The distribution and flight period of the dragonflies of Turkey V.J. I(all<man & G.J. Van Pelt Introduction province to the province of Antakya, are espe- cially well investigated. The first is mainly due ln 1999 the initiative was taken to build a data- to the work by Hncer & Arrnq (1997, 2004), base containing all available records of Turkish while the second shows the Íavorite holiday dragonflies. For details on this database the destination of WesfEuropean odonatologist. reader is referred to the afticle by Vnn Prlr & A few regions are poorly explored. Parts of Knrxvnru (2004). In the present article distribu- the coastland of western Turkey have been tional maps and flight histograms of all Turkish neglected, especially the area north of lzmir species are given These are based on 6681 and west oÍ Bursa. Also poorly explored is the published and 2469 unpublished records (a mountainous region between Erzurum and species on a day on a locality) A selection of Sivas. The most important gap in our know- the latter is published in this volume (Knrxrann ledge is the SE of Turkey, especially when & Vnru Perr, 2006). Records published prior to taking in account the relatively high number of 1977 were taken Írom Duvorur (1977). A small interesting species occurring in this region. number oublished records were found to be For Sympecma paedisca, Aeshna serrata, incorrect or doubtful and have been omitted. Ophiogomphus reducÍus and Orlhetrum ran- The papers by Snrun & Ktvnk (2006a, b) were sonnetii only old records, lacking detailed published in 2006 and could not be incorporated information on the locality, are available. In in the maps and flight histograms. Some of the these cases the location of the record is given more interesting records in these papers are as a circle. No detailed locality information mentioned in Kalxven & vnru Perr (2006). We was oresent for Orlhetrum trinacria and for this became aware of the first Turkish record Zygo- species no map is presented (see notes on nyx torridus published in Asrrw (2004) only in selected soecies). 2006 by the paper of KuNz et al ,2006 and the- Several species (Calopteryx splendens, C. refore the species is absent from the maps and virgo, Erythromma lindenii, lschnura elegans, flight histograms. There is still much unknown Gomphus flavipes, Onychogomphus forcipa- on the distribution and the flight period of Turkish dragonflies and this article must be seen as an review of what we known in order to stimulate 4000 further research. 3500 Availability of data on the 3000 distribution of the dragonflies 2500 of Tirrhey 2000 The locality-inÍormation oÍ 8726 records was 1 500 detailed enough to use them for the distribution 1 000 maps The number of records prior to 1970 is very low and therefore almost nothing can be 500 said on the historic distribution of the Turkish 0 species. Since '1 970, and especially since prior to 1970 I 980 - 1 990 2000 1970 1979 I 989 1999 2OO5 1990, the number of records increased sharply (Figure 1). Figure 2 gives all localities for which Figurc l records were available. The Eurooean oart of Nlrnrtrcr of rccords ol- Otlorur(rr l'r-onr lirrltcv per ïurkey and the southern coast, from the Mugla t I ccatl c Bnrtltytrorr lí)1 I ): t;3- I 5 3 83 tus, CordulegasÍer insrgrnls, Sympetrum san- many species can be found in this period, guineum, Sympetrum striolatum) have more especially in the south. than one subspecies present in Turkey. The No flight histogram is given 'íor Sympecma pae- identification of the subspecies is often pro- dísca, Pseudagrion syriacum, Aeshna serrata, blematic (e g lschnura elegans and Cordule- Ophiogomphus reducÍus, Oftetrum ransonnetii gaster insignis) and for many of the records no and O. trinacria as no records with information information on the subspecies is given. For this on both the day and month of observation are reason no maps were made for subspecies. Known. Information on the occurrence and distribution of the subspecies can be found in KnrrvnN eÍ Notes orr selected species al .2003 and Knrxvnn. 2006 Svmpecrna paedisca Availability of data on the flight ïhis species is only known from two records period of the dragonflies of Tirrhey from Antakya and Malatia already published by Selvs (1887). The fact that the species has not The histograms of the flight period are based been found since seems to indicate that the spe- on 7558 records Only records pertaining to cies has decreased Recentlv the species was adult specimens for which both the month and the day were known were used The records are not evenly distributed across the year and for this reasons the histograms give only an | 200 indication of the flight period. Figure 3 gives a | 000 histogram based on all records of all species. Many odonatologist from Western Europe visit 800 the south of Turkey in spring, which explains the peak in May. The peak