OREGON MUSIC / JUNE 2003 photo Buko Page 2 - TWO LOUIES, June 2003 TWO LOUIES, June 2003 - Page 3 photo Gustavo Rapoport ill Feldmann leaves Johnny & The Distractions. The Bill Feldmann Band debuts at the Last Hurrah. Left to right, Bill Feldmann, Ron Stephens, Rick BEdwards (See Letters P.23), Mark Bosnian. It was the biggest musical breakup since Lennon and McCartney. Johnny & The Distractions had worked for years in the clubs to get a major label deal. A&M was poised to make them stars. LL MEREDITH SEEKS HOTTIEHOTTIE Dear Editor,Editor, I am actually in the middle of produc- ing HilaryHilary DuffDuff forfor herher newnew up and comingcoming FREE RICHARD PETRILLO album.album. JustJust oneone song....hopefullysong....hopefully the single.single. Dear Editor, I also hahaveve a sosongng in the ““WhatWhat a GirGirll WWantsants I’mI’m writingwriting fromfrom a UK TTVV pproductionroduction ccompanyompany “ moviemovie and sound-tracksound-track . TheThe fi rrstst eendnd ttitleitle withwith regardsregards toto a programmeprogramme wewe areare making lookinglooking and it’sit’s also in the moviemovie in anotheranother spot.spot. WeWe at unpopular celebrities. fi nalnallyly ggotot “B“Badad BBadad OneOne”” rreleasedeleased ooverseas.verseas. WeWe areare makingmaking a briefbrief profiprofi llee ooff FFredred DDursturst LooksLooks likelike wwe’ree’re ccloselose hhere.ere. TThehe iindustryndustry iiss fromfrom Limp Bizkit,Bizkit, and I understandunderstand youyou ranran a covercover movingmoving slow,slow, butbut forfor thosethose ofof usus thatthat staystay withwith a ‘free‘free RichardRichard Petrillo’Petrillo’ T-ShirtT-Shirt onon thethe front,front, the coursecourse (as always)always) it willwill eventuallyeventually cycyclecle followingfollowing an incidentincident wherewhere he thrthrewew a crcreameam pie around.around. II’ve’ve sseeneen iitt ssoo mmanyany ttimesimes iitt hhardlyardly at Durst’s head. phasesphases me as muchmuch as it seemsseems toto bebe upsettingupsetting WeWe areare lookinglooking toto interviewinterview RichardRichard PetrilloPetrillo everyoneeveryone I kknow.now. MMaybeaybe iit’st’s bbecauseecause I jjustust uusese tthehe - dodo youyou havehave anyany contactcontact detailsdetails forfor him? WeWe areare blinderblinder method.method. It’sIt’s alwaysalways workedworked forfor meme before.before. also lookinglooking forfor an eyewitnesseyewitness toto the event,event, if youyou IfIf I everever boughtbought intointo half ofof what’swhat’s goinggoing onon “out“out cancan recommendrecommend aanyonenyone aandnd wwee wwouldould lloveove ttoo there”there” I wouldwould havehave quitquit a longlong timetime ago!!ago!! featurefeature thethe afore-mentionedafore-mentioned magazinemagazine covercover inin I willwill bbee up thetherere in JJuly.uly. KKnownow ooff ananyy seseri-ri- our show. Is it possible to get a back issue? ouslyously hot youngyoung girlsgirls that want a deal?deal? TheyThey havehave TheThe programmeprogramme willwill bebe goinggoing outout onon Chan-Chan- toto bebe reallyreally goodgood ...singer,...singer, playplay guitar (not likelike me nelnel 4 andand E4E4 inin thethe UKUK nextnext year,year, andand wewe wouldwould bebe butbut enoughenough toto havehave it on)Theyon)They don’tdon’t havehave toto writewrite looking to come to the US in June/ July 2003. butbut I wouldwould ppreferrefer it. NNoo band thougthough.h. I am lolook-ok- Please getget backback toto me onon 011 44 207 439 ing toto signsign someonesomeone toto develop.develop. MostlyMostly theythey havehave 6110, or at this email address. toto reallyreally sing and havehave that “thing”...lemme“thing”...lemme knowknow if Best wishes, youyou havehave anybody.anybody. MaybeMaybe wewe can runrun a contestcontest oror Beatrice Doubble somethingsomething ...let’s...let’s talk aboutabout it. Assistant Producer MeredithMeredith BrooksBrooks Fireside Favourites Tel: + 44 207 439 6110 Fax +44 207 494 9046 Continued on page 23 Page 2 - TWO LOUIES, June 2003 TWO LOUIES, June 2003 - Page 3 uana Camilleri came back to Portland The winning band was the Last 5 who hails from for a short visit and two shows in May. the Clackamas area. These cats sound great and JThe Bitter End, complete with their new brought a large contingent of Last 5 fans as well. sound system courtesy of Julian and Sundown They have a strong pop/rock sound that could Sound. Juana has a killer new band built for her compete with anything in the states or abroad. by Portland blues legend Bob Shoemaker that Members include Michael Roche on lead/rhythm includes soft touch drummer Alec Burton, I also guitar and backup vocals, Josh Rose on big bad bass, caught Juana for a set or two at the Dublin Pub Nick Dorzweiler on lead guitar and backup vocals, before she headed back to Martha’s Vineyard to Sean