The Glenville Mercury Vol. XXXVI, No. 2 Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, October 21, 1964 Pictured above are the cast and crew of "Anvel treet" . On t he left, from supervisor ; Harold Dougherty, stage manager. Center, left to right, Beck)' top to bottom : Nancy Reed, actress and Patricia Britton, make-up super­ Summers, David Morris, Wayman Johnson, Nancy Reed, and Loretta visor; Tom Hodges, lighting; Michael Bush, set decoration. On t he right, Dwelle. from top to bottom: J udith Musgrave, costumes; Tom I en hart, costume (Mer-photo by Doug herty) 'Angel Street' Is First 59 REPRESENT Jazz, Opera Included In GSC Drama Production ElEVEN STAlES Schedule for This Year Mr. Beryl Langford, registrar, Arena style presentation will mark t he speech depart­ announced that GSC has 59 non­ Carl A. Kerr, Chairman of the Lyceum Committee, has ment production of Patrick Hamilton's "Angel St reet," a resident students enrolled from u announced the names of the performers who will appear at Victorian drama in three acts, which will be given in the different states. Pennsylvania tops GS this year. G C Auditorium October 29, 30, and November 2. the list having 19 students regis­ Appearances by the Paul Winter Becky Summers plays the role tered. Teacher Exam Jazz Sextet, Sahomi Tacbibana, of Mrs. Manningbam, the frantic Kenneth E. Johnson from Tuc­ and the National Opera Company wife. ~1iss Summers is a junior son, Ariz., is the only student re p. have been scheduled. biology and home economics stu­ Librarian Has Given 4 Times resenting his shte on campus. The Pa ul Winter Jan Sextet dent from Glenville. This is her Likewise are Cassandra Riggs, w ill present a program of modern first role in a major speech de· The Educational Testing Service Article Printed Key West, Fla.; John Koch, Cen­ ja ~t on Nov. 13. The Sextet, com­ partment production. Previously ter-StraHord, N. H.; George Chad­ has announced that the National pnsed of s axophone, classical gui. she has played the roles of Pan­ An article entitled "Glenville's dock, Bronx, N. Y .; Michael Teacher Examinations will be giv­ tar, flute, piano, bass, and d rum s ties in "Junkmen" by Jim Bush, Robert F. Kidd Library-Back· ground and Trends" by Dale E. Guiles, Nashville, Tenn. en on four differ ent test dates w ill p resent a program of m oder~ an actress in "Sea Gull," an act­ music, par t original, and part in­ ress in "Curious Savage," and Shaffer, librarian, has been pub­ Four students enrolled from each year instead of one date. lished in the " West Virginia Li­ f luenced by their travels in 25 Stephana in "Corpi." Delaware are Richard Barbone, countries. brarian," a quarterly magazine Claymont; Clarence Wor kman. New dates set for the test ing of Dave Morris portrays the vil­ The sextet has toured Latin lain of the drama, Mr. Manning­ published for the purpose of shar­ Brenda Shedaker, and Gary Rog­ prospective teachers are: Decem­ ing ideas with other libraries America for the State Department bam, who is bent on driving h1s ers from Georgetown. ber 12, 1964; and Mar ch 20, July throughout the state. Seven students from Maryland and has played at the White wife insane. Morris is a junior so­ 17, and Oct. 2, 1965. The t ests will House at the invitation of the late cial studies student from I vydale Mr. Charles D. Patterson, who are Car l Mombergcr, Chester: Susan Girard, Hillside; William be given at more than 550 loca­ President Kennedy. He, too, is a newcomer to the GSC is aHiliated with the Department Collier, Henderson; Kathryn Cobb, tions in the 50 states. Miss Sahomi Tachibana, second stage. He was active in the Thea­ of Library Science at ·n est VIr­ scheduled performer, interprets tre Underground and played Os· Marbury; Patrick Briscoe, Ridge. ginia University, is editor of the ly; Robert Jester and Roberta Scores on the Nation al Teacher the culture of ancient and modern car m "Corpi." publication and for merly served Downs from Denton. ' Examinations are used by many Japan through dance and song. as libr arian at GSC from 1958-62. A veter•n on the GSC stage is Coming to GSC from New Jer- large school districts for employ­ Throughout her performance, Wayman Johnson who portrays Included in Mr. Shaffer's article sey are Charles Lietz, Roselle; ment of new teachers and by sev­ Miss Tachibana highlights Japa­ Inspector Rough. A senior speech is a brief history of the R . F . J udith Kafer, Middlesex; Carole er al states for certification or nese life by means of song, ges­ and English student, J ohnson is Kidd Library along with notations ture, dance, and narration. She from Pnkersburg. Among his nu· on recent changes and future ob­ ~:!t:~· C~~i.dg eton ; Anita Gavin, licensing of teachers. has studied dance in