• • .. .. • Friday, August 14, 1.953 THE ISRA:ZLITE PRESS ~ages • . ECONOMY-... FRED ROSENBERG • Watch ~Ir Senice . !Jews Appointed RectOrs 'TRUE CE'S­ AU. WOii& CVAJLL,"TEED • - lt-:IUJ ...... ,,..,,. • ·BR~ ~-o no _,_ ST. wm1uNa • K:GLOBREA Of German Universities • BERLIN IJTA> - Pro!. Ermi to Germ.any 1n 1919. !re&n thereafter. From 1934 to 19tll • Blrscll and Prof. OScar Gam. tl\'o The new ttctor cf Pmnkfurt Unl•. be lln:d 1D Bombay, India. BS a • noted .Jewish scholar!. were eleCted ,ers!ty, Prof. Gans. a well-mown pnct!clng physlc!an and leprosy rectors of the w~ BerllD Free dermatologist. 15 65 reans of age. He researcher. He 1111ooeeds Prof. Mu NORTHERN TA.XI YOU CAN DEPEND un1.ersuy and· Frankfurt Um.emty. 15 of Jewish birth but w• •ssoda•ed Borkh,elmer, who la an American respectlvel:r, for the (:l15iomarJ one- With the JeWlsh community. He dtizeD and a devoted Jew. Prot. New Phone N_umber year term. by .~ ballot of the taught at Heidelberg Unlvenlty trorn Bort:he1rner will serve u dellUt1 OD ·, 1faculty men:iben.. the first World War until 1930 end rector of P!aDk:furt UnlTI!?Slty dur­ I-----. -------- Prot. ~ ·who hold5 . the cba1r at Prank1un Unl,emty for '1le _rour tng the fortbcurnlng "Cldern!c Jar. 59-4333 five Roses Flour Key Transport Blueprint ~1:ri:.: ~~!;:ww: • To 2 Millien Population bom the son of • storekeeper 1n the Rent a Rlf-~E'S U-D!UVE TEL AVIV (llPl-Mapplng ' a ~dent Jewish community o: Fried­ I for • · berg, near Frankfurt 51 years ago. Biblical Zoo Gets country'S appointed at B7 &he Uov-Da,-or W~II brueprlnt for .speeding t':18 He was 8 lecturer • I trallEl)Ol't facllltles during the n~ Frankfurt University in 1929. Af~ 1 nve ye,,ra, a Comrnlttee of .Expe ; Hitler's ad,ent ·to powc,r he fled ALL YOUR BAKING here la planning for a population , . d d th to Turkey_ Boost From Bronx 0 f two million . Ifirst to HollaD an · en The commit~ will draw up plan.; where he taught law and the Phil• .. NEW YORK (Speclal.1-Tbe rac­ by the Deputy Mayor of New Yor.t, coon Ls not mentlone4 in the Bible, • fer cross-country raU and bus ser- osophy of law at the universities of Charles HoroT1itz, and the AMl.stanc RENDEZVOUS PARK but one· speclmen has Jolned the Dlrecror of the Bronx Zoo, Dr. Leon­ Lockport, Man. See Your Grocer Today: nces which 'l<ill complement each · Istanbul and Ankara until his re_turn Jerusalem Biblical Zoo in Israel ard J. Oo.s.,. • olher, The nve-;vear plan. w1ll av_old ( The non-Blbll~al raccoon was one Holding a baby alligator In his duplication of services and unneces- , o! 18 animals, birds and reptiles "Manitoba's Fun Spot" .... --· -· -·- --·-. ·- -- - -- --- w G arms, Mr. Horowitz spoke of the e GAMES e OANCINr. which were flown in an El-Al Israel c:i:~~:-on rotalllng $3,640,-: tradltlonnlly cordial relatlons that e A!DU e SHOWS ~ est ermany Airline on July 17 to Jerusalem, the existed • between the. two cities and \ OLD VIENNA 000 from State of Israel Bonda lor : gift of the City of New York and • Anlmal ,....., for t11e Klddl-J said that the City or New York wns CAFE RESTAURANT the construction of'rallw,.ys and ac-. Passes the Bronz Zoo to the City of Jeru• happy "ro mnke this gesture of c;ul!ltlon of rolling stock Ls helping salem and Its Biblical Z!)o. Flsltlng Boating · Plcnlct FEATURING the young Republic bulld one of Law­ friendliness to help build up • the Sports Ground · The animals were taken to Israel cultural development of the City of Hot and Cold Running W~ter ,. e Sen.saUonal EXPRESSO the most modern rail systems In by a 60-man delegatlon of the Na­ Jerusalem." Imported Coffee Machlne the Middle East. THE FIFTH ANNUAL WSTADROT folk delepUon to 15. j tlonnl Com:nlttee £or Labor Israel Al l'AAKINO FOA .I.COO CAAi • Viennese Delicacies Keeps Pledge the specimens in the shipment rael carried a rm of 18 anlmala, birds and reptiles trom the City MODERN fOIL&l l'ACILITIBI (Hlstadrut> making the organiza­ except the raccoon are mentioned • lllnslc Every Ennlnc 3-room, self-contained suite. BONN (JTA) - Jews wlll con­ of New York and the Bron,: Zoo for the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo. Private entrance, Elderly tion's fl!th annual rour of the Holy in the Bible either directly or by Lett to rl,cbt, above, are. Israel Slolarsk:,: Alexander Shapiro of I 952 l\lAIN ST. stitute :more than 50 per cent of Land. The shipment was handed oblique reference. They include an couple preferred. 