t,ssoc . Johnson Extends Rickover's Active Duty Two Years WASHlNGTON - President Into retirement, Admiral Rick­ Johnson has ordered a two- year over has made no secret of his THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . extension of active duty for Vice desire to remain on active duty Admir al Hyman G. Rickover, thus " as long as I am able and both VOL. XLIX, NO. 29 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1965 !Sc PER COPY 24 Po\G '::S once again preventing the contro­ I and others feel I can do a use­ versial developer of the atomic ful job." submarine from being forced Into For successful development Community Solicitations Unit retirement. and safe operation of the nuclear Without the Presldenl!al In­ fleet, he has emphasized that It tervention, Admiral Rickover, who was " mandatory'' that there be ·To Hear 'Exodus' Crewman will be 66 years old In January, a permanent organlzallon. He has would have been forced to retire expressed fear s that the Navy from active duty early next year. would dismember this group upon Rev. John Stanley Grauel, who his retirement because "it does served as a crew member aboard Once again the Admir a l's Con­ not flt Into the nest pattern of the now-legendary ship " Exo1us" gressional s upporters, who re­ Navy organization." and is regarded as a "living peatedly In the last eight years Aside from his length of dut y, legend'' in his own right, wtll be have saved him from forced re­ dating back to his commis sioning guest speaker at the newly-or­ tirement by the Navy rallied to as an ensign In I 922, Admiral ganized Community Sol!cltat!ons his defense. Rickover Is unusual in the Navy Division workers' dinner on Senator Clinton P. Anderson for his two-hat assignment In two Thursday evening, Sept. 30, at the of New Mexico, a sen1or Demo­ or ganizations. He serves as di­ Colony Motor Hotel. crat on the Joint Congressional rector of naval reactors In the A native of Worcester, Ma ss., Committee on Atomic Energy, was Atomic Energy Commission and Mr. Grauel was trained for the understood to have sent a letter director of nuclear propulsion In Protestant ministry and started to the President ur ging the re­ the Navy' s Bureau of Ships. his career as the pastor of a tention of Admiral Rickover - Admiral Rickover faced rellre­ Methodist "sea" parish on the a suggesl!on promptly accepted by menl from his post nearly two coast of Maine. Mr. J ohnson. years ago when he reached the Reports of Naz! persecutions The point being made by the Navy's compulsory retirement age led hi m to resign his pulpit and HERSHEL GENDEL Congressmen - and by Adm iral of 66. But then . under a little used Join the American Christian Pales­ Rickover In testimony r epeated­ provision of Nava l regulallons, the tine Committee, an organization Cabaret Night To Open ly befor e Congr essional commit­ Navy agr eed to recall Admiral dedicated to the establishment of tees - Is that In highly tech­ Rickover to active dut y for two the Stare of Israel . He later be­ nolog ical enterprises it is becom­ years upon his retirement. This came a member of the Haganah Center's Fall Activities ing increasingly lm:,ortant to have tour will now be extended until and was an active figure in the An "Adult Cabaret Ni ght" on continuity of leadership. January, 1968, under the new Pres­ European underground. REV. JOHNS. GRAUEL ldenllal dlrecllve. Sunday at 8:30 P .M. wt!! begin a In contrast with the rapid turn­ In 1947 ,Mr.Grauelvolunreered Divi sion was formed th is year for week of open-house activities at With the exception of Admiral over in most other military de­ for the crew of 1 'Exodus' ', a vessel the GJC campaign as a means Chester W. Nimitz, who r emains the Jewish Community Center. velopment projects, Admiral Rick­ carrying 4,500 Jewish displaced toward broader coverage of the Hershel Gendel, we!l - known hu­ on active duty by virtue of his over has remained In essenllally persons tram German concentra­ Jewish community and recruitment morist, will entertain and Mr . and five-star rank, Admiral Rickover tion camps to Palestine. The ship of new people for both the cam­ one job since he first started de­ now has the longest active duty Mrs. Syd Cantoff wlll give a dance veloping an atomic reactor for was overtaken by the British Navy paign and communal work. Harold service of any officer In the Navy. exhibition. A reception for the a submarine 18 years ago. and its passengers were removed Leavitt is chairman and Harold Center's new assistant director Although he suffered a serious to prison s hips and returned to Tregar, co-chairman. They said