Marine Nshesfromcóstarica .Microstomum, Pseudolectj'f!Fer Sp

Marine Nshesfromcóstarica .Microstomum, Pseudolectj'f!Fer Sp

Rev. Biol. Trop., 46(2): 34:PH4, IM8 Theletrí.lm lamotheisp. nov. (Digenea),parasite of Echidna nocturna from. Cuajiniquil, Gu1i\nacaste,.and. other digenes of • marine nshes fromCóstaRica Gerardo Pérez-Ponce de Leon 1, Virginia León-Regagnon 1, .Scott Monks 2 . LabCirlltorio de Helmititologíatlnstituto de Biología U.N.A.M, Ap. Postal 70-153 C.P. 04510, México D.F. email: [email protected] 2 Department ofZoology;Universityof.Toronto, Toronto, Onta,fio IAl.3G5, Canada. ReC�i�ed 11-VI-í 997.Corrected24-1I-1998.Accepted 3-11I-1998 . Abs.tract: A new species of Theletrulf!is.described from.tbe intestjneof tWo. palenosemora-xs, pchianu nocturna, cplIecíed inl":uajiniquil,.ouanacaste Province,Costa Rica, 'nle newspecies differs from th,e type s¡:ieci�s,T. fustiforme Linton, 1910 by having á subspherical pars. prostatka,a subspherical s�minalvesicle . exterrdinganteriorly to tbe anterior border of the acetabulúm; hythepresenceof a poorIy developed' • 'hetn¡aphroditic sac, anO by having a larger i)ody siz�. Wealso reporteightaoditional species ofdigeneans parasitizin�marine several)oqilities alon� the Adantic Pacifilt.coastand of Cost¡t;�C�} J1i/llliurn simonei, D.idymo,:oina.e (l1].etacercl!riae); Ectenurlls virgylus, HYfJocreadiurJJmyohelicCl,tum' /..fcithqclJirium . an .microstomum, PseudolectJ'f!fersp.} SfepJY¡nostomu/11. cas�m, arjdl�rgestia laticollis.Jn additi,9n,' \,Vep�sent helmint1r bpdated list.of paiasítes ofJl\arine fishfrora. Cost¡¡ Ri'oaanddiscuss the· impo�ce. of indpding' . parasites asanintegnllpaIt pf biodiversity inventories. Rey wor!lS: Theletrurn.lamothei sp.no1(., helminths,digelll:an,mllrifie fisb.,Costa Bica. Suryeys of helminth parasites of wildlife overaperiodof 45 years.. ·ln consideration of in Costa Rica aJ"e rel¡ttively few; pr�vious to the initiative developed byCosta Rica to tbis study, 60 helminth species" have been establish an inventory of.the biological collected. from Costa Ricatrvertebráte and divel;sity within lts territory, an<i to facilitate invertebratehosts. Of these; 25.are paráSites of their efforts to preserve biodíversity, the l:tI<l1'ine .al1d·ffeshwaterJish �s; including five objectives of tbispaper are to compile and 1l)ónogeneans,)l digeneans anq eight cestodes update information relatedto the knowledgebf (Brooks& McCorquodale 1995, Marques et plaíyhelminth parasites of marine and al. 199,;'1996; La:ITlothe etal. 1997), as well fresh�ater :fishes{rom CostaRica. In addition, as one acantho�ephalari(Van Cleave 1940, we.describe a new species of digenean Monks et al.. 1997). l'his. information is be10nging to Theletrum l.inton 1910, collected difficult lo. obtrun because it is . disperse marine fish, in the locality of Playa throughout varioussources,'anq waspublished Cuajiniquil, GuanltCastelTovince. 