SEMI-WEEKl, Y. BBBSaBDRWa I.] [ S O . T>.] FARMERS! TO co'l'l'ox PLAN'n:i;s. Ulx'rfy Point IIoiimo. HV M :\V r ,Y . IX s rouE, A DES1U.M5L1: llKSiDENCE WIIOI.I'SALE \i. J K nre now rocei\in{: a variety nf IMon^hs riKCF.S COTTON r.AliCLNC, A LL persons indebted to the undersigned niui I’hnifih fixtures, incinilinj; ."snli- 7'» coils I’.ojie, ^ either by note or acconnt must settle on »LOU(i|[.S and riontrh ('a.stin;zs. Corn .Slioll- F O R SALE. W atch niicl J€*wela’v Niorc. ers, Cultivators, fcjtr.iw Cutters, and iSpiii- [;i)U Alti) J. IIALI:: A: SON, nS'lils, \c. .Mso, Straw t'iilter:< ainl t urn .'hell­ ■JtM) llis. Tw iiie. or before the first day of M.-irch. Those failinjr •^■IIIE Subscriber now offers for sale all his L. II. MILLER CO., ning Wheels. ers. to whicii we invite the atteniien of the ajiri- Just rei-ei\ed and for sale tdieaji, bv to do so, w ill cert.-iinly find their accounts in JL 'Turpentine and Farming LAND, contain­ i;i AM' rui.u’i;u;Tui;s, i;. HALL, of Kome. Jntju/rtt rx, Munn/actnrcrH ami ,h>l>ht r^ nf' J. r. \\ ADI'I Li-. 1’L:TEII 1>. .lull.NSON. the liand.'i Ilf a c<'llccting of’.in. r. ing about b(>() .\cres, situated 12 miU*s Kiist of Oct. IS, ISol. r.L’tf Wutiitt’s, Jtictlry, and I'a/irj/ (i'ooiIk. .March S. 71tf Anjrust If,, 1S‘>1. H tf I^KLIJK.V .loNKS Fayetteville, on the Goldsborough road, coni- f'. r t'lK'>1-11“-" t*iisKUVKU (Mt if Feli’y lb, ISoli. t;5tf UKinly known as I’alniyra. Have leased the Old Stunil formerly occupied by Messrs. ; i;i i "jil ’>0 if }miil ilurlng tho 'ro ('i)N I'R VI ro u s (• rccushoron^h (.V. ('.) Jli/lifdl It lias a good dwelling house, out-buildin.cs. jr s r Ri:c'i:iVKi). lie., and a store where a large amount ot^fmsi- Cantiehi, Brotlier & Co., Son In '• ripti''i;: "i‘ > J iilior the vi-ar Lass Office F. & N. Plank PiOad Co.,) cunier of' dttirles ami liiiUhiiore xfrrrt'<, In.'iiir(inc(' ( 'onifKuni. .^[T MFN'S aiid I’loys’ .S.\IMM.K.S, of every ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a .) .\.N I AHV LS, 1 j (No. 227,) which they are jmtting in conijdeto li.sl W 'l' to an .Vet of Incorporation, a W <iu:ility .ind st v le, some very fine Al­ rare ciiance for turjieiifinc getters, merchants, ^K A L I.I) I’noi’os.u.s will l.e receiNe.l at ic. and will be sold a bargain. .\ny one wish­ <irder for the WHOLES.VLE WATCH AND Uci-.v .v !'i!'i;u\ i;u ■ n jior muiuiii. if il ( onipany has b*'e\i funned uuder the name so. r.ridles, Collars, Whipsaii'l \Va;ron Harness. tiiis ollice until the 1st ».f M.iich next. f..r ami >t\le ..f ••Tlli-; (i UKK.NSr.OKOl (111 .Mi'­ ing to purchase, and wishing further inforuia- .JF;WELHY b u s in e s s , to be (vjiencd about the the Snperstrnctiire iif a I'lank Koad I'.ii.l.L'-e I’y L. C. ll.VLi>, of Konie. .1 . •>- i><* if j'ui'i il'.'.finjr tliu ll Al. INSlltANCl-; COMPAN V.- and fiiby Oct. IS. IS.'il. ;',2tf titin, c.iu iipi>!v on the premises, to 20th of-luly. ."er the Cape tear liiver nt I'ay ette\ ille. ^ipnii .1. W. MCHI’IIV, or In calling the attention of the trwdc to the I- .. > I'tii'ii: "r IM> alitT the vfar iirirani/ed liy the appointment of the t'ollowing ihe |.ian known as llowe s Tviiss. '1 here will ( !f!icer>. \i/,; | P. TAVLOK, Fayetteville new concern, we mention the fact that we are lie two spans o( L’imi fei‘t each, with arch tim­ \(‘rlii'al W ater associated with wne of the nu'St extensive Jew­ .1 .V M l.S ,si,()\N. I’resident. W h v v l . CHERRY PECTORAL Jnly 2bth, btf ber throu;:hout for each span. 'I'he bottom S. (i, COFFl.N, Vice I’residcnt. For thr Curr of elry Manufacturing Establishments in the coun­ :i;i!>I''1 i'ATS iti-ifvtO'! for sixty cents cluinls will be feet iibii\e low w;iter mark, I’l-.Ti.l! .\l».\\l.s, .Sf^i'etarv and Troa.snrer. a n try, which must give a dccided advantage over tlie 'Icjitli of tlie river at low water beiiifj from .M. in operation in different cotinties in North COICHS, COLDS, H0\USE\ES8, W FED, all others in this market for supplying dealers 10 * r ;!it' iii'st. au'i thirty cents ftir e.