VOL. XXVIII, No. 18 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] JANUARY 28, 1926 Dean Kimball Elected President of Council of American Engineers "Sun" Publishes Student Comments on Courses Offered in Arts College Frank B. Crandall '06 Advocates Uniform Costumes at Reunions Basketball Team Beats Princeton and Takes Third Place in League —, i Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 123 West State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscription $4.00 per year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoffice.at Ithaca, New York. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Hemphill, Noyes (2& Co. ESTABROOK & CO. 37 Wall Street, New York DO YOU In vestmen t Securities need a position Sound Investments Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse want a position New York Boston Jansen Noyes ΊO Clifford Hemphill 24 Broad 15 State Stanton Griffis ΊO Harold Strong know of a position ROGER H. WILLIAMS, '95 Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward New York Resident Partner J. Stanley Davis L. M. Blancke Ί5 SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Members of the New York Stock Exchange The Cornell Club of New York maintains a Ithaca Committee on Trust Company Business Placements for the purpose of bringing Cornell men and jobs together Prep. Tutoring Resources Over Send your information to or School consult with complete courses in all Five Million Dollars subjects Charles Borgos Ί6, Chairman Feb. 8 to June exams. at the Kindly apply F. C. Edminster CORNELL CLUB OF President Charles E. Treman Ithaca, N. Y. NEW YORK Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell Treasurer Sherman Peer 245 Madison Avenue Cashier A. B. Wellar Ass't Cashier Lorenzo Clinton New York City Rothschild Bros. Lehigh Limited We Carry a Complete Line gf Westward Cornell Furnishings Lv. New York 8.IO P.M. A convenient overnight Ar. Ithaca (a) 5.00 A.M. Ar. Rochester 6.35 A.M. train between Pennsyl- Banners, Pennants, Ar. Buffalo 7.3O A.M. vania Station, in the Eastward heart of New York, and Pillow Covers, Lv. Buffalo 9.00 P.M. Wall and Lv. Rochester 9.25 P.M. Ithaca, Rochester and Lv. Ithaca (b) II.51 P.M. Buffalo. Table Skins at Very Ar. New York 8.20 A.M. (a) Sleepers may be occupied until 8 A.M. Attractive Prices (b) Sleepers may be occupied at 9 P.M. Club Car in both di- This train does not run via Ithaca. New York sleepers handled in connecting train. rections. Fares the lowest available. Lehighλ&lley Railroad Rothschild Bros. CIhe Route of The Black Diamond Ithaca, New York CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXVIII, No. 18 ITHACA, N. Y., JANUARY 28 1926 PRICE 12 CENTS OLLOW eyes, rumpled clothes, ALUMNI who want to shoot a few pheas- tion of the audience, and special knowledge three and four-day-old beards, and ants or hook a few fish during their visits of things and human beings, self-assurance H excess profits to the makers of mid- to Ithaca will find the lake and the woods and possession, and mastery of conceal- night oil are some of the indications of the full of them if the conservation committee ment on the part of the "magician." last week before final examinations. The of the Finger-Lakes Association continues THE AFFIRMATIVE side of the question Library has played to a capacity house its present activities, planting fish fry or "Is Democracy a Mistaken Ideal?" barely each night, and somewhere around two fingerlings, and hatching baby pheasants. won in a debate held January 20 between a. m. the boy who peddles sandwiches and While they are busy at this, the regional the University of California and Cornell. coffee around the hill does a mail-order Civic Association will lend its influence to- An audience vote of 48 to 47 gave the de- business. Any one who doubts that the ward the securing of beneficial conserva- cision to California, upholding the affirma- undergraduate ever works should see him tion legislation. tive. Professor Herbert A. Wichelns Ί6 now. He whose brain is sufficiently elastic SAYING he had a sick headache last presided. The Cornell team consisted of to accommodate large and sudden doses of Tuesday and please may he have an ex- Arthur S. Strauss '26, of White Plains, knowledge, and firm enough to hold them cuse for the prelim he missed henceforth and Howard B. Criswell, Jr., '27, of for ten days, ought to get by with the usual won't get a student a thing in the Medical Dallas, Texas. flying colors. Department. Dr. Dean F. Smiley Ί6, WITH THE ISSUE of January 19, The THE FACES of the crew on the train head of the Department of Hygiene and Cornell Daily Sun ceased publication until running between Ithaca and Owego look Preventive Medicine, announces that after February 3, the editorial board