I’ V I SAUK CENTRE HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 NEWS CONDENSATIONS. Biting Finger Nails. The chief finger nail chuwers of the IV world are the French, and it was re- l*inrn<lny. Sept. 1. IN LINE cently stated upon MANDEAD MANY reliable authority ONE r Chinese tr japs have been defeated by that nearly two-thirds of French school the rebus id two battles, losing 3,000 Annual Farade of Grand Army children are addicted to the habit. m Fatal Factional Fiffht Between men. Even for grown people there is hard- The mayor of Galveston, Tex., fired Veterans at Cincinnati Un- ly any habit, aside from the confirmed Wings of Colorado Silver upon strikers. abuse of narcotics, lUHu UlllH riotous Tne fire became more difficult to I usually Long. and Children. Republicans. general and several men were shot. overcome thau the habit of biting the S For Infants Emperor Kwang Su of China, ac- finger nails. Itrequires a strong mental effort cording io a Pekin special to the Lon- and constant vigilance to do this, de.n Was a Mile in for once a person Rush to Capture the Hall Met Daily Mail, is reported seriously Ohio Division has become thorough- IThe Kind You Have ly ill. - addicted to the habit he does it un- Length, All Counties Being consciously, and by a VeUey Freni Those Cowboys to run Fort is only reminded that attempted he is marring I Pierre, S. p., and in the shooting that Represented. himself when he gets one Always Bought in of his nails gnawed Possession. ensued one man was killed and another down to the quick. AvegelablePreparationforAs- B > All manner of remedies have been ad- wounded. vanced for similating the Food andßegula- jg| —. j-i g the the cure of the finger nail < President McKinley has appointed Was Perfect and andßowels of . Weather biting habit, including the placing of tag the Stomachs 1110 g Police Take Control and Find C. D. Woodward as one of the com- KJ Fabu- injurious and bitter compositions on the f missioners to represent this govern- Attendance Reached a Complete Arsenal in ends of the fingers, but none of ment Paris exposition. the rem- at the lous Figures. edies amounts to much. ! | Signature / M y the Building. */ Wilhelmina, queen of Holland, cele- The only way to stop biting the fin- Digestion,Cheerful- igj g I&P the attainment Promotes brated her birthday and ger nails is to stop. The Americans are ness and Rest. Contains neither g of her majority on Wednesday. Thanks- Meeting of the “Blue and Gray” next to the French in the finger nail Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. ® vi Tragedy Followed Removal of giving services were held in all the biting habit, probably a Feature of the Day’s because the NotNakcotic. || State Chairman Broad for churches of Holland. Americans, as a whole, are an exceed- MLMlj I ingly nervous people. A man who ac- Friday, Sept. 2. Programme. si “Disloyalty.” complishes his - determination to knock fly The Japanese legations at Washing- I gl I off biting his finger nails in- ® may, by Pumpkin Sc£<L“ . SgJ a ton to the * and London will be raised the cessant manicuring,,get them to look Alx.Senna 1 3SI SJFa - Cincinnati, Sept. B.—Today was - Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. B. rank of embassies. fairly well PoakelU Salto I jEj _ *£¦ | Grand within a year or so, but fin- ytniw * I > It is reported that the religious or- red letter day of the National Seed 91 TS 3 Q The political war between the two fac- annual ger nail biting, if long persisted in, ders of the Philippines are selling their Army encampment—the parade ruins the ( Il\ til HID tions of the Silver Republican party shape of the ends of the fin- - I % Hong Kong syndicate. ot the veterans. The attendance in Item Seed >i > »jt resulted in the death of Charles Harris property to a gers, and the nailscan never be brought The on the the city reached fabulous figures,, ac- | of Denver. It was the result of an at- Chicago limited train to look as well as those of the persons Jl New York, Ontario and Western was cording to the estimates of two dozen who permit their Kind tempt by the Broad faction to capture nails to grow as they Aperfect Remedy for Cons tipa- Ig « AaH tl wrecked near Fulton, N. Y., and three railways that have been taxed beyond to opera house which was guarded by were intended/ grow.