* * * * NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING * * * * CARROLLTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING and WORKSESSION JUNE 20, 2006 CITY HALL, 2ND FLOOR COUNCIL PHOTOS – 4:30 P.M. 1945 E. JACKSON ROAD DINNER, PRE-MEETING & WORKSESSION – 5:45 P.M. CARROLLTON, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING – 7:00 P.M. AGENDA * * * * PRE-MEETING / EXECUTIVE SESSION * * * * 1. Mayor and Council reports and information sharing. 2. Receive supplemental staff information and responses to questions. 3. Council will convene in Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code: • Section 551.071 for private consultation with the City Attorney to seek legal advice with respect to pending and contemplated litigation and including all matters on this agenda to which the City Attorney has a duty under the Texas Rules of Discipline and Professional conduct regarding confidential communication with the City Council, and. • Section 551.072 to discuss certain matters regarding real property • Section 551.074 to discuss personnel matters. • Section 551.087 to discuss Economic Development 4. Council will reconvene in open session to consider action, if any, on matters discussed in the Executive Session. * * * * WORKSESSION * * * * 5. Tour of Audio/Visual Equipment and Lighting. 6. Discuss Nob Hill Mowing. 7. Briefing on Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. INVOCATION by Reverend Woody Weilage of Aldersgate United Methodist Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS 8. Recognition of Ben Garoutte on his Acceptance into the Air Force Academy. REGULAR MEETING & WORKSESSION AGENDA – JUNE 20, 2006 PAGE 2 9. Presentation of 2006 Government Academy Graduates. PUBLIC FORUM 10. Hearing of any citizen/visitor on items not listed on the regular meeting agenda. Citizens/visitors should complete an appearance card located on the table at the entrance to the City Council Chambers. Speakers must address their comments to the presiding officer rather than to individual council members or staff; stand at the podium, speak clearly into the microphone and state your name and address prior to beginning your remarks; Speakers will be allowed a maximum of 5 minutes for testimony; Speakers making personal, impertinent, profane or slanderous remarks may be removed from the room; Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of feet, whistles, yells and similar demonstrations will not be permitted; No placards, banners or signs will be permitted in the Chambers or in any other room in which the council is meeting; In accordance with the State Open Meetings Act, the City Council is restricted from discussing or taking action on items not listed on the agenda. Action can only be taken at a future meeting. CONSENT AGENDA (*All items marked with a single asterisk are part of a Consent Agenda and require no deliberation by the Council. Each Council member has the prerogative of removing an item from this agenda so that it may be considered separately. Contracts and agreements are available in the City Secretary’s Office.) BIDS AND PURCHASES *11. Consider approval of the purchase of Emergency Sewer Repair to Southwest Horizontal Drilling Services Inc. in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00. CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS *12. Consider approving an Interlocal Agreement with Infrastructure Systems, Inc (ISI) for Street Sweeping. *13. Consider approving an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Dallas for the Relocation of the Water Main Pressures Reducing Vault on Old Mill Road. RESOLUTIONS *14. Consider a resolution Supporting the Regional Transportation Council’s Policy Position Towards Trans Texas Corridor 35(TTC-35). ORDINANCES *15. Consider an Ordinance Denying Atmos’s Requested Rate Increase. *16. Consider an Ordinance Denying Atmos’s GRIP Surcharge. *17. Consider an Ordinance Establishing a 30 mph Speed Limit for Kelly Boulevard From Trinity Mills Road to Keller Springs Road During Construction. PUBLIC HEARINGS 18. Hold a public hearing and consider approval of a Resolution on the Draft PY 2006 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) One-Year Plan of Action and Budget. REGULAR MEETING & WORKSESSION AGENDA – JUNE 20, 2006 PAGE 3 ** In order to expedite the flow of business and to provide all citizens the opportunity to speak, the Mayor may impose a five-minute limitation on any person addressing the Council. CERTIFICATE - I certify that the above agenda giving notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of Carrollton, Texas on the 16th day of June 2006 at _____________________________ . ________________________________________ Ashley D. Mitchell, City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please contact City Secretary’s Office at least 72 hours in advance at 972-466-3021. Opportunities and services are offered by the City of Carrollton without regard to race, color, age, national origin, religion, sex or disability. CC Work Session: June 20, 2006 Date: June 14, 2006 To: