Rec\!-iv\!-C. by NSDffARA Reg)":,;\ra\\on Un'.\ 0\/30/20\8 9-:45:56 AM Thls·materia1 is distributed by Capllol Counsel LLC on behalf of l:J.S.-China Transpacific Foundation. AddiUonat information,is available at the Department Of Justice, Washington, DC US-CHINA TRANSPACIFIC FOUNDATION ~<i'J!llA'Fi't.J;!;t,;, US Congressional Staff Delegation Trip to China ltirnerary Propo!s.oil April 2018 Confidential Proprietary 23 January 2018 Received·by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM R!!ceived by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM This material is distributed by Capitol Counsel LLC oo behalf.of U.S.-China Transpacific Foundation. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC , .... · ··-- I ".;i ~ -====-- I ---- '<,,,., lr~~:td_ ,_ :__ '_ -__ ,--_ - .~ i :,-; l'!l'e;\ r:,e-, ..,., O·vervTew C •1:1t:•, '_ t_- .,,~<;;& __ ·, '-- '_ ':'jtgg ft( n 'r 1/ •• UCrnPF wol'Jld like to 11,ielp arrange ·," j trip for conigressior;ial s,taffto hina betweeni, 30th Ma,ch to ~(l, 7th April. ~'\''· ?, u,,,- :!·(c ,~-1. .- • lihie. program aims tosendi•a lliil lliill ~~ -~ ■ bipartisan delegntioli) of ■ ,:;~ ·;tt;·;;. ·:-<.;... ,~ .::.~ co1,1gressioniali Ohiefs of S:taff on . ... ~ ar;i edl'Jcational and .cuJt,ural trip, - ;Jo China. providing participants ■ with a firs.Hhand glimpse into the. - sigl'lificont issues affect,ing modem, Chir,10 and VS-Chili)Gi reldJiOIT)s. Y.~:f.c~~~~ Private & ConfJdentJol 2 23 January 2018 e Unit 9:45:56 AM Received by NSD/F"ARA Registration 0-J/30/2018 Received by NSD/FARA Registmtion Unit· 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM This materlal-is distributed by Capitol Counsel LLC on behalf of U.S.-China Transpacific 1Foundation. Additional'information is available al the General lnforrrici"fio·n·"·"c • Cit~es: Beijing, Changsha • Duration: 30th March 2018 - 7th April 2018 • Number of staff: 10-15 • Organizer: US-China Transpacific Foundation • Main Activities: Meet with embassy, governments, legislative officials Visit educational institutions Attend themed forums and welcome dinner Visit tourist attractions ~ Y.§:~c~1~~~ Private & Cantidential Page 3 23 January 2018 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM Received by NSO/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM This material Is distributed by Capitol Counsel LLC on behalf of U.S.-Chlna Transpacific Foundation. Additional information is available at the Destinations Departmenl of Justice, WaShington, DC ··. f~~if(f",::,,,z.:~~&~r:. ;,/:- ~: ;_~J•. :·1,, i;,,: .,­ ··•,~-~-'·-:;;~~•~:~~~>:·i.~:~~-i -,, .• 18'f'i,,§l?ri:2fu,.,,;:'&:~·•'·· I ,e ~!:~c~l~~~l~~ Pcivate & Confidential Page 4 23 January 2018 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/201·8 9:45:56 AM Received by NSO/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM This.material Is disbibUted by Capitol Counsel LLC on behalf of U.S.-China Transpacific Foundation. Additional infonnation is available-at the Itinerary (TBC) Department-of Justice, Washington, DC .. .' ',• Date . ·Day,, .. • . locqtitiil Time Peilod' · ··Time Activity Type .. A¢tlvHles .. 30-Mar Friday Washington DC Flight Departure 31-Mar Saturday Beijing CA818, ETA 18:25 Flight . Arrival Morning 9:00.11 :00 Cultural Visit Visit Forbidden City & nananrYlen Square 1-Apr Sunday Beijing Afternoon 13::J0.17:30 Cultural Visit Visit Great Wall . Morning 10:00-11 :00 Official Visit Visit The Department of North American and Oceanian·Affoirs 2-Apr Monday Beijing 11:40-14:00 Official Visit CIISS roundtable discussion and luncheon Af.ternoon 15:00.19:00 Official Visit Meeting and welcom!9: dinner with CPIFA Morning 8'3().9:30 Official Visit Briefing at American Embassy 3-Apr Tuesday Beijing-Changsha CA 1373, 13:00-15:35 Flight Fly to Changsha Evening 17:00-18:00 Cultural Visit yisit Changsha Snock street 9'0().10:00 Official Visit Visit NPC of H1.:man Province Morning 4~Apr Wednesday Changsha 11 :00-12:00 Official Visit . Visit Changsha Municipal Government Afternoon 14:00-16:00 Cultural Visit Visit Moo Zedong's Former Residence (Shaoshan/ 8:30.1 0:00 Educational Visit Visit Hunan Normal University Morning . 10:30.13:oo· Cultural Visit Visit-Yuelu Academy & Alwan Pavillion 5-Apr Thursday Changsha G 1505, 14:09-14:24 Express Railway Express railway to Zhuzhou Afternoon 14::J0.15:30 Institutional Visit Visit CSR (Zhuzhou) G546; 16:49°17:08 . Express Railway Express railway to Changsha Morning · 10:()().1 J.:30 Culturpt Visit Visit Tongguon Kiln Changsha Afternoon 1 4:()(). 15:00 Institutional Visit Visit SANY 6-Apr Friday Channsho-Beiiina CA1374, 16:50.19:10 Fliaht Flv to Beiiinci Beijing Evening . 20:30.22:00 Cultural Visit Visit Houhai (Hutongj and dinner 7-Apr Saturday Beijing CA817, ETD12:45 Flight Departure ~ Y!:~c~~~~ Privale & Confidential Page 5 23 January 2018 Received by NSD/fARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM This material is distributed by Capitol Counsel LLC on behalf of U.S.