in July and August 600 is largely due to the fieldwork oÍ the second author on the genus Cordulegasfer taking 400 place in this period. Records outside period the 200 May-August are relatively scarce although 0 )FMAM,) )A5OND Figurc 2. Figurc 3. Locltlitics in ltrrhcr' florn rvlticlt Otlorlrtlr lccoltls Histo{nrrn ol thc fliqlrr 1r1'1i1r1l lr.i.11l ort rrll records rrrc lrvail;rblc () ,9 1 Ilnrdtrtttttr I e()Ob) recorded close to the Turkish border in Armenia which makes it likely that the species is present in the east of Turkey (pers com. M. Tntlv). Coenagrion vanbrinkae LoHwnrn (1993) described C. vanbrinkae on the basis of specimens from lran and Turkey The species is largely identical to C. ornatum The authors have problems distinguishing bet- ween these two and therefore all records are given as C. ornatum, his with the exception oÍ the two records present in the original descrip- tion of the species. Ophiogomphus reductus The record Írom Malatya published by Selvs (1887) is still the only Turkish record of this species (see Knlrvnr eÍ a/. 2003 for more information) The nearest locations where this species is found are in Turkestan and Afghani- stan. lt close relative, Ophiogomphus cecilia, has not seldom small unobtrusive populations and it is therefore oossible that also O. reduc- Íus has been overlooked durinq fieldwork in the last decades. Orthetrum trinacria The presence of Ofthetrum trinacria in Turkey is based on a record from 'Klein-Asien' from which Dutvou (1977) stated that it probably comes from Amik Gól (Antakya province). Other records were published by Du,lrnsov from various parts of Turkey (1982). The identi- fication of these records is doubtfull as the soe- cies has not been found since. For this reason no Turkish record is available with sufficient detail and no map could be presented. Orthetrum ransonnetii The record Írom Malatya published by Selvs (1887) is still the only Turkish record of this species (see Knlrvnr eÍ a/. 2003 for more information). Especially the males can easily be confused with one of the commoner species oÍ Orthetrum and the species might be easily overlooked. Braclrytrott 10(l ): 83-i,53 85 Aeshna affinis o Aeshna cyanea Brachytron I0 (2006) Acknowledgements References AsrEw, R.R , 2004 The Dragonflies of Europe (revi- The following persons have contributed to this sed edition). Harley Books, Colchester. article by submitting records for the database: DeH.rrRsoy, 4., 1982. Odonata. Turkiye Faunasr, B (4) Jórg Arlt, Eus van der Burg, Frank Bos, Jean- 8 Ankara [Turkish] Pierre Boudot, Etienne van Dissel, Pim Ede- Dul.rorr, H.J., 1977 A review of the dragonfly laar, Heinrich Fliedner, Kay Fuhrmann, Rob fauna of Turkey and adjacent Mediterranean islands (lnsecta: Felix, Rolf Franke, Kees Goudsmits, Antoine Odonata). Bulletin etAnnales de la Societe Royale d'Entomologie de Belgique 113: 119-171 van Heijden, Herbert Henheik, Marcel Hos- der Hncer, N & N Axrnq, 1997 lstranca Da$lari Odona- pers, Mathias Hartung, Menno Hornman, Paul ta Faunasr [Odonata Fauna of lstranca Mountains]. Hope, Geraldo lhssen, Gilles Jacquemin, Arjan Turkish Journal of Zoology 21:275-289 [Turkish, with Kop, Haruki Karube, Jens Kàhlert, Wolfgang English summaryl Lopau, Kees Mostert, Harm Niesen, Hans- Hncer, N. & N. AxuQ, 2004. Considerations on the Jiirgen Pelny, Jurgen Ruddek, Marijke Roos, odonate fauna of Turkish Thrace, with some taxano- Menno Reemer, John Smit, Paul Schrijvers- mic notes Odonatologica 33: 237-352 Knrxvnn, VJ. & GJ vnn Pelr, 2006. New records hoÍ, Wofgang Schneider, Marcel Wasscher, of rare uncommon dragonflies in Turkey (Odonata) Wofgang Theo Zeegers. Henri Dumont and Brachytron 10: 154 - 162 Schneider helped with advice and literature Knlrvnn, V.J., 2006. Key to the dragonflies of Tur- Marcel Wasscher contributed greatly to the key, including species known from Greece, Bulgaria, project by making and maintaining the inter- Lebanon, Syria, the Trans-Caucasus and lran. Bra- netsite on Eastern Mediterranean dragonflies chytronl0:3-82. (http://íly.to/epallage) which has been a major Knrrurnru, V.J , M. WASScHER & G.J. vnru Prrr, 2003 stimulus for this project. An annotated checklist of the Odonata of Turkey Odonatologica 32: 215-235 Kur.tz, B , S.v. Oeen & R JóDrcKE, 2006. The distribu- Vitrt'crtt. I(nlknratt.Q (lt'rt tntt Ptlt f frrtt tion of Zygonyx torridus in the Palaearctic (Odonata: Ntrtiorml Nluscurtt of NrtturaL Hist(rrv, Libellulidae). Libellula 25: 89-108 P.O. Bo: 9517. Lorvnruru, H., 1993. Coenagrion vanbrinki spec nov. NL-2300 RA Lcidut. und C perslcum spec. nov. aus vorderasien (Zygop- Tlu'Nctlrrltrils ter a: Coe n ag ri on i d a e) Odonatolog ica 22: 203-21 1 . rnail: furlknntt@ turtumLis.rtrtrn.rrl van Peu, G.J. & VJ. Knrxvnn, 2004. Research on dragonflies in Turkey: present status and future aims & gi.
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