346 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL MATERIAL AND METHODS RESULTS Information about previous records of In this study, we collected nine species of platyhelminth parasites of fishes from Costa digenean parasites in six species of marine Rica was obtained from the data base of the fishes from several localities of the Atlantic Colección Nacional de Helmintos (CNHE), and Pacific coasts of Costa Rica (Table 1). In Instituto de Biología, U.N.A.M., Mexico City, additíon, 18 físh species examined were as well as a bibliographical search for recent negative for digeneans (Table 2). We describe publications. The new records we present a new species of Theletrum Linton 1910, and herein, along with the new species, are from present additional information in relation to the capture of several fish species we made in other digeneans that represent new host and February, 1996, at Playa Cuajiniquil, locality records. These species are not Guanacaste Provincc (lO°, 57' N, 85°, 38W), described nor illustrated; we only note Playa Ocotal, Guanacaste Province (10°, 32' morphological features and data relating to N, 85°, 44' W), Playa Hermosa, Guanacaste geographical distribution. Province (10°, 38' N, 85°, 38W) and Playa Nacascolo, Bahía Prieta, Limón Province (10°, Digenea Van Beneden, 1858 38' N, 85°, 38' W). Helminths were relaxed Familia Hemuiridae Looss 1907 with hot tap water and fixed in AFA or Bouin's Theletrum lamothei sp. nov. fluid. Worms were stained with Ehrlich's (Figs. lA, lB) hematoxylin, Mayer's paracarmine or Gomori's trichrome and mounted as Description (based on nine specimens): permanent slides with Canada balsam. Body elongate, smooth, 3.85 (2.él-5.40) long Measurements are in mm unless otherwise to 0.57 (0.42-0.65) wide at the level of indicated, and inelude the average and range in acetabulum. Complete circular postacetabular parentheses. Drawings were made with the aid ridge present. Tegument not serrated and taíl of a camera lucida and aH specimens were appendage absent. Oral sucker subterminal, deposited at the CNHE, Mexico City, and in 0.22 (0.17-0.27) long by 0.24 (0.19-0.28) the United States National Parasite Collection wide. Preoral lobe present. Acetabulum 0.39 (USNPC), BeItsville, Maryland; HWML refers (0.31-0.45) long and 0.39 (0.27-0.47) wide, to the University of Nebraska State Museum, and located in anterior one-third of body. Ratio Harold W. Manter Laboratory, Division of of length of oral sucker to length of Parasitology, Lincoln, Nebraska. acetabulum 1: 1.77 (1.43-1.99). Pharynx TABLE 1 Helminths (Monogenea, Digenea, Eucestoda, Acanthocephala, Nematoda) parasites of marine and freshwater fishes from Costa Rica Helminth Host Locality Reference MONOGENEA Ahpua piscicola Bravo 1973 Caranx caballus Golfo de Nicoya Lamothe et al. 1997 Oligoplites altus Choricotyle louisianensis Hargis 1955. Menticirrhus sp. Puntarenas Bravo & Arroyo1962b Pseudomazocraes monsivaesae Caballero y Bravo 1955 Vomer declivifrons Puntarenas Lamothe et al. 1997 Polymicrocrocot)'e manteri Lamothe 1967 Lutjanus colorado Golfo de Nicoya Lamothe el al. 1997 Tagia ecuadori (Meserve 1938) Sproston 1946 Sphaeroides sp. Puntarenas Bravo & Arroyo 1962b PEREZ-PONCE el al.: Theletrum lamothei sp. nov., parasite of Echidna nocturna 347 TABLE 1 CONTINUE ... He/minths (Monogenea, Digenea, Eucestoda, Acanthocephala, Nematoda) parasites of marine and freshwater fishes from Costa Rica Helminth Host Locality Reference DlGENEA Acanthostomum gnerii Szidat 1954 Rhamdia rogers; San José Caballero & Brenes 1957 Bianium plicitum (Linton 1928) Stunkard 1930 Sphaeroides