-China Transpacific Foundation. Additional information is available at the ,,, Department of Justice, Washington, DC !Beijing The cdpitdl :of fhe il?eople's, Republic of China dnd the .orld's tl;iird ,mos.I populous city pwper • China's political, cultural, and educatibnal center • Locatedi in north.em 010ir"o and govenned as o dir.ectscontrolled municipali:ty•llnde, the l'ilQt,ior;iOli I government I -0 ~!:fc~!~~T~~~ P,ivote & Confidential 6 23 Jonumy 2018 Received by NSD/FARA Rcgistrntion Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registrntion Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM This material is distributed by Capitcil Counsel LLC on behalf of U.S.-China Transpacific Foundation. Additional informaUon·is available at the Beijing · Department of Justice. washinglon, DC ,Ministr;y of foreign, Affairs of the lll;S iEmbossy in CJ1ina People's. Republic,of Chifild The Ministry is under the State Council of the Government of the The US Embassy in Beijing serves as People's Republic of China, an the mission between China and the executive agency responsible for United States, housing more than 20 foreign relations between the federal agencies. People's Republic of China and other countries in the world. -0 ~!:f.c~~~~ P,ivate & Confidential 7 23 Jonuo,y 2018 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM Received by NSDIFARA R_egistra1ion Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM This material is distributed by Capitol Counsel LLC on behalf of U.S.-China Transpacific-Foundation. Additionat information is available at the Beijing Department of Justice, Washington, DC Chir;ia lmiit0,t8 fonln,terinOt,ional StroteQic Skidies (CIISS,) I iCPifA i i!!i!ll -·- ';;::~2~,.::.:fi;,i,;,:~1~. 8 ® Wii00-liii,<lll%"111 ,,:;n1_;,,;~~~, ;-l~r~~rt-~ ~ "* ,~, .-:it~,~-$:t._; ij~~I }£1f'"i"ftn:~ ·---e:·J~:f!t:--0:-._ ,:. \fly•,, ·~ " ~hl1v· ' ii .r\r,l . f ' :t f ; ,· 1 _ Y.1 $ !.~~.~!~!::.!~ - ; . ' _,_ ~ 1'_;,- . " _ -~ ~\:/~ . I\ " #m;;,~, ,.J . ~~~•_- ,<:/ 1 ·,;( - --•il•~~=-.~-'. \ 1,,, -~ 'r,,tfii ·tAFt:-: ~.. ~ ·\~}:; - .,,_. \~t."/i• ' "'-:J:...'_j::•'ill Advocated by China's first CIISS was established in 1979 and Premier Mr Zhou Enlai, the CPIFA primarily charged with the analysis is established in 1949 of international strategic situation. The institute consults and offers The Institute makes it its mission to policy advice to Chinese enhance understanding and governments, military and related build friendships between the institutions. Chinese people and the world Us CH TRANSPACIFIC• FOUNDATION;NAB Private & Confidential 8 23Janumy2018 e ,t•P»~·.:'?;,,.u;t,: Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM This materiahs distributed by Capilol:Counsel LLC on behalf of U.S:~China Transpacific Foundation. Additional·information is available at the Beijing · Department of.Justice. Washington. DC il1idn'''onmer;i, The ForbiddeJ1 1 City I With total area of 440,000 square meters, the Tian'anmen Square, located in the center of Beijing, is the Forbidden City, also known as the Palace largest of its kind. Museum, ond Gu Gong in Chinese, lies at the city center of Beijing. It once served Over a hundred years, many as the imperial palace for 24 emperors ceremonies and demonstrations have during the Ming and Qing Dynasties { 1368 been held here. The spacious square - 1911 ). was originally meant to demonstrate · II was built throughout the 14 years during majestic imperial power, walled in on the reign of Emperor Chengzu in the Ming the eastern, western and soulhem Dynasty {1368-1644). sides, shutting out common people. CHI (@usTRANSPACIFIC • FOUNDATION Private NA & Confidential 9 23Jonuary2018 ~,i,,,p. ,;i.i_u a:R Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Llnit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM Received by NSU/FARA Registmtion Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM "This maler'lal is d·1stri'oule<1.by Capitol Counsel:lLC oo behalf of U.S.-China Transpacific Foundation. Additional information is available at the Beijing Departmenl of Justice, Washington, DC The Gteat Wa'II IIDelicaeies of Beijir;ig ,, I Designated a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987 Peking duck is a dish that has been prepared since the imperial era Stretches a total length of more than 20,000 kilometres The meat is characterized by its thin, crisp skin, serving mostly the skin and little meat, National symbol for soteguarding the sliced in front of the diners by the cook security ot the country and its people e ~§:fie~~~~ Private & Confidential 10 23 January 2018 Received l>y NSD/FA~A Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45_:56 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/30/2018 9:45:56 AM This:material is-distributed by Capitol Counsel LLC·on behalf of U.S.-Chlna Transpacific Foundation.
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