Leonard Martin, City Manager From: Scott Whitaker, Parks & Recreation Director Subject: Nob Hill Mowing Background: In 2002 staff was asked by some Nob Hill residents to modify the mowing along the 80-acre Nob Hill greenbelt. A consensus could not be reached with neighborhood residents after several meetings so the City Council reviewed the information and determined a plan for mow and non-mow areas along the greenbelt. A map was developed that the Parks Department has followed when mowing this area. Over the past several years staff has received requests from residents to change the plan but has continued to mow according to the approved map from the fall of 2002. In 2004 construction began along the Nob Hill greenbelt to improve the creek channel and to put in a concrete trail running somewhat parallel to the channel. The residents had concerns about the impact this channel improvement and trail would have to the park land. Several meetings were held and updates were made to the construction plans as staff worked with the citizens to minimize the impact of the construction project. The project included straightening out and widening the channel. This plan included many plantings and a large shelf next to the channel as directed by the Corps of Engineers to help the flow of water and to create more natural areas next to the creek. This construction project was completed in 2005 and a new map was made to reflect the channel and trail. The map serves as a tool Park staff uses when mowing the greenbelt. Both the original map from 2002 and 2005 were done by the city Engineering Department using the data that was available. This is not an exact science since GPS is not fully available. Staff worked diligently to meet the intent of the 2006 plan and incorporate the new trail, wider channel and natural shelf. The mowing crew did not mow this area in the fall or winter and then used the new map reflecting the trail amenities to mow the greenbelt this spring. Using the map, field decisions are made to follow the plan as accurately as possible. Again, please remember this is 80 acres, we use large mowers, and there are no permanent markers to designate the exact mowing areas. After the first mowing cycle this spring we received a call from the Schwaabs who live in the neighborhood requesting a change in one area of the greenbelt. During site visits over the last two weeks staff noticed two small discrepancies in the two maps. The first one is part of the area included in the mowing request. The second location is now a wildflower area. PARKS & RECREATION • 4220 N. Josey Lane • P.O. Box 110535 • Carrollton, Texas 75011-0535 972.466.3080 • Fax: 972.466.4722 • www.cityofcarrollton.com The mow area that has been requested deviates less than 4,000 square feet from the original plan. To give you some perspective, the 80-acre greenbelt is 3,484,800 square feet. This change encompasses 00.001% of the site. Staff will bring a few maps to the work session for your review. Financial: Mowing of the area requested by the Schwaabs is minimal and would not add any new expenses. Recommendation: Considering the 2002 adoption date of the initial mowing policy and the changes that have occurred in conjunction with the construction of the walking trail and over time, staff is seeking direction and any updates that City Council would like to make with regards to the mowing policy for this area. Nob Hill Mowing, June 1, 2006, Page 2 of 2 CC MEETING: June 20, 2006 DATE: June 7, 2006 TO: Leonard Martin, City Manager FROM: Cesar J. Molina, Jr., P.E., Director of Engineering SUBJECT: BRIEFING ON NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The intention of this item is to brief City Council on the two pilot programs that were authorized by City Council and to get direction on the future of this program. BACKGROUND: The attached memo summarized the history of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP). Staff will briefly go over each of the pilot projects, discuss the obstacles encountered, lessons learned and the outcome of each project. With the completion of the construction and the one-year after-study, staff would like to gain future direction for this program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff wishes to update City Council on the status of this program. ATTACHMENTS: June 1 Memo from Tom Hammons Location Map DATE: June 1, 2006 TO: Cesar J. Molina, Jr., P.E., Director of Engineering FROM: Tom Hammons, P.E., Transportation Engineering Division Manager SUBJECT: Neighborhood Traffic Management Pilot Study Program Update The City of Carrollton has had a policy against installing “active” traffic calming devices” that involve a physical change to the roadway for many years. Over time, surrounding cities have included these types of devices in their own traffic calming programs making it increasingly difficult to simply dismiss their use. However, many of these cities have had mixed results implementing active traffic calming devices such as speed humps.
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