Max Planck Institute t für Astron itu o st m n ie -I k H c e n id la e l P b - e x r a g M M g for Astronomy a r x e b P l la e n id The Max Planck Society c e k H In y s m titu no Heidelberg-Königstuhl te for Astro The Max Planck Society for the Promotion of Sciences was founded in 1948. It operates at present 88 Institutes and other facilities dedicated to basic and applied research. With an annual budget of around 1.4 billion € in the year 2005, the Max Planck Society has about 12 400 employees, of which 4300 are scientists. In addition, annually about 11000 junior and visiting scientists are working at the Institutes of the Max Planck Society. The goal of the Max Planck Society is to promote centers of excellence at the fore- front of the international scientific research. To this end, the Institutes of the Society are equipped with adequate tools and put into the hands of outstanding scientists, who Annual Report have a high degree of autonomy in their scientific work. 2005 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. 2005 Public Relations Office Hofgartenstr. 8 80539 München Tel.: 089/2108-1275 or -1277 Annual Report Fax: 089/2108-1207 Internet: www.mpg.de Max Planck Institute for Astronomie K 4242 K 4243 Dossenheim B 3 D o s s E 35 e n h e N i eckar A5 m e r L a n d L 531 s t r M a a ß nn e he im B e e r r S t tr a a - K 9700 ß B e e n z - S t r a ß e Ziegelhausen Wieblingen Handschuhsheim K 9702 St eu b A656 e n s t B 37 r a E 35 ß e B e In de A5 r r N l kar ec i c M Ne k K 9702 n e a Ruprecht-Karls- ß lierb rh a e ch a e ra S ch lle n r t N s er n S d L e Universität Neuenheim n B 37 a K 9700 h La n L 534 c t er d r s e k s tr a u i Heidelberg ä aß m a h e ß B 3 K 9701 r Ziegel e e e straß A656 r L 534 and l S er L teufe B 37 tr euenheim e Am Hack g a e N traß n ß raß ens Schlierbach i e erst urg r Uf B z ße l ar stra -Ziegelhausen a V Neck nn f a a ng hum p e e Sc r Henkel-T ro raß ero ws urgenst u tr B so aße K n-S tra B 37 K 9701 ß Heidelberg e E 35 aße e e Str nlag ß r Czern g n-A a e yrin Ku rste r rfü t A5 im he S el Central Station r Eppelheim pp e E h L 543 c a Königstuhl b e r ß K 9710 Pfaffengrund ra h L 543 st o g R weg in L 598 en R is a B 3 h t für Astron tu o sti m In ie - H g C k c e n id la e e l P b L 600a - e x r a g M w K 9710 M r g a r e x e b P l e la e B n id ß f c e k H a Speyrerhof In y e ö s m r titu no t te for Astro r Südstadt h S l t r h e h a r o MPI für e - y B MPI für K K 9706 e R Astronomie p e ö n K 9710 S Kernphysik m z K 9708 - S Pleikartsförsterhof e r E 35 t s r a t r ß a Bierhelderhof Kohlhof e K 4149 A5 L 598 ß e g B 3 en-We h c i K 4149 E i - re L 600a B Rohrbach D Kirchheim e r t Patrick- h a - Henry- B e E 35 n Siedlung z - K 9708 B 535 S t A5 r Boxberg a ß K 4161 L 600a e L 598 G aib erg B 535 er B 3 W Kirchheimer Hof e L 600 g B 3 Emmertsgrund Gaiberg L 594 L 600 L 600 L 600 Bruchhausen L 598 E 35 A5 L 600 Lingental L 600 B 3 Cover Picture: The star forming association LH 95 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This sharp image reveals a large number of L 594 Leimen low-mass infant stars coexisting with young massive stars, changing dramatically the picture that we had for stellar associations in the Magellanic Clouds; see chapter III.1. Sandhausen This image is a part of the HUBBLE Space Telescope photo obtained by MPIA researchers and presented at the 2006 General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Prague, showing observations of with the Advanced E 35 St. Ilgen Ochsenbach Camera for Surveys. A5 B 3 L 594 Credits: NASA, ESA, and Dimitrios A. Gouliermis (MPIA) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy Heidelberg-Königstuhl Annual Report 2005 für Astro itut no st m n ie -I k H c e n id la e l P b - e x r a g M M g a r x e b P l la e n id c e k H In y s m titu no te for Astro Max Planck Institute for Astronmy Scientific Members, Governing Body, Directors: Prof.ThomasHenning(ManagingDirector,through31.12.2005) Prof.Hans-WalterRix Scientific Coordinator: Dr.KlausJäger (Phone:00496221528379) Public Outreach (Head): Dr.JakobStaude (Phone:00496221528229) Administration (Head): MathiasVoss (Phone:00496221528230) Emeritus Scientific Member: Prof.GuidoMünch External Scientific Members: Prof.ImmoAppenzeller,Heidelberg Prof.GeorgeH.Herbig,Honolulu Prof.StevenBeckwith,Baltimore Prof.RafaelRebolo,Tenerife Prof.Karl-HeinzBöhm,Seattle Advisory Council: Prof.RobertWilliams,Baltimore(Chair) Prof.HaroldYorke,Pasadena Prof.Ralf-JürgenDettmar,Bochum Prof.AnneilaSargent,Pasadena Prof.EwinevanDishoek,Leiden Prof.RensWaters,Amsterdam Prof.PierreLéna,Meudon Prof.SimonD.M.White,Garching Prof.DieterReimers,Hamburg Prof.LodewijkWoltjer,St-Michel-l’Observatoire Board of Trustees: Min.Dir.Hermann-FriedrichWagner,Bonn(Chair) Dr.LudwigBaumgarten,Bonn Min.Dir.WolfgangFröhlich,Stuttgart