Japan with merous roles are Henry in "Fum­ jectives. Recent library revisions On each full day of testing, the members of the Tachibana ed Oaks," a messenger in ''Ham­ i n c I u d e reorganization of the Students from Virginia include family from whom she acquired let," and George Kimball, the pamphlet and record collections, Kenneth Wymer and F. Edward p:-ospective teachers may take the her professional name. She has hypochond riac in " Sent4 Me No plus the addition o£ a paperback Wymer , Strasburg; Roger Wright, Common Examinations, which been called one of the two fore- Flowers." section. Middleton; Randolph Wiseman, measure the professional and gen- most exponents of Japanese North Waynesboro. Another newcomer to the GSC GSC library also offers a free er al preparation of teachers a nd dance. She is scheduled to appear stage is Nancy Reed, a junior facs imile service in association Ohio has the secon-: largest out­ one of the 13 Teaching Area Ex· on J an. 28. of-state enrollment with 16 stu­ English and speech student from with West Virginia University, aminations which ~esure mas­ The Barber of Seville, an opera through which a nyone can obtain dents. These students are Larry Ravenswood. Previous acting ex­ tery of the subject they wish to or romance and comedy by Ros­ periences include Mrs. Van Flout material not available in the li· North, Gallipolis; Ursula Hamb­ sini, will be sung in English by in the one-act farce " Hold Onto brary. lin, Marton; John Lustig, Barber­ teach. the National Opera Company on Your Hat," and Lady Macbeth in ton; Roy Law, Mentor; J anet March 4. This will be the final During the past year 6,998 pre­ Prospective teachers should con­ "\facbeth." Kellner, Baltimore; Thomas Hall, Lyceum program of the year. pared units were added to the li· New Matamoras; Mark Downey, tact the school systems in which The N&fional Opera Company is loretta Dwelle plays the young brary's collection. The collection Crooksville; Mary Chancey, Ra­ they seek employment or their a national touring troupe, engag. maid Nancy. She is a junior ele­ presently contains 45,857 process­ Cine; J ames Butler, Cincinnati; colleges for specific advice on ing singers from all parts of the mentary education and speech ed units, which includes hardback J ayne Stehle, Marietta; Heber which examinations to take a nd country and covering 36 states on st udc~nt from Parkersburg. This volumes, pamphlets, microfilms, Vealey and Billy Joe Mi ller, Lor­ on which dates they should be 1 its tours. is Miss Dwelle's first role in a paperbacks, filmstrips, r e c o rd. ain; Coy Hinkle, Timothy Fields, taken. play. ings, and all material cataloged The National Opera Comoany i o;; Joe Fields, and Joan Richmond, A bulletin of information con. M•ke Samson, a senior English for use. Belpre. administered by the National and speech student from St. taining registration forms, lists of Grass Roots Opera Foundation .Marys, and Jerry Stover, an art Besides the article appearing in The 19 students enrolled from test centers, and information which is dedicated to making op­ and speech s tudent from Clay, "West Virginia Libraries" Mr. Pennsylvania are L y l e Wisel, about the examination may be era a means of mass entertain­ have roles as policemen and both Shaffer has had articles published Shinglehouse; D a I e Oberleiter, obtained from college placement ment. are newcomers to the esc stage in "Business Education World," New Kensington ; J ack Lent, Coud­ oificers, school personnel depart­ Lyceum programs presented the "Ohio Business Teacher " "The ersport ; Barbara Lengyel, l\1u n· ments, or directly from National past year included " Three in Con­ Crew members are Harold Delta Sig," " Journal o£ American hall; and Howard Hall, Beaver Teacher Examinations, Educa­ cert," a program of dance and Dougherty, stage manager; Tom Society of Training Directors,·· Falls. tional Testing Service, Princeton, music, and "1"'be Taming of the (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on page 4} (Continued on page 4) N. J. Shrew/' a Shakespearean comedy. 006_R.jpg Page Two THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Cultural Poverty? SGA :Plans Much controversy has ·been raised r egarding the foreign For Elections film program now in effect on campus. These films give students a chance to see foreign films of merit which tend The Student Council met r ecent­ to raise their cultural standards. Featured in these produc­ ly to discuss the com ing " Who's Who" election. Twe nty seniors a nd t ions are the world's best actors and directors. ten juniors will be elected by their Most Hollywood films are aimed at twelve-year-old classmates to participate in the minds.
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