opining up this month on all diners on any line of a fair trial for three years, the granting of as usual that taking examinations is the Lackawanna railroad. With these excuses by the medical advisers on sub- enough for any one, without having to pictures goes a description of Ithaca and jective symptoms or the statements of write a newspaper at the same time. its surroundings, and a note of historic students has been abolished. This fol- interest, relating that the line going to lowed but did not entirely result from an E. J. FAULKNER, Varsity tennis coach Ithaca now operates over the original editorial in the Sun, pointing out that and former coach of the Germantown right of way of one of the first railroads in some students went to examination rooms, Criquet Club, in an interview in the Sun the United States, built nearly a century found the prelim too hard, and walked predicted that the United States would ago to connect Cayuga Lake and the old down to get a medical excuse. The new retain the Davis Cup during the 1926 Erie Canal with the Susquehanna River. rule does not mean that a student has to tennis season, and that William T. Tilden Each month the railroad chooses some have third-stage leprosy or tetanus to be would keep the singles championship community it serves for such special excused from class, but that he does have through the year, but that Miss Helen comment on its menus. to have something more pathological than Wills might lose the women's champion- a lazy turn. ship to Miss Elizabeth Ryan. AN AUTOMOBILE show, to be representa- tive of Ithaca, should have as its major DR. DOUGLAS W. JOHNSON, professor of A SWIMMING TEST will no longer be a display a flock of assorted sizes and colors physiography in Columbia University, prerequisite to graduation for women stu- in cut-down flivvers. But the managers of gave an illustrated lecture on "The Shore- dents, beginning with this term. The the Ithaca Journal- News Auto Show over- Line Scenery of the Atlantic Coast" in Gymnasium Department announced that looked the prevailing mode and staged a Baker Laboratory on January 21. The the rule compelling women to pass such a performance which overshadowed the same evening Max Montor, former direc- test had been repealed principally be- show held the week before in New York. tor of the Hamburg Municipal Theatre, cause of the inadequate facilities which Ithaca's annual display of zippy cars is gave recitations in German of modern and the Sage tank affords for swimming in- quite a social event. classical German ballads, and from Ger- struction. Lessons in the natatorial art hart Hauptmann's Armer Heinrich, at the will still be given in the Sage pool, but FRANK D. BUB of Poughkeepsie, a theater in Willard Straight Hall. will be purely optional. sophomore in the Arts College, celebrated his Christmas vacation in an unusual THE SLEEPING BEAUTY has been selected SUNDAY AFTERNOON musicales in Wil- manner when on December 26 he married as the annual play to be presented next lard Straight Hall were inaugurated on Miss Christina Lent of Beacon. Bub rowed term by the freshmen women of the Uni- January 17 when Professor Otto Kinkel- in the freshman crew last year and is a versity. The technical staff is made up of dey,' head of the Department of Music, member of Alpha Sigma Phi. members of the Dramatic Club. and Professor Harold D. Smith, University THE MINISTER of the First Congrega- organist, played a number of classical PROFESSOR Karl M. Dallenbach, Ph. D. tional Church of Ithaca, Rev. Henry J. compositions on the grand piano in '13, proved to the Ithaca Women's Club Condit, has resigned his charge here to ac- Memorial Hall. Another program, to be at the First Unitarian Church on January cept a position as Young People's Secre- given by Miss Gertrude Nye, warden of 18 that magicians aren't all dead or living tary of the New York State Conference of Prudence Risley Hall, on the piano, and in India, when he did a variety of tricks Congregational Churches. He will con- Jerome Arthur Fried Ίo on the 'cello, was which completely mystified his audience tinue to reside in Ithaca. announced for January 24 by the musicale until he explained how they were done. committee, of which Elmer M. Johnson IN HIS SERMON at Sage- Chapel January He proved his thesis, that "while persons '22 is chairman. 17, Right Rev. Charles H. Brent, Bishop describe things as they see them, they of Western New York, talked of four men don't see them as they are," and con- PROFESSOR Bristow Adams told the connected with the University whose trasted this with scientific observations women of the University what their ideals and success as leaders of other men, which must rule out errors.
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