![Bibliography: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Part 2) Compiled and Selected by Judith Tinnes [Bibliographic Series of Perspectives on Terrorism - BSPT-JT-2018-2]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 12, Issue 1 Bibliography: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Part 2) Compiled and selected by Judith Tinnes [Bibliographic Series of Perspectives on Terrorism - BSPT-JT-2018-2] Abstract This bibliography contains journal articles, book chapters, books, edited volumes, theses, grey literature, bibli- ographies and other resources on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To keep up with the rapidly changing political events, more recent publications have been prioritised during the selection process. The literature has been re- trieved by manually browsing more than 200 core and periphery sources in the field of Terrorism Studies. Addi- tionally, full-text and reference retrieval systems have been employed to expand the search. Keywords: bibliography; resources; literature; terrorism; Israel; Palestine; Gaza; Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Arab-Israeli conflict; peace process NB: All websites were last visited on 21.01.2018. This subject bibliography is the second part of a two-part bibliography (Part 1 was published in Issue 8[5]). To avoid duplication, this compilation only includes literature not contained in Part 1. However, meta-re- sources, such as bibliographies, were included in both parts. - See also Note for the Reader at the end of this literature list. Bibliographies and other Resources AbuZayyad, Ziad; Schenker, Hillel (Eds.) (1994-): Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture. URL: http://www.pij.org Adelson, Samuel (2013, May): Annotated Bibliography for Palestine. (Model Arab League Research Resourc- es). URL: http://ncusar.org/modelarableague/resources/Annotated-Bibliography-Palestine.pdf Balfour Project, The (n.d.): Bibliography. URL: http://www.balfourproject.org/about/the-balfour-project-list- of-resources Books for Understanding (2002, June-): Israel & Palestine. URL: http://www.booksforunderstanding.org/isra- el/list.html Brown University, New Directions in Palestinian Studies (2017): Bibliography. URL: https://palestinian- studies.org/bibliography B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories (1989-): URL: http://www.btselem.org Dowty, Alan (2015, July): The Arab-Israel Conflict. Oxford Bibliographies Online. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1093/OBO/9780199756223-0124 Goodreads (2012, July): Books on the Israel Palestine Conflict. (Listopia). URL: https://www.goodreads.com/ list/show/22061.Books_on_the_Israel_Palestine_Conflict Institute for Palestine Studies (2006-). URL: http://palestine-studies.org International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) (2008-): War on Hamas. URL: http://www.ict.org.il/Arti- cles.aspx?WordID=109 Kern, Kathleen; Christian Peacemaker Teams (1996, September): Middle East Bibliography. URL: https://mid- dleeast.library.cornell.edu/content/middle-east-bibliography Khalidi, Rashid I. (Ed.) (1971, Autumn-): Journal of Palestine Studies. [p-ISSN: 0377-919X, e-ISSN: 1533- ISSN 2334-3745 152 February 2018 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 12, Issue 1 8614]. URL: http://jps.ucpress.edu Kiener, Ron (2013, January): Select Bibliography of the Arab-Israeli Conflict in English. URL: http://www2. trincoll.edu/~kiener/JWST206_Biblio.htm Klieman, Aharon; Weinbaum, Laurence; Shumacher, Yvette (Eds.) (2006-): Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs. [p-ISSN: 2373-9770, e-ISSN: 2373-9789]. URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/rifa20 LA Jews for Peace (n.d.): Books on the Israel-Palestinian Conflict: Annotated Bibliography. URL: http://www. lajewsforpeace.org/Bibliography.html Metz, Helen Chapin (1988): Bibliography. In: Israel: A Country Study. Washington, DC: GPO for the Library of Congress. URL: http://countrystudies.us/israel/111.htm Murray, Nancy; Hagopian, Elaine (n.d.): Select Bibliography on the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict. URL: http:// tari.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=25&Itemid=29 NATO Multimedia Library (2012): The Arab-Israeli Conflict since the Oslo Agreement. (Thematic Bibliography No. 2/12). URL: http://www.natolibguides.info/ld.php?content_id=10701682 Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI); University of Oslo (2016-): Jihadi Document Repository. URL: http://www.hf.uio.no/ikos/english/research/jihadi-document-repository/index.html O’Donnell, Patrick S. (2017): The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Bibliography. URL: http://www.academia. edu/4844077/Israeli-Palestinian_Conflict_bibliography Palestinian American Research Center (PARC) (2008, October): Resources: A Bibliography of Books on Pales- tine and the Palestinians. URL: http://parc-us-pal.org/resources/bibliography.htm Pipes, Daniel (n.d.): Bibliography: The Arab-Israeli Conflict. URL: http://www.danielpipes.org/biblio_ai.php Sarsar, Saliba (1998): Bibliography on Palestinian Women. URL: http://library.columbia.edu/locations/global/ virtual-libraries/middle_east_studies/women/palestinian.html Sinai, Joshua (2016, February): Twenty New Publications on Israeli & Palestinian Issues. Perspectives on Ter- rorism, 10(1), 114-125. URL: http://www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/article/view/493 Tinnes, Judith (2014, October): Bibliography: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Part 1). Perspectives on Terrorism, 8(5), 84-116. URL: http://www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/article/view/382 United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) (1950-): http://www.unrwa.org York University, Conference “Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace” (2009): An- notated Bibliography. URL: http://www.yorku.ca/ipconf/annotatedbibliography.html Books and Edited Volumes Abu El-Haj, Thea Renda (2015): Unsettled Belonging: Educating Palestinian American Youth after 9/11. Chica- go: The University of Chicago Press. Al-Hardan, Anaheed (2016): Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities. New York: Columbia University Press. Alpher, Yossi (2015): Periphery: Israel’s Search for Middle East Allies. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Alpher, Yossi (2016): No End of Conflict: Rethinking Israel-Palestine. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Amar-Dahl, Tamar (2017): Zionist Israel and the Question of Palestine: Jewish Statehood and the History of the Middle East Conflict. (Olga Thierbach-McLean, Trans.). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. ISSN 2334-3745 153 February 2018 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 12, Issue 1 Anthony, C. Ross et al. (2015): The Costs of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. [e-Book]. (RAND Research Re- ports, RR-740-1-DCR). Santa Monica: RAND Corporation. URL: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_re- ports/RR740-1.html Anthony, C. Ross et al. (2015): The Costs of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. (Executive Summary). [e-Book]. (RAND Research Reports, RR-740/1-1-DCR). Santa Monica: RAND Corporation. URL: https://www.rand. org/pubs/research_reports/RR740z1-1.html Arrigoni, Vittorio (2011): Gaza: Stay Human. (Daniela Filippin, Trans.). Markfield: Kube. Attwell, Katie (2015): Jewish-Israeli National Identity and Dissidence: The Contradictions of Zionism and Resis- tance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137429025 Avineri, Shlomo (2014): Herzl’s Vision: Theodor Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State. (Haim Watzman, Trans.). New York: BlueBridge. Avraham, Rachel (2016): Women and Jihad: Debating Palestinian Female Suicide Bombings in the American, Israeli and Arab Media. Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing House. Ayalon, Amichay; Jenkins, Brian Michael (2015): War by what Means, According to whose Rules? The Chal- lenge for Democracies Facing Asymmetric Conflicts: Proceedings of a RAND–Israel Democracy Institute Work- shop, December 3-4, 2014. [e-Book]. (RAND Conference Proceedings, CF-334-CMEPP). Santa Monica: RAND Corporation. URL: https://www.rand.org/pubs/conf_proceedings/CF334.html Ayton, Mel (2007): The Forgotten Terrorist: Sirhan Sirhan and the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. Dulles: Potomac Books. Badarin, Emile (2016): Palestinian Political Discourse: Between Exile and Occupation. (Routledge Studies on the Arab–Israeli Conflict, Vol. 22). Abingdon: Routledge. Baracskay, Daniel (2011): The Palestine Liberation Organization: Terrorism and Prospects for Peace in the Holy Land. (PSI Guides to Terrorists, Insurgents, and Armed Groups). Santa Barbara: Praeger. Bartal, Shaul (2016): Jihad in Palestine: Political Islam and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. (Israeli History, Politics and Society, Vol. 57). Abingdon: Routledge. Bartal, Shaul; Rubinstein-Shemer, Nesya (2018): Hamas and Ideology: Sheikh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī on the Jews, Zionism and Israel. (Israeli History, Politics and Society). Abingdon: Routledge. Beck, Martin; Jung, Dietrich; Seeberg, Peter (Eds.) (2016): The Levant in Turmoil: Syria, Palestine, and the Transformation of Middle Eastern Politics. (The Modern Muslim World). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137526021 Beitler, Ruth Margolies (2004): The Path to Mass Rebellion: An Analysis of Two Intifadas. Lanham: Lexington Books. Berman, Eli (2009): Radical, Religious, and Violent: The New Economics of Terrorism. Cambridge: MIT Press. Blumenthal, Max (2015): The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza. New York: Nation Books. Bollens, Scott A. (2018): Trajectories of Conflict and Peace: Jerusalem and Belfast since 1994. Abingdon: Rout- ledge. Bouris, Dimitris (2014): The European Union and Occupied Palestinian Territories: State-Building without a State. (Routledge Advances in European Politics, Vol. 101). Abingdon: Routledge. Bregman, Ahron (2014): Cursed Victory: Israel and the Occupied Territories: A History. New York: Pegasus Books. ISSN 2334-3745
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