J. Dairy Sci. 104:Instructions 1–4 © American Dairy Science Association®, 2021. Journal of Dairy Science® Instructions to Authors: Policies1 Journal Policies and Procedures tion of the nonscientist are encouraged to share their contributions with colleagues and to achieve wider The American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®) circulation of their conclusions and recommendations invites scientists from the global community to submit through this section. In addition, papers that report papers for consideration to the Journal of Dairy Sci- on advances in teaching and outreach techniques are ence (JDS). Authors need not be members of ADSA. suitable for this section. These instructions detail policies and procedures for publishing in JDS. We recommend that authors Contact Information for Journal Staff refer to these instructions, as well as the Instructions to Authors: Style and Form, during submission, peer For information on the scientific content of the jour- review, acceptance, proof correction, and final publica- nal, contact the editor-in-chief, Dr. Paul J. Kononoff; tion phases. phone: 402-472-6442; e-mail: [email protected]. For assistance with ScholarOne (Manuscript Cen- Aims and Scope tral), contact Shauna Miller, editorial assistant, Head- quarters Office, 1800 S. Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, The Journal of Dairy Science publishes original IL 61820; phone (217) 239-3339; fax (217) 378-4083; research, invited review articles, and other scholarly [email protected]. work that relates to the production and processing of For questions about manuscript preparation, journal milk or milk products intended for human consump- style and form, and proofs, contact Louise Adam, lead tion. The journal is broadly divided into dairy foods technical editor, at [email protected] or journals@as- and dairy production sections. The Resources and sochq.org. Environment section may include papers from either For questions about page charge invoices or offprint Dairy Foods or Dairy Production. orders, contact Vicki Paden, ADSA administrative as- sistant, at [email protected]. Dairy Foods Sections For other information, contact Susan Pollock, man- • Bioactivity and Human Health aging editor, Headquarters Office, American Dairy • Chemistry and Materials Science Science Association, 1800 S. Oak St., Suite 100, Cham- • Dairy Product Microbiology and Safety paign, IL 61820; phone (217) 356-7641; susanp@asso- • Food Systems and Environment chq.org or [email protected]. • Microbiology and Safety • Processing and Engineering Care and Use of Animals • Sensory Analysis The Journal of Dairy Science requires that all re- Dairy Production Sections search animal activity to be performed in compliance • Animal Nutrition with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. • Farm Systems and Environment The authors should state explicitly that institutional • Genetics and Genomics animal care and use (IACUC) or equivalent approval • Health, Behavior, and Well-being was obtained before commencement of the study. • Physiology Authors should make it clear that experiments were conducted in a manner that avoided unnecessary dis- In addition to the above sections, interpretive applied comfort to the animals by the use of proper manage- summaries and recommendations may be submitted ment and laboratory techniques. Experiments should to the Dairy Industry Today section. Syntheses and be conducted in accordance with the principles and applications from technical reports that contribute to specific guidelines presented in Guidelines for the solutions of problems in the dairy industry especially Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research are solicited. Authors of reports for extension educa- and Teaching, 3rd ed. (available from FASS Inc., 1800 S. Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820; https:// www.adsa.org/Publications/FASS2010AgGuide.aspx). 1 Revised September 2020. Methods of killing experimental animals must be 1 2 Journal of Dairy Science Instructions to Authors: Policies described in the text. When describing surgical pro- 1. Substantial contributions to the conception or cedures, the type and dosage of the anesthetic agent design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, must be specified. or interpretation of data for the work; AND 2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for Human Subjects Research important intellectual content; AND The Journal of Dairy Science requires that research 3. Final approval of the version to be published; involving human subjects (e.g., surveys, sensory pan- AND els, or other participation) complies with all appropri- 4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of ate laws, regulations, and policies (e.g., the Declaration the work in ensuring that questions related to of Helsinki) governing the use of human subjects in the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work research. The authors should state explicitly that insti- are appropriately investigated and resolved. tutional review board (IRB) or equivalent approval was To satisfy the requirement for authorship, each con- obtained before commencement of the study, including tributor must meet all 4 criteria above. Contributors the name of the IRB that granted approval. meeting fewer than the 4 criteria listed here should be Cell Culture Studies listed in the Acknowledgments section of an article. Authors are encouraged to have an ORCID identifier Studies utilizing cell culture techniques are invited, (https://orcid.org/) for disambiguation of the publica- but must satisfy two or more of the following criteria: tion record and to link their ORCID to their Scholar- (1) cell culture findings are supported by whole-animal One Manuscripts account. experimental data; (2) images of cells are provided with appropriate immunostaining to confirm the cell Plagiarism type; (3) mRNA data is supported by protein analysis; All manuscripts will be screened using plagiarism- (4) data derived from cell culture must use two differ- detection software at the time of submission and ent cell sources (e.g., primary and transformed from throughout the review and revision process. The same species, or two cell lines from different species). Journal of Dairy Science follows the guidelines For primary cell data, the origin of the cells must be of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; clearly described. https://publicationethics.org/). Reporting Guidelines Types of Articles The Journal of Dairy Science requires the submis- The Journal of Dairy Science accepts the following sion of an appropriate reporting guideline checklist types of papers: with each paper. This is a widespread practice and • Full-length research papers (including Dairy common requirement in leading scientific and medical Industry Today papers) journals. Reporting guidelines help to ensure complete • Invited reviews and accurate reporting of a study, which contributes • Symposium reviews to reproducibility and allows for critical appraisal of • Graduate student literature reviews the work, as well as eventual inclusion of the study • Letters to the editor in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Reporting For more information on the requirements for these, guidelines do not prescribe study design or analysis refer to Instructions for Authors: Style and Form. but have been shown to improve the clarity and com- pleteness of reporting. The requirement for the use of reporting guidelines begins January 1, 2021. More SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS information on the policy and its implementation can be found here: https://www.journalofdairyscience.org/ Authors should submit their papers online at Scholar content/inst-auth. One Manuscripts (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ jds). All authors of a manuscript must have an account Authorship is this system, and all accounts must be associated with your submitted manuscript. For more information The Journal of Dairy Science follows guidelines on on preparing your manuscript for submission, refer to authorship and contribution from the International Instructions for Authors: Style and Form. Committee of Medical Journal Editors (http://www. icmje.org/). As such, the journal recommends that au- thorship be based on the following 4 criteria: Journal of Dairy Science 2021 Journal of Dairy Science Instructions to Authors: Policies 3 Original Materials scripts on the web at the time of submission. 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