14 THE AQUINAS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2012 “MEAL PLANS” FROM PAGE ONE “I’m not sure there’s a ground- “Eighteen-hundred living in fresh- The Aquinas Crossword swell of support for being able to man residence halls as well as rollover those meals. That’s why sophomore residence halls must we have guest meals. For those be on a meal plan because those times you go over, you can use rooms have no kitchens. But those a guest meal for yourself,” Zayac other 1,200 students on meal plans Oscar Week said. live either in apartments or in off- “But if broad support is re- campus housing and do not have ally there [for rolling over unused to be on a meal plan.” meals], we would have some dis- “All of meal plans give you ac- February 16 cussion on it.” cess to the Fresh Food Court on the According to statistics from fourth floor for an all-you-care-to- Dining Services, few meal plan eat dining experience. In addition, Answers meals go unused in any given you can use all six meal plans in Across: 36. Aeon week. cash equivalency at the DeNaples 1. Pharoah “Students use 90 to 95 percent food court up to a certain value 38. Gray of their meals every week, so for breakfast, lunch, dinner and 6. Tut Down: there’s not a lot of unused meals,” late night,” Zayac said. “The 14-, 9. Lure 1. Placid Zayac said. “I do know at some 14-Plus, 10- and 10-Plus meal plans schools students use less than half can also be used as cash equiva- 10. Bono 2. Huck of their allocated meals. Here, out lency at the Mulberry Food Court 11. Act 3. Art students choose to be on a meal for lunch and dinner.” plan and use their meal plan.” Zayac said both Aramark and 12. Irk 4. Re Scranton students have mixed Dining Services are always open 14. Io 5. Afro opinions about current meal plans to suggestions and ideas from and dining options at The Univer- students, and he encourages all 16. Ck 6. To sity. While some students are sat- members of The University com- 17. Doe 7. Union isfied with the current meal plan munity to submit their feedback. 18. Bon options, others feel they are not “We’re always interested in 8. Toon getting optimal value from their hearing back from the students,” 19. Un 12. Idle meal plans. Zayac said. “We’d like to talk to 20. Donner 13. Key Sophomore Stephanie Aten any students who are interested.” thinks she is not getting the full “Voice of the many is what we 25. Pe 18. Butterfly value of her meal plan because of listen to,” Zayac said. 26. Etre 21. Opera the lack of healthy food options at According to Zayac, the best the DeNaples Center. way to voice comments or con- 28. Beverly 22. Nevada “It’s hard to find meals upstairs cerns is through the Dining Ser- 30. Ein 23. Rolling that are vegetarian,” Aten said. vices’ comment board on the third “And there are not enough healthy floor of the DeNaples Center. 31. Ira 24. Kennedy options across the street, either. “The comment board creates 32. El 27. Rio They have salads, but they’re ex- a close connection between stu- 33. Iron pensive, and I have to use flex.” dents, the dining committee and 28. Bison Aten thinks The University can student government, so we have a 34. Sad 29. Reno improve students’ dining experi- great rapport,” Zayac said. 35. Nil 37. Ex ence by offering more cost-effec- Zayac said he thinks open com- tive and healthy food options. munication between students and CROSSWORD BY TIMOTHY MCCORMICK, MAURA REGAN AND JESSICA LLOYD “Stuff that’s healthy is way dining services keeps dissatisfac- more expensive than unhealthy tion low. Across: 37). Abbreviation from Latin “that is.” food,” Aten said. “It’s easier to get “While hundreds of comments 1). This actress received an Academy Award 38). Davis, nominated for Best Actress. things that are bad for you rather are posted on our comment board nomination for her gender-bending role as the than things that are good for you. every week, we really haven’t When I eat at school, I want to get heard any serious dissatisfaction,” lead character in Albert Nobbs. something good for you and not Zayac said. 5). This boxer, known better by his name after Down: something that clogs your arter- “We received 1,200 responses converting to Islam, defeated Sonny Liston, 1). This national park, perhaps the most fa- ies.” from our dining survey last fall, after which he delivered his famous “fly like mous, was declared such by Woodrow Wilson While some students see need and the scores place us in the top for improvement, others are satis- 10 of all 400 schools that are run a butterfly, sting like a bee” quote (Feb. 25, (Feb. 26, 1919). fied with current meal plans and by Aramark, maybe in the top 1964). 