•THB AD tJw Vtmtot Broad Strwt «o «*• Mr BED BANK Boners oo BvaflF MM*. ," ,_ And SnRrtuMOni Towns A PnbUo Comfort Bta«e* ',frvM xrearletsly and Without Haa, RED Mow P»ikln» Spac* 1M<»4 WwUy. Intend u IMOSII-OIUS Hitter it ti« Poll* .VOLUMEXIII, NO. 25. offlc* at JUd Bulk, N. J, nnlet tke Act ot Hueb I, l«t». RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10,1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 T6 10; Many Hear Elks' TO BEOfEX THEATER Arrest Number Ice Yacht Club THE FIREMEH'S ELECTION. Clothing to Be Mlantto Highlands Race to be Op- Frank Dickman a Xcm Candidate Extra Men Needed Memorial Services erated by New Company. Game Operators Elects Officers For Second Assistant Chief. Given the Needy By the Poatoffice 'A group of Atlantic Highlands bus- At least three candidates for sec- ness men has organized the Com- bounty Detective! and Local M. Minton it Com- ond assistant chief of the Red Bank Public Health Nuries Receive Reception to be Held Tomorrow Red Bank Lodge Hold* Annual munity Amusement association to flra department will bo voted for Postmatter W. A Sweeney Ari^ ^ ', Wight W UioNew Monmoulh Observance at Carlton Thea- operato the Atlantic theatre which Police Take Seven Men Into modore of North Shrewjbury when the annual department election 382 Pieces from Needlework nounces That He Will (M<;e f las been closed several weeks. The ' Custody in Attempt to Stop Club—Thomas Irving Brown is held Tuesday night, March 10th. .BaptUt Church for Rev. and ter—Former .'Governor A. ompany expects to reopen the Guild for Christmas Distribu- Preference fo Married Man 'Racket." Re-Elected President. The latest nominee for this position iiiiyirs. H. Pierce Slrnpwn. Harry Moore the Speaker. heatre before the holidays. A new is Frank Dickman of Independent tion Among the Poor. Who Are Out otWorltv ^ ^f;': sound apparatus and a new heating A; farewoll reception will be held A large, audience heard the annual County detectives, co-operating The annual meetlnB: and election of fire company. Joseph Fix of Nave- Clothing and garment numbering In the employment of extrW hsip : ilant will bo Installed. Other Im- lth the Red Bank police depart- ifllcers of the Horth Shrewsbury Ice- sink hook and ladder flro company |ifc<: the . New', Monmouth Baptlnt memorial services of. the Red Bank irovements will be made. The 382 pieces have been turned over to /or Christmas thin year postmasters, VKurcb tomorrow night for Rev. and lodgoof Elks in tho Carlton theater icnt, Monday arrested soven men oat and yacht club was hold at the and Joseph Fox of Relief fire com- tho Red Bank public health nursing throughout the country have been la- :\, 1 lulldlng Is. owned by Harry Krldel.' alleged to have been connected with lubhouBo Thursday night and -waspany had previously been nominated »Tis; IJ.' PJeroe.Slmpsoh.;, Rev. Mr.Sunday night Trie stage was decor- The officers ot the new company association by tho Red Bank needle- utrueted by tho Postofflce Pepart-' Blmpson resigned as pastor of tho ated front and rear with palms. A He operation of the so-called num- ttended by the largest number of for this position. work guild for distribution among ment at Washington to give prefer-1 ''•'• ire Mayor John B. Snedeker presl- er game In this borough, They lombcrs that has been present at church a few, weeks agoto accept floral vacant chair with nineteen pur- lent, Paul Hoffman treasurer and Thomas Mead of Liberty fire com- needy families of Red Bank at ence to men of families who are out tee, pastorate ot a larger Baptist ple lights, one for each member who •ere taken to Freehold where they ny of tho club's gatherings during pany will bo elected chief of the fire Christmas time. Members of the two of work. Tho claims of such men,- ,; IVIlliam Orth secretary. Other 'ere held for the grand Jury, he past year. The annual reports of church at Carmel, New York, at an died In 1030, was a prominent feature .members are Joseph Dender, Dr. deparement without opposition and organizations have been busily en- come ahead of thoso on the eligible Increasedsalary.* •'.:.'• of the decorations. As each dead Btephen Morlcl of Shrewsbury ave- he various committees showed the Edward Creiln of Union company gaged in putting up tho clothes in civil service list. •.