realizing Year One rochester philharmonic orchestra Annual Report 2005–2006 Our Vision ROCHESTER PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Christopher Seaman, Music Director Jeff Tyzik, Principal Pops Conductor Michael Butterman, Principal Conductor for Education and Outreach The Louise and Henry Epstein Family Chair Core Values The essential and enduring tenets of the RPO • Passionate dedication and outstanding musical Vision performance atStatement the highest artistic levels • Unique tradition of musical versatility • Commitment to music education in its broadest sense • Deep and enduring engagement with the community Core Purpose The RPO’s very reason for being • To inspire and enrich our community through the art of music 10-to 30-Year BHAG’s (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals) Defi nes what the RPO wants to be in terms that require a certain level of unreasonable confi dence and commitment • To be an institution driven by a culture of confi dence, adventure, excellence and success • To be the premier cultural organization in the region and the hub of cultural life year-round • To be recognized nationally for artistic and organizational excellence, creativity and innovation Dear Friends: I always look forward to preparing this message for you, as it gives me a good opportunity to review the highlights of the past year, and to share my continued thrill and exhilaration about our artistic accomplishments during the 2005–2006 Season. It is my great fortune to have such a fi rst-rate working relationship with the members of our fi ne Orchestra and with my gifted colleagues, Principal Pops Conductor Jeff Tyzik and Principal Conductor for Education and Outreach Michael Butterman, who so magnifi cently lead the Orchestra in dozens of varied concerts. The talent and professionalism of all of these individuals are indispensable to our success, so I’d like to extend my grateful thanks. We continue to strive to inspire and enrich our community through the art of music. In keeping with our purpose and vision, last season’s outstanding artistic accomplishments ran the gamut of repertoire, soloists, venues and audiences. We’ve chosen to highlight these individually throughout the annual report, illustrated by the addition of some wonderful images. I also would like to acknowledge the generous support of numerous businesses, foundations and individuals, as well as local, state and federal government support, which has helped make possible many of our successes. As I look ahead to a bright future, I am continually struck by the strength of the bond and the commitment between the orchestra and the community. Your faith in us and in our ability to be an artistically excellent, confi dent and innovative institution is something I truly cherish, and will continue to work hard to realize. My sincere thanks to you all; I look forward to seeing you soon. Christopher Seaman Music Director 1 Dear RPO Members: In this 2005–2006 Annual Report, Realizing Our operations. We upgraded the position of Vice pastpast 1111 years,years, wwee hhaveave bbalancedalanced oourur ooperatingperating Vision, we are proud to share our fi rst year’s President of Development and created a budgets,budgets, andand ourour accumulatedaccumulated nnetet ooperatingperating response to the strategic plan, Ensuring a Manager of Corporate, Foundation and defidefi ccitit iiss nownow underunder $1$1 mmillion.illion. Vibrant Future, the result of the year-long Government Grants. Additional hires included AsAs ourour organizationorganization aalignsligns aaroundround oourur ccoreore visioning process. In this comprehensive, a public relations consultant specializing in values,values, itit isis vitalvital toto keepkeep inin mindmind thatthat thesethese strategic “road map” drafted by the Board of media relations and publicity and a marketing ultimatelyultimately drivedrive ourour corecore purpose:purpose: ttoo inspireinspire aandnd Directors, Honorary Board, conductors, consultant with a national track record in enrichenrich ourour ccommunityommunity tthroughhrough tthehe aartrt ooff mmusic.usic. musicians, staff and volunteer representatives, increased subscriptions and single ticket sales. AndAnd iitt isis ourour pprizedrized relationshiprelationship withwith you,you, ourour we defi ned our core values and articulated An Artistic Coordinator also was added to RPORPO members,members, tthathat hhelpselps iinspirenspire oourur oongoingngoing our core purpose. Together, they guide us allow for more long-term artistic planning and growthgrowth andand evolutionevolution asas oneone ooff tthehe rregion’segion’s toward achieving our long-term goals: improved guest artist relations. prized cultural gems. organizational excellence, community service Working within the framework of the strategic and national recognition. plan, we were