Leobener bergmannstag 2012 17 – 22 September 2012 Leoben, AuStriA raw materiaLs are the future SuppLying A modern Society with minerAL rAw mAteriALS in the fAce of technoLogy, growth And SuStAinAbiLity raw materiaLs are the future The Associations of the Austrian Mining and Steel Industry, the Building Materials and Ceramic Industries and the Austrian Petro- leum Industry as well as the Federal Guild for Construction Services (Bauhilfsgewerbe) and their partners host the congress raw materiaLs are the future LeoBener BerGMAnnStag 2012, the sup- ply of mineral raw materials to a modern society in the face of technology, growth and sustainability, under the patronage of the federal President of austria, Dr. heinz fischer (tbc) from 17 to 22 September 2012 in Leoben, Austria Photo: © voestalpine AG 17 – 22 September 2012 Leoben, AuStriA raw materiaLs are the future raw materiaLs are the future the congress ‘rohStoffe Sind Zukunft’ (rAw mAterials are the future) iS An event initiAted by associAtionS related to the AuStriAn mineral rAw mAterials economy. The Austrian mineral raw materi- mineraLs for our future! als economy extends from the extraction of raw materials from Products made to order, new ma- the earth’s crust to understanding terials for the automotive sector, modern society’s needs while at the airline industry, medical science, same time ensuring the responsible electronics, ceramics and building handling of limited resources. materials, new traffic links as well as elements for perfect materials Consequently the congress has ‘raw and clever high-tech products shape materials are the future’ as its guid- our everyday life and determine our ing theme and highlights perspec- society’s future. tives of modern extraction, condi- tioning and processing of mineral In order to do this, the mineral raw raw materials, crude oil and natural materials economy is interlinked in a gas as well as metals in the face of network covering science, research technology, growth and sustainabil- and development and industrial ity of a modern society. production. Thus, the mineral raw materials economy and affiliated en- Businesses in the Austrian mineral terprises ensure innovation, growth, raw materials economy: employment and future. • employ around 34,000 staff With its share of 38 % of the GDP, the members Austrian industry forms an indispen- • in over 1,300 commercial estab- sable driving force for Austrian soci- lishments ety. The event in Leoben will provide • produce, amongst others an overview of current developments › approx. 90 mill tons of solid and a perspective of tomorrow’s mineral raw materials (construc- mineral raw materials world. tion materials, ores, and indus- trial minerals) › approx. 5.7 mill tons of steel › approx. 285,000 tons of aluminium › approx. 100,000 tons of copper • extract close to 1 mill tons of crude oil, incl. natural Gas Liquid (nGL) and over 1.5 bn m³ natural gas annually • and employ over 1,700 trainees. 3 17 – 22 September 2012 Leoben, AuStriA raw materiaLs are the future Key objectives the congress ‘rAw mAterials are the future’ has two mAin goals: pubLic relationS And com- municAtionS to ShArpen AwAreness in Society as A whoLe And generAte A Scientific, poLitical and economic dialogue At the mineral rAw mAterials congress. Pr anD communications mineraL raw materiaLs sPeciaList congress The aim of the congress’ public rela- tions work is to show the economic The theme of the international con- significance of the mineral raw ma- gress is ‘extracting solid, liquid and terials economy as an essential and gaseous raw materials’ including modern economic sector. The min- their preparation and processing, as eral raw materials economy stands well as tunnel and cavity building in at the beginning of the value creation the face of innovation, science, tech- chain and therefore forms the basis nology, production, sustainability, for numerous, indispensable prod- politics and society. ucts that we cannot imagine doing without in our daily lives. A profes- Topics, lectures and debates centre sional communications plan will on national and international min- support this goal. eral raw materials production and the european raw materials policy as well as resource efficiency and recycling. Keynote speakers and expert lectur- ers will be high-ranking representa- tives of the european Union, federal and provincial administration and from the Middle-european universi- ties of mining as well as executives of the mineral raw materials econo- my and opinion leaders. Photo: © Asamer Holding AG 17 – 22 September 2012 4 Leoben, AuStriA raw materiaLs are the future raw materiaLs are the future Around 1,000 pArticipAntS Are expected At the congress and A further 2,000 gueStS to Attend the Supporting progrAmmeS. an event Programme with a The congress was initiated by the Aus- traDition for our future. trian Mining Association, the Austrian Federal economic Chamber’s Associa- The ‘Leobener Bergmannstag’ tions of the Austrian Mining and Steel (miners’ day, Leoben) is based on Industry, the Building Materials and a longstanding tradition and takes Ceramic Industries and the Austrian place every 25 years only. After the Petroleum Industry as well as the Fed- first general assembly of miners eral Guild of Construction Services and ironworkers in Vienna in 1858, (Bauhilfsgewerbe) in collaboration with the congress will be held for the 12th the Minerals Forum Austria, the Feder- time in 2012. With international at- al Ministry of economy, Family & Youth tendance, the congress will take a (department for energy & mining), the time-critical look from the present University of Leoben and the Federation into the future of europe’s and Aus- of Austrian Industries. tria’s sustainable mineral raw mate- rials supply. The european Union, the Austrian Fed- eral Government, the Province of Styria The leitmotif of the 2012 congress and the Municipality of Leoben are sup- is ‘raw materials are the future’. porters of the congress. Mining forms the historical basis of industrial development. especially over and above that numerous interna- the use of modern products (such as tional economic, scientific and admin- mobile phones, low-energy housing, istrative organisations and associations solar technology and many others) as well as associations with varied shows the significance of mineral points of reference to the mineral raw raw materials today. Without min- materials economy, have announced eral raw materials, our cutting-edge their participation in the congress. technologies would be inconceiv- able. The sustainable supply of raw materials is essential to ensure our prosperity and to enable the future implementation of visionary innova- tions by utilising local and global resources. 5 17 – 22 September 2012 Leoben, AuStriA rohstofferaw materiaLs sinare Dthe future zuKunft Patronage The congress ‘raw materials are the future’ is palced under the patronage of the federal President Dr. heinz fischer (tbc). honorary senate THe FollowinG PerSonalitieS AnD InstitutionS Are askeD To Provide theIr supporT In the HonorArY Senate: eU Vice-president and Commissioner Federal Minister of Agriculture, for enterprise and Industry Forestry, environment and Water Dr. antonio tajani Management Di nikolaus berlakovich eU Commissioner for energy günther oettinger Federal Minister of Science and research eU Commissioner for regional Policy mag. Dr. beatrix Karl Dr. johannes hahn Governor of Styria Federal Chancellor mag. franz voves werner faymann Vice-Governor of Styria Vice-chancellor and Federal hermann schützenhöfer Minister of Finance Di josef Pröll Member of the provincial govern- ment for economy, european and Federal Minister of economy, Family Cultural Affairs and Youth Dr. christian buchmann Dr. reinhold mitterlehner Member of the provincial govern- Federal Minister of Labour, Social ment for Science and research Affairs and Consumer Protection mag. Kristina edlinger-Ploder rudolf hundstorfer Mayor of the City of Leoben Federal Minister for european and Dr. matthias Konrad International Affairs Dr. michael spindelegger HI AG r Photo: © 17 – 22 September 2012 6 Leoben, AuStriA rawrohstoffe materiaLs are the futuresinD zuKunft honorary committee THe FoLLoWInG PERSONALITIeS President of the Federation of AnD InSTITUTIONS Are askeD To Austrian Industries Styria Provide theIr supporT In the mag. jochen Pildner-steinburg HonorArY Committee: General Manager of the WWF Austria President of the Austrian Federal Di Dr. hildegard aichberger economic Chamber Dr. christoph Leitl District Commissioner of the District Commission Leoben President of the Federation of hofrat Dr. walter Kreutzwiesner Austrian Industries Dr. veit sorger Chair of the Minerals Forum Austria Komm.-rat gerold neuper President of the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions Spokesman for the Austrian raw erich foglar Materials Platform Di franz friesenbichler President of the Chamber of Labour mag. herbert tumpel General Manager eUROMINES – european association of Mining Head of the Department energy & Industries Mining in the Federal Ministry of Dr. corina hebestreit economy, Family and Youth SC mag. Di Dr. alfred maier President eUROFER – european Confederation of Iron and Steel Head of the Department of Labour Industries Law and Central Labour Inspection Dr. wolfgang eder in the Federal Ministry of Labour, So- cial Affairs and Consumer Protection General Manger IMA – Industrial SC Prof. Dr. eva-elisabeth szymanski Minerals Association Dr. michelle wyart-remy Vice Chancellor of the
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