--.. - • •,: ••. homas C. McVey, Samuel Mauss- lue, who was believed to be in charge irganlzatlon to bo in a flourishing: • The reception tomorrow night will member's name was called by the ler, Joseph Romero, Lewis Wengcr will bo elected first assistant chief bundles. They will be distributed on Postmaster W. A. Sweeney said to- ' fee a community affair,' as welt as a secretary & light i»a« extinguished. t the operation ot tho game in thia ondltlon, both as to membership "without opposition. the day before Christmas. and Lewis DeLonne. nd Its financial affairs, day that ho still haa a number of Ichuroh party. The public has been Mualo was provided by a' string Iclnlty, and In whoso cellar, accord- Tho clothing.is given to families vacanden open for extra men, during ' Jr>vUed and It Is expected that many orchestra and selections were ren- [g to Chief County Detective Harry officers choBen for the- ensu- that are listed by the nursing asso- the holiday rush. The work averages persons, who are not members of the Irook, evidence was-found to sut>- ng ye&rj are: • ciation as deserving of help. In each dered by the Monmouth quartet, v about a week, some being employed, church wlllbapMBCnt. Mr. Simpson composed of Edward O'Brien, Har- Gas pis Maii .antlato this belief, was held under ProBldent—T^nomaa Trvlnff Browr, Slogan Contest case the exact requirements of the for a longer and some for a shorter-1 , • been pastor of the New Mon-old Clark, Morton Smith and Wil- JSW~ibtt ^Vlce'pre»ldent—John W. Cantlllion. family are. itemized and a bundle period. Mr. Sweeney Bald that .If, tnoutb church the past five years and liam Cruger, Mr, O'Brien sang two George Goode of West Bergen Commodore—Augustus M- Mlnton, Comes to Endcontaining the necessary articles is enough applications were not re- fife has made many friends not only solos. Taps were Founded by Ser- Sitting at Table .ilace was placed under hall of $1,000. Vice commodore—Jamea T. Clayton. prepared In each instance. ceived from deserving married men punongr the'members of his congrega- geant'John Engeiken .of the Red Recording eccretary—William A. Pin- The others, Samuel Lupklns of West .nttl. Eatontown Chamber of Com- Those engaged in the work of sort- by next Monday he would nil the tion but among other folks, Bank cavalry troop. Death of Clifford Teller Last ergen place, Salvatore Loplno of ing and tying tho clothes in the quota required from the eligible ros- • : F.,Hownrd Lloyd, supervising prin- Financtnl secretory—Raymond A. Boyd. merce' Awards First and Sec- .The memorial address was deliv- Friday Believed by Police to hrowsbury avenue, William Hill of Treasurer—Noel J. Lartaud. nurse.s' quarters at the borough hall ter, .••-••••• -...•-• cipal of the sohools of Mlddletown ered by former Governor A. Harry jelghton avenue, Harry Shomo of Historian—John W. Cuntllllon. ond Prizes to Gladys Kutcher, yesterday morning strongly empha- township, will make a speoch. In- Have Been Cawed by Acci- Postmaster Sweeney also called at- Moore, a past president of the New 7edar street and James Smith of ReKUttu commlttce^—Jamca H. Hubbard, a High School Pupil. sized the fact that families receiving tention to the new regulations re- strumental'music -will be rendered by Jersey Elks' association and a mem- dent. « I 'air Haven, furnished bonds In the 'ohn L. HuLbard, Fronlc P. Dlckman, these clothes are not receiving char- a quartette-consisting of Mrs. Miner- stricting the hours of overtime for •; ber, of jersey City lodge. .Mr. amount of $500. obeii J'rodJow, Harold 3. Allen. Gladys Kutcher of Eatontown re- ity. In each each case, it was stated, regular employees this year. Here-, W 5 Brown, Lewis Eaatmond,- Mrs. Clifford' M. Teller, SO years old, of The county men were in charge of Houso cojnroltteo—Reuben White, Del- the clothes are taken to those homes Moore epoke eloquently of tho ob- ord H. Finlier, Harry Clajr, Prank Brand. ceived first and second prizes of 410 tofore regular _clerks and carriers John E, Bennett and Horaco Vino. jects of the day. West Sunset and Lolghton avenues, Chief Harry; B. Crook. The party In gold and a live-pound box of where the budget requirements fbr Miss Dot Seoley will give a recita- )UBtan Allaire. have worked as many hours oyer- The program was as follows: mef death" last Friday afternoon Included Detectives William Mustoe candy Thursday' night In the Baton- tho year have not been adequate. By tlme as was deemed necessary by tion. •.. ••• /•• -. -. ••• ' ., ,. , •; when he-was overcome by gas escap- Lionel Lancaster, Court- receiving clothes these, families will : Overture. "Latjro" ... Orchestra ind Amerlco Sacco. Captain Harry indt White. town chamber of commerce slogan supervisory officials. This year reg- ,.j'.Jirs. Simpson'has been the recipi- ing, from the range in the kitchen 'an Note of the local police accom- contest. HepsloganB "Stop and Shop be enabled to continue purchasing ent of many farewell gifts during the Opening ceremonlaB Augustus M. Minton, who was ular clerks cannot make more than , Exalted Bular and Lodffo. of his home while he sat at a table lanled the county men In their in Eatontown" and "Everyday In other necessities of life which they two hours overtime daily excepting paat week from organisations of the nearby.
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