Sayings of Redbeard. Redbeard, Ragnar. London, n.p., 1896. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015080473336 Public Domain in the United States http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd-us We have determined this work to be in the public domain in the United States of America. It may not be in the public domain in other countries. Copies are provided as a preservation service. Particularly outside of the United States, persons receiving copies should make appropriate efforts to determine the copyright status of the work in their country and use the work accordingly. It is possible that current copyright holders, heirs or the estate of the authors of individual portions of the work, such as illustrations or photographs, assert copyrights over these portions. Depending on the nature of subsequent use that is made, additional rights may need to be obtained independently of anything we can address. SAiiIlGS or REBBEARB' REPRINTED FROM “REDBEARD'S REVIEW," LONDON, 1896. While statesmen are your shepherds You can talk of “human brother ye shall not want for shearing. hood” until you're black and blue; no law of heaven or earth, or hell, can Men are oppressed in exact .pro ever make it true. portion to their helplessness. If one man smites you on the cheek, "Thou shalt not steal." Thus it don't turn the other soft and meek, was said of old time. But I say unto but smash him back and lay‘ him low. ye, “Let nothing be stolen from you." war for war, and woe tor woe. Everywhere it is,’ the same—exactly. Forms of government change but the same. The gold is for him who the principle of government never changes. It is taxgathering. CAN-for him who either plays the game victoriously or breaks it up vic "Christian CiviIizatlon"-- That is to toriously. say——all lite tnansvalued into terms of You must develop a rebellious heart toil. oi’ discipline and of taxes. towards everything that oppresses you or keeps you down. What are men but hungry wolves, a prowling on the heath? Now 18 your chance if in a pack of wolves you hunt, you'd To bear you well . better sharp your teeth. Defeat is better pay And life is little else than hell When man is old and grey. Go to, develop your powers of re sistance and aggression. Eevery man in our opinion should be a warrior. If‘ Each morning he should go out as a fighting man into a battle field. Thus saith the Evil Teacher-—-the False One: “Give unto Caesar the things that are Caesars; and unto God _the things that are God's.” But I say .unto you--KEEP YOUR MONEY.‘ It has been written:—_ “Thou shall not kill." But I say unto you: “Be a warrior." "Truth is not mighty and it don't prevaiL" The Jews by the grace of Jehovah Life is combat, remember, and not a were commanded to steal: but 1 say sunday school. you—-“Be unto not stolen from." ‘i Do not take your rules of conduct "0 some ‘a; must watch and some must from your ' sleep, foe-—-or from your con~ and ’ some must perish slowly; queron and some must weep and some must reap. till all things to slory-" so Man's highest moral duty is to in crease his own powers and evolve his Heavy labor a unti's man for con- own spirit. tention and strife. Hence it unfits him for ‘Q success in life. it deadens The religion of "The Eagle and the his mind and his will and takes all Serpent" is the religion of the Plains the surplus energy out of him. 01’ TI'OY- We do not found a new religion. We revive Poison lurks in pastor the true one. preachments. “This is not said for Long Ears." Satan works through golden rules‘, Hell is paved with law and justice. The "wlll-m-live" Christa were made to tetter tools. I8 king of kings. And "gold and iron” . The tendency of modern politics science. Is Lord of Things, and religion is to reunite their forceg-_as in the days of long ‘igo._for They load the whole world with pa’ the complete and perpetuap mental‘ tional and international and municipal moral and physical subjugation of debts- and then Cry; "Glory, glory, mankind. The scientist becomes the hanelulah-the ‘human race is "69-" pneht_pope_ mom] mumsnor' it you want to think things -- ' '- out in a i‘ v3,- man direct and natural way, keep your iglofrecxzess; tsilfaogfcThgnda; 01f the ballot boxes and legisla . :nindurea and Bibles. a Then be lion, not a lamb, And don't be tramplcd undcr in the balance weighed and wanting, The evil reign of