Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1970-80 The iH lltop Digital Archive 11-1-1974 The iH lltop 11-1-1974 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 11-1-1974" (1974). The Hilltop: 1970-80. 121. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080/121 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1970-80 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • ' Muha1nmad Ali.•• The People's Choice •• .Does ·n;. Thing , I • ··our n1edia is lhc means ol • liberation. an l nstru1nent of cOmpus' Calendar .............•. Pogo 2 i;larificati1>n . informat111n . Editorials. ......••........•.•....••. •• P.ge 4 cducati11n :ind r11 ohilizailf1n ·· f;H $pifit. ................... ....l Page 5 .s;rt1 ............. :.. ............... T91 8,7 • ' . • ' • ' ' • The People's Paper - ' • Vol. 57 No.10 HOWARD U•IVEllllTY/ WAllll•&TO•, OC ,, . I Nov.i, 1974 • • ' Black Student Organizations Forn1ed At NBL Con'7ention • By William Scott workshops of the five-day was th e name adopted by a student comn1uni ca1ors. opportunities the forn1a1ion of the representi tives to act as H iiit o p Stall Wr iter convention were held 1n communica tio n steering A tentative constitution 3 . A con11nftnications o r ganiza tion was a regional !directors of their T h e 7 4 t h a n n u.a I . identifying opportunities committee, whose cl1it.!I was draw11 llP by the library o t' film and recorded n1 :1ni1·es1 at io n o r region. Convention of the National h e ld in business and task was the o rganization o r· 1,:0 1t1111ilt ce to he presented broadcast whii.:h would l)e rc<.· ognizable 11ccd for The f bjectives Of the I Business league was held last e ntrepreneurship in 1nass tl1i sassociation.Eachof the for r :1tification by tlte cxcl1a~ged . betwee11 black co 111n1uni ca tion, between NSBLare: I week in Atlanta Ga., and m.edia. schools present at tl1e NBL v<.1 rious scl1 ools a t Howard's .colleges !)J:1ck busi11ess students and J . F 0 s t e r i n g. · o ut o f tl1at conventio n Under the thc1ne The conve 11ti on cl1osc <.1nnuul Co1n1nu11i ca tion 4 . To work i11 tl1cir coordi11atedeffortsto professionalism among c a1n e tl1 e precedential P o w er of Unity. · 1t1e representatives to serve on Co nt·c rcn~c in ~1arcl1. Ki11g conjun c tio n wi tl1 black 11111)rovc tl1 e economic bla.ck business students fo rmation of National organizers of the NBL tl1isstcering co111n1ittee. .;;:1id. 1)rofcss ionals in tl1 e e 11vi·rcJn1ne111 fo r black 2. Dleveloping a As sociation 'of Black convention desired national According to Issac King, Tl1e objectives of tl1e . <.'o mmunicatio 11 s i11dust ry so bL1si11ess . co mmunicatior)s network Student Communicato rs studentinvolvemcntinbotl1 one of the represent atives NA BSC'are: t o of t~ er cxposurt' a11d ·M:1tl1 e wson stated thal a and information systems and National Student business and comn1 unic:1- from I-t oward to tl1 c cx 1~c r1i sc from bl ;1\.'.k tt·1111> o r ;1ry B oard of J. Placing of a student Business League. tio ns, a nd becausi: of tl1a1 steering co111111ittcc . 1!1e I . For111at1on of a profcssio11uls to stt1dc11ts in f)irc1,;tors were ai>Pointed at o n the NBL Board of The Convention held desirability the National pu r pose of tl1e 'ABSC stl1dcnt news service wl1ich con1n1un i1:a tio ns tl1c co1n1nittee meeting. Directors under tlte theme The Power Associatio11 of Bl ack organizatio11 is designed to would disc111i11ute 5 . To redcfi11c bl;1~k T11e) were divided up into 4. Exposing students to ·of Unity began o n Tuesday, Student Communicators l)romote avail.al)ility to job inl'or1nation of importance i111ages to students as well :ts e 1gl1 1 k't'ograpl1ic regions. the black business world • O c t . 22 and e nded on and the Nationa• Student ope nings . scho la r sl1ips. to l>lack co1111nunicators tl1c black com 111 u11ity pri:.;c11tly tl1 c r~ are only 5. Expanding the Saturday , Oct . 