Fort Hays State University FHSU Scholars Repository University Leader Archive Archives Online 11-5-1964 State College Leader - November 5, 1964 State College Leader Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader Content Disclaimer The primary source materials contained in the Fort Hays State University Special Collections and Archives have been placed there for research purposes, preservation of the historical record, and as reflections of a past belonging to all members of society. Because this material reflects the expressions of an ongoing culture, some items in the collections may be sensitive in nature and may not represent the attitudes, beliefs, or ideas of their creators, persons named in the collections, or the position of Fort Hays State University. Recommended Citation State College Leader Staff, "State College Leader - November 5, 1964" (1964). University Leader Archive. 131. https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader/131 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives Online at FHSU Scholars Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in University Leader Archive by an authorized administrator of FHSU Scholars Repository. tCans as ....c::t • 111.:!torical Society Klr~e ~eqhe~. sec~ 2005 ·-Tope kn, Kans s co:np •• FORT HAYS KANSAS STATE COLLEGE, HAYS, KANSAS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1964 NUMBER NINE • 0 nson u:r1es arry A very Edges Wiles in Heated Governor's Race Dole Outlasts Ly,ndon Piles Up Bork Challenge For House Seat· Huge .Vote Margin Topeka ( AP) - Republi- WASHINGTON (AP) - President Lyndon B. Johnson, can William H. Avery woh- running powerfully everywhere but in deepest Dixie, swamped . eJection as governor of Kan- Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater Tuesday night to win the . ·~~s, edging a determined bid presidency for the next four years . · -by Harry G. Wiles, member Johnson jumped into the lead at the very start, winning of the Kansas Corporation Kentucky, a state that. had gone .Republican in the last two· Commission. elections. Avery has' been a member And with this auspicious beginning, he was never headed. State after state fell to him, including such big ones as of Congress since 1954.,- and Ohio, New York, Illinois, Michigan and Pennsylvania. was dean of the state delega- With 32 per cent of the precincts reporting, Johnson had tion in point of service. 15,875,000 votes to Goldwater's 10,556,000. , With 2,109 of 2,921 precincts re- In electcfral votes, the President led 405 to 35. porting late Tuesday night, Avery He had ,von 22 states, ,vas leading in 14 others. held a 361,369 to 331,0081ead over Goldwater had won four states, and led in four. Wifos. The four which Gol.dwater carried were Alabama, Louisi- Republican! had won or led in ana, Mississippi and South Carolina - the four which went to four of the five congressional dis- the States Rights Democrats in the 1948 election won by trict races. Harry S. Truman. In the big First District, in- For Johnson, it was strictly good cumbent Republican Robert Dole news Tu~sday night. held a 70,868 to 65,514 lead over Early in the evening it Democratic challenger Bill Bork was clear that the Democrats had retained at midnight. In the Second District, where M~. PRESIDENT - Lyndon B. Joltnson . A very is ending 10 year's service, Ka.nsas Goes Democrat John · Montgomery and . · epublican Chester L. Mize battled For Johnson ~ neck and neck. With about half the TOPEKA (AP) - President precincts reporting, Montgomery, Johnson swept aside the tradi- Junction City publisher, held a GOP Upsets Demos tional Republican strength in slight lead over Mize. Kansas Tuesday and became the ·Republicans leading in the other first Democrat nominee. to carry districts were: Third, Rep. Robert In Four County Races the Sunflower state since 1936. F. Ellsworth; Fourth, Rep. Gamer With 2,063 of 2,927 of the Shriver; and Fifth, Rep. Joe Sku- Republicans apparently upset the schaik. Democrat W. J. Braun was state's precincts reporting, John• bitz. applecart in contested Ellis County leading Nick Rohleder, 793 to 424, son had 378,193 Totes to Gold- political races Tuesday. in the contest for commissioner water's 317,909, State Races With 21 of 29 precincts counted from the third district. Twenty-one In other state races: at midnight: precincts had reported. Lt. Gov. - 1,783 precincts, 1. GOP challenger Vivian Meck- In •the national races, President control of the Senate and probably Crutcher ( R), 162,832; :Martini, el waA leading incumbent E. J. Lyndon B. Johnson piled up a 4,331 Vice-President Hilbert Humphrey would win_ the House by a bigger 154,528. Dreiling, 2,865 to 2,171 in the race to 1,922 margin over Barry Gold- margin than they now have. Secretary of State - 1,783 pre- for 89th District State Representa- water with 24 precincts reporting. Leader a Day Early - Johnson carried Maine and Ver- cincts, Shanahan (R), 174581; Pre- tive. Democrat Bill Bork built a sub- mont, the only two states Franklin both 135,679. 