h H O T E L - ALFRED E. DRISCOLL ANNOUNCEMENTS New Jersey'« fíovernor In Auditorium PAGES SIX AND SEVEN SUNDAY — JULY 3rd AND THE NEPTUNE TIMES —-an d of the independence of the Vol. LXXV, No. 26 OCEAN GROVE, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JULY 1,1949 United Btates of America the 173d F IV E CENTS Dr. G. G. Dilworth HELEN HARBOUUT SOLOIST New Owners of The Dun-Haven MEMORIAL CROSS IN VFW BENEFIT CONCERT Governor Of New Jersey Jliss Betty Yeo, of Philadel­ Opens ’49 Temple Helen Harbourt, soprano, phia and Ocean Grove, will was named soloist with the light the 18-foot Memorial Apollo club for its Hannah- Cross oh the Ocean Grove Au­ In Auditorium Sunday Young People’s Program Crosman V.F.W. post benefit ditorium, facing the sea, the concert in the Ocean Grove wepk of July 2 to 9, in memory Told By American Bible Auditorium on Saturday, July' of her mother, Mrs. Samuel 15, at 8:16 p. m. Allan Wool­ P. Yeo. A lfred E. Driscoll, S tate’s Society Yesterday ley, conductor of the club, com­ posed of sixty male voices, also announced that Francis Ko- dama, concert pianist, would Chief Executive, Highlights The . Young People’s Temple accompany tlhe Apollo singers. Lists Soloists For opened this morning for the 1049 Rehearsals have been under­ . season, with the Rev. Dr. George way for some time with an 4th*Of July W eek-End Here G. Dilworth, of Philadelphia, sec­ outstanding repertoire of mu­ St. Paul’s Night retary ocf the American Bible So­ sical selections, planned for ciety, as July leader; Walter D. the benefit. The annual con­ Governor Alfred E. Driscoll, Eddowes, minister o f. music, and cert is the only means of sup­ Rehearsals Continue For of New Jersey, will bring the Josephine Eddowes, organist. port that the Ocean Grove Handel’s “The Messiah” war veterans enJoy for their message in the Ocean Grove post activities. In Auditorium, July 29 Auditorium this Sunday morn­ ing, highlighting the Fourth Soloists for Handel’s oratorio, of July weekend here. The "The Messiah,” to be presented in the Ocean Grove Auditorium, July governor’s appearance on the DR. and MBS. JAM ES GRAHAM have Just taken over the ownership 29, were announced ,this week .by Halts Parking and. management of The Dun-Haven hotel, 10-12 Oceait Pathway. Dr. Auditorium platform follows a the - St. Paul’s Night committee, tradition of many years’ Graham, a Lieut. Comdr. in the U. S. Navy during the war, serving also Jesse C. Kester, chairman. In Two Areas with the 9th Air Wing of the Marines, is a practicing'dentist in Man­ Guest stars are Genevieve Rowe, standing, when the chief ex­ hattan, Fifth, Avenue and 54th Street, and Oral Surgeon to the Medical concert and oratorio singer, New ecutive makes an Ocean Grove Arts Hospital in N. Y . Mrs. Graham is the/former Dorothy Louise York; Lydia Summers, contralto, Geene, of Rutherford and Nutley, N. J: They have a young daughter, address over the “Fourth.” “No Parking” Ordinance Oratorio Society of New York and Robin, 2% years old. Dr. and Mrs, Graham will personally supervise soloist for last , year’s presenta­ Dr. Ross H. Stover, popular Lu ­ For Memorial Park, East The Dun-Haven and Mrs, Cora Simpson will remain officially as its theran pastor from Philadelphia, ever-popular hostess. tion, “EliJah”; Lucius Metz, tenor, Side of So. Main, Passed oratorio singer and soloist of St. will bring the Sunday evening mes­ Bartholemew’s church, New York; sage in the Auditorium; .Howard Chester Watson, bass, oratorio and W. Selby, of Boston, Mass., vice An ordinance prohibiting parking The Stephen B. Gilhulys Celebrate Bach festival singer; Walter Wild, president of the Ocean Grove on the east side of South Main guest .organist, organist and choir Campmeeting. association, will pre­ street, along the Ocean Grove master at St. Nicholas Collegiate, side at both services. boundary, and along the sides of 65th Anniversary, Wed In 1884 church, New York/ Mr. Wild is no ; Guest musical soloists for the the new Memorial Park, at the stranger to this festival as he was two services arie Howard Variden- Broadway entrance was passed organist on St. Paul’s Night at the I burg, who will sing “Repent Ye” last night by the Neptune township Married 65 years ago in Colum­ During his teaching ' career he Ocean, Grove Auditorium three j Alfred E. Driscoll on the morning program, and Doris committee. No objections were bia, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Okerson, who will sing “Hold Thou Dr. George G. Dilworth earned 'his Ai.A. and Phj D. degrees years ago. I heard at the public hearing. Gilhuly celebrated their wedding from New York university. - The event is the fourth annual My Hand” in