Christ is o'er, "Christ is my redeemer,"— 2,000 years or‘ hell condemn him I heard men rave and shout, He shall crush our souls no more. But where is their “redemption"? ‘ What is it all about? A painted idol on a tree Dripping tears and gore A painted idol is to me it And is nothing more. Dogmas base—and wicked gospels, Treacherous logic-shallow learning, Prophets talse--insane immortals And coward theories of discerning. Carve a wooden image, Daub it o'er with paint, And straightway it is a sacred thing, A Godess—Saviour-—Saiut. -* LE7, The gates of hell—-that is to say. the portals of the factory. The teachings of hell—that is to say. the daily news- “How down the False idols . papers. ‘j; That cumber the land." \ . .I'‘ For strife and struggle ‘ To bleat and pray, Man is born; And live like But sheep and lambs clods. Are always Is not the way. shorn. 0f men or gods. Keep Search the Scriptures-yea’ your eye steadfastly fixed on verily -—search the substantial things. Pursue positive the Scriptures of the Jews, for aims. Take chances. Run risks-and in them you shall flind eternal do not fear adventure. damnation. The overbearing domination Things that seem of the sacred-sacred State over the individual for centuries. and accepted is the men by every ace and danger of times, it body-these are the things~the our and very means the same (in things——you must learn to suspect essentials) as the inquire and overbearing domination of the church into. Take nothing for granted. over,,the individual in the dark ages. There is no Blessed Saviour There is no Jew Jehovah For two and two are four, Commanding things on high; And the gospel tale is fiction, There is no golden heaven Fiction, fiction, nothing more. To go to when you die; I do not preach Nothing wisdom. Too much could be more treacherous wisdom is an evil. And what is wis and untruthful than the Epistles of dom? There is altogether too much St. Paul. He is the of of the fallacy, embodiment snake and fox in modern the very pattern of super man, too little of the normal eagle and the deceit and cunning. All is lion. false about him, his logic, his legends, his learning, his arguments, his moral What men call virtue is really their lty. Even his submissiveness, personality is a pre their degeneracy, tense. their damnation. The world groans and staggers under the awful load of In your own heart its goodness, its morality, its justice, Is all the law. and so forth. 0, that the Mighty Beware of Christ, One would break loose from the Great Cap That man of straw: tlvity and deliver us from this fright iul paradise. The law of love-—the law of jus tice-the law of brotherhood—the law Live and love and take and give. of equality-the law of equal rates And laugh and fight and sigh; and taxes-the law of equal rights For, it's all there is of life to ' live, and privilegesrall these high sound And all of death to die. ‘ng things are nothing more than If there is anything dreams. They don't really exist. They in you, make a stir while you live. you are only shadows of the mind. Now have There a chance. is nothing it won't be long. Your substantial in them. They days are idols——strings of words, are numbered. Your end is words, nearer than you words on words. They never think. Soon the were worms will you. truths and they never can eat Do you under be. They stand? are against the very nature of things. The high pontifs-thus they o'rate Field, factory. office and mine. These grandiloquently: "Have a are the miserable ways care for of life. Con~ religion, pay your just taxes, diet is the divine way-the and noble way love your blessed Saviour." But I say —the way of the gods. Woe unto unto you: "Beware of the those who give up their lives to serv Evil One." itude. Verily I say unto you they Now is your appointed time, perish shall utterly. The curse of This very hour and day, the gods is upon them and their seed To love and laugh and feast and fight. for a thousand generations. And LIVE before you’re grey. What dragons foul The “great god Bud" of India. \l'ouid hold the hoards We call a “wooden Joss"-< Ever and ever wooden Jesus But a painted " But for the swords? ls~-"fiur Saviour on the Cross THE SECRET EMPIRE. “THE EMPIRE OF DEBT." Ah, “the Law and the Prophets!” By law the liberties of men are over The whole world is in debt.
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