Prof.PeterHommelhoff,Heidelberg Dipl.Ing.ReinerKlett,München Dr.KarlA.Lamers,MdB,Berlin Prof.RolandSauerbrey,Jena Dr.h.c.KlausTschiraHeidelberg RangaYogeshwar,Köln Staff: TheMPIAcurrentlyemploysastaffof211(includingexternallyfundedpositions).Thisincludes60scientists,74junior andvisitingscientists. Address: MPIforAstronomy,Königstuhl17,D-69117Heidelberg Phone: 004962215280 Fax: 00496221528246 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://mpia.de Calar Alto Observatory Address: CentroAstronómicoHispanoAlemán,CalleJesúsDurbán2/2,E-04004Almería Phone: 0034 950230988,0034950632500 Fax:0034950632504 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:www.caha.es Research Groop »Laboratory Astrophysics«, Jena Address: InstitutfürFestkörperphysikderFSU,Helmholtzweg3,D-07743Jena Phone: 00493641947354 Fax: 0049 3641 947 308 E-mail: [email protected] ©2005Max-Planck-InstitutfürAstronomie,Heidelberg Editors: JakobStaude,ThomasHenning,Hans-WalterRix,KlausJäger,AxelM.Quetz Text: ThomasBührkeandothers Figures: MPIAandothers Graphics, picture editing, and layout: KarinMeißner,CarmenMüllerthann Printing: LaubGmbHundCo.KG,D–74834Elztal-Dallau ISSN1437-2924;Internet:ISSN1617–0490 Contents Preface....................................................................... 5 IV.8LAIWO–SearchforExoplanetsatthe WiseObservatory.................................................103 IV.9PYRAMIR–ANewWavewfrontSensor I. General 6 .................................................................... forALFA.................................................................104 IV.10ImprovementoftheSeeingatthe I.1ScientificGoals.................................................... 6 3.5mTelescopeonCalatAlto.............................105 I.2Observatories–Telescopes–Instruments........... 9 IV.11PACS–Far-InfraredCameraandSpectrometer I.3NationalandInternationalCooperations.............15 fortheHerschelSpaceTelescope........................106 I.4TeachingandPublicOutreach..............................17 IV.12PIA–AMainframeComputerfortheMPIA..107 II. Highlights............................................................... 18 V. People and Events.................................................109 II.1LightEchoesAllowanInsightintotheActive V.1FirstLightfortheLargeBinocularTelescope 109 PastofCassiopeiaA.............................................. 18 II.2ABDoradusC:Young,Low-massStaris V.2OpenHouseattheMPIA...................................112 TwiceasMassiveasExpected.............................. 21 V.3FurtherEventsandActivities.............................114 II.3TheFirstHeidelbergExtrasolarPlanet............... 24 V.4InternationalMaxPlanckReseachScoolin II.4PlanetesimalFormationbyGravitational Heidelberg............................................................117 Instability............................................................... 26 V.5RingbergWorkshopon»DistantClustersof II.5DustToriinActiveGalacticNuclei.................... 31 Galaxies«..............................................................119 II.6MassiveStarClustersintheCentersofSpiral V.6TheWilhelmandElseHeraeusPhysics Galaxies................................................................. 38 Schoolon»ExtrasolarPlanetarySystems«..........121 II.7ObservationsofDistantGalaxieswithSPITZER. 42 V.7TwoNewJuniorResearchGroupsatMPIA......123 II.8Dynamic,DustandYoungStars– V.8PrizesforYoungScientists.................................125 ComputerSimulationsofMergingGalaxies........ 46 V.9Girls'Day–GirlsVisitingMPIA.......................129 V.10TheProject»ScienceintoSchools!« III. Selected Research Areas..................................... 50 withourJournal»SterneundWeltraum«............130 V.11TheHannoandRuthRoelin-Prizefor III.1StarFomationintheMagellanicClouds........... 50 PopularScienceWriters.......................................131 III.2RadiativeTransfer–LinkbetweenSimulation V.12FarewellColloquiuminHonorof andObservation.................................................... 63 ImmoAppenzeller................................................133 III.3TheGalaxy-DarkMatterConnection................ 72 V.13FourDecadesontheKönigstuhl–an III.4TheInterstellarMediuminNearbyGalaxies.... 79 InterviewwithChristophLeinert andDietrichLemke..............................................134 V.14WhereistheMPIAstandinginour IV. Instrumentation Development ............................... 87 ResearchScene?–anInterviewwith Hermann-FriedrichWagner..................................140 IV.1InstrumentsfortheJamesWebbSpace Telescope............................................................... 87 IV.2NovelConceptsforExtremelyLarge Staff ..................................................................................... 144 Telescopes............................................................
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