodland, Miss Ellen, 77 Ffoxwell, John, 25 Goodland, Olive, 75 Ffoxwell, Joseph, 26 Goodland, Violet, 75 Filitham, 117 Goodwin, Thomas, 43 Finch, Mr., 79 Gooseberry Fair, 35 Gore, George, 18 Hartnell, William (photo), 64 Goschen, 113, 116 Hartnell, Wm, 118 Goschen, Hon.
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