2). Liberia country code; medical abbreviation food options. Sophomore Jennifer five. That gives us a lot of satisfac- 8). A British rear. for one of the two buttocks. Lewis — a 14-Meal Plan student — tion to know that our students are said she likes both the meal plan giving us high marks for quality 9). Goes well with tonic. 3). Although its origin is debated, the Acade- program and the food available at and variety of food, overall expe- 10). This European celebration, now known my Award of Merit’s nickname is said to come the DeNaples Center. rience and for our people,” Zayac better as Mardi Gras, made its move to the from a resemblance to Margaret Herrick’s “It’s very convenient — there’s said. “We think we do a good job always many options upstairs,” everywhere — we have a good Americas and, first appearing in New Orleans Uncle ____. Lewis said. “The [Fresh Food Com- crew.” (Feb. 27, 1827). 4). To char, burn or scorch the surface. pany] does a great job — the food “We’re getting terrific feed- 12). This one is 366 days. 5). A type of animation, seen in past Oscar- is always hot, and there’s always back — students seem to be great options. I think it’s great the satisfied, and we continue to im- 14). “Shattered” and “Love and Memories” nominees “Up” and “Finding Nemo.” way it is.” prove the menu, improve qual- band. 6). Regis Philbin was a host of this show, However, Lewis wishes she ity and maintain low meal plan 15). Research and Development (abbrev.). recently renamed “____ with Kelly.” could use her meal plan at the first costs as well as prices in light of floor food court at the DeNaples the economy,” Zayac said. “It’s 18). Martin Scorsese’s film for which he re- 7). William Travis called for help as Santa Center. difficult to keep pace with infla- ceived a Best Directing nomination this year. ____’s army attacked the Alamo (Feb. 24, “It sucks you don’t get the full tion, but we’ve managed to keep 20). Yiddish expression of exasperation or 1836). meal price downstairs and have to cost increases low and satisfac- use Flex,” Lewis said. tion high.” chagrin. 11). Meryl Streep received a nomination from Ted Zayac said Flex money For the first time, The Univer- 21). Looney Toons’ studio (abbrev.). the Academy for her role as Margaret Thatcher must be used at locations that do sity was ranked twelfth by the 22). ____, Forrest, ____. in “The Iron ____.” not serve full meals. Princeton Review for Best Cam- “Cash equivalency is not ac- pus Food. The Princeton Review 23). Madonna’s directorial debut film received 13). Entertainment Arts, a video game com- cepted at the Hyland Café, Java ranks universities in the category an Oscar nomination for Costume Design. pany. City, Starbucks or any conve- based on quality of food, student 34). Scranton had monumental growth due to 15). The mountain on Iwo Jima upon which nience stores for different rea- satisfaction and other factors. sons,” Zayac said. “We don’t have Sophomore Mike Evans said the ____ industry. the famous photo was taken (Feb. 23, 1945). complete meals there to satisfy that, while he enjoys the quality of 25). Twitter abbreviation that informs others of 16). Brad Pitt’s Oscar nomination came from complete meal needs.” food on campus, he is not sure if your current music selection. what film. Despite concerns from stu- he is getting the most value from 27). Honest ____, honored Feb. 20 this year. 17). Assumed the title role in “The Girl with dents, Zayac said he thinks the his 10-Meal Plan. current meal plans and food op- “I get quality products, but I’d 28). Drew Barrymore began her extra-terrific the Dragon Tattoo” (first name, last initial). tions are working for The Univer- have to check the expenditures to career in this multi-Oscar winning film. 19). “Annie Get Your ____” won the Oscar for sity. see the value,” Evans said. “I prob- 29). T/____214, a required course here at The Best Score. “In the fall, we had over 3,000 ably pay a little bit extra [with the students on meal plans — 1,200 meal plan].” University. 21). Yahoo.com and Facebook.com, for ex- of which were not mandated to “Maybe it is worth it, but I don’t 30). Bruce Wayne’s hypothetical child’s alter- ample.
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