18 1943 ■ M'lloday'i MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Weather Dmly Student ■Campus Publication of Michigan State College VOL. 33Z.332 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 1943 I . Patriotism Plus frti! ;,tcr1 reservists who fail- German Tanks Poised on 'u. the navy Or marine led Algerian Border and seem to think that , v army duty is to be avoided at all costs, Former Grid Star • j have been rushing in- Drive to Harried . Seekl^"*'^.8^ '4"ny £<<St o prcs j0hn Han- Dies as Prisoner Hannah pah's olTicc to say de- §] 5 ()()() Loan Relieve Battered Yanks h. is getTnto'no"" Han- j on Corregidor ! Americans Hole Up in Ilills as Ronmu-I Spools Flrito ilh -hriie- his shoulders bewil- | Fund Total | Mend I v tit such intense patriot j First Lieut. Ralph E. Bennett.' Bv H'ets Gallagher imi assures them that a i Jr., one of the most popular men | i ALLIED Vill be found for them. ever graduated from MSC, died I HDQ. IN NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 18 (AP)— Campus Organizations i : as a Jap prisoner of war on Cor- German tank formations stooei almost on the Algerian bor- j Will B«- ] regidor, it was learned Wodnes- j Ft>-<|u<-.|«-<l I tier today after capturing 4,000 square miles of central . In Slink's Clothing I j day by his parents, Mr. and j to Conlrihuto Tunisia in four days from American forces who have with- may j Mrs. Ralph Bennett of Mt. ; clamour boys ; Kclratvn into the mountains themselves as |.hink"of Sheiks of j Clemens | below Tebessa, an Algerian 1 train. but in rase they want to ; Lieut. Bennett entered the A WPB Itown -qaire an nrmy soon after hjg graduation Request .12 miles west of the air of authenticity, a l drive to put ' in Arabic is now being of- i fr0ni State in 1940. H rlo'»th ' ' $15,000 in theii Spar- border. r,l at State. The first meet- 'occurred May 8, 1942, of wounds,H,na. II,an Victory loan, fund will begin However, word that the Brit¬ nnd end i „f th.- prospective nomads— I reccivpd March 27 --morr Saturday, ish eighth army, driving from „d inridrntaily coeds might find While at „ , March 20, according to Ted the south to relieve the situa¬ State. Bennett was a | Ross, Ag. '43, chairman of the t useful for joining harems tion, had reached Medenine aft¬ star end on the Michigan State i loan committee tfhrduled for 7 P- ">• toda3 er a 45-mile advance, grid teams of 1938-1939, and promised Urn lir.. t'nion annex. an early lessening of Marshal , Played with State in the Orange wl^, conization"r««nizat"»or Rommel's pressure on 'bowl on Jan. 1, 1939. He the Amer¬ being requested to icans. 1Chat Price (,lory? Reach Tebessa Straggling units which fought their way back from beh>nd the German lines reached American •d by his dorm comrades w t carnival committee A letter is being-sent to each ..V night After winning, _. , . orgnization enclosing a jxzst card StiniMin ivie was Explain* Lo*h talking on The war department telegram which, if returned would auth¬ the precinct telephone. ! ""d news of his death on May orize the treasurer of the college WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 ■Victory He suspected foul ' 8- 1942- was received from the to transfer the amount indicated (AP)—Fairly heavy losses in IShott er nlay so he removed! Japanese government through by the organization from its ac¬ both personnel and equipment •lis clothing in the j the International Red Cross. count to the account of the arc being inflicted on Amer¬ f die booth. When the j Spartan Lain fund. This will ican forces by the German !,% caught up with him. j ■» ... • > • take care of complications which thrust in Tunisia, Secretary of . *;,* transformed in- KCCI'II 111IIg Boai'll otherwise might arise in han¬ War Stimson acknow.edged fi d.imp character. Said | dling the money, according to tdoay, but he said there has y "lt was worth il I to Finish Exams Ross. been no major disaster. An eight foot thermometer The development was not fc/fiif. Chiang Pleads Today, Tomorrow will t>e placed in the Union toi altogether unanticipated, he record the weekly results of the j T''m actress VERONICA said, and constituted "one of drive. Names of those reverses which must be rour Freedoms to Medical personnel of—the the organiza- j LAKE has unveiled the other | tions will be expected from time to time in placed on it to j sjde cf her face as above be- i navy-marine recruiting board an Houses show which groups are respond- i operation of the size of the of Congress will remain on campus through cause Uncle Sam asked her to, ing to the appeal. The State! Tunisian campaign.'' ...... ._ . „ I tomorrow to complete cxamina- says her studio. The WPB ask¬ .VASHISGTON, Feb. 18 AP) News will run a box score of tlons of aroiy reserves with { ed for pictures of her with up-* L'ej. v.ccd and exquisite in i intributurs and totals every, navy and IIiarine preferences, swept tresses as an example to broidercd Chinese i Saturday, outposts in the heights «ast of «tlk.