17354 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 25, 2005 Science Center, the Mexican American Legal HONORING THE MEMORY OF SPE- The Rwandan genocide of 1994 is one of Defense and Education Fund, and the San CIAL POLICE OFFICER DWAYNE the greatest tragedies of our time, and a Antonio Chamber of Commerce. As should be REEVES shameful chapter in human history. In the obvious, Mr. Nicolas’s considerable time and span of only 100 days, more than 800,000 energy affected numerous facets of life for HON. DONALD M. PAYNE Tutsis and moderate Hutus were systemati- Latinos in our community and throughout the OF NEW JERSEY cally murdered by the Rwandan military and United States. Moreover, his efforts and influ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Interhamwe militia, with the intent to anni- ence were crucial in the amnesty legislation of Monday, July 25, 2005 hilate the entire Tutsi population. With the ex- 1986 which made United States citizenship a ception of a handful of peacekeepers, the Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor the international community, fully cognizant of reality for hardworking people from all over the memory of a courageous and dedicated New world. what was happening, failed to come to a con- Jersey law enforcement professional, Special sensus to authorize a humanitarian interven- In this age of mass communication, some Police Officer Dwayne Reeves, whose tragic tion to stop the genocide. The survival of say if you can’t see an event on television, it loss in the line of duty is being mourned by countless Rwandans was left to the con- does not actually happen, so a pioneer like our entire community. Family, friends, sup- science of courageous individuals, such as Mr. Emilio Nicolas, Sr. was crucial for Latinos. porters, and members of the extended law en- Paul Rusesabagina (who heroically took a His years of service to the Latino community forcement family will gather tomorrow as Offi- stand in the name of humanity), and a Tutsi have changed our lot for the better and we cer Reeves is laid to rest with full honors fol- rebel army attacking from neighboring Ugan- owe him a debt of gratitude. lowing a funeral service at New Hope Baptist da. Church in Newark. While acting as manager of the Belgian f At 35 years old, Officer Reeves made a owned Hotel Mille Collines during the April– positive impact during the four years he July genocide, Paul Rusesabagina provided a IN HONOR OF PAUL WINCHELL served with the Newark, New Jersey Police safe-haven for over 1,200 Tutsis and Hutus Department. He was proud to serve on the who were defenseless and almost certainly newly created Newark Public School Police marked for death, ensuring their safety HON. JERROLD NADLER Force, and worked diligently in that position. through bribes, skillful negotiation, and diplo- Tragically, on July 18, he was struck down OF NEW YORK matic persuasion of Hutu military com- outside his assigned school as he was car- manders. A Hutu himself, Mr. Rusesabagina, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rying out his responsibilities as a law enforce- through his actions, put his own life in danger, ment officer. As Newark School Super- as well as those of his Tutsi wife, Tatiana, and Monday, July 25, 2005 intendent Marion Bolton noted, had it not been their young children. These selfless acts of for Officer Reeves’ heroic action in containing heroism not only saved hundreds of innocent Mr. NADLER, Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the incident, the safety of students inside the recognize the life and accomplishments of human beings, but also served as a beacon of school could have been put in grave jeopardy. light in a time of terrible darkness. Future gen- Paul Winchell, who passed away on Friday, Officer Reeves’ career with the Newark Po- erations of people around the world should June 24th. lice Force was meaningful and filled with find inspiration in his actions, and his story to promise. Respected and well-liked, he earned Paul was born in Manhattan’s Lower East be an affirmation of the resilience of human a reputation during his four years with the Side on December 21, 1922. He studied ven- compassion. triloquism from an early age, overcoming force as an officer who wanted nothing more Mr. Rusesabagina has spent his years since speech impediments and a difficult family life. than to serve his community honorably. Officer the Rwandan tragedy as an ardent champion He would go on to become one of the great Reeves thrived on community outreach as he of human rights around the globe, continuing pioneers of early television, bringing a smile to also worked a second job with the Newark to struggle selflessly for those who are voice- every household with his ventriloquism act on Housing Authority Police Unit. His loss will be less and in the most need. In fact, he recently the Paul Winchell-Jerry Mahoney show in the deeply felt by all who knew him and . worked spoke on Capitol Hill about the plight of the 1950’s. with him. over 17 million refugees worldwide, bringing I ask my colleagues here in the U.S. House needed attention to this much neglected issue. To younger generations, Paul was best of Representatives to join me in paying tribute Mr. Rusesabagina was the recipient of Am- known as the voice of Tigger, the loveable to the memory of this outstanding public serv- nesty International’s Enduring Spirit award and tiger from Walt Disney’s adaptation of ‘‘Winnie ant and in offering our deepest condolences to I would like to continue to honor him through the Pooh.’’ He also played numerous roles on his wife, Rahnisha Reeves; his children Ash- this congressional recognition. children’s programs such as the Jetsons, the ley, K’Ya, Amaad, Amiir and Ta’ona, his moth- When I met with Paul Rusesabagina, we Smurfs, the Brady Bunch, and the Beverly Hill- er, Delois Reeves-Garvin; his father, John were joined by Hassan Jallow, the chief pros- billies. But Paul was much more than an en- Jackson and his stepfather, Henry Garvin. ecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal tertainer—he was also an innovative thinker f for Rwanda. This was a truly historic meeting, and inventor with thirty patents. A TRIBUTE TO PAUL bringing together a hero who struggled against In 1959, Paul decided to return to school RUSESABAGINA tragic circumstances, with an advocate who is and attended Columbia University. Later, he charged with seeking justice for victims of pursued graduate work in acupuncture and HON. TOM LANTOS those same atrocities. Their interaction gave hypnosis. His education led to projects for the OF CALIFORNIA me hope in the triumph of peace and justice, American Red Cross and the Leukemia Soci- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and in the endurance of humanity. Mr. Speaker, my wife Annette and I have ety. In 1963 he joined forces with Doctor Monday, July 25, 2005 Henry Heimlich, and together they developed been tireless in our mission to promote inter- and patented the first early artificial heart. Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, in light of Presi- national human rights, and it was this sense of Rather than use his invention for profit, he do- dent Bill Clinton’s statement this weekend re- duty that led us in 1983 to create the Con- garding responsibility for the 1994 slaughter of nated the heart to the University of Utah, gressional Human Rights Caucus. The Con- innocent civilians in Rwanda, I would like to where it served as the prototype for Dr. Robert gressional Human Rights Caucus, CHRC, is a recognize the extraordinary courage of Paul bipartisan working group on international Jarvik’s first successful artificial heart implant Rusesabagina, whom I had the distinct pleas- human rights of over 218 Members of the in 1982. ure of meeting with just last month. Mr. House of Representatives which works to pro- Paul Winchell lived a life of unparalleled di- Rusesabagina’s story is one of true heroism mote international human rights around the versity. Whether making children smile or im- and the triumph of the human spirit over evil, world. Actions such as those of Paul proving lives through innovation, he dedicated and I was humbled to be in the presence of Rusesabagina give us hope. his talents to the betterment of his sur- such a courageous individual whose actions Mr. Speaker, I invite all my colleagues to roundings, and I request that we honor him for saved the lives of more than 1,000 people in join me in honoring Paul Rusesabagina, an a life well lived. yet another dark period in the world’s history. extraordinary person who risked his life to VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:12 Feb 21, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00202 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK13\NO-SSN\BR25JY05.DAT BR25JY05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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