-u-ii c. 1'. .M:;.Ni>i;Ml.\LL, Att .rnev. I^AHHF.LS of TrRPEN- •”> to i teet. 'I'he briil;;e will be l<i feet in the Carnlin.i. For proof of their gn .it advantages with .lew elry at manufacturers' jirices. a feature i.iii'li.'.ition. Vcuriy ailverti-'enu'uts •lOlIN MKl’.ANi;, ) BUO.MIIITIS, UHOOPIXG-COKiU, clear, ainl the lepth ef the truss will l«e In feet. over the common flutter wheel, or anv other TINK, for Histillery at the in this branch of traile long since needed -be . .1. 'It CON .N K L, li.xecutive Com. : irai'ts. ut rctiS' iialile rates. A'l- wheels now in use for saw nulls, we i-'infidenf!y (ROir, A.STiniA, A.\D I’lank Hoad ISridge on J>ig Hockfish. The best tween B.-iltimore and the Southern and Western 1 lure will be a snbstantiil womlcn rallin;^ W.M. S. i:a .nkln, ) . ■ IT ,\u >te»l t>i slate the iiuiiilier of thr";i;;h the l entre ot the iiriiljxe. t lect liijrli, refer to tho>e who h.-ive applied them to their tO\Sl.)IPTIO\, market jirice w ill be )>aid. For further inform­ Merchants. iliv,,liiijr it into iwo r"a Iw.iys. tlio whole to Ke MltKCToltS. mills. e call recommen'l them particular!.'’ ation, iniiuire (if .John W. .Murphy, at the liridge, We desire to call p.articiilar attention to the > ,, 'i' !. "V they will Ih' cmitinued till \ I W V ol' iriHl. in^teHi! nf iinpHirin<; Itie |nil»lif I'ooli-ii with shindies ami co\ereil in. The biii... .I.imes Sloan. .lolin .\. Mebane. fi.r their siiiieriority in cases of a low head of or of ,\. A. .McKethan, Fayetteville. Watch department, which will at all times be ■ I . iKir.c'I ai cvr'iinu'ly. * r«mrnU*nr»* in this ineirM tnr. li;*** u on r«T it ;tn ;i |»jtr#*- Dec. 18, IS.-jl. - 40tf w ill b'- nia.le for the mechanical w ork, //ic-'k././ / . .1. ^le( o'niel. .\iidrew Weatherly. water, or bark water. <’i:itinn anil nniiint'ty by far (‘XctTjlini! tht* iiio>i srtniruino snjiplied with a great assortment from the most • T: 1 ' ti the IMit' rs inu.'t be ii‘ist-]>;ii.l. \\ illiam .S. Kaiikin. C. I*. Men K'tihall. V.'e still ki ei> ;i snpjil.v of Wheel.s, suit.-ible for nf itx IririiiN. .\othinj: luit it- iiitrinvir vir- celebrated manufiK turers, and kejit in perfect .•ill the materials. And :ll^o for the mechaKic.-il tiifi Hn«i ihe uiimi^lnkMhlf In’ui’tit l onlV rml «»n ihnusnnHi Work rji-iii/tii;/ timber •led. 11. l.indsay Lyndon .Swaini. diflerent heads of wati‘r. at Wilmington. New- of nrjijiiv.ilo ini<ittt;tin the r(‘|Mit:itmn X O ' J ' K E . running order, so that jiurchasers may ut onco I’ropo.'als wiil be reciived at the same time Shnlijil ( iilf.n. .lesse .shelly. bern. W ashingfoii. L'ient.iu and Fayetteville. il enjoys. WlnU* iiirtny inl'eritir ihriiNt np«iii ihi- •WING, witli several others, lieen hnrnt take them, with a written gmiruntee that they O^ce of N. C. Mut In. Co., ) illiam II. Ileeco. .lon.ulian w". FieM. The wheels m:iy also be had of K. Hrev.iru, riiMHituniiy. h;«vt’ r;iil(Ml hrrii ihi’< lias out on the morning of the ‘id instant, I nli'l p::ue, tor the .^I;:s .nry of the .\Initnients hy «*vrry tri.tl. rontVTred hcn<-ru!< «»n ih** hI- will perform correctly. Kai.kii.ii. l\ b. 1'^, and I’iers. 'I'he )iiils will state the price per Tyre Clenn. Lineolnton. ;.n'i I ri.ih Wells. I’t terstiiirg, V:i. flirleii t\ivy rnii nf\t*r ai.<l cur»?'i too iiu- would oarncstlj' request persons indebted to me, This branch of the businc.ss will receive tl;o mih ; i "f I*iri i ti'TS uf tlie N rtii ('ain- cnliic \aiii for .''t'.ne or lirick work l:iiil in fl\- Thi.' <.'oin|iany has now been in suceessi'ul i I’lTsi.iis wishing to otit.iin the right to use the iiirmu' I too rt*iM rk -hie lo },t* r.tr^roUen either fiy note <ir account, to call an<l settle, as especial attention of one of the firm, whose ex­ WhiU* it i<« M tr iinl on thr piililir to prrtf'Dfi th:it}iny 1 am in need of monev.
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