| John A Hannah said yes¬ girls in war work where clear rfi Kai-Shek brought ; Tebessa. bringing accounts that , i For Returning Students terday vision is important, so Miss tended ng house to its feet to- The to scale down early re¬ AAF men from Selfridgc field Spartan Victory Lake is shown here as she will -he declared it was und was ports of Allied losses j will give mental examinations organized to look as a war nurse in her next i • led Nations' interests; (Dispatches did not today to some 175 reservists who See DRIVE—Page 2 picture. say Japan to continue "as whether the American hope to get transfers to the j outposts potential threat" to .|v- were east or west of the oorder. army air forces; Almost all of The mountains below Tebessa the men who signified intention Chinese ■ iH* sprawl on both side* if the petite wife of the I of joining last week and are Report Fresh Jap Attacks line. > 'lectrified I taking the exam have been con- From The Axis veterans had ad¬ nching a small tacted by from Shanghai to Yunnan in South j mail the presi¬ vanced some 60 miles since Sun- pi nounce the four free- dent's office. 1 CHUNGKING, Feb 18 (AP) . recorded in London said a nned by President | The examinations will be giv¬ Japa- j day and the Allied communique • • ; -The Jnpanese have begun at- nesc army spokesman had an- gong of freedom; en this morning from 9 a in. to j today announced that they had • Cn.ted Nations and the tacks in seven widely separated nouneed that Japan now 1 p. m. in Fairchtld theater. | intends! taken Sbeitla, Kasserine and ■kin to from the lake country take all conceivable Feria , the last only 12 wles 11 their aggressors." Men who can take the exam but j , orth of Shanghai to the jun- ; to crush [ She declared: iwho the registrar's office has Chungking resist-' from the Algerian bordei !les of Yunnan in the southwest,] \" thus suggesting that the j H*ht Slacken* il.- not forget that Japai _jj been unable to contact are: ently with the hope inese might be delivering Fight in southern Tunisi "ed areas i "today" has | first blows in an effort to yesterday her corn- ^ En^ «,ding Chinese resistance. the|thl Chinese announced today. i scale," General Eisenhower's Band tha:, Germany. George, Ralph Hoover, Sam Mc- j knock out China before the Clung, John Sessions, and Jerry A Chinese spokesman told a J United Nations can bring effee- J communique said, Ward. They are to report with press conference that there was live assistance to her.) | 11 appeared that Romii c! had the others at Fairchild this no indication that the current The spokesman also declared ! inflicted such losses that an Al- UNDER THE WIRE morning. nixTatiuns were the "prelude to | that the Japanese drive started , liedI attack on his flank was vlr- Location or time for the phy¬ a "cneral offensive" He raid in Kwangtung province Febru-! tually impossible I hus ne wan sical examinations have not they probably were motivated ary 11 had been beaten back | ready to turn south to meet the LONDON, re to dissipate Chi- and the Japap " ith- j British eighth army whicn now Friday, Feb. 19 j been picked, the decision do- by the di I ts 65 miles inside southern Tu- ■ngth." • Llrawing to the bases APi—Thr Moroccan radio in a ] pending on the number of men ncse st (twdcist ■r, a Tokyo broadcast j iisia at the outposts of the Mar- reported today by j passing the mental tests today. I How cth line. nttrrs quilted Gen Alphonse iKrueger to Command (The German communique commander-in- •. FYeiich i said "an I in attacking operation un¬ North Afrk-a. as saying ' IvOIIIlltel Thrusts Americans Back ; der way for some days was suc¬ G'rman Tunisian Xeu ly Created Field offen- cessfully continued." Consider¬ hid been "broken after de- 'Army in Austndia able loszes were reported In- i i( tu>n of American tanks." [("nrral juln also wu said to WASHINOTON, Feb 18 (AP) j fllcted b* N?2' bca.vy df -The Urrd in an interview possibility of a major of- wLap°,l*«af^ lr'oUf^ c1!! ' Lr<r srale German Unk fensive against the Japanese in I and an 8,00<Mon transport was had been the Southwest Pacific was raised : reported sunk west of Algiers.) warded off by .
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