able to ratify a three-year LookingLooking backback mustmust bebe bbalancedalanced bbyy llookingooking ahead.ahead. WWithith ggratitude,ratitude, wwee iinvitenvite yyourour ccontinuedontinued We especially would like to recognize the contract for the orchestra and conducting participationparticipation andand supportsupport asas wewe taketake thethe nnextext Board’s outstanding leadership and its staff—further evidence of organizational stepssteps intointo ourour vvibrantibrant ffuture.uture. commitment to the strategic plan. By meeting stability—as well as to provide a salary increase for the fi rst time in several years for the its increased group and personal target giving, RespectfullyRespectfully yours,yours, it has led by example to increase overall orchestra, conductors and administrative staff. fundraising. We also want to acknowledge We also have been able to invest more in outgoing Board Chair Ingrid Stanlis, whose guest artists and advertising. These upgrades JamesJames BBoucheroucher RichardRichard NowlinNowlin strong leadership, perseverance and vision represent a necessary and worthwhile Chairperson,Chairperson, PresidentPresident & CEOCEO was—in so many ways—responsible for strategic investment in our organization. BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors successfully bringing us through the As a result of these implementations, there visioning process. has been a 7% increase in attendance at our The 2005-2006 Season provided our fi rst ticketed concerts since last season, from a opportunity to begin putting theory into total of 116,400 in 2004–2005 to 124,000 in practice. In working toward the goal of 2005-2006. We also achieved an incredible organizational excellence, one of our major fundraising milestone, exceeding our Annual accomplishments was investing in our Campaign goal of $2.1 million. In addition, organizational infrastructure within the areas we are proud to report that we have an overall of development/fundraising, marketing and operating surplus of $18,000. For nine of the 2 • Featured Rochester’s “own” vocalist extraordinaire, Renée Fleming, in a special “Home for the Holidays” concert • Performed a special all–Gershwin concert with pianist Jon Nakamatsu, giving our audiences an inside peek at the upcoming CD to be released on harmonia mundi usa in 2007 • Performed the world premiere of Eastman School of Music Professor Bill Dobbins’ Guitar Concerto Our P• Receiassived a nationally recogonnized ASCAP Award— the second in two years—honoring orchestras demonstrating exceptional commitment to contemporary composers • Increased our total revenues by more than $900,000, up 11% since last year, with a 7% attendance increase at our ticketed concerts • Sold out the original 10,000 copies of our internationally released recording with pianist Olga Kern, resulting in a second pressing • Brought the world-wide celebration of Mozart’s 250th birthday to Rochester through performances of many of the composer’s great works 3 Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. Maintaining and operating the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra (Founded in 1923 – Incorporated in 1930) Offi cers Robert D. Hursh James M. Boucher Chairperson, Honorary Board Chairperson of the Board Richard Nowlin Richard Nowlin RPO President & CEO President & CEO Dr. Jamal Rossi Suzanne D. Welch Interim Dean, Vice Chairperson Eastman School of Music Keith M. Wilson Anne Selgas Vice Chairperson & Treasurer Chairperson, Volunteer Services Committee David M. Schraver Secretary Brian Stotz RPO Orchestra Representative David C. Heiligman Immediate Past Chairperson Honorary Board Board of Directors Robert D. Hursh Jeff Tyzik Chairperson (Term Expires Jan. 2007) Christopher C. Booth Dr. James E. Koller Dr. Steven E. Feldon Vice Chairperson Jay M. Friedman Betty J. Altier Marjorie Hunsberger Dr. John Bouyoucos Marie Kenton Paul W. Briggs Patrick H. Murphy Catherine B. Carlson David R. Nachbar Alfred L. Davis Keith M. Wilson George M. Ewing, Sr. (Term Expires Jan. 2008) Harold & Joan Feinbloom Dr. Sarah Atkinson Austin E. Hildebrandt James M. Boucher A. Thomas Hildebrandt Robert DiLutis Robert H. Hurlbut Edward L. Fiandach Dr. Jacques M. Lipson Roger B. Friedlander Cricket & Frank Luellen Eric Paley I.A. Morris John T. Pattison Mrs. William H. Morris David M. Schraver Dr. Paul F. Pagerey Brian B. Wirth Herbert L. Rees Nathan J. Robfogel (Term Expires Jan. 2009) Jon L. Schumacher David W. Ackroyd Katherine T. Schumacher Dr. John M. Bennett Norman M. Spindelman James V. D’Amico Betty Strasenburgh Elizabeth F. Rice Mrs. Richard L. Turner Dr. Friederike Seligman Patricia C. Wilder Dr. Gwen K. Sterns Dr. Sidney S. Weinstein The RPO expresses its gratitude to all Suzanne D. Welch those who have served as Honorary Board members in the past.
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