March 26, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2089 FILING AUTHORITY journs on any legislative day from Thursday, NOMINATIONS March 26, 2015, through Friday, April 10, 2015, Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask on a motion offered pursuant to this concur- Executive nominations received by unanimous consent that notwith- rent resolution by its Majority Leader or his the Senate: standing the adjournment of the Sen- designee, it stand adjourned until 2 p.m. on DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ate, committees be allowed to file bills Monday, April 13, 2015, or until the time of FRANKLIN R. PARKER, OF ILLINOIS, TO BE AN ASSIST- and reports on Tuesday, March 31, be- any reassembly pursuant to section 2 of this ANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, VICE JUAN M. GARCIA tween the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon. concurrent resolution, whichever occurs III. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without first. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY SEC. 2. (a) The Speaker or his designee, objection, it is so ordered. THOMAS A. BURKE, OF MARYLAND, TO BE AN ASSIST- after consultation with the Minority Leader ANT ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC- f of the House, shall notify the Members of the TION AGENCY, VICE PAUL T. ANASTAS, RESIGNED. House to reassemble at such place and time DEPARTMENT OF STATE SIGNING AUTHORITY as he may designate if, in his opinion, the ATUL KESHAP, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEMBER OF Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask public interest shall warrant it. THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF COUNSELOR, (b) After reassembling pursuant to sub- TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENI- unanimous consent that during this ad- POTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO journment of the Senate, the majority section (a), when the House adjourns on a THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA, leader, the assistant majority leader, motion offered pursuant to this subsection AND TO SERVE CONCURRENTLY AND WITHOUT ADDI- by its Majority Leader or his designee, the TIONAL COMPENSATION AS AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- or the junior Senator from Arkansas be DINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES House shall again stand adjourned pursuant OF AMERICA TO THE REPUBLIC OF MALDIVES. authorized to sign duly enrolled bills or to the first section of this concurrent resolu- JULIETA VALLS NOYES, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEM- joint resolutions. tion. BER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MIN- ISTER–COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without H. CON. RES. 32 DINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES objection, it is so ordered. OF AMERICA TO THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the ALAINA B. TEPLITZ, OF ILLINOIS, A CAREER MEMBER f Senate concurring), That when the Senate re- OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MINISTER– cesses or adjourns on any day from Friday, COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND APPOINTMENTS AUTHORITY PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA March 27, 2015, through Monday, March 30, TO THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF NEPAL. 2015, on a motion offered pursuant to this Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask THE JUDICIARY unanimous consent that notwith- concurrent resolution by its Majority Leader or his designee, it stand recessed or ad- JOHN MICHAEL VAZQUEZ, OF NEW JERSEY, TO BE standing the upcoming adjournment of UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE DISTRICT OF journed until noon on Monday, April 13, 2015, the Senate, the President of the Sen- NEW JERSEY, VICE JOAL A. PISANO, RETIRED. or such other time on that day as may be PAULA XINIS, OF MARYLAND, TO BE UNITED STATES ate, the President pro tempore, and the specified by its Majority Leader or his des- DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE DISTRICT OF MARYLAND, majority and minority leaders be au- ignee in the motion to recess or adjourn, or VICE DEBORAH K. CHASANOW, RETIRED. thorized to make appointments to com- until the time of any reassembly pursuant to IN THE AIR FORCE missions, committees, boards, con- section 2 of this concurrent resolution, THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT whichever occurs first. IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- ferences, or interparliamentary con- CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: SEC. 2. (a) The Majority Leader of the Sen- ferences authorized by law, by concur- To be brigadier general rent action of the two Houses or by ate or his designee, after concurrence with the Minority Leader of the Senate, shall no- COL. AARON M. PRUPAS order of the Senate. tify the Members of the Senate to reassem- f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ble at such place and time as he may des- objection, it is so ordered. ignate if, in his opinion, the public interest CONFIRMATIONS f shall warrant it. (b) After reassembling pursuant to sub- Executive nominations confirmed by PROVIDING FOR A CONDITIONAL section (a), when the Senate recesses or ad- the Senate March 