399 Stella tha persons who will benefit from no,,100, • leader of the ilistadrllt deleptlon: Charles Uorowlh:, over w the Hlstndrut delegatJon at ·nlllgaror, n muntJac, sparrow-hawks Deputy Mayor of New York, holcllnr a gift alllptor; and Dr. 1- Ave. Phone 59-3570. the blll to !Ddemnlfy mdlvldunl vic­ a ceremony held 1D the Bronx Zoo, and turtles. Leonard J, Goss, Assistant Dlrecior of. the Bronx Zoo, • tims of the Nazis which was ;,assed COMPLETE HOME '-------------­ urianlm~usly lru,t week-end by the '------------Perfect diamond. 1 tit,, 25 Bundesrnt, the upper house of the FURNISHERS bl!ltlesphysical ru, Injuries a result.of resulting Nazi persecu-1n dlsn-1 . karat for s.i.le. Ph. 56-2217, West German parllnment, at its y u· GOS LAV IA A. NN OU Ne· ES • Royal Daulton Ftgurtnes and I Inst session marking the end of Its tlon, Former concentration camp Engllsh Bone Cblna four-year legislative term. on Portare Manitoba Hardware & MEN'S WEAR STORE FOR SALE - The measure, which· goe• Into Furniture Company V1ncouv1r, B.C. E1t1bllshed 1930, good effect Oct. 1.._ was pledged In the _:;:~~e t:~rr:i,x::::~ RE L 1· GI OU S R.EG. ULAT 1·ON S cllentel•• #eaturlng m1de--to-me11ure ~E:~:::i~ Compensation legislation la nl- clothing and furnishings. Full price reparaUona agreement b et we ~ n ready on the books in the German · SU SELIURK A VE. $1,750.00, plus stock. Tailor could ex­ West Germany and the fonference Phone 5Z-4008 pand business with added cleaning and states, which so far have paid out NEW YORK (JTA)-A law pro- ties. No one may be compelled to too. pre11Jng set up. Write for further par­ on Jewish Mnterlal Claims Aga!Dst 1 tlcutars to George McDonald, 1678 Com­ about $150,000,000 to Nazi victims, hlbltlng provocation .or incitement •contribute nor prevented from con- 8. A rellglous mnrltnl ceremony 59-4444 merclaf Drive, Vancouver, B.C. Germnny, It Is estimated that If all payments nre carried out in good German Jews In the United States of religious intolerance and outlining tributing. to rellglollB purposes nnd mny be performed only nfter n. zone wlll be least nffected by the the rights of religious communities collections may be held ·freely in clvU ceremony has been performe;t, Phones2-6611 faith, the total to be paid the Nazi new· bll! because It Is modelled in Yugoslavln-ndopted by the yugo. synagogues nnd other premises Persons in old nge homes, hOBplta a FOR RENT victims wlll range between $700,- 000,000 nnd $100,000,000 during the arter restitution I e g Is Int Ion In slav National Assembly-was mnde mennt for religious purposes. nnd slmllnr Institutions mny prac­ One turnLshed room ln modem 1 ADOLPH'S home with all conveniences Apply next ten years, effect in that zone. Improvement public here .by the Yugoslav Infor- RellgioUB rltunls which are prnc- tlce tthelr r:llglf~te~!• ~ !1:ffm!!. 7 1 to 231 Inkster Blvd. Ph. 59-7578. The law, previously passed by will result for Jews lo the French matlon Center. The law provides: tic~ In gather!Dgs thay be practiced ques , cnn e v s Y • TAXI the lower house, provides for di­ and British zones, 1. Citizens inay freely found re- in synagogues and other public The text of the lnw, which Is FOR RENT rect payments to Nazi victims, or llgious communities and nu religions places selected by religious com- intended to protect the loterests of PROMPT • COURTEOUS Continued from Page ·1 DEPENDABLE · Bright, clean room, furnLshed. Ex­ their surviving dependents who envoy equal rights and . have the munlties tor the practice of religious nll religious groups, was prepare<' by Cl!llcnt location nnd transportation were lllegnlly detained by the Nazis same legn! status. ,Their activities rituals. The act of i;lrcumclslon or rei:v-esen.tatlvea of the government 24·Hour Service Gents.only, Phone 59-4154. or who lost property or suffered must be lo . accordance with the minors mny only be carried out n.t nnd · lenders of various religious Cor. Salt.er & Alfnd-, Winni~• FOR RENT SOVIET national constitution p.nd lawli. the request of oi:te pnrent or guard- communities, .except representatives · 2, Religious communities are free Ian and If the minor ts more than or the Roman Catholic Church, the 3-room, &elf-contnined suite. New­ agreement pursuing aggressive nlins w practice rellgiom matters nod 10 years of age his consent ts Qeeded YugOBlnv office here revenled. ly decornted. Apply 584 Alfred Ave. against the soviet Union. We con­ FOB FINE Phone 59-6261, Suffering sider that the resroratlon oI diplo­ ritualspress, subject and may to thepublish general a religious regul11- r•--------------------------, STATJONEB:I' tinest Lamp matic relntlons wlll promote •co• tlons In force for the entire press. Furnished room for rent in operation between the two states." 3, RellgiOUB education may be new home.
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