Vol. IV. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK, N. Y, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1923 No. IS Faftker Barrett Takes Prep Alumni Adopts R*T.£&erJ.F. Hansel Father Mahony's Place New Constitution COMING EVENTS /SUB Dies at ROM \y ——— Jan. 26—Freshman Reception, New Prottuor Comn From Organization Composed Mainly Professor of Philosophy at Holy Cms of Colltge Mm Fordham in Lat« SO's Jan. 28—Council of D«bat« On Tuesday, January 16, the Very The announcement that Father At the second meeting of Pep Alum- Mating. Michael Mahony, S.J., will no longer ni, of which many present Fordham Reverend Father Joseph F. Hansel- teach Junior .Philosophy on his return men are members, held January 10, the Jan. 30-St. ^Vincent de Paid man died at Rome Italy. Father Han- to Fordham but will 1>e occupied sole- Constitution and By-Laws to govern Meeting. selman had been since July, 1918, ly with his daises in the Graduate the organization's activities were read American Assistant to the Superior Feb. 4—taw Sodality, Com- School will no doubt cause the keenest and adopted by a unanimous vote. An General ' of the Society of Jesui. munion Brtakfast. regret to those Juniors whom he taught important feature of this document is Father Ledochowski, and was one of this year until his recent illness mide the rule that all men who have attend- he best known Jesuiti of the Mew it impossible for him to continue. ed the Prep for at least one entire year York-Maryland Province. He had Father Mahoriy's linking personality and all who have withdrawn from the been ailing for some time and had and his original methods oi teaching Prep in good standing are eligible as FATHER CONNELLY REVIMT1 gone to the Island of Matta in the endeared him to the hundred! of boys members and are urgently requested FORDHAM hope that the climate would be bene- who came under hia tutelage during to make arrangements to become mem- ficial to him. A week prior to his his many years at Fordham. The Col- bers. A recent and most welcome visitor death, after his return to Rome, pneu- lege departments lois is, however, the at Fordham is the Rev. Father Ter- monia developed and caused his An election of officers in accordance death. Graduate School's gain and the RAM, with this rule set forth was held and ence Connelly, S.J., who as a Scholas- though regretting Father Mahony's the successful candidates were: Presi- ic taught Section A, of the Class of Father Hanselman was born in departure, wishes him the greatest dent, A. K. McCarthy, '19; vice-presi- ,923 during its' Freshman year. At Brooklyn, N. Y., in October, 18S6, success and happineis in his new field dent, W. Meagher, '20; treasurer, J. F. tut time Father Connelly was also the son of Henry Hanselman and of endeavor. McManus, '19; secretary, T. F. Rhei- Moderator of the Saint John's Debat- Martha Jacobs. His early education Father Mahony's place in the Cot- ness, '19. ing Society, now called the Fordham | was begun in the Parochial School* lege Department will be filled by Also in accordance with new Con- ouncil of Debate, and also of the of Brooklyn and at St. Vincent's Ab- Father Thomas J. Barrett, S. J-. stitution four additional men were tudents'Library. In addition Father jbey, Pennsylvania; later he graduated formerly • professor at both Holy elected to serve as directors as follows:'Connelly found time to compose a from St. Francis Xaviers, New York Cross and Boiton Colleges. When Fitigerald, '21; Finnegan, '19; Griffin, ^Commentary on Long's History of City, in 1877. After graduation he the German missioners were com- '19, and Duras, '20. These four men, English Literature," and also a lengthy studied theology at the Grand Sem- pelled to leave India by the British with the president, secretary and treas treatise on "Puritanism," principally inary, Montreal until 1878, when he Government, Father Barrett answered urer of the organization, compose the for the benefit of the students under entered the Society of Jesus in West the -call for volunteers to take their Board of Directors, which is to have his charge. Park, New York. places and he remained in India until full charge of all official business for On his departure from Fordham two After the completion of his classical the German Fathers were permitted the coming year. years ago Father Connelly went to and philosophical studies at Frederick t,o return. The organization at present is made Woodstock College, Woodstock and Woodstock, Maryland, he taught Father Barrett is an enthusiastic up solely of Prep graduates who are Maryland, to complete his theological the classics at St. Peter's, Jersey City, friend of Ford him and will prove a at present attending the