u;".:.-i CUlemer.is ar.i I iAL OTi Sl'ck to Gra-nmir- , Too. than ether in i Bitcrsl Et:.ci3 the rirs, J. I. Van Anker ii d r.rn fro 12 Si 7, voter, yen tetter rcoUter. Vi-i- vi-r-r- 'g world." nearly Er-jvro- tbr OTcr Denver. B. F. i f.r insurance. Aci the s ii, nearly here, V7. O. Colby in town 2. V. tie t i cpou tha mala A colored man of this city wrote to Apple jata cf ttus Fine line of groceries Hodcjhicscn's. Tells tLe t!?jons of year. the an Iowa he-s-t- aper which is published B"yJG0ir groceries at H&drkiuson's There's a holiday arpToacbea A- or - Dallas went to Heringtoa Hodg-kinsoa'- s. TLat ise etlebrata with glea for the advancement the colored Take ycur butter and e;; to As tbe birtiday cf a laddis race, and advises the editor to leare the Tuesday. CUR STOCK OF. SHOES AND CLOTHING FAR SUR1 Who rerOTed a cherry tree. Kawkeye state, ?hcre he is not appre- J. IT. Looser was up from Brewster W. L. White is here from Colorado And who, bea Lis father tjtlestlocod, ciated, end locate in Kansas. lis in- Tu&sday. Sprigs. THAT OF ANY PREVIOUS SEASON. Nobly azuvered, trilh a e'.zh, forms the colored editor that if he Rug'n Thoma3 worshiped at Colby Tc-s-, veto Groceries, End new, at the pa?a, I knew did it; would ecma to Kansas the people weald Sunday. frea f y To be trctif-- i, was en Rule. i.,L.i O LLUlii;..u. it I." send him to congress! Gel i A Which vs3 better thaa if Georgia Fred Stewart wsct to Eliora, Colo, assessors will meet county aa yoa will will see, The at the Good servicable, ball and congress.. .. $1.50 As you have access Had reflitd, Saturday. Monday. "Y&3, pepa. I know who done it ; A wife of a Goodland business man clerk's office $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. to our clothing stock m&." William Ferris of Colby wa3 a visitor To be trcthl, it w&i thought she would surprise her husb Try Comer's Liquid Chicken Lice The latest Brown color at $3 d $3.50 every day we will net in the city Friday. - Then tbe father proudly a:iwsrsd, and with a present, and so had hubby's Exterminator. "Sre Shot." consume space in elab- "ily forgivsD6S3 you bare won. picture enlarged. did surprise him. IL G. Campbell wa3 over from Bur- carefully grocery GniLDHEH'S GIICES. Few indeed there are ao worthy It Look through the orate descriptions. We . for he failed to recognize himself pic- - lington Monday. As ray little Washing-ten- department at Nice button shoes., can show you good all tared to. life-siz- e and was m IL H. Miller of Colby was a Goodland 50c Few so brars aid cool in dacjsr. all the One hundred faVms to rent. Nice button, spring, heel wool suits at Glory waita for Ench aj be surprised when the good woman tried visitor Saturday. T. Leoxasix 75c EC71 P. Nice who sticV to trnth and grammar to make him believe thct there was the Hoyt Andrews vas at Topeka the button, spring heel $1 When they're cut a cherry tre. A look through our grocery depart least bit of resemblance. first of the week. Black and Brown, sizes French kid.Si. 10 11 Now, paadieff. ment will profit you. The Wizard. ii whea winter days are Elegant Brown vici kid, Bal. sizes 9-1- 2. 1.50 a f And the raring is nearly Oscar Anderson of Kanorado wa3 in here. Wetmore i3 strutting around with its Five thousand bushels shelled corn Sizes 13 to 2 Our line of $io"suits Ti"hen the bad cpoa the maple Goodland Monday. wanted, cash C. M. Mit.t.isack r) 1.75 year. tail hanging over tbe dashboard on ac or trade. Telia the blossom of the G. A. Benkelman of St. Francis was comprises 25 different We rejoice rpon the birthday count cf a girl in burg 20 For Rent The Russell ranch north COYS' SHOES. resident that city Saturday. V styles and good values Of the noble laddie who years old, who weighs but 40 pounds. in the of town. Thos. P. LzorABr, Could be Elegant line of boys' vici kid, brown or black at $12.50 to $15.00, at remember to truthful while over at Nortonviile the religious Bert Yousse of Cripple Creek was in Call at my ofilce and' see my list of And could rtick to grammar, too. Goodland Wednesday. rO sizes 10 and 12 at .