sp. Puntarenas Caballero & Brenes 1957 B.simonei (Trayassos,Freitas and Buhrheim) Yamaguti, 1971 Aror/rron hispidus Bahía Prieta Thiswork Bucephalus introversus Manter, 1940 Caranx hippos Bahía Culebra Manter 1940 Crassicutis cichlasomae Manter 1936 Cichlasoma sp. Liberia, Guanacaste Bravo & Arroyo,1962a Crassicutis opísthoseminis Bravo y Arroyo 1962 Cichlasoma sp. Liberia, Guanacaste Bravo & Arroyo 1962a Didymozoinae Poche 1907 (Metacercarias) Haemulon maculicauda Bahía Culebra Thiswork Ectenurus virgulus Linton 1910 Fistularía commersoni Playa Ocotal Thiswork Helicometrina sinuata (Rudolphí, 1819) "Moray" Bahía Culebra Manter 1940 Hypocreadium myohelicatum Epinephelus itajara Playa Cuajiniquil Thiswork Lecithochirium monticellii (Linton 1998) Crowcroft1946 Synodus sp. Puntarenas Bravo & Arroyo 1962b Lecithochirium microstomum Chandler 1935 Fistularia commersoni Playa OcotaJ Thiswork Manteria brachydera (Manter 1940) Caballero 1950 Oligoplites altus Golfo de Nicoya ·Ponciano 1986 O.refulgens" Caranx cabal/us Mecoderus oligoplitis Manter 1940 Oligoplites sp. Puntarenas Bravo & Arroyo 1962b O. altus, O. refulgens Golfo de Nicoya Ponciano 1986 Proctotrema costaricae Manter 1940 "Medialuna" Bahía Culebra Mantel' 1940 Pseudolecithaster Campbell and Munroe 1972 Echidna nocturna Playa Cuajiniquil Thiswork Stephanostomum casum (Linton 1910) McFarlane1 934 Epinephelus itajara Playa Cuajiniquil Thiswork Tergestia laticollis (Rudolphi 1819) Stossich 1899 Caranx cabal/us Playa Ocotal Thiswork Caranx cabal/us Bahía Cu}ebra Manter 1940 Theletrum lamothei sp.nov. Eéhidna nocturna Playa Cuajiniquil Thiswork EUCESTODA Acanthobothrium nicoyaense Brooks y McCorquodale 1995 Aetobatus narinari Golfo de Nicoya Brooks & McCorquodalel995 A.costarricense Marques, Brooks y Monks 1995. Dasyatis longus Golfo de Nicoya Marques el al.1995 A.cimar; Marques, Brooks y Monks 1995. D.longus Golfo de Nicoya Marques et al.1995 A. puntarencnse Marques, Brooks y Monks 1995. D.longus Golfo de Nicoya Marques el al.1995 A.vargasi Marques, Brooks y Monks 1995. D.longus Golfo de Nicoya Marques et al.1995 A.campbelli Marques, Brooks y Monks 1995. Urotrygon chilensis Golfo de Nicoya Marques el al.1995 Acanthobolhroides pacijicus Marques, Brooks y Molina 1996 .Himantura pacifica Bahía Culebra Marques et al.1996 Rhinebothrium geminum Marques, Brooks y Molina 1996. Himantura pacifica Bahía Culebra Marques el al. 1996 ACANTHOCEPHALA Koronacanlha pectinaria (Van Cleave 1940) Monks, Marques, Microlepidolus brevipinnisPlaya Cuajiniquil Monks el al.1997 León-Regagnon and Pérez-Ponce de León 1996 "Medialuna" Bahía Culebra Van Cleave 1940 NEMATODA Echinocephalus janzeni Hoberg, Brooks, Molina y Erbe 1997 Himanlura pacifica Playa Cuajiniquil Hoberg et al. en prensa 348 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL TABLE 2 List offishes examined that were negative for platyhelminths No. of Fishes Fish Species No. of Fishes Fish Species Alphestes immaculatus Breder, 1936 Lutjanus colorado lordon and Gilbert, 1882 1 Anisotremus interruptus (Gil!, 1862) Lutjanus synagris (Linnaeus, 1758) 2 Anisotremus scapularis (Tschudi, 1845) Muraena lentiginosa lenyns, 1842 5 Calamus brachysomus (Lockington. 1880) Mycteroperca

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