WHEN THEY HAVE ABOLISHED FREAK PITCHING WE KNOW SOME LADS WHO WONT HAVE ANYTHING CTTTHE BALL BUT THE COVER arss-is-ai The Times' Complete,Sport Page ijrB.-asast <C«pr1tH 1»1». kr Iwt__ LOOKING 'EM OVER Indoor Sports (.me*. By TAD WALTERCAMPDONE 1 BY I IKMo LETT S£E - *'U- <r^£ (VSMON TV*. pOAiCH (?0\NC- LOUIS A. DOUGHER E0OIE V*. VN'Nt ASFOOTBALL HEAD OAKe TVtc CousTJA|U SHA*£*- WIU- TH.. WOfW ttpi*JOi~£0 Brink Thorn# Hoado New Mike O'Dowd, world's middleweight champion, through his man¬ Cork 5CK£VJ - 7 to ager, Paddy MaUins, threatens to ruin the game of those who would Winner kDlPlFofi^ vitory Body arraage a championship contest between Georges Carpentier, European by Knockout, AAiWON^y" Yale Conditions. tttieholder, and Jack Dempsey, the Salt Lake City slugger who took Thinks Other Way. the cmwu from the fat head of one Jess Willard, at Toledo, on July NEW HAVEN. Com.. Dm. IB- 1919. O'Dowd would battle as a test 4» Carpentier for the Frenchman. Noted trirM of Tale'a footkaE fcta> "O'Dowd is the to Knocked down in the first logical American fight Carpentier," says Mul- round of a scheduled ten-round tory ptmi out W actIt# lias. "Dempsey is not the man to go against the Frenchman. That bout wfth Mickev Rodtrers be¬ ii ttw la grMlrw MtlrtttN M th* wouldn't be a fight; it would be a murder. Carpentier made a poor fore the Keystone Club in Pitts- Terelty wkti tlM ratcuUn .bowing a few months ago against Dick Smith. O'Dowd knocked out burr. Johnny Kirk, lightweight, tM of the board of cootrol Smith the inter-allied tournament in London. was unable to recall anv of the tke footboll committee for 1M M «*- during We don't figure incidents which followed, though polated by Capt. Jobo T. of the over as CtlUu, victory Beckett indicating much in favor of Carpentier be¬ he knocked out his oDDonent in the Tale foot boll tool cause the Englishman was just a 'ham and' boxer, that's all, and every¬ the fourth round after vicious Thro* monitors of tk* oomtttM body knew it, including Carpentier and that, wise manager of his, battling. In the dressing room wore not rtappnlntirt They or* Wal¬ after the fight Kirk was feeling ter Camp. *80. rorarded far yeore b« Lale'a O Dowd la almost u as sorry for himself and wondering loUlat adrteory fnHill big Carpen- what coooh iN hi moo If a grMlm star Hi tier. Ths European champion the his pals would think of him weight world'* champion, tt ia well with¬ for a irr»Tt Vonoo C. McCormlck. "M. 1»7 or 172 pound, when in for in hia righta to lnalat to the end. taking licking from Rod- former ektlrau of tko D*m> ahape gers, his sworn Pheff, work. ODowd recently upon defending hla title In thia coun¬ enemy. When his cratir notional couMttoo aad om *f maw 1H pounds for Hike Gibbons, try. he wll be but following examples attention was called to the fact Amerlca'a oeoittaik deleaataa at tb« r*t*lB hU »«*~1 when aet by Jim Corbett, Bob Fitzalmmona, that it was Rodgers who was Pmu conference, ul Jotopk K. *.* Pounda This wu Jim Jeffriea, and. last, but not leaat. knocked oat. Kirk could not be¬ 8wan. 02 ** catchweight conteata In Jeaa Wlllard. All theae champloaa lieve it 8. B. (Brlak) Tkerae, 'M. of hesitated before la ehalrau of »ow .hort,y after he returned offering their crowna "I have only a hazy recollec¬ York. tki r*TL rta*IT*r following hia .demobillxa- to the opinion a of Brltlah refereea. tion mlttoe. Ho hod booo kctlkf Diifiaji la la Aetlve. of the referee standing over IN 3 recently la Ik* tkooM mt Mr. Mo- me and counting in pOOR POO.T4 Comtek the world with a 1L Deacampa, the ahrewd manager the first la Europe. Joba WL KU- -.1?" arowad it. either, for a bout of Georges Carpentier. haa shown round." said Kirk. MI remember patrick. 11, af Nov Tork. I* Bars Mulllns. "but him'aelf to be about the moat active him raising and lowering his arm * nareod to tko ko«i<4. Z?we doA Cy^otler."believe that the handler of a boxer in while bar* of tha | middleweight the hiatory of counting and could hear Ll5T.7o<AjCr TT> A f-Of*M6Tft^ Stoddard, of Maw champion should try out Carpentier flatica anywhere. It waa hia leaping toe crowd yell, but I cant re¬ H, into the H. Biaelow. of Now Tork, * h,m to tackle that ring that saved' Carpentier member getting up and continu¬ CAFE" P(3-0P g-lETbt*. Af W£ I^AKff Theodoee whlrlwladwhVM^li on two lees. Jack Demp- from being knocked cold by Frank LJlloy, 19, MmC, of W| ing the fight." , Caaa. Klaus In 191£. OVT WIS" bury, A" Gunboat Smith, relating the tale of Physicians attended Kirk, but CHRl!»T>AA5 iU ST.