YALE UNIVERSITY 9002 07494 6139 B is h o p J. W. ROBINSON, D.D. Presiding YEAR BOOK AND OFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE NORTH-WEST INDIA CONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1928 THIRTY-SEVENTH SESSION HELD AT MUTTRA FEBRUARY 20-25, 1929 EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY THE SECRETARY SECRETARY’S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this volume is a com­ plete and correct record of the proceedings of the North-West India Annual Conference, which was held at Muttra, February 20-25, 1929, and that it was adopted by the Conference as its Official Record. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Photograph of Bishop J. W. Robinson, Presiding Bishop (Frontispiece). Page. I. Officers of the Conference .. 1 II. Boards, Commissions, and Committees .. 1 III. Conference Roll— (а) Conference Members and Probationers 4 (б) Widows of Deceased Members .. 6 (e) Children of Deceased Members .. 6 IV. Daily Proceedings .. 7 (a) Vernacular Section .. 20 V. Disciplinary Questions . • 30 VI. Appointments .. 33 VII. Reports— (a) District Superintendents .. 36 (b) Standing Committees and Boards .. 63 (c) Special Committees ... 69 (d) Conference Treasurer .. 71 VIII. Memoirs .. 72 IX. Roll of the Dead .. 76 X. Historical— (a) Conference Sessions .. 77 XI. Miscellaneous— (а) Plan of Conference Examinations .. 79 (б) Conference Rules of Order .. 82 (c) Lay Electoral Conference .. 83 XII. Conference Statistician— Officers of the Conference President Bishop John W. Robinson, Resident and Presiding, P. O. Delhi, India. Secretary Hardeo S. Peters, P. O. Bareilly, India. Assistant Secretary, J o h n W . S in g h , P. O. Roorkee, India. Vernacular Secretary, Lamuel H. Sampson, P. 0. Gurgaon, In dia. Corresponding Secretary, C. C. Herrmann. P. 0. Aligarh, India, Statistician, R a l p h T. T e m p lin , P. 0 . M uttra, India. Conference Treasurer, Stanley W. Clemes, P .0. Delhi, India. Mission Treasurer, Sta n l e y W . Clem es, P. 0 . D elh i, I n d ia . Registrar, A m a r Da s s , P. 0 . R o h ta k , I n d ia . Associate Registrar, J. Caperton Pace, P. 0. Ghaziabad. Boards, Commissions and Committees Finance Committee:— Chairman, B ish op J. W . ROBINSON; Secre­ tary, C. C. H errm a n n ; Treasurer, S. W. Clemes. Ex-officio:—William Dye, H. C. Scholberg, F. E. Henninger, Bobert John, Robert Gardner, M. S. Budden, Amar Dass. Elected;— J. C. Pace, R. T. Templin, C. 0. Forsgren, James Deva- dasan, Isaac Mann, J. W. Alexander. Alternates:— S. S. Budden, J. W- Singh. Auditing Committee:— Chairman, S. W . CLEMES, C. C. HERRMANN, Robert John, F. E. Henninger, J. C. Pace, Amar Dass, Robert Gardner, H. C. Scholberg. Board of Ministerial Training:— Chairman, S. W. Clemes; Registrar, Amar Dass; Associate Registrar, J. C. Pace; R. T. Templin, Mohan Sain, L. H. Sampson, James Devadasan, J. W. Alexander, Ummed Masih, Robert Gardner, Isaac Mann, F. E. Henninger, J. W . Singh, Rockwell Lance, Robert John, J. D. B. Paul, H C. Scholberg. Triers of Appeals:— C. C. Herrmann, Robert Gardner, James Devadasan, Robert John, F. E. Henninger. Alternates:— S. W. Clemes, Amar Dass. Board of Stewards:—The Finance Committee, S. W . C le m e s , Con­ vener. Committee on the State of the Church:— S. S. BUDDEN, J. W . SlNGH» L. H. Sa m p s o n . Committee on Statistics'.