26. It Business League were training pro grarns. financial ::! . To keep an up-to-date Accordi11g to Alfrcll ... even r egio11al llirectors. awareness ofo. the black co n1 p rised representatives formed. assistance and to set up a fili11g. systcni W11icl1 would Ma tl1ewson . a reprcsc111;:itivc ·r11 c CaJit'o rnia rt•gion was community o n the business from most major businesses The National Assoc1atio11 network r'or 1l1e cxcl1a11 gc keep 011 file resu111es of fro1n J-l owa r d t o tl1 c tl1 c on ly u11rcpresentcd world that Blacks are affiliated. of BI a ck Stud c n I o f print. fil nt , and recorded s1udcn1s and would inform National Stucle11t B l1si11l·s~ r cg 1 o 11 . They were 6. Obtaining finances for T 11 e tw o maJOT Communicat o rs (NABSC) broadcast between black tl1osc students al)()ut job League stee ring ~0111111itt cc. :Ji) J}O i11tt•d by their the o rganization. Atl.anta Mayor Criti.cizeR Ford Farrakhan Urges NBL To Unite By Frankie Reed - Man 1glng Ea oto• Jcco1nplis h111e 111 . and you have.a A mcrica '' ~ he 1declared . ··( Preside nt F9rd) should know By Hodari AJ1 degree 1n thi~ and in that. But Freg ucntly reminding tpe that any people who llave sur· News Ed!to1 t1n11l we learn tht! value of audience that he was speaking vived and prospered under the ATLANTA. Bla ck ~1 ust1rn 11oo ling those reso urces, on behalf of the Honorable" e)(t reme economic oppression Minister Louis Farrakhan urged 1n'tc llc ..: 1ual\y as well as Elijah Muhammad , Min• . • thal "'e have suffered during lhe BI a ck business men l1 crc last f1r1ancially , l1n1il we learn that Farrakhan admonished them· to past 360 years are imminently Friday 10 seriously co nsider unlcs:. all of us 111ake it , no one think about the future survival o f u s can 111ake i1 .·• !·le ~ualified to advise the Presidenl ways to work cooperatively for • • of the Black masses. to get the most for his money:· the econo1111c survival or Blai:I.. (:O ntlnllCd . said Ma yor Maynard Jackson in Amt:rica ··,\nd unless we learn that , '' White America is in trouble a speech to the 741h National Speaking JI J luncheon l1eld 1h1s ~v.· ill only be another one of herself'', he explained. ''She Business League conven · during th e 74th annual 74 con,·cntions where yi.>u meet ca nn ot .employ her o wn unemployed, ho w is she going to tioneers. co nvenlion of 1h e NationJI 1og.c1 her a11d drink and socialize I look after 30 million Black Addressing himse lf to the lac ~ 8 t1sine~ League , Oct. :!3·:!6'i Jnd par1y and l1ang out and ta lk of Black input in10 nationa' Min. Farrakhan t: lc i: trifted the trash. ahd talk :ibout how much people? She is finding lt increasi ngly difficult to feed her econontic decisions. Ja cll:sor audience wilh his n1 t:ssagc on tht• r11oncy yot1 got last year, how said ··ford was unable 10 fine conven11on lherne, •• 'rhc Power yot1 did !l1a1 one in, and' wangled own, how ca n she continue ,to give handouts to 30 million? If and t1 ecd any Bl ack econ1-,mis1· Of Unit)'''. '1 !11<; r11 u 11 t:y . o ut of the she has always looked out for or bu siness people who wer1 ''If JUSt th is roo111 .1lo 11 t! i.:uuld g.over n111i:·n1 . !legged for that , unite 1his aflernoon ·· . J."arrakl1Jn 1.. r.1v,.lt:d ft1 r tl1is , al)tl stoic that '', herself first , whic h is not wrong, qua lified to discuss the pro lhen we in lhe economic sector blems of our inflation ridde1 told the gorup rcprcsc 11t1 r1g J 1·· Jrrakl1an preacl1cd as the bulk of tl1 e Bla i.: k l' CO no1111 c J llll 1.,. r1 cc r oa red its of Bla ck Ameri ca, have got to economy . consider how are' we going to I ''The recent economic summi power in th1 :. country. ·· 111 1~ Jl·k nowlcdgt! 111 ent . roo111 alone po~t..'s:-.es the power ·• 1>ardo11 111y frank ncss'', he survive if their eco nomy falls conference was blatant in it apart.'' near exclusion of consum ers to lift JO n11ll io n Bla i.: k pcopl t: 1n 1..l 1ui:~lt:cl , ''but you should never I won1en , Blac ks and ot her min•' America up fr o111 tht! 111ud . up l1Jve 1nv1ted ;t ~1u sl in1 , if you ~1ini s ter Farrakhan captivated rities who are always the har· frorh povert y J11d want and d.Jdn 't v.•ant to hear the 1ruth." tite audience with his masterful dest hit by the na 1 ion·~ NBL president Berkeley Burrell chats with Black ~tuslim natio11al -:c11resentative Minister nakedness and s4 ual or. Bl1l til e'" . (~rJ ..:1o u,ly con1111ending NBL oratorical st)·le, using his hands, that are here n 1 u~ 1 learn th" l'rc:-.1dt:nt IJr.
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