Robin on lead vocals and rhythm guitar and continue her bi-coastal music career. You can learn Robin Deagal on percussion. The Last 5 won first more about Juana at juanajam.com. prize which was $1500.00 Fender Strat and got Marty Vincelli is now hosting a music show- to open up for the Gin Blossoms June 2nd at the case at DV8 on 52nd and S.E. Powell. If you’re a Rose Festival fun center, I went down there to check singer/songwriter or if you have a small band, come them out and these guys are for real, they were well on in on Tuesday nights and show you’re stuff. DV8 prepared and showed all us old lazy pros how to also has an independent filmmakers networking do it. Good Job Last 5! For those of you in the Vancouver area, in case you don’t already know about it the Arnada is featuring a songwriter showcase on Wednesday nights hosted by master songwriter Miguel, Get there early and sing up to show your stuff and make sure you get a chance to hear Miguel, he’s one in million. If you haven’t caught Storm at Dante’s yet, get on down there soon, you won’t be disappointed. Last August I was eagerly invited to witness this powerhouse of talent after a gig I had up the street session called Sin Cinema held one Sunday each at the Bitter End, and I’m so, so glad I went. Never month, the next one is June 20th. Call DV8 and have I seen more talent on stage anywhere, if this act talk to Jason. If you want to book your performance was any hotter we’d have another one of those nasty ready band at DV8, call the club and talk to Mel or club fires you see in the news. Storm and the Balls drop off a CD for her. take stage at 11pm just about every Wednesday at The Mt. Tabor Pub has been busy making Dante’s. This gals performance skills don’t just stop some great improvements in the club including with a nearly perfect voice, they do however include removing that old sticky carpet and adding some body movements that totally captivate the usual cool and romantic booths on the north side of packed house, and between song chatter that will the big room. A full service bar and food are also definitely get your attention should you lose your being included to go along with their legendary star sight temporarily because of her blinding panty maker sound system and great staff, stop in and shots or laser-beam high notes blasting out at you support the Tabor soon you’ll have a blast. from that killer Dante’s sound system. Bar Fly Magazine is a cool little club guide but Storm is backed up by the Balls which helps they threw a big hot party at Sewickley’s on S.E. explain why this act is full of big time moxy and Hawthorne on June 1st. I really love this mini-mag guts. The band is Storm Large up front, Jimmy a I’m sure they’ll be around the scene for a long Jams Beaton on keys, Hotrod Davey Nipples on time guiding us flies towards the right bar or club, big fretless bass and Brian Boom Boom McFeather good work Jen! Parnell on drums. They have a great new CD out Portland Music Company on MLK hosted the called HANGING WITH THE BALLS, it smokes seventh annual Rose Festival Battle of the Bands. and you can pick it up at Dante’s on Wednesday I got to be a judge in this in-store high school age nights, see ya there. music war. All the bands were great and a few of the guitar players were so good that I hate them. photo Buko LL Page 4 - TWO LOUIES, June 2003 TWO LOUIES, June 2003 - Page 5 LICENSING MUSIC FOR FILMS, TV, songs), and sometimes it’s because the already existing 3. Commercials: Local, regional, national, certain COMMERCIALS AND COMPUTER GAMES recorded version does not stylistically fi t the project for countries, or worldwide, i.e., depending on what the henever a producer of a fi lm, television one reason or another. parties negotiate. show, commercial, or computer game In this situation – i.e., when a producer is having a 4. Computer Games: Worldwide. Wwants to use music in a project, there are new version recorded as a “work for hire” -- the producer It’s important to mention here, though, that even two different kinds of licenses which normally come into does not need to obtain a master use license, since the though a license may say that it’s a worldwide license, a play: (1) a “Synchronization License” and (2) a “Master producer is not going to be using a master recording producer has to be very careful here, especially if it is a Use License.” The Synchronization License. The producer of a fi lm, television show, commercial, or computer game must always obtain the written permission of the owner of the underlying song, which as a general rule is the songwriter or the songwriter’s own music publishing company, assuming that the songwriter does not have a publishing deal with an outside music publisher.
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