PLANNING COMMITTEE: 300 - 4545 Lazelle Avenue Terrace, B.G. Friday, June 25,20'10, commencing at 4:00 p.m. SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA 1. Report from Administration, dated June 24,2010, re: Withdrawal of Application for Development Variance Permit No. 80 - 421 Kalum Lake Road, Terrace. 2. Report from Administration, dated January 25, 2010, re: License of Occupation for Commercial Recreation Kitamaat Village and Douglas Channel. 3. Report from Admlnistration, dated June 25, 2010, re: Land Use Application Status Report. Information Only: To: Planning Committee From: Administration Date: June 24,2010 Re: Withdrawal of Application for Development Variance Permit No. 80 - 421Kalum Lake Road, Terrace This is an application for a Development Variance Permit (DVP) for property located at 421 Kalum Lake Road in North Terrace. The property is legally described as Block 1, District Lot 1702, Range 5, Coast District, Plan 1086' Except 11795. The variance was required because the property owner had proposed to build a carport addition on to the front of the house that will encroach 2.09 feet (0.63 meters) on required 25 feet setback from the front propefty line and road right of way Plan 11795. On June 22nd, the property owner, Mr. Carrita, informed Regional District staff that the survey plan submitted earlier with DVP No. 80 had the proposed carport positioned incorrectly on the plan. He submitted a revised survey plan showing the correct orientation and location of the carport which would now be able to meet the required 25 feet setback from road right of way Plan 11795. Since a variance is no longer required for the proposed carport he has withdrawn his application for DVP No. 80. See attached revised survey plan. Recommendation: That no further action be taken on DVP No. 80 as the requested variance has been withdrawn by the applicant. Prepared by/contact: Ken Newman TCl (, E:O ail:ii3 \lc) ON-o- e Or'T sl.: fT- @;l 11.32 I E€tI itE / iffii= | - z :li 4.80 / t--rl -l I lr- : ,, exlstNc pc-,^_ lB'=Pl d t' - '\cJruENCE .! I Yrl ilfre /'s.61 * I sEl Is" tol26l * lslI [: ToE PROpOSED Loc> LARPoRI i>x ' (J') S!'d$'r"' -l- \r io \-o-:-6' 95 - t du? - -nto" !n; o ---*6#tt"- -{ 6si-tt x a rn r (,iz-a 3w oc)3 >5 -1 C) ..r d r\ ! g--. !@ u O n FA o N) z1 0 n I o o.iaii - a o zt zo @ I 6G66l"oooolst 6111'nn' /-----'--::1 sfiil=-^\-=::-' KALUM I r;ig= ROAD FN zQ- 6) -l =>zz:> = >- N L]JU NOX@; N ': nnz - iPOF? =l2t= u'==> ,4 < >"'9 i t"" u- zo5 l-1 Glc :l |c' s- u To: Planning Committee From: Administration Date: January 25,2010 Re: License of Occupation for Commercial Recreation Kitamaat Village and Douglas Ghannel This is Crown Land Application No. 6408216 from Front Counter BC on behalf of the lntegrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB). The applicant is Kitamaat Village Council and the application is for commercial recreation including nature based tourism activities, wilderness and adventure tours (hiking, canoeing, jet boating) wildlife and nature viewing within Haisla Traditional Territory. Regional Board consideration and recommendation to ILMB is requested. The application is a License of Occupation for 5 intensive use sites (cabin sites), a bear viewing platform, walking/hiking trails, canoeing using a traditional 36ft. canoe and jet boating. Project description prepared by the Kitamaat Village Council is attached for information. The proposal is for adventure tourism incorporating Haisla culture, heritage and tradition through a variety of commercial recreation opportunities. From the base of operation in Kitamaat Village, the intent is to provide economic opportunities for Haisla and the area. The proposal presented as the "Haisla Traditional Territory Tourism Project" plans to offer nature based adventure tourism incorporating existing trapline (and other) cabins and trails. The project is described as a summer operation (May to September). Tours would be for half day or multiple days with lodging options of either cabins or the Kowesas Lodge at Chief Matthews Bay. Groups are proposed to be small with a maximum of 10 guests. Sites within the Douglas Channel area will be accessed by boat from either MK Bay Marina or Kitamaat Village. The proposal includes both existing trails that would be upgraded and new trail plus existing cabins/lodge and some new cabins are also proposed in the future. List of both extensive use and intensive use sites is included in the attached project description. 1. Mt. Elizabeth cabin and trail - east of Kitimat, existing trail, cabin is proposed in the future (3 or 4 years time) near the top of the trail. 2. Wathlsto Creek trail - trail south from Kitamaat Village, traditional trail follows foreshore. 3. Hugh Creek cabin, trail and bear viewing - Devastation Channel north of Weewanie Hot Springs existing cabin at the creek mouth, existing bear viewing platform and trial. 4. Weewanie Creek cabin and trail - existing cabin near the mouth of the creek 5. Paril River cabin - Gardner Canal, existing cabin located near the mouth of the river 6. Kowesas Lodge, trail and canoe route - Gardner Canal in Chief Matthews Bay, existing lodge and trail system. The proposal is for low impact eco-tourism (hiking, nature and wildlife viewing) and establishes Crown land tenure over existing trails and cabins. With the exception of Kowesas Lodge in Chief Matthews Bay (Kitlope Conservancy) the cabins will be small un-serviced shelters approximately 16ft. x 20ft in size. While a License of Occupation tenure (over the trails outside lR land) does not generally provide exclusive use, the proponents in the attached project description are requesting exclusive use of the cabins and bear viewing platforms. The proposal submitted acknowledges that there are other commercial recreation interest and other tenure holders within the application area. The proponents indicate that they will contact other tenure holders and where feasible offer to work with them by combining business opportunities. Likely because the sites under application are outside the District of Kitimat municipal boundary they did not receive the ILMB referral. The Regional District forwarded a copy of the referral to the municipality for information. salient points provided by their Planning Department noted that (1) for clarification purposes mapping submitted with the proposal should include the municipal bound ary (2\ Mount Elizabeth trail is well used and a dominant landscape feature and the cabin should be sited with consideration to potential impacts to existing views (3) trails should remain available for public use/access and the cabins also available in emergency situations perhaps under a compensation policy. Generally the Regional District has been supportive of low impact commercial backcountry recreation (eco-tourism) proposals in the region. Previous Regional District comments on similar proposals have expressed the need to address environmental issues with development, the interests of other/existing tenure holders and ensuring that ILMB provide opportunity to the appropriate First Nations to provide comments as a condition of approval. Recommendation: 1. No objections provided that any environmental issues and potential conflict with other tenure holders are addressed and the trails on the Provincial Crown land remain available for public use. 2. Forward the comments provided by the District of Kitimat regarding this application to the Integrated Land Management Bureau. Recommended Voting Structure: Electoral Area Directors Prepared by/contact: Ted Pellegrino, Planner 11 3 BRITISH Land Referral Colun'tgtR -fhe Besr Placc on Earrh On behalf of the Integrated Land Management Bureau, Smithers File No. 6408216 Please comment on the following application within 30 days. lf the time limit for response cannot be met, a verbal response should be made. Please respond by: July 2,2010 Information you supply will become part of the Crown Land Registry, which is made available to the public upon request under the freedom of information legisfation. ThisinformationiscollectedforthepurposeofadministeringCrownLand,pursuantlolheLandAct lfyouhaveanyquestions,please contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministrv of Environment in Smithers al250-847-7260 APPLICANT'S NAME APPLICANT'S ADDRESS Kitimaat Village Council PO Box 1 101 Kitimaat Village, BC VOT 280 LOCATION OF LAND REFERENCE MAP NO. PARCEL SIZE various 103H.030, 040, 047,067, 070, Total area: 36.103 ha t 077,097 1031.009 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Weewanie Hotsprings Trail: ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND lN THE VICINITY OF WEEWANIE CREEK, RANGE 4, COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 0.741HECTARES, MORE OR LESS. Kowesas Lodge: ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND lN THE VICINITY OF KOWESAS RIVER AND CHIEF MATHEWS BAY, RANGE 4, COAST DISTRICT, CONTAININGO.2ll HECTARES, MORE OR LESS. Paril River Cabin: ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND lN THE VICINITY OF PARIL RIVER AND OCHWE BAY, RANGE 4, COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 0.037 HECTARES, MORE OR LESS. Hugh Greek Cabin: ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND lN THE VICINITY OF HUGH CREEK AND DEVASTATION CHANNEL, RANGE 4, COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 0.065 HECTARES. MORE OR LESS. Hugh Greek Bear Viewing Site: ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND lN THE VICINITY OF HUGH CREEK AND DEVASTATION CHANNEL, RANGE 4, COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 0.021 HECTARES. MORE OR LESS. WAthIStO CreeK Trai|: THAT PART OF BLOCK E OF DISTRICT LOTS 305 AND 306, RANGE 4, COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 2.663 HECTARES. MORE OR LESS. Please see reverse PO Bag 5000,3726 Alfred Ave, Smithers BC VOJ 2N0 Phone: 250-847-7356 Fax: 2so-847-7ss6 website: www.frontcounterbc.qov.bc.ca BRITISH Land Referral Cclt-uivrntn -lhe Best I'[:rce orr [ierrh KOWESAS RiveT Ganoe Route: ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN FORESHORE BEING PART OF THE BED OF KOWESAS RIVER, RANGE 4, COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 8.761 HECTARES. MORE OR LESS. MOUNT Elizabeth Gabin: ALL THAT UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND IN THE VICINITY OF MT.
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