— R. T. Templin, S. S. Budden, D. G. M a r t in . Committee on Pastoral Support:— UMMED M a SIH, ROCKWELL LANCE, R o b e r t J o h n . 2 BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Social Service Committee:—James Devadasan, Amar Dass, Isaac M ann, L. H . Sam pson. Committee on Memorials:— H . C. SCHOLBERG, B. S. SIDNEY, PREM Da ss, M r s . Sc h o lberg , M iss F o r sy t h , M iss H e r m isto n . Conference Relations Committee:— WILLIAM DYE, F. E. HENNINGER, James Davadasan, Robert Gardner, M. S. Budden, Ummed Masih, Prem Dass, David Claudius, Robert John, S. W. Clemes, Rockw ell L a n ce , C. C. Herrmann, H. C. Scholberg. Board of Home and Foreign Missions:— ROCKWELL LANCE, B. S. Sidney, J. W . L a r t iu s . Publishing Mintues:— THE SECRETARIES. Conference Programme:— 'THE ALIGARH MISSIONARIES, S. W . CLEMES, W illia m Dy e , M iss P o r te r , M iss B o d d y . Board of Education:— Chairman, R. T. Templin; Secretary, MISS. E. E. W arner; J. C. Pace, H. S. Peters, H. C. Scholberg, J. 0 . B. P a u l, S. W. Clemes, C. C. Herrmann, P. D. David, D. M. M alhotra, Misses Bobenhouse, Richards, Everley, Pottenger, Bobb, Boddy, Hermiston, Tower. Board of Religious Education:— J. C. PACE, H. S. PETERS, R . T. Temp- lin, Amar Dass, Missf.s Randall, Clancy, Palmer, Richards, Warner, Mrs. Pace. Board of Temperance:— MRS. DYE, MRS. DEVADASAN, MRS. CLEMES, Miss Barry, Miss Lawson, Miss Schaefer, Mrs. Herrmann, H. S. Peters, D. G. Martin, Ram Sahae, Mrs. Scholberg. Joint Evangelistic Board:— MlSS L iv e r m o r e , Converter; Misses Far­ mer, Boddy, Forsyth, Klingeberger; H. C. Scholberg, S. W. Slemes, Robert John, C. C. Herrmann, Amar Dass, W illiam Dye. Joint Literature Committee:— MlSS WARNER, MlSS HERMISTON, MlSS Palmer, James Devadasan, S. W. Clemes, Robert Gardner, Amar D a ss, J. W. Alexander. Language School:— MlSS LlVERMOKE, MRS. CLEMES, S. W . CLEMES, H. C. Sch o lberg . Representative on Landour Board of Control:— H . C. SCHOLBERG. India Sunday School Union:— President, SAMUEL BENJAMIN; Secret­ ary, Mohan Sain; Treasurer, D. P. Andrews; Din Dayal. World Service Council:— BISHOP J. W - R o b in so n , President; S. W . C lem bs, Secretary; Robert John, J. W . Sin gh . Bareilly Baby Fold:— MlSS I. A . FARMER, A mar DASS. Field Library Executive Committee:— S. W . CLEMES, C. C. HERRMANN, W illiam Dye, H. C. Scholberg. Ingraham Institute:— WILLIAM D ye, J. C. PACE, C. C. HERRMANN, James Devadasan, Robert John, S. W . Clemes, H. C. Scholberg. Blackstone Institute:— Ex-Officio:—>The Bishops of India, The District Superintendent of the Muttra District, The Pringipal of the Institute. Mussoorie Christian School Society:—J. C. PACE, F. E. H en n in ger, S. W . Cle m e s, W il l ia