' - - - ■- ■ . ■ ' ■ A '■ AVERAGE DAILY CIBCULATION tor the Month et March, 1918 THE WEATHER I at 1). S. Weather llnriau. Hartford 6,154 Henbor of tho Andit Bnican ef Olreolattoaa Parity eKmdy tonight and Sm- Tld A . ____________ B day: aUghtly warmer Smiday. MANCHESTER — A CTTY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. L v n , NO. 180 (ClaaatBed AdvortlMag on Pago Ig) MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, APRIL 80, 1988 4TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBI FARMER-LABOR The Bridge Was Open and Four Are Dead LONDON-PARIS IOWA NUaEUS NO PARKWAY ARRESTi AXIS WILL URGE OF M PARTY DEAL M E M Groop That Polled 31-2 Per DUE TILL NEXT WEE Franco-British Alliance To Cent Of 1936 Vpte Likely Seek Compronnse Of Ger- To Be Utilized; La FoDette PROSECUTOR DECIDE; man-Czech Qaarrel; Bril Calls Liberal Dems Fringe ain Relies On Diplomacy. Two Dead, Hurt in Brush Fire Bench Warranb G yid Til Des Moineo, April 30.— (A P ) __ Oov. Philip LaFoUetto of WIzconsIn London. April 80.— (A P )— The Wilfis Today Bat Some Of today turned hla attention to the London-Paris axis, strengthened by Iowa Farmer-Labor party aa a pos- a new co-ordination of land, air and The Accosed Persons ktk sible nurieua for developing the sea forces, prepared today to exert nswly anjknmced National Progres- Out Of The Stale; alve movement In this state. The Its powerful leverage to bring about governor will oddreu on Interstate a peaceful soluOon of toe Sudeten German problem In CZecbosInvakla Even The Nomher Of bi| roily of Progreaalvea tonight at Ce- At conclusion of the two-day con- dar Rapids, lo., in bis third speech ference at which British and French on the new national political party ministers discussed world problems, diebnents Is Dimdotf^ be Initiated Thursday night at Mad- China to Spain and central ison, Win. Hs conferred here last Europe, it was said toe two powers night with a group of lowans Iden- planned these Immediate steps: Kemp May Be Tried Fn$ti tified os liberals and Including By- ron G. Allen, director of the Iowa 1. A BrtUai approach to Berlin Old Age Penaion division, and Oar- to seek a modification of the pro- rttt E. Roeloffs, state unemployment of Germans subscribing to Bridgeport, April 30.--(A Pfe compensation commission official. Nazi principles who are making — Bench warrants for thii vcai’} ^tonomy and other demands of the The governor said he would have disclosed number at petBOoii a statement today on the confer- Czechoslovak government secretly indicted by the Meia: ence. 2. A confeience by Britain and N'm\'est lotia Party. France with the (hsechoslovak gov- ritt Parkway Grand Jury w « * The loVi’a Farmer-Labor party, ernment at Praha, also for the pur- placed today in the hands o f newest organization In the Tall Com pose of bringing about a compromise State’s Attorney Lorin W. State’s political picture, polled 81,- vrith the Sudeten Germans led by Wiilis, but it waa indicated no 000 votes for governor in the 1986 Konrad Her.leln. arrests would be made at elections out of a guberutorial to- 8. If toe dangerous Czecboalovak tal of 1.077,000 votes. The party’s situation .vas eetOed, it waa said until next week. headquarters here said Progreaslves British Foreign Minister Viscount Unlike the first three indiefc* from Minnesota as well aa Iowa Hrilfax would seek the cooperation would participate in the Cedar Rap- menta handed up some tfaQa- ids rally. The Minnesota delega- of German Foreign Minister Joachim ago by the jury, the ron Rlbbentrop in opening long-de- tion, the announcement said, would batch returned this week be beaded by Harry H. Peterson, w a ^ tn the C aluraat*riverf^Sg' * T ^ «™ crashS hauling tt from deep ferred discussions toward a general chief Justice of the Minnesota Su- Anglo-German settlement. the jurors was kept secret be*' and nis wife Adeline Lonlewskl were the vl^m s. ' Lonlcwskl; Stanley’s . brother. Edward France Rejects Parley Now cause it includes the namee ol preipe Court. Speaking over a nation-wide It waa learned, however, that the persons now outside the st^tl), dlo hTOkup here last night, the gov- French bad flatly rejected a British ■Meanwhile, State’s Attomfliy; emoiHr declared the "Progressive ^ p o sa l that conversations with Lorin W. Willia expressed Imders" In the Democratic party Chancellor Adolf HlUer be started fires ^ burnefi. The nave become “an outer fringe.’" Immediately. to be of ineendUry orlglnv hundred* of aores. A belief that the trials of tl PRESIDENT ASKS STUDY JAPANESE FORCES Are fighting crew above save* a water trick. ^ He attacked the overproduction •«ter these stopping stones, the indicted 'Would not begin. al theory as a couae of economic dls- British envisaged an aU-Buixipean tieos by saying “It is not reasonable the earliest, until the Jonai' parley on central European quarrels. term of the Superior Ckmrt. ^ to speak of a third of our people 5 MILES FROM RAILS In the background was the agree- OF BUSINESS STRUCTURE Explalae toe Delay. oa 111 tf)Ai 111 clothed and iU heusad' ment of toe two poverftd Ueme- He explained toat first his 0006.