—Washington tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, g | the trainmen killed. their capacity, but the arrangements Star. the Sprague faction. At 4 o’clock a Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- u Thursday’s statement of the condi- were such that none have wanted for Sleep. rush was made by 75 or 100 of the Too Much For Watson. ness and Loss of UI U tion of the treasury shows available iood or shelter or suffered from heat or g IU U il Bread men from both front and rear of Only once did Watson, when a captain, gold _ cash balance, $294,807,804; re- want of anything. At sunrise all were Facsimile Signature of tri building, and the men, never fail to punish a man for intoxica- the Sprague serve, $217,904,484. of 45 at aroused by the salute guns tion. This was in the summer of 1893 who held possession, in repelling the Blanche the au- Roosevelt, American Camp Sherman. There were numer- at Boston, attack fired a volley into their assail- when the San Francisco Bought. is ill in L udon, suf- thoress, seriously ous meetings previous to the parade, the naval militia on |Always took Massachusetts jggg, ants. Harris fell with a bullet through fering from a complication of disorders, but none that attracted more attention its first practice cruise. Among the the abdomen, and is past medical aid. including brain trouble. the factions was than the meeting of the “Blue and the regular crew was old Alexander Parker, The clash between Eddie McDuffee was an easy winner the action of National Gray” at the Chamber of Commerce at sailmaker’s mate, who was never known preceded by over Frank Butler in the 19-mile paced Towne in removing Richard 9a. m. This meeting had been ar- to remain sober when there was liquor Chairman pursuit race the Charles River Pari WRAPPER. the chairmanship of the on and to be had. When the naval militiamen EXACT COPY OF g Broad from track at Boston, and lowered the pre- ranged by resident Coufederate came on board a witty boatswain’s V - ¦¦. YORK CITY. state committee on the ground of ‘‘dis- more thau two Federal veterans with a view of bring- ¦ THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW vious world’s record mate, while no officer was near, sang loyalty to the Silver Republican party minutes. ing about the most cordial handshak- and the cause it stands for,” it being out in an authoritative tone: ing over the bloody chasm, and it was alleged he had joined in a con- Saturday, Sept. 3. ‘‘All you men having whisky on that successful. Meantime the spiracy with friends of Senator Wol- General Shafter has arrived at Camp eminently board lay below and turn it in to the Sexton of Illinois, cott to defeat the proposed fusion with Wikoff from Santiago. contest between sailmaker’s mate for safe keeping.” Shaw and Shotts o! New York, Ander- Many sailors took the bait, Democrats and Populists. The national irrigation congress is in amateur son of Kansas and Mack of Ohio for and in a few minutes old Aleck, Police in Control ofthe Place. session at Cheyenne, Wy. sit- commander •n-cuief goes on with much down below in sailroom, - Harris died soon after he was shot. ting decks his General Miles and staff sailed from animation, while Denver, Kansas City, was surprised to have a vast collection Another man was struck in the cheek Ponce lor home afternoon. Thursday and Philadelphia are making a hot of flasks to He received all by the same bullet that killed Harris. passed him. Maclwwry, The F rst Wisconsin has been or- for location the next en- Chief Gathright contest tue of these as gifts with many thanks. He McConrick Sheriff Boynton and dered from to Camp took control of the opera house and Jacksonville campment. was found a day after sound asleep in BEST Douglass, and the Fiftieth lowa to Des The Grand Parade. his sailroom, covered THE ON THE MARKET made a thorough search. The sheriff literally with Moines, to mustered out. said they discovered a whole arsenal in be The parade of veterans of the Grand empty bottles of every size and shape. the building. The officers seized six Lieutenant H. S. Morgan and Henry Army moved promptly at 10 a. m., led He was finally taken before the captain, negro, Ty- Light Running, Easy to Operate.. Winchester rifles and ten revolvers. Smith, a were drowned off by a platoon or mounted police, in the to whom was told the circumstances. The opera house is now in possession of bee island while trying to rescue the following order: “Parker,” said he sternly, “Ihave no the police, deputy sheriffs and adher- crew of the Norwegian bark Noe. First Division—Department of Illinois, words with which to discuss your case. Don’t Buy Until You Hm Eximkia all our Machinery. ents of ex-Chairman Broad. No one Caprain Edward Murphy, who com- General M. A. Cochran and staff. Go forward.”—New York Times. Second is allowed to approach the doors.
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