26, 2015: ADJOURNMENT OF THE HOUSE journs on a motion offered pursuant to this FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH AND A CONDITIONAL RECESS OR subsection by its Majority Leader or his des- ADMINISTRATION ADJOURNMENT OF THE SENATE ignee, the Senate shall again stand recessed MARY LUCILLE JORDAN, OF MARYLAND, TO BE A MEM- or adjourned pursuant to the first section of BER OF THE FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH RE- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask this concurrent resolution. VIEW COMMISSION FOR A TERM OF SIX YEARS EXPIRING AUGUST 30, 2020. that the Chair lay before the Senate f the following concurrent resolutions, FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW which were received from the House en ORDERS FOR MONDAY, APRIL 13, COMMISSION bloc: H. Con. Res. 31 and H. Con. Res. 2015 MICHAEL YOUNG, OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO BE A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW 32. Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask COMMISSION FOR A TERM OF SIX YEARS EXPIRING AU- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The unanimous consent that when the Sen- GUST 30, 2020. clerk will report the concurrent resolu- ate completes its business today, it ad- FEDERAL RETIREMENT THRIFT INVESTMENT tions en bloc. journ until 2 p.m., Monday, April 13; BOARD The legislative clerk read as follows: that following the prayer and pledge, MICHAEL D. KENNEDY, OF GEORGIA, TO BE A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL RETIREMENT THRIFT INVESTMENT A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 31) the morning hour be deemed expired, BOARD FOR A TERM EXPIRING SEPTEMBER 25, 2018. providing for a conditional adjournment of the Journal of proceedings be approved DAVID AVREN JONES, OF CONNECTICUT, TO BE A MEM- BER OF THE FEDERAL RETIREMENT THRIFT INVEST- the House of Representatives. to date, and the time for the two lead- MENT BOARD FOR A TERM EXPIRING OCTOBER 11, 2018 . A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 32) ers be reserved for their use later in IN THE AIR FORCE providing for a conditional recess or adjourn- the day; that following leader remarks, ment of the Senate. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT the Senate be in a period of morning IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- There being no objection, the Senate business, with Senators permitted to CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: proceeded to consider the concurrent speak therein for up to 10 minutes To be major general resolutions en bloc. each. BRIG. GEN. NINA M. ARMAGNO Mr. PORTMAN. I ask unanimous BRIG. GEN. JOHN D. BANSEMER The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without BRIG. GEN. CASEY D. BLAKE consent that the resolutions be agreed objection, it is so ordered. BRIG. GEN. MICHAEL T. BREWER to, the motions to reconsider be laid BRIG. GEN. ANTHONY J. COTTON f BRIG. GEN. CLINTON E. CROSIER upon the table, and that any state- BRIG. GEN. THOMAS H. DEALE ments relating to the resolutions be ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, BRIG. GEN. TIMOTHY G. FAY APRIL 13, 2015, AT 2 P.M. BRIG. GEN. TIMOTHY S. GREEN printed in the RECORD, all en bloc. BRIG. GEN. JOSEPH T. GUASTELLA, JR. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. PORTMAN. If there is no further BRIG. GEN. DAVID A. HARRIS BRIG. GEN. JAMES B. HECKER objection, it is so ordered. business to come before the Senate, I BRIG. GEN. SCOTT A. HOWELL The concurrent resolutions (H. Con. ask unanimous consent that it stand BRIG. GEN. JAMES C. JOHNSON BRIG. GEN. MARK D. KELLY Res. 31 and H. Con. Res. 32) were agreed adjourned under the provisions of H. BRIG. GEN. MATTHEW H. MOLLOY to, as follows: Con. Res. 32. BRIG. GEN. MICHAEL D. ROTHSTEIN BRIG. GEN. KEVIN B. SCHNEIDER H. CON. RES. 31 There being no objection, the Senate, BRIG. GEN. BARRE R. SEGUIN at 4:24 a.m., adjourned until Monday, BRIG. GEN. THOMAS J. SHARPY Resolved by the House of Representatives (the BRIG. GEN. JAMES C. SLIFE Senate concurring), That when the House ad- April 13, 2015, at 2 p.m. BRIG. GEN. SCOTT F. SMITH VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:23 Apr 08, 2015 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\RECORD15\MAR 15\S26MR5.PT2 S26MR5 DSKD7QTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 26, 2015 BRIG. GEN. GIOVANNI K. TUCK To be brigadier general THE FOLLOWING NAMED ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF BRIG. GEN. GLEN D. VANHERCK THE UNITED STATES OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT AS BRIG. GEN. JAMES C. VECHERY COL. WILLIAM M. KNIGHT THE DIRECTOR, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD, AND FOR AP- BRIG. GEN. SARAH E. ZABEL THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT POINTMENT TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE RESERVE THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- OF THE ARMY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTIONS 10506 IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO THE GRADE INDI- CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND 601: CATED UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10 U.S.C., SECTION To be lieutenant general To be brigadier general 601: To be lieutenant general MAJ.
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