Cotlege of studies and he was ordained to the from 1884 to 1888, when he was trans- welcome addition to the Faculty. He one of the graduate schools. Their Holy Priesthood on June 29th last, ferred to St. John's College, Fordham, brings with him a wealth of experience number is small indeed, and in order in Dahlgren Chapel at Georgetown the predecessor of the present Uni- and this no doubt wilt insure hii popu- to aid in the enlarging of this body it University, Washington, D. C, by versity. At Fordham he taught mathe- larity with the Juniors he is to teach. was decided to give some form of en- Archbishop Curley of Baltimore. matics and lectured on philosophy. THI RAM therefore takes this op- tertainment at which all the men who Last Friday morning Father Con- This marked the completion of his portunity to bid a reluctant farwell arc eligible but who are not as yet nelly celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of regency and he returned to Wood- to Father Mahony and a hearty wel- members may meet old friends again the Mass in the Sodality Chapel for stock College to complete his theologi- come to Father Hirrctt. and sec for thcmielves the benefits to the members of the Parthenian Sodal- cal studies. On June .10, 1892, he was be gained from enrolling as members. ty of the College. After the Mass he ordained by the late Cardinal Gibbons In the cb.»pt\ at Woodstock College, HOI.* CROH CHOIEI The exact date of this entertainment addressed the members of the Sodality NIOATIVE will l>c announced shortly, though it on the need of Catholic laymen in the The best years of his life were is known at present that it will take outside world, Yesterday morning spent lit Holy Cross College, where he Word h»i been received from Wor- place about the middle of February. Father Connelly celebrated Mass In was stationed from IH94 to 1006 as cester that Holy Crnas ha* chosen the Nevertheless tltia is an appeal to all the chapel of the First Division Hnilcl- prefect of studies and discipline and negative tide In this year's Intercolle- who are eligible to look forward to the for the members o( the present 'ater us president. The splendid repti- giate iktttte between Fordham and (lute mul to paoi the word along. Senior Class whom he taught while ntlcn enjoyed by Holy Croil It the N«w England college, Mr, Phetsn, S.J., is moderater of the rcvlouily lit Fordham, :lne. In no slight measure to bin en- Ai announced In Tim RAM last Alumni and I* greatly pleased at the Father Connelly will return next teitvors there, In 1906 he w«» ap- wtek, the question for dlncumloii will work ao far, Mo made a very spirited, Thursday to Woodstock College pointed provincial of the Province anil be, Ketotved'. That the United State* mldress at the Itwt meeting exposing whert he will complete Ills count' of »t tlie end of hit term of office, he was tudlci. (Continued on Page 8, Col, i) (Continued on |'»ge, 6, Col, 4) (Continued on Page J, Col, 1) TH1 RAM THE RAM PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT FORPHAM UNIVERSITY. K. Y. CITY. N. Y. J Eiitor-in-Chicf off JOHN E. DEVLIN, '23 • Managing Cdilor Hdts, Haberdashery GEORGE A, BROOKS, '24 News Editor Sports Editor and JOSEPH P. VAL, '24 ROBERT F. MAHONEY, '23 Associate Editors Associate Editors Hart Schaffner &Marx EDWARD R. AMEND, '24 GEORGE A. HOWLEY, '24 FRANCIS X. DOWNEY, '24 THOMAS B. RYAN, '25 SYLVESTER J. LIDDY, '23 GEORGE J. NKIMEYER, '24 llmnor Suits and Overcoats News Staff JOHN B. FITZPATRICK, '26 JOHN F. MASTERSON, '24 WILLIAM MCDEVITT, '26 JOSEPH NOBLE, '23 WILLIAM MCDONNELL, '26 (Excepting Only Dress Clothes, Stetson Hats, JOHN A. MURPHY, '25 A. T. TAYLOR, '26 Business Manager Collars and a Few Other Items) WILLIAM FISSEL, '24 ANDREW J. KENNEDY, '24 Advertising Manager CHARLES F. KENNA, '23 Circulation Managers • Undergraduate Deft. I University Wallack Bros. HUBERT P. KELLY, '24 | WILLIAM J. DEAN, '23 Broadway, below Chamberi 246-248 West 125th I SINGLE COPIES. S CENTS SUBSCRIPTIONS. $1.30 Broadway, cor. 29th 3d Ave., cor. 122d >»<»•»<•<«<«•»«>»•>•«»••»«•••»••••«<»»>•<»•>»«•»•• "MAKER OF MEN" don't want a son-in-law who'a such a Ruhr lies in French hands, and the world of statesmen are quietly fool that he contemplates marrying a wondering if Ruhr is to become another Alsace-Loraine. The interpretive j young woman who hasn't got more historian, to use the term, finds in thU situation an absorbing problem sense than to inspire you with hopes with consequences most momentous. Briefly, the problem is this: has of getting her. Ket out.—"Karikatu- European civilization reached its peak and does this internecine strife of AT FORDHAM'S rcn (Christiana).
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