and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Har­ It Is to this continuity that heart attack four years ago, he still Germ any. HI s report on the Inci­ that In 1965 the UJA Is being vey Lorber baum. wtll be hel d. Admiral Rickover attributes the maintains his rigorous six and dent to the United Nations Special called on to help a total of During the week. ending Sept, success and relatively low cost seven-day-a-week pace. Comm~ttee on Palestine was a 741.650 men, women and children 25, most of the Center groups wtll of his expanding program. Slight­ key factor in the series of events In 30 countries. To carry our this hol d their opening meetings. to ly more than $1 blll!on has been leading up to the UN resolution program , the UJA has set a na­ which friends of mem~r s an d new­ spent In r esearch and development for the partition of Palestine and tional goal o! $109,400,000. come rs to the city are invi ted. In the nuclear reactor program - the establishment of the Stare of The new division covers trades Open house co- chairmen ere Law­ less than has been spent In the Israel. a nd industry, professional div­ rence Hopfenberg, Center vice­ development of some major mis­ For nearly two decades , Mr. ision, area division, service or­ president and chairman of the pro­ siles. Grauel has continued hi s unceasing ganizations, fraternal groups and gram committees , and Mrs. Sidney Out of the Rickover program efforts on behalfoflsrael' s people. the Young Executive Group, each Meyer, chairman of the adult s' has come a sllll expanding nu ­ The Community Solicitations with Its own chairmen. program commlnee. c lear fleet as we ll as the basic r eactor technology for the pr es­ .?222288\?e.?22222a22~e.?8;; ent generation of atomic power Bureau Of Jewish Education plants. 'from Friday To Friday' There are presently 30 Polaris From Friday to Friday, the and 22 atomic attack submarines To Begin Autumn Program weekly column by Beryl Segal. In operation, as well as three resumes publication with thi s atomic powered surface ships. Un­ Joseph Teverow, chalrm an of Issue of The Herald. The der construction or authorized are the adult education committee of column, ranging In subject mat­ 11 additional Polaris submarines, the Bureau of J ewish Education ter from travel in America to 35 attack submarines and two more of Greater Providence, announces Jewish education, may be found surface ships. that on Thursday, Sept. 23, at on page 6. In the face of repeated pres­ 9:00 P .M. the third year of the ~222222222~ sure from the Navy to force him Bureau' s Adult Program wtll be­ gin. A series of eight lectures on the general topic, Rabbinic . LOU!S I. KRAMER Theology, will be offered by Dr. Temple Seeks Injunction In Asher Finkel, Visiting Professor of Jewish Religion at Brown Uni­ Kramer Named versity. 'Bar Mitzvah Factory' Suit Professor Finkel was ordained MINEOLA, N.Y. - A dispute that the activities represented a at Yeshiva University and re­ between home OWllers , most of business equtvalent to a "Bar Meeting Chairman Mltzvah factory. " ceived his doctorate at the Uni­ them J ewlsh, and a synagogue In Louis I. Kramer, honorary versity of Tueblngen, Germany. nearby Syosser, which has been In its counter-suit, the congre­ vice-president of the Jewish Fam­ gation insisted that Its catering His book. "The Pharisees and the charged with conducting a ''Bar ily and Children's Service, and Teacher of Nazareth," appeared Mltzvah factory,'' erupted into service Is a proper activity serving principal of Mount Pleasant High only synagogue members. Rabbi In 1964. further bitterness when the con­ School, has been appointed chair­ The eight lectures of the fall gregation filed a counter-suit In Appleman denied that the catering man for the 36th annual meeting of service extended beyond congrega­ series wl11 be: Principles of Ju­ the State Supreme Court here last the agency, it was announced today tion members, and charged ha­ daism, this Thursday; Conception week, seeking an Injunction agglns t by W. Irving WoJf, Jr., president of God, Sept. 30; Revelation and Its alleged detractors. rassment by the homeowners' of the Board of Directors. It was DR. ASHER FINKEL group. •Interpretation, Oct. 7; Nature of Originally, the Birchwood al so announced that Mrs. Karl Ross Man, Oct. 28; Kingdom of God, gram wl11 be the three classes Homeowners Association, most of The temple houses, In addition wlll be chairman of the Hospi­ Nov. 4, and Messianism, Nov. 18. preceding the lecture, from 7:45 whose members are Jewish, sought to a house of worship, a Jewish tality Committee for that evening.
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