* G*«a« r». hia defeat in London, did not said there was apparently noth¬ prornot'r« ara shoving heaitate CADDOCK OR MAT. « **rh to warn Dempaey concerning thia ing wrong with him. momlng's aame If. It waa Car CHICAGO, Dae. It MwWUhTe already accord Deacampa. pen- former champion wreattor. wtH tETT^ff £ Jrhey lh® tier'a eagle-eyed manager who leaped J.^ ?iean*' *waet-acented into the ring, demanding loudly the Bun Clapham, champlaa of world's champions. diaqualillcation * of the American bara tonlfkL Tkla will ka °r * ^"'e '» this HARVARD GRIDIRON MEN Brat public appaaraaea alaoe . heavyweight for fouling, though the -^"5" promoters are said moving plcturea afterwarda ahowed Center Eleven Come turnad from Franc*, wkara ka * cont»" BROOM wltb tba A. E. 7. or even KEARNS no foul, poaaibility of a foul. STARTLES May QUINT WILL LEAVE SATURDAY *tagod «.»2t^ooo°for*aria Cochran, thai -But M. with hia f**?l^Mdaa promoter, hovers in the offir.Jl Deacampa got away argumett before the atiff-backad Brit- is to a date for a foot¬ °f *°,d hM"n* '"»« h'» iah referee. Georgetown University seeking: arrange CAMBRIDGE, Ham.. Doc 18..Har¬ MARHATTARS TO MEET. H*«. wants the ball game with Center of at the next Manhattan Stara ara 2k bout for the If Dempaey ia certain in hia own College Kentucky Hilltop vard's team |tti away next Saturday aekaMM to 5JJ*\ u "> November, according to a statement issued by Manager George Jop- STARTS OP NORTH: moot tonight at T:W a'cloek at tka mind of out with WORLDOF afternoon on its jaunt to the Pacific knocking Carpenter SPORTS -of the Danville and there is that a Manhattan allay a SKSS)^^*,? the flrat awful wallop, or if he beT lin, jr., institution, every hope coast to plar Oregon at Pasadena on American promoter is llevea he can suitable be reached this unbeaten eleven . .Jl11* ,7ho collect enough money for agreement may bringing New Tear °"Br* tfcat *3AO.OOO remain, to the remainder of hla daya, to Washington. Tomorrow Catholic University play- Day. rendering - An epidemic of colds has seised the WANT FLOOR GAMES. J?*®" K*arna. Just coming defeat a matter of amall importance Sweet Scented One Thinks era and Coach Fred Rice start North . of to battle in a. squad. Eddie Casey, star halfback, War Rlak Iwaaraaa 'r0* .*-' him. let-him Pari on a three-came trip. The enrage- SySZL fa££VB But if Dempaey thlnka he may hare Detapsey Worth Half a and Jack Def mond, the big end, are Samoa wltb Independent ti Dowtnick Tortorich. the to ga five or more rounda with Car¬ ments with Delaware College, con¬ half sick, but will be able to make L. McKenney. Boom 1M. £E£ bnnnna team Ne£ ^ merchants said pentier and Deacampa and a foreign Million for Bout queror ovet the Naval Academy the trip. Gratwick, sub halfback, has BuUdlac. U maaager. toi.T..hare Denptty hooked to an am«. referee, he will do well to inalat on de¬ "FRITZ" MURPHY CHOSEN HflJLTOPPERS TO ENGAGE yesterday; St. John's College, of decided not to go, reducing the team ¦»nt or something, but all New^ fending hia title in America. Brooklyn, and the Crescent A. C.. to twenty-two players. for a CM brln* ,M0000 Meanwhile, let'a llaten to the chink NEW YORK, Dsc. tha TO LEAD C. U. GRID MEN BUCKNELL rated as one of the strongest inde- Dummy scrimmage practice was REDS SURt WALK.' \ * 18..Though TEAM contest. no. not. of the coin. TONIGHT teams in the are ex¬ held yesterday, which if golden t weary, old world refused to come to pendent country, during Oragon Tha world'a chomptoa Cti ®^f®P,OMh|Psurrounding parlahea pected to put the in line plays were used exclusively by the Red* aura can walk. ¦ an It Brooklanderq Tkar kaa* a# l!ll end received a distinct shock fettle for the battles later in the second string men. total of 40ft froa pa.aa taat as Halfback, Injured Great Part of Sea* Georgetown Lads Meet Penn Col¬ CoBn . offer of THREE-CORNERED TRADE December 17, faded out. thanks to season. avrrafinf 2.W par faded Into Inaimificance one Jack Kearns, manager of Jack son. Is Selected to Captain legians Before Starting Off Catholic University opened its new Brarn were imad with Mt J*oth-chUd b«ran rat- Dampaey. Football Team. on Trip North. gymnasium auspiciously last night In WEST VKGDOAMAY BE for an atotaa* of >.S4. t*" °f franc* and .Pitting COMES IN OLD LEAGUE Kearns has today put a value on defeating Loyola.
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