2. Donald C. Staab, Republican stantial 1,559 to 879 edge over in- And Now We're Sleeping D. Roosevelt missed in his classic State Auditor - 1,601 precincts, candidate for county attorney, piled cumbent Robert Dole in the Ellis The Leader is out on Wednes- sweep of 1936. He was the first Hedrick (R), 138,169; Anderson, up a 3,012 to 2,042 margin over County total for First District day this "'·eek to bring you re• Democratic president in history to 123,785. Democratic incumbent Gregory Congressman. suits o( Tuesday's election. carry Vermont. Staff members and printers State Treasurer - 1,601 pre- Herrman. Gubernatorial candidate Harry As reports came in from the 3. GOP candidate Don Rowland worked throughout the night to ,. -.cincts, Peery (R), 130,913; Craft, Wiles, a Democrat, had a 1,482 to North and Midwest, the stories held a 2,934 to 2,009 vote margin compile the special issue. Per• ·• !28,57K _ 839 margin over William Avery often were monotonously the same: over Simon Roth Jr., the incumbent mission to use Associated Press Attorney General - 1,779 pre- with 16 precincts reporting. Johnson, elevated so dramatically __.~· cincts, Donnelly (D), 164,271; Lon- for the probate judge post. wire facilities was secured Local voting also included sever- and tragically to the White House derholm, 161,293. The race was closer for commis- through the Bays DaiJy News just 11 months ago, was carrying al other uncontested races. and KAYS radio and tele\"'ision. Superintendent of Public in- sioner from the second district, towns that always before had gone struction - Bornholdt (D), 140,- where Dou~ Philip, n Republican, Ellis County has long been one Don't look for another issue Republican. 226; Throckmorton, 137,061. held a narrow 1,345 to 1,203 mar- of the state's Democratic strong- Thursday. We're sleepin~. - The gin over Democrat Philip Gott- holds. Leader starr. It was too early to get much of a line on why the Yote went as it did. But an electronic TOl<' analysis in selede-d precincts, North and Students' Reactions to LBJ Differ South. Rhowed the anticipated heavy .Seitro backinit for John- What's in store for the United However, Johnson is a weak man - "Johnson . will be good !or son. States with President Lyndon B. for the office, but definitely better tbe country." The Far West and ;\fountain .Johnson at tne helm during the than Goldwater." Sharon Pfeifer, Hays junior - States were still to be heard from next four years 7 Su11an ~ey. Phillipsburg fresh- "With .Johnson we will hnYe con- - and they ha~e been areas This was the question asked FHS man - "There will be more big tinued peace and reasonable secur- where Goldwater strength was !ltudents last night. money spending." ity ... supposed to be hea\")". Ken Rro"·n. Kinsley senior - Some of the replies: Ralph \°~11. Plainville senior - Rut. on the basis of the returns "'We will continue to see more ~ov- ".John~on·~ election will ha\"e no KeTin Ha11e. Springfield. \"a .. in hy micf-evenirl~ it looked like junior - "I prefer Johnson to Gold- ernment spendinir. and more pro- <IPvaiitAtin~ e(foct on the nntion it ,oulti })(' A land~licfe. water because I think his radical ~rams for welfare for all Ameri- anrl will hrin~ little rhan~e." policies are n little sa!er than cans. Like Any presiden~ Johnson nick Stout. Tulsa. Okla .. fresh- Goldwater's. I think Johnson is un- will have to exercise the caution nrnn - "The country will be in imairinati\·e and it is unfortunate n~essar; for his responsible of - hnrl sha~." Inside Today's LeAder that a man of such mediocre abili- (ice And must be aware of !irat-- Pat :McAtee, Ell~·orth senior - tif'S, e~pecially in !orei5m policy. term limitations. He will make no ··There will be more Cederal aid to )fore Elt'<'.tion .S ewR 2, 3 now ~uides the nJl!_ion." rnd ical chan5re in foreisrn policy. Miucation and in'-"l'eAsed ci..-jl riR'hL<t e Bonito from the c~nro . S Pat Grabbe. Hays sophomore - hut \\ill rontinue to rlefine our pol- lelZ'i!-IAtion . John~on will follow the e SOC-lff CompromiRe 6 "I think the country will pass icy well." ~enernl trend o! Kennedy's poli- • P . .A.J1 Win Title __ 7 Go\"ernor William A Tery through four ;·ears of prosperity. Eddie Parker, Junct!on City cies ... e Tig,r~ Battle Pitt B State College Leader · 2 Thursday, -November. 5,. 1964. Denios Keep Senate, House Control; Sheriff, Tax Amendments Kennedy _Takes.
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