Osteopathic Truth April 1920 Vol. 4, No. 9 Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special Projects Fund) May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic medicine,SM ~ateopatbic /~rutb A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR THE OSTEOPATHIC PROFESSION Pledged to the TRUTH which Father Andrew saw, No favor sways us, and no fear shall awe. Volume IV APRIL, 1920 Number _ Dr. A. T. Still, Master Anatomist Alice Patterson Shibley, D. O. I thank you for the privilege and His wit, his confidence and kindli­ realized that the physical body was opportunity of adding my loving tes­ ness, were some of his very strong not the whole man. He believed iI timonial and loyalty to our great' characteristics. the continuity of life-that we' liv founder, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still and Gratitude was another fine virtue. in a physica{ hody, here and now, an to his wonderful contribution to To illustrate by an incident which that we ever live;. This you see b) science. occurred in the very early days, soon his Philosophy" written some fe' Thousands and thousands of hearts after Dr. Still came to Kirksville, and years ago and taught in his everyda, are' raised in love and gratitude to life, as all 0,1 his early pupils wiI him at this time! I regret I have not when "the family exchequer was not testify, I am quite sure. I do no time nor space in which to tell of up to par/' as he used to say, was mean he believe-d in the man-made my early acquaintance with him, as follows: which began when I was a very little The mother in a very dear family creeds, but in the imminence of God girl and has extended over these who lived near Kirksville, had re­ Another rare characteristic possess many years. ceived wonderful benefit from Dr. ed by Dr. Still was that of acknowl When I hear Dr. A. T. Still's name Still's treatment. When they wished edging and apologizing when in thl mentioned my first thought is of his to pay for this valuable service, Dr. wrong. He was ever willing an( joyous nature, his wit, and of how Still said, "If, instead of paying me, quick to make amends. That is a he enjoyed a joke-if on himself, so you would send a box from the farm mark of greatness, a virtue not often much the better. to my family for Christmas, I would developed in the ordinary men of th, One little incident which he greatly be glad." Mr. and Mrs. C-- gladly day. enjoyed occurred in the early days Dr. Still to my mind is the greatest just after the completion of the new packed a jolly big box of substan­ the grandest and the biggest man J school building.' (See picture in tials. When the smoke house had yielded its portion of fine hams, ba~ have ever known! Kirksville Journal, 1895). John, one of the janitors, had neg­ con, etc. etc., and just as the box I was a little girl, less than ten lected to do a certain thing which. was about to be closed, the good wife years of age when Dr. Still first came Doctor had told him to do. When said, "See if you can chink in another to Kirksville. My mother had suf­ Dr. Still met John soon afterward he '---," and it was done. Dr. Still fered with asthma for forty-sevel' said in rather firm tones, "John, you never forgot that. Years after, when years. Dr. Still cured her! My love did not obey me, why did you not our beloved Dr. Henry E. Patterson and gratitude to him began then, be­ do that? Who is the subordinate was a pupil ,md Secretary of the cause he restored my mother to nor­ around here?" John, much confused American School of Osteo,pathy, Dr. mal health. Many years later Dr and most apologetic, hastened to say, Still always had him send a check of Still saved my life, and as soon as J "Oh! you are, Doctor, you are!" John twenty-five dollars, or more, to the was able to leave my home I entered unwittingly turned the tide. :fhe old one (then a widow) who said, "Chink the American School of Osteopathy. Doctor laughed and said, "Oh! you in another ---." I was a member of that class of are all right, John, go on to your A kindness extended was never for­ "seventeen" (of 1893) and I have tried work." Dr. Still greatly enjoyed the gotten, even in alter years, when by constant work and love for suf­ joke and retold it many times. In Osteopathy was firmly established on fering humanity, to show forth my class sometimes Dr. Still would tell a scientific foundation and he had gratitude and loyalty to him, and to us how to treat a case in a certain reaped the financial rewards as well. the splendid science of Osteopathy! way and would add, with that merry Dr. Still was a "master anatomist" I bring, in Memoriam, a heart full twinkle in his eye, "Do that, for re­ as someone said. He also had a fine of love, of happy memories and of member I am the 'subordinate' around understanding along the spiritual gratitude to our beloved founder and here." lines. He was very intuitive. He teacher, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still! v mol Osteopathic Medidne, Kirksville, MO 134 OSTEOPATHIC TRUTH OSTEOPATHIC EXPERT TESTI· on each side was the same-much to is a friend of the one who claims MONY HAS RUN THE GAUNTLET the puzzlement of the doctor. I also that no motion can exist in the sacro­ - AGAINST GENERAL MEDICAL pointed out the left posterior innom­ iliac joint, so he was effectually si­ EXPERT TESTIMONY ONCE inate, the third rib on the right, and lenced on that score! We did not MORE IN A COURT OF JUS· .the upper cervical tension and ten­ claim severe or permanent damage to TICE AND WON OUT derness, as they were glaring enough the boy, in fact we stated that he was to be seen by a layman. well on the road to normal health. Jane B. W. Hall, Caribou, Maine Two other M. D.'s who testified for The jury rendered verdict for $300 The case was as follows: the defense, also examined the boy and costs against the defendant, much A year ago action for .assault and using their methods for making the to the surprise and chagrin of the battery was brought against a man physical examination, testing for lawyers for the defense. in Caribou, Maine (Aroostook County), gross motion in the various spinal As Osteopathy has. been very little for seizing, cuffing and kicking a areas. They did not ask symptoms, understood in this community the young boy. At the time action was nor take a thorough history of the very attitude of the M. D.'s for the de­ brought the boy's father did not real­ case; and on the stand at the time of fense which necessitated a clear ex­ ize that any physical damage had trial one admitted that his examina­ planation of our reasons for our been done, the boy was black and blue tion was ~ot thorough enough to claims, did much to advertise our and felt bruised, but aside from that eliminate all possible trouble, yet he knowledge of anatomy. Those listen­ made no complaint and in spite 'of pronounced the boy "absolutely nor­ ing to the trial and those hearing the that went to school and carried on his mal and all tight." When asked to comments which followed have wak­ usual habits. Before..the term of court account for the sY~Ptoms as testified ened to the fact that Osteopathy is when the suit was to be tried the to he said he could not account for based on knowledge~ and a 'more ac­ father had reported to his attorney them. The other doctor said that the curate anatomical knowledge than that the boy was sick, that he was boy was suffering from "mental sug­ that displayed by these M. D.'s. Sev­ drowsy all the time, that he slept a gestion."· Both M. D.'s testified that eral new cases came to me immedi­ great deal but did' not seem 'to rest, there· could not be apparent variation ately following this trial, and people that he took no inte est in work, that of one-half inch in the length of the are everywhere thinking and ques­ he was troubled. wit,\ frequent mic­ legs except following fracture or dis­ tioning about our science. turition day and nighT;" even wetting location. One said that such an in­ Once more Osteopathy has proved the bed at times, that he had a vari­ nominate lesion as claimed could not its worth, and by so doing has paid able appetite, complained of his eyes possibly exist since there is no motion tribute again to Daddy Still. hurting, and was in every way a dif­ whatever in the s.acro-iliac joint; ferent boy than he had been before motion in that joint he said would OSTEOPATHIC SOCIETY OF the assault. The symptoms had be­ permit the bones to. spread and the CITY OF NEW YORK gun to show up within two weeks fol­ body would literally go to pieces! lowing the above injury but at the (This doctor is a man about 35 years Holds Al)ril l\leeting at Hotel Knicker.
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