the evening, Committeeman Charles Loveman Today’s theme at the 9 a. m. anniversary quietly last Sunday When Mr. and Mrs. Gilhuly were music festival o f St. Paul’s c h u r c h , then made an appeal for slower afternoon at their home, 5 Pilgrim UN IQ U E “4th” PROGRAM service was the first of the sermon first married, lie was a teacher in Ocean Grove, a n d w i l l be c o n d u c t e d A program acclaimed across the driving through the Memorial Pathway. It was a happy day for the Long Branch sohools. He left by Thelma M o u n t , minister of m u ­ series, “Three Similies,” and was Park area, deolaring.that the speed­ country, “The Romance of Uncle “Life is Like a Race.” Dr. Dil- the honoi'ed couple as many of thre. for Flemington high school sic at the c h u r c h . Sam,”, featuring Mark Love, will ing cars were damaging the new their Ocean Grove friends were (then called Redding academy) Rehearsals are under way, held worth’s topic for tomorrow is “The road bed. He also declared that be presented in the Auditorium, on Mighty Minority — Life is Like afternoon callers, reminiscing with where he was the sole instructor, each Tuesday at 8:15 p. m. in St. Monday, July 4th, Sponsored by one-way traffic will now be enforc­ the Gilhulys over the years of presenting courses in French, math­ Paul’s churoh. Singers from the Yeast;” Sunday, “The Amazing V i­ ed on both throats of the Broadway the Curtiss Candy co„. “The Ro­ tality of Christ — Life is Like a wedded life 'since June 26, 1884, ematics, botany, Latin and Greek Shore area'have registered for the mance of Uncle'Sam”vis, a pro- entrance. the day of nuptials in the Second for the four high school classes. production and additional singers Seed;” Monday, “They March To­ A letter commending the town­ gram of songs arid stories which day,” great patriotic service; Street Lutheran church. While at Flemington, he completed are expected to Join the group as seeks to reawaken an appreciation ship committee for its services ren­ Sunday visitors with Mr. and his courses at Lafayette. rehearsals progress. Tuesday, “15 Questions;” Wednes­ dered through the department of arid understanding of our Ameri­ day, “The Man Who Sow God;" Mrs. Gilhuly were Mrs. Lillian Orr, He served as superintendent of can heritage. The, Declaration of publicity during the Ohuroh of ' ; Thursday, “The Talking Book;" Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reynolds, the public schools / in Flemington, Independence, George Washington, ' Brethren conference here wfl3 read. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Cyphers, Miss Englewood and Rutherford and Friday, July 8, “Prayer is Power,” The letter, signed by Levi K. Daniel Boone, Paul Revere and ( and. Saturday, July 9, “The Garden Mhbel Vaugthn. tend Mrs. " Addie then accepted tlm-principalship of Abraham Lincoln, plus, various Ziegler, member of the conference Carlile, all of Ocean Grove. the 14th Avenue public school in Concert Magician of Prayer” and pageant. arrangements committee, express­ references to America’s fighting ; Mr. and Mrs. Gilhuly met in Newark; where he served until his men, have been the well-worn tools The Versatile Glee Club of As­ ed gratitude for the privilege of Ocean Grove before their mar­ bury Park, concert and gospelsing- retirement 18 yeaTS' ago. He also of 4th of July oratory since the first using the publicity bureau on Au­ riage in 1884. He was the son of served as president of the New ers directed by Mrs. Alyce Daven­ ditorium Square and for “the in- flag was waved in 1776. But, in. a Keyport shoemaker and came Jersey Council of Education, the the song and story of “The Ro­ port, will ...highlight -the musical yqjuable services of Mrs. Fannie here every, summer to open oysters program tomorrow (Saturday) " it New Jersey High School Teachers’ mance of Uncle Sam,” they appear Cyphers;" Mr.- Ziegler further at a local fish market, starting his" association, the Schoolmen’s club the 9 a. ,m. service. They will stated, “I raised the question of daily task at 4 a. m. to earn enough to take on a new'glow, a special- of Newark and the Principals’ as­ meaning for our time. v - render the following numbers: paying for these facilities, at least for his education. sociation of Newark. He is a mem­ “Only a Look,” “Yes, God, It’s a gratuity, but Mrs. Cyphers as­ In this program Mr. I.ovo ber of the American Academy of achieves a new role as an educa­ Real,” “Get Away Jordan,1’ “I'm sured mo that was not necessary.” Political Science and the author of Leaning on the Lord,” “Deep River” The committee passed, on first tional and forceful public speaker.
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