$1.50 the present prices of N. Y. Herald. editor of the Herald chronicles the fact lands for rent. T. P. Leoxabd, P. Youngson of Burlington was J Sizes 13 to 2 $1.75 wool stuff. Don't forget to a palpitating world that hi3 town John Hoyt Andrews has traded the Ex Saturday. Sizes 3 to 5 but come and see these FEOil THE WAYSIDE. has a girl who weighs 20 in Goodland bhauge bank building for a farm near $2.00 pounds. This i3 hoss Travelingman Marlow of Kansas City 52 styles at, per suit. J. A. Bucilin, ex representative of and hoss. Shake Topeka. S LADIES' SHOES. Thomas county, has gone to Klondike. it oh. Horton Commercial. Sundayed in Goodland. Ed'Halstead returned Wednesday Travelingmen Dixon and Quintard of from a couple weeks stay at Colorado ) Good Dong, kid, button $1.25 One of the objections the people of Some of our good religious friends St. Joe were in town Monday. Springs. V Full line Dong kid, Bal and button . ..$1.50 11 Idaho have to their governor i3 that he are anxious for The Rxfteuc to begin Joe hardware merchant of Cf brown vici kid, ball back Alott, Greiger sold 20 head of com Latest $2.00 Elegant French "V- - a Herman . will never wear a necktie. crusade on the nude pictures with Colby, was in town yesterday. $2.50, $3 and j t which the new Z5 silver is ing nattle for $30 per head p $3.50 Of certificate IL of Clyde, irnvo At'n vniiTno' said to be embellished. This is a ques L. Smith and Pence thi3 week. Oberlin has a devine who takes a trip Kan, were at the Commercial Monday Q OXFORDS. cio 7c m ci (5 cn c tion the writer knows nothing about. Miss Kate Alden sold a Vose piano out occasionally with a lecture on i3 n Long pant suits can't r and he suggests Mrs. J. M. Cox down from Denver to C. M. Millisack and. a Standard to NT largest line of child-(- 0 MJti "Kisses and KissiDg," while Colby one be sent in on sub The and most elegant be at the prices J visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. week. beat one time claimed a who scriptiou. It is certain it would not R. J. Jone3 this ren's and ladies' oxfords and slippers in block, Prince Albert, coat .96. at preacher Thorson. and!,. rQ. $a e. V gave the genuine, illustrated talk. remain in hi3 possession long enough Marriage license was issued Wednes- brown and chocolate. vest $7. ss, r j to have any bad effect upon him. Frank Gandy, during a friendly day to Claude Van Hook and Anna 5i? mis 5. 7.50, CHILDREirS SUITS $3-5- o scufide finger .IU.UU and $io. You show3 re- Saturday, broke the first Wheatley, both of this city, " A Kentucky populist hi3 (can depend on our giv-1- 8 J. Waldere Kirk, only of hi3 right hand. - j spect for a Eryan democrat and his the J. Waldere The boys' athletic club have ordered Good servicable oz black clay frocki- v u. l r hatred for a Cleveland democrat by in who designs his own clothes and who is Miss Annie Husek of Idaho Springs, some new Indian clubs, boxing gloves, suits at 75c to which we given any suit at $10. 50 correct prices. troducing a bill in the Kentucky legi3 amount of newspaper space Colo, i3 in the city visiting Mr. and etc, to be added to their gymnasium. $2. Good all wool an- That's because of cannot duplicate why our business grows lature to change the name of Carlisle them and certain scandals Mrs. Joseph Kolacny. H. E. Mettey of Burlington bought ) suits at $2.50, $3, other season at this r that have made his name familiar, was -- 1 c . year. county to "William Jenning3 Bryan Frank H. Vaaghn, representing the several head of horses here Saturday. fl, figure. jevery county." in Topeka last week. He gives it out Wilder Bros. Shirt company of Law He will soon 6hip several carloads to straight that the newest things in ties rence, was in town Wednesday. the Florida market. War item in Colby Free Press: Colby are the brightest possible color com Miss Bertha Bright returned to South The Warren jewelry store has re- should make haste and organize a com- binations, but modestly reserves the q JW. Omaha Wednesday after an extended ceived an invoice of fine silverware, tea C. MILLISACK, The Wizard. pany America-Spanis- war. detail3 of his spring costumes for the until the Tisitfwith Mrs. E. Reed. sets, They have a new case The thing we know Good or creations are on his back. her sister, J.
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