t4 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Aug, 23, 1989 [g T jH D M E S HDMES MNDDMINtUMS APARTMENTS MI8CELLANEDU8 I CARS FDR SALE FDR SALE FDR SALE FDR RENT SERVICES FOR SALE Baseball bans Pete Rose for life for gambling Speciolis^ LIGHT Up your life! MALLARD VIEW lo­ COVENTRY - 3'/j room, 1982 PONTIAC Firebird - wishing will not sell any­ V By Ben Walker of fixed number of years.” er’s office said that Rose “ neither Landis,” the statement said in a seems to be entirely in Mr. Rose’s wife for the birth of their second $149,900. Immaculate 3- thing ... low-cost od In cated on o private pro­ sunny, spacious, VII- Air, automatic, power 0 COMPUTER steering, brakes. 'I and Ronald Blum reference to Kenesaw Mountain hands.” child. 4 bedroom Cope. Vinyl Classified will. Why not tective cul-de-sac, this loge Colonial InMruollon. tnilytte. pfosrimt The suspension today ended six denies nor admits that he bet on sided. Skylights In tow new subdivision of wHIten. Cassette. V-6. Good The Associated Press months of allegations involving any major league baseball Landis, the commissioner who Bill Guilfoile, associate direc­ Section 21 (d) of the Major place one today I 643-2711. $560/month. 456-0064 or O.P. profMtlond with 25 y t ir t of upstairs bedrooms. quality 3 bedroom 742-6715._____________ Cleon cor. 51K. 646-9826. one of the greatest players in the game” but Rose “ acknowledges suspended for life the players tor of the Hall of Fame said, League Rules specifies the penal­ D<^t! Good fam ily home. townhouses and du­ •xportenoo In computer iyttemt Thirty Locust Street. 4 from mfcro’t to m»lnfr»mo» I* 1980 AUDI 4000. 73K. Me- NEW YORK — Pete Rose, history of the game. that the commissioner has a involved in the Black Sox scandal "Rose would still be eligible for ties for gambling on baseball. It Anne Miller Real Est­ plexes owolt your In­ •vdteM* for pw 1 Unw/ovonlng chonlc’s cor. Excellent room heated apart­ work. InOMdualIzod Intfructlon or baseball’s all-time hit leader and “ In the absence of a hearing factual basis to impose the after the 1919 World Series, election in 1992 unless our board reads, in part: “ Any player, ate, 647-BOOO.d spection. Kitchens condition. Air, power hove oak cabinets, ment 1st floor. Secur­ ftelp on your P.C. >1 twrno to holp holder of 19 major-league re­ and in absence of evidence to the penalty provided.” Giamatti said the episode of directors decides differently.” umpire, or club or league official MANCHESTER - Come ity. No pets. $650 you BOf ktkited or. tor builnook. brakes, A M /FM Blou- LAWN CARE CLEANIN6 SERVICES range, oven dis­ •utor fTtendV progrim t wiftton. cords, was banned for life today contrary ... yes, I have concluded “ The banishment for life of would “ strengthen the confidence As part of the agreement, Rose or employee who shall bet any view this 3 bedroom. monthly. 646-2426.9om- punkt cassette. 646- I'/j both Cope. $142,900. hwasher, refrigerator •yttomk/butInMt knalyklk atiKtlw 9826.________________ for betting on his own team and that he bet on baseball,” Gia­ Pete Rose from baseball is the of the American public and in dismissed his lawsuit against sum whatsoever upon any base­ and bullt-ln microwave 5pm weekdays. wltti oloorty dofinod godit draflod. ball game in connection which the Sliders to deck from NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL H 1985 CHEVY Comero Z- other actions that had "stained matti said today at a news sad end of a sorry episode,” baseball’s integrity. I think the Giamatti in federal court in Ohio ovens. Flreploced liv­ MANCHESTER - Three HOUR INTERVIEW To doformino YARD MASTERS JACKIE’S HELPING family room, remo­ 28. T-top, power steer­ the game.” conference announcing the sus­ Giamatti said in the statement. game will emerge stronger.” and the judge hearing that case better has a duty to perform, shall deled kitchen and more ing rooms, l '/2 baths bedroom apartment both your noodt in d If I can b« of Tr*«t cut, Yard* dMnad, HANDS Molktaneo. ing, brakes, A M /FM Under the rules of baseball “ One of the game’s greatest The suspension of Rose came in confirmed today that the case had be declared permanently mokes for easy living. with full vanities, se­ with appliances. $750 pension, which is effe ctiv e Lawna, Truck & Backhoa I would like to help you parate full basements, per mnth. Security re­ cassette, V-8. 5.0 L, Rose can appeal for reinstate­ immediately. players has engaged in a variety a five-page agreement signed been dropped. ineligible.” with your cleaning needs. Susan Donahue, Sentry 6 4 9 -6 7 6 3 5-speed. 47K. 646-9826. work available. 2 zoned baseboard quired. 