- •nfl tb4a eoselnda w « aig in trou- crgtlc nauons to defend torir oom- ble becauae of overprodiwitibn-.*’ ANOTHER BIG DEFEAT hoped to get rid of other T; n m "Ideole of national o u bitov- LaOnardla, Frank Views. Uccentnlization Is New Ob* TiBagc cages iwhltfii w e n held In New York Mayor F. H. La- Get Of Nadakov, nntlannl life- with their combiiiea <*• the JflSyproeewlln, Guardja termed LaFoUetta’s third LABOR TO REFUSE army, navy and air foreao. caaaa, be said, probably woutd _ party plans “very interesting." jectiye Of The Adminis- These forces would total 1,200,000 FOr^MlNlSTRATIONup too balance o f toe present tettn. Nearest Approach Yet To "Everyone will agree with the •rmy effectivea, nearly 6.000,000 Judge Kenneth Wynne wfll be i* . point he Btreaeee. that in a land of WAGE REDUCHON army reserves, more than 8,400 first placed here for toe June tone hr line airplanes, and 1,660.000 tons of abundance, and a land ao rich In tratioD; In Message FDR Longfaai Road Objectiye. Judge Alfred C. Baldwin. natural and other resources, there naval croft Home Rolm Committm Re- |PROBERS DISCOVER - Reliable eourcas Indicated ♦hgt Ck should be work and gainful employ- The British ministers placed toeir Leroy Kemp, vtoo served os o g « t tnm«af mifmwass.nm ** T Ad.. Raps Control Of Industry. ment for everyone," LaGuardla said. Railroad Employes Say It Shanghai. April SO — (A P ) _The reliance upon diplomatic (nther rti.p for toe stato In most of toa fS^OOOr Meanwhile, Dr. Glenn Frank, mUltary or economie power-to^ per- m land tomnaactiona for toe ps(|» chairman of the Republican nation- left wing of the Japanese anny suade President Eduard" Bghor df RE0)RDSM^&l ^ y , ntudii^be toe first to go eia- al policy-formulating committee, Waahlngton, April 30.— (A P ) — fighting Boutoward along toe 8baa- mo. ^top and Thorny N. Will Take Months To CMchoolovekis and Henlein and hts termed the LaFoIIette movement as Decentralization of the business tusg battlefroot was reported today Berlin backers to com* to terms, 'Oooke, Greenwich real eatoto d a sM a "modified New Deal with the ob- structure became a broad new ad- to have occupied toe village of ^ t tho French appeared satisfied both have filed motlone eeeklag to viously futile aspects of the Roose- Bring About A Showdown An Early Adjoonunent Waterbory Jury fiD d s Files have toe Indtetmento against toart ministration objective today. NanMow, only five miles from the that If diplomacy failed Britain qnashed. velt administration's program dis- would be wllUng to try the economic carded.” This g (^ was set by President ;****'*y- Neutral observ- In its first batch of IndlctnadL Roosevelt in a militant anU*monopo* em said Japanese bissted Chinme method, and after that the mUltary The traditional two-party system Washington, April 80__ (AP)__ defenses with artillery fire and alr- threat to preserve peace. Washington, April 36— (A P )— Of Auto Sales To City toe Jury named Samuel H. SUbar« of the United Btates has been sub- ly message to Congress asking a j-man, Stamford real ostato b ro)^ , Labor attorneys said today tt might bombardment to make toe See Bveatnol Confilet Adjournment sentiment gained in jected to major attacks from third $600,000 appropriation for studlaa bother House and Senate today ' i of vlrtuslly an fundamental aspects require from three raontha to advance possible. Nanlakow U nine Many sourcee interpreted toe ntw Gone; There Week'Af6. codS: parties six times since 1860. The toe wake of another thumping de- “Bull Moose” split In 1912 helped of the nation's business life prelimi- year of negoUatlona and fact-find' mliro southwest of Tanoheng. in links forced li- the Anglo-French nary to Congressional action to *°)i^’teaatern Shantung province. riliance to mean that Britain would feat for toe administratloa on toe Woodrow Wilson win the presiden- Ing to bring a “showdown" If the revised wage-hour bill despite Presi- Gov. Cross Picks cy. In 1924 Senator L ^ o l- break up “a concentration of prl- The same sources said Japaneae be virtually forced to fight for Waterbury, April 80—(A P )—The employes reject the railroads’ pro- forcu were pushing rapidly to toe Franco If her ally became drawn in- dent Roosevelt’s latest demands for Yale Professor letto, father of Phil, teamed with such legislation. Waterbury Grand Jury, called Into Senator Burton K.
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