m D y e . Punjab Representative Council of Missions:— S. W . CLEMES. The United Provinces Christian Council Board:— JAMES DEVADASAN, Mrs. R. T. Templin, C. C. H errm a n n . BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES 3 Representatives on Executive Board:— JAMES DEYADARAN, MlSS E. P o r t e r . Conference Visitors:— Bareilly Theological Seminary:— A m a r DASS. Philander Smith College:— S. W . CLEMES, C. C. HERRMANN. Naini Tal Schools Board of Governors:— S. W . CLEMES, R . T . Templin, Miss Bobenhouse. L uck now Christian College:— TERM TO EXPIRE 1931. E. E. PHIL­ LIPS, S. W . C le m e s . Bareilly Theological Seminary:— TERM TO EXPIRE 1930, C. C. Herrmann, Miss Clancy. North India Tract Society:— JAMES DEVADASAN, MlSS G. BODDY. India Methodist Theological College:— WILLIAM DYE. Methodist Woodstook Council:—J. C. PACE, S. W . CLEMES. Madar Sanatarium:— S. W . CLEMES, C. C. HERRMANN. Isabella Thoburn College:— S. W . CLEMES, MlSS RICHARDS. Missionary Historical Society:— Historian, MlSS LAWSON. Historical and Literary Society:— (Hindustani) President, ROBERT G a r d n e r ; Vice-President, A m a r D a s s ; Secretary, L. H. S a m p s o n ; Treasurer, Rockw ell Lance; Chronicler, H . S. Peters; Committee:— James Devadasan, J. W . Alexander, B. S S id n e y . Conference Prem Sabha:— President, Prem Dass; Vice-President, S. S. W ilkinson; Secretary, J. D . B. P a u l; Treasurer, M o h a n Sain. To Preach the Conference Sermon:— ISAAC MANN; Alternate, ROBERT J oh n . CONFERENCE ROLL CONFERENCE ROLL—A. 1 Admit­ Names of full Members. ted in Home Conference. Full. 1 . Griffiths, F. M. 1892 North India. 2. Ram Sahae 1895 North-west India. 3. Ransom, J. D. 1895 >* », 4. Budden, M. S. 1897 >» >> M 5. Tulsi Ram 1897 6. Re vis T. D. 1898 7. t Baker, Benson 1899 South Kansas. 8. Brave, R. S. 1901 North-west India. 9. Edson, B. S. 1901 >* » » 10. Gardner, Robert 1901 M !, >. 11. Gordon, George 1901 99 99 99 12. Claudius, David 1902 13. John, Robert 1906 99 » l l 14. •Jones, L. B. 1907 »J I- 99 16. Prem Dass 1909 16. Naim-ud-din 1912 17. Wilkinson, S. S. 1912 ^ M 18. Budden, S. S. 1914 19 ff 99 19. Sampson, G. L. 1916 99 99 99 20. Din Dayal 1917 North India, 21. Lartius, C. A. 1918 North-west India. 22. Portion, Robert 1918 » » » 23. Clemes, S. W . 1919 99 9 „ 24. Devadasan, James 1919 99 25. Ummed Masih 1919 M 99 9 « 26. Lance, Rockwell 1920 North-west India 27. Mohan Sain 1920 99 99 99 28. George, Albert 1921 Presbyterian Church. 29. Alexander, J. W . 1922 North-west India 30. Amar Dass 1922 99 99 99 31. Cornelius, Solomon 1922 M 99 9 9 32. Forsgren, C. 0 . 1922 Eastern Swedish.- 33. Mann, Isaac 1922 North-west India 34. Singh, J. W . 1922 99 99 99 35. Balwant Singh 1923 99 99 99 36. Benjamin, Robert 1923 99 99 99 37. Dye, William 1923 9f 99 99 38. Henninger, F. E. 1923 99 99 99 39. Pace, J. C. 1923 99 99 99 40. Paul, James. 1923 - 99 99 99 41. Sahae, K. L. 1923 99 99 9t 42. Sidney B. S. 1923 99 >1 99 43. Silas, Charles 1923 99 99 44.
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