649-Orai. ment after one year but Commis­ Asked directly if he concluded of acts which have stained the Wednesday by Rose and Coach Tommy Helms managed Rose was accused of violating Reasonable rates. Real Estate, 643-4060.O MANCHESTER heating systems, An­ MANCHESTER - Two GOOD USED furniture Is BUICK 1984 Skylark, ex­ sioner A. Bartlett Giamatti said, that Rose bet on the Reds, game and he must now live with Giamatti. the Reds to an 8-5 victory over the that rule in a 225-page report MANCHESTER-Gotkids cellent condition. 6 4 3 -9 9 9 6 Call 647-1990 $134,900 dersen permoshleld bedroom. In duplex, In demand. Why not ad­ "There is absolutely no deal for Giamatti said, “ Yes.” the consequences of those acts,” Regarding any gambling reha­ Cubs in Chicago on Rose’s last submitted to Giamatti on May 9 & pets this newer Cope 39,000 miles, new tires, Absolutely Immaculate, thermopone windows, west end of town. $600 vertise the furniture you reinstatement. That is exactly bilitation for Rose, Giamatti day. Rose had left the team Is lust for you! $152,900. luxurious wall to wall $4,200. 649-5546. The agreement announced in a “ There had not been such grave Completely fenced Vinyl Sided Capel 3 per month. Coll Don no longer use In classi­ what we did not agree to in terms statement from the commission­ allegations since the time of said: “ W ehavenotrequiredit.lt earlier in the week to be with his Please see ROSE, page 10 CARPENTRY/ bedrooms, paneled carpeting and attached 643-2226 or 646-9892. JAGUAR VNDT-PL 1984, yard, lorge eot-ln kit­ garage! Come see the fied? Call 643-2711. REMODELING HONEST chen Including family family room, newly MANCHESTER - Three Doe skin leather, fur renovated and mode for tomorrow. rugs, mint condition, hardworking couple room and den. David You own your own lot room apartment. Heat Murdock, Sentry Real decorated. Private and hot water. $475 low mileage. 236-2488. ■M tCiedrwtliBstl will dean your home backyard, attached and house. No associa­ FURNITURE for you. Call 643-8215 Estate, 643-4060.O breezeway and garage. tion tees. True value. monthly. Lease and TOYOTA 1982 Corolla SR- ask for Michelle or MANCHESTER - Feels $141,9(X). Blanchard & references. 649-4820- 5. 75K, new tires, m aionry A a i p h « M of oonalruellon. 646- 4412. BEER Barrel Table, 4 clutch, battery, radia­ tt Y9f!*n $ h h of oonfroofora not Azadph. like country but still In Rossetto Realtors," beer barrel choirs, rotvmint you ooll$ — oofl u$l town. $165,000. Classic We’re Selling Houses" VERNON. For limited tor, front brakes, en­ $150. Queen size sleeper gine and body excel­ P u ty Inourod • PrOO Eatimatoa Colonial with ample 646-2482.D time only enloy o tree sofa, $150. Bond dinette 64S-1726 sized rooms, attic stor­ color television with lent. $2,500 or best M k for Mark PEACHY Keen! This su­ set-white formica ta­ age, heated basement signed lease. Modern offer. 643-6632. ELECTRICAL per 4 rm Townhouse Is ble, 2 choirs, $50. Mog- t m k H t keMODfuNe con be converted to rec lust ready and waiting spacious 1 bedroom novox Stereo, In Wal­ FIREBIRD Convertible Room additions, decks, roof­ room. David Murdock for o new owner. Two apartment. Eot-ln kit­ nut cabinet, $50. Coll 1968 - New motor, top, 643- chen, large bedroom, ing, siding, windows and gutt­ Sentry Real Estate, bdrms, 1'/j baths, de­ 643-7840._____________ tires, etcetera. Best ers. All types of remodeling and DUMAS ELECTRIC 4060.O CHFA APPROVED private balcony, stor­ offer over $3200. 647- Service changes, luxe cherry kitchen, repairs. Call Bob Farnind, Jr. MANCHESTER - Stop IN ELLINGTON private basement, om- age, large pool, heat 8844 oter 6pm. additional wiring and and hot water Included. SPORTING manrhpBtpr Mpralft I B«s. 647-8509 riding around looking, $78,000. Impeccable Ple parking, low TOYOTA Corona 1975 - repairs on existing coll us to see this kept 3 room Starting at $495. Coll GOODS Ret. 645-6849 monthly tee! Beauti­ 870-9665. Runs good but needs homes. Quality work at spacious 4 bedroom condominium. Well fully maintained. Im­ some body work. $150. affordable prices. Ranch with oversized decorated end unit. Call mediate occupancy! M ANCHESTER - One GOLF Clubs. Used starter 646-3013. rooms. $214,900. Spe­ today — won’t lasti bedroom apartment, and full sets. $25 to $95. ISLAND Entirely owner operated. $114,500. Jackson & Newsstand Price: 35 Cents cialities Include whirl­ Jackson Real Estate, heat, hot water and Also miscellaneous Thursday, Aug. 24, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm CONSTRUCTION 27 years exp. Call pool, sunken living 647-8400.P___________ appliances Included. clubs. 649-1794. SCHALLER All types of home Joseph Dumas room, deck and profes­ $475 per month.
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