USOO8664224B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,664.224 B2 Shirouzu et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 4, 2014 (54) EXTERNAL PREPARATION FOR ATHLETES FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS FOOT TREATMENT EP O71585.6 A1 6, 1996 EP 1532.977 A1 5, 2005 (75) Inventors: Toshihiro Shirouzu, Tosu (JP): Youichi JP O3-038522 2, 1991 Kawamura, Tosu (JP); Hiroki JP O7-223971 8, 1995 Kawatsura, Tosu (JP); Mitsuhiko JP O7-233O88 9, 1995 Tokunaga, Tosu (JP) JP 08-020527 1, 1996 JP 08-151324 6, 1996 JP 09-176014 7/1997 (73) Assignee: Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Inc., JP 10-265377 10, 1998 Tosu-Shi, Saga (JP) JP 2001-1288O1 5, 2000 JP 2002-2847O2 * 10/2002 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this JP 2004-035411 2, 2004 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 JP 2004-1495.08 5, 2004 WO WO99.49835 A1 10, 1999 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. WO WOO1/95718 A1 12/2001 (21) Appl. No.: 13/183,621 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: Jul. 15, 2011 Ali-Shtayeh et al. 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Patent Application No. 2005-511050, Oct. 22, 2010, JP. USPC ....... 514/254.07: 514/397: 514/646; 514/729 (58) Field of Classification Search * cited by examiner USPC ............................................. 514/397, 254.07 See application file for complete search history. Primary Examiner — Lezah Roberts (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Licata & Tyrrell P.C. (56) References Cited (57) ABSTRACT U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS External preparations for athlete's foot treatment capable of 4,873,265 A 10, 1989 Blackman ..................... 514,651 enhancing patient’s compliance and capable of reducing the 4,945,084 A 7, 1990 Packman ..... ... 514/53 symptom of rubefaction, comprising an anti-trichophyton 6,075,056 A 6/2000 Quigley et al. .. 514,649 drug mixed with at least one compound selected from among 6,133,327 A 10, 2000 Kimura et al. ... 516,8 1-menthol, menthol analogue compounds and bactericidal 6,231,875 B1 5, 2001 Sun et al. ... 424/401 compounds. 6,581,807 B1 6, 2003 Mekata .... ... 222,402.1 2002fOO86039 A1 7/2002 Lee et al. ...................... 424/401 2003/0194445 A1 10, 2003 Kuhner et al. ................ 424,622 2 Claims, No Drawings US 8,664,224 B2 1. 2 EXTERNAL PREPARATION FOR ATHLETES agent originally has in not a serious degree, is enhanced, FOOT TREATMENT whereby further enhancement of patient’s compliance has been desired. This patent application is a continuation of U.S. applica Patent document 1: JP, A1, 3-38522 Patent document 2: JP, A1, 9-176014 tion Ser. No. 12/338,096, filed Dec. 18, 2008 now abandoned, Patent document 3: JP, A1, 2004-35411 which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 10/561, Patent document 4: JP, A1, 2004-1495.08 499, filed Dec. 19, 2005 now abandoned, which is the Patent document 5: JP, A1, 7-233088 National Stage of International Application No. PCT/JP2004/ Patent document 6: JP, A1, 8-20527 008992, filed Jun. 25, 2004, which claims the benefit of priority from Japanese Application No. 2003-407136, filed 10 DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION Dec. 5, 2003 and Japanese Application No. 2003-181264, filed Jun. 25, 2003, teachings of each of which are herein Problems to be Solved by the Invention incorporated by reference in their entirety. Although an anti-trichophyton drug Such as butenafine 15 hydrochloride has a very excellent antifungal action even in TECHNICAL FIELD alone, the invention provides an external preparation for ath lete's foot treatment, having a more excellent effect in points The invention relates to an external preparation for ath Such as enhancement of patient’s compliance and reduction lete's foot treatment, comprising an anti-trichophyton drug of the symptom of rubefaction. and at least one compound, which is selected from 1-menthol, menthol analogue compounds and bactericidal compounds, Means to Solve the Invention as an essential ingredient. After extensive researches to enhance patient’s compliance BACKGROUND ART on an external preparation for athlete's foot treatment, the 25 inventors found out that not only Trichophyton but also other As an anti-fungal agent used for an external preparation for fungi such as Candida albicans and a skin habitual bacteria athlete's foot treatment, various antifungal agents such as Such as Staphylococus aureus are effectively reduced by an imidazole, triazole, thiocarbamic acid, benzylamine, ally external preparation containing an anti-trichophyton drug lamine and morpholine types have been developed and have and at least one compound selected from 1-menthol, menthol been on the market. 30 analogue compounds and bactericidal compounds as an However, each of anti-fungal agents has a difference in its essential ingredient. width of the antifungal spectrum and the antifungal activity, Namely, the invention relates to an external preparation for and there is no antifungal agent which shows a strong anti athlete's foot treatment, comprising an anti-trichophyton bacterial activity over Tychophyton and other fungi, for drug mixed with at least one compound selected from 1-men example, Candida albicans and the like, fungi in general, 35 thol, menthol analogue compounds and bactericidal com whereby an external preparation and the like, in which an pounds. In addition, the invention relates to the external preparation antifungal activity or the like are strengthened by a combina for athlete's foot treatment, wherein the anti-trichophyton tion of two or more of antifungal agents, are reported (ex. See drug and at least one compound selected from 1-menthol, Patent documents 1-3). 40 menthol analogue compounds and bactericidal compounds In addition, although a composition with a strengthened are blended in 0.1-10% by mass and 0.5-5% by mass respec antifungal activity is also reported, in which an allylamine tively. type antifungal agent and menthol are blended, this increases Further, the invention relates to the external preparation for the activity against so called Trychophyton and does not athlete's foot treatment, wherein the menthol analogue com strengthen the antifungal activity against other fungi such as 45 pound is 3-1-menthoxypropane-1,2-diol. Candida albicans (ex. See Patent document 4). The invention relates to an external preparation for ath Further, although there are a preparation in which a periph lete's foot treatment, wherein the bactericidal compound is eral vasodilator is added to an antifungal agent (ex. See Patent isopropylmethylphenol. document 5) and a preparation in which an antifungal agent is In addition, the invention relates to an external preparation added with a substance Such as methyl salicylate, glycol 50 for athlete's foot treatment, wherein the anti-trichophyton salicylate, crotamitone, peppermint oil or 1-menthol to drug is selected from benzylamine type, allylamine type, improve a horny layer accumulation of the antifungal agent thiocarbamic acid type and imidazole type antifungal agents. (ex. see Patent document 6), they do not show any excellent Further, the invention relates to an external preparation for antifungal property against Tychophyton and other fungi athlete's foot treatment, wherein the anti-trichophyton drug is including Candida albicans and the like. 55 one kind selected from butenafine hydrochloride, terbinafine In addition, any external preparation disclosed in the above hydrochloride, tolnaftate, bifonazole, ketoconazole, neti documents did not suppress the growth of skinhabitual bac conazole hydrochloride and lanoconazole. teria Such as Staphylococus aureus and did not have effects in Furthermore, the invention relates to an external prepara a case that the skinhabitual bacteria Such as Candida albicans tion for athlete's foot treatment, wherein the anti-trichophy and Staphylococus aureus, which accelerated the discomfort 60 ton drug and 1-menthol are blended. of athlete's foot (itch, bad smell, etc.), grew abnormally, The invention relates to the external preparation for ath therefore, it could not be said that it satisfactorily enhanced lete's foot treatment, wherein butenafine hydrochloride, patient’s compliance after applying